Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 87 The Evil Killer Whale King

Xiao Fei was unconscious on the Chen Yin Zhu, but Xiao Fei seemed to see everyone's figures. The beautiful Bo Saixi was watching him quietly, Huo Wu, who was like a fire, was crying, and the people next to him were in various forms of heartache.

Bo Saixi and Xiao Fei both looked at each other. Bo Saixi said calmly: "I don't know how you reached this state, but your mental power has reached the same level as mine."

Xiaofei thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's because I have hope and yearn for tomorrow."

After saying these words, Xiao Fei began to wake up slowly, and the fire dance that caught his eyes was a ray of light, the eyes of his lover, and all hope.

Seeing Xiao Fei wake up, Huo Wu cried with joy.

Bo Saixi said calmly: "Congratulations, you achieved your goal."

A voice came into Xiaofei's mind: "Wang Xiaofei, if you pass the third of the nine red-level exams, your reward will be to increase your soul power by one level and increase the life of your soul ring by 1,000 years."

In everyone's mind, the information and rewards for passing the assessment came out. Everyone's soul power was increased by one level. Among them, Huo Wu also had his soul ring life increased by 500 years, and Niu Meng's soul ring life was increased by 1,000 years. The actual time Niu Meng completed it was more than twice the assessment time. As expected, he is fierce enough and worthy of his name.

"Congratulations on completing the third level of the assessment. Now, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, collect your God-given soul rings! Once you two have absorbed the God-given soul rings, it will be time for the Poseidon's fourth level of assessment to begin." After Bo Saixi finished speaking, two small golden balls floated out of his hands and flew to the hands of Huo Wu and Huo Wu.

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang adjusted their physical condition and prepared to absorb the god-given soul ring.

Xiao Fei has already started eating next to him. After all, he has not eaten for a month and is very tired physically and mentally.

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang absorbed the soul rings for half a month, and finally a huge red soul ring appeared on both of them, the eighth soul ring in a hundred thousand years. The soul power of both of them has reached level 85. (Including the first-level soul power rewarded by the Divine Examination)

At this time, everyone's eyebrows flashed, and an assessment card appeared in everyone's hands. This time, everyone's assessments were actually the same. They were all in the peak whale shark battle, assisting the Demonic Great White Shark in killing the Demonic Orca.

It's just that the number of individuals is a little different. Xiao Fei is the one who kills the evil killer whale king.

Fire Dance kills 15 evil killer whales.

Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang killed 10 evil killer whales.

Yang Pojun and Niu Meng killed 5 evil killer whales.

The time limit for everyone to complete is still one year.

Xiao Fei looked at everyone's expressions. After a year of tidal body training, everyone was very exhausted physically and mentally. Xiao Fei thought for a moment: "Let's rest in Seahorse City for half a month and then go to Xiao Bai to discuss it."

Originally Huo Wu wanted to rest for a while, but now four of the six people have reached the bottleneck and are in urgent need of soul rings, so they only rest for half a month. Shui Bing'er heard the news somehow and planned to recuperate with everyone for half a month. Shui Bing'er is already at level 80 due to spending more time practicing under the Poseidon's Light.

The next half month. Everyone turned into leisure experts and wandered around Haima City. Huo Wu, Xiao Fei and Shui Bing'er turned into shopping experts and bought things they liked (bartered), while Huo Wushuang had been kicked away by Huo Wu.

At night, Xiao Fei sneaked into Huo Wu's room. Both of them had been training hard for three years. In an instant, they were like firewood, fighting for 300 rounds. Early the next morning, Xiao Fei sneaked out with his hands on his waist. Xiao Fei felt that it was even harder than the Tide Body Training. On the other hand, Huo Wu feels energetic throughout the day.

Half a month later, everyone gathered at the Lord's Mansion of Seahorse City. Huo Wu asked: "How should we find Xiaobai now?"

Xiaofei smiled: "It depends on me."

After saying that, Xiao Fei came to the beach, set up a stand, and started to barbecue. After a while, the aroma of barbecue spread all around. Sure enough, a black shadow flashed in the sky, and Xiao Bai appeared on the stage.

After Xiaobai arrived on the island, he ignored everyone and walked straight to the barbecue. The next few people feasted on the beach, and everyone's mouths were full of oil. Two guys, Niu Meng and Yang Pojun, actually took out several bottles of wine from the soul guide, and even Xiaobai drank a lot of wine.

After drinking and eating, several people and Xiaobai rested on the beach. Xiao Fei said to Xiao Bai: "Senior Xiao Bai, tell us about the evil killer whale!"

Xiaobai's face suddenly became serious: "Are you all ready? The evil killer whale is not that easy to deal with."

Huo Wushuang's face was serious: "It concerns the fourth test of the Poseidon Examination. It must be completed no matter what."

Xiao Bai thought for a while: "There are three soul beasts in the sea that are at the top of the list of soul beasts, including our demon great white shark, the evil killer whale and the deep sea demon whale. Among them, the deep sea demon whale is the strongest, followed by the evil demon killer whale , and finally our Demon Soul Great White Shark.”

"The evil killer whale is an extremely murderous sea spirit beast. Even the deep sea devil whale king is not willing to provoke them easily. This is because the evil killer whale is a social spirit beast and has almost no natural enemies, even when it does not need food. , they will also continue to kill. There is a group of evil killer whales about five hundred kilometers away from us, and they are also the targets of your Poseidon assessment this time."

Huo Wushuang said in surprise: "The evil killer whale is so powerful that it doesn't even dare to provoke the deep sea devil whale? We heard in Hanhai City that there is a devil whale area on the sea, and no ship dares to enter."

Xiao Bai shook his head: "That's the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, the most powerful soul beast in the sea. The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is too lazy and doesn't like to swim around. Otherwise, I'm afraid the entire group of Evil Demonic Orcas wouldn't be the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King." opponent."

"Is this Deep Sea Demonic Whale King so powerful?"

"The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is indeed very powerful. One of its blind eyes was stabbed by the Poseidon. In the sea, it is almost invincible."

Xiao Fei watched everyone deviate from the topic: "Let's talk about the evil killer whale. The gap between the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and us is still a bit far."

Xiao Bai said: "Adult evil killer whales are twenty to twenty-five meters long. They have strong bodies, sharp teeth and powerful skills. One evil killer whale is enough to fight with two of our adult tribesmen. It’s a tie. The total number of evil killer whales is about three hundred, and there are about two hundred adults.”

Huo Wushuang said quickly: "What level of human strength does an adult evil killer whale have?"

Xiao Bai thought for a while: "Evil killer whales normally mature in about ten thousand years. An evil killer whale that is ten thousand years old has the strength of a soul saint. An evil killer whale that is over fifty thousand years old has the strength of a soul douluo. An eighty thousand year old evil killer whale has the strength of a soul saint. The Evil Killer Whale is close to the strength of a Titled Douluo. The Evil Killer Whale King should have the strength of a human soul master at level 95. There are 4 in the Evil Killer Whale group that are over 80,000 years old, and a dozen or so that are over 50,000 years old. All are between 10,000 and 50,000 years old.”

Everyone swallowed after hearing this: "Isn't there five Title Douluo, ten Soul Douluo, and two hundred Soul Saints?"

Xiaobai nodded: "They almost have this strength."

Everyone suddenly felt that this level was not easy to pass.

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