Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 81 Breaking through the Limits

Everyone continued the assessment, and the next one was Huo Wu. Her difficulty was much higher than others, and she had to reach 136 steps.

Huo Wu started to walk up the steps with a serious face. At the beginning, the dozens of steps did not seem to be a big pressure for her. When she reached level 50, Huo Wu's speed began to slow down. Huo Wu summoned her martial spirit and continued to climb up. When she reached level 100, sweat gradually appeared on Huo Wu's face, and the pressure suddenly increased a lot.

Suddenly, eight spider legs stretched out from Huo Wu's back, standing on the ground like eight pillars, supporting Huo Wu to continue climbing. Up to now, Huo Wu has not used her spirit skills.

Ning Rongrong at the bottom of the stairs exclaimed: "This is the same external soul bone as the third brother, both are spiders, but it seems a little different."

Tang San nodded: "My external soul bone comes from the human-faced demon spider in 2000. Huo Wu's external soul bone looks like it should be from a fire spider, and it is probably close to 50,000 years old. This kind of external soul bone is a priceless treasure, unparalleled in both attack and defense."

On the steps, at level 120, Huo Wu herself had difficulty climbing up. Huo Wu gritted her teeth, and the three soul bones on her body flashed, supporting Huo Wu to continue moving forward. At level 135, the pressure on Huo Wu was like a mountain.

Xiao Fei had told everyone before that in addition to achieving the assessment goals, they all needed to climb as much as possible. The more they exceeded, the higher the reward would be.

Huo Wu knew that it was time to use her trump card now.

Six soul rings on Huo Wu's body shone, and then all the soul rings merged into Huo Wu's third soul ring. A huge resistance fire ring appeared in front of Huo Wu. With the resistance fire ring pushing forward, Huo Wu quickly passed level 136 and continued to climb forward. Finally, Huo Wu climbed to level 148, and then she couldn't climb anymore.

As the pressure on Huo Wu disappeared, Huo Wu breathed a sigh of relief.

A voice came into Huo Wu's mind: "Huo Wu, tenacious, persistent, breaking through the limit, passed the first test of the seven red-level tests, soul power increased by one level, and the age of all soul rings increased by 1,000 years."

So far, Huo Wu's soul power level is level 78, and the soul rings are: purple purple purple purple black black black.

The last person to take the test is Xiao Fei. Xiao Fei looked back at everyone, and in the eyes of everyone, Xiao Fei began to climb up with a firm look.

The first 100 levels were very simple for Xiao Fei, and it can be said that there was no pressure at all. When he reached level 200, the pressure on Xiao Fei suddenly increased. Xiao Fei summoned the Fire Phoenix martial spirit, and then instantly turned into a phoenix. Xiao Fei's entire body except for his head has now turned into a fire phoenix, walking on the stairs at a high speed.

Among the Shrek people, Ma Hongjun asked Tang San: "Brother San, Wang Xiaofei's move doesn't seem to be a soul skill. How did he do it? It's a bit like a martial soul, but there was no soul ring fluctuation just now. It seems that the consumption is much less than that of a martial soul?"

Tang San's face was a little serious: "The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family used to be known as the world's number one beast martial soul. The reason why they are so powerful is because of their family's secret skill: dragonization. It is said that some strong people can turn their whole body into a dragon. Yu Tianheng, who we fought before, can turn one right hand into a dragon. Wang Xiaofei probably found a way to do it himself. I heard from the teacher that after turning into a dragon, physical fitness can be greatly improved, which is the foundation of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."

Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, and Zhu Zhuqing all looked very serious. The three of them are also beast souls.

When Xiao Fei ran to level 280, the pressure became stronger again. Xiao Fei estimated that the current pressure is close to the peak of Soul Douluo.

Xiao Fei gritted his teeth, and the 12 wings on his back appeared. With the support of the wings, Xiao Fei continued to move forward. When he reached level 330, Xiao Fei was unable to move forward again. The last three levels were like a natural chasm.

At this point, Xiao Fei thought of his past life and the situation after he came to Douluo Continent. The sky seemed to have been blocking his progress. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed to be insufficient.

Xiao Fei gritted his teeth. Since the sky blocked me, I would kill the sky and break through the natural chasm.

Since he came to Douluo Continent, Xiao Fei seemed to have never used his full strength. He was forbearing no matter what, hiding his strength. Looking at the natural chasm, Xiao Fei decided to give it a try and no longer forbear.

The bottleneck in Xiao Fei's body loosened. In a blink of an eye, Xiao Fei broke through to level 80-quasi-Soul Douluo.

Xiao Fei's soul bones all over his body instantly shone, his eyes were red, and he uttered a word: kill.

Xiao Fei's Killing God Domain opened instantly, and a white light seemed to flash in the sky, breaking through the light of the Sea God in front. Everyone under the steps seemed to feel an amazing shudder.

Tang San saw Xiao Fei's situation, and four words appeared in his mouth: Killing God Domain!

When Xiao Fei's Killing God Domain was unfolded, the pressure on his body suddenly decreased, and Xiao Fei continued to climb up quickly, 333 levels, 340 levels, 350 levels, 360 levels, 380 levels...

Finally, Xiao Fei stopped at the 420th step, which was Xiao Fei's limit. Xiao Fei's pressure suddenly decreased, and he looked at the sky. Xiao Fei shook his head and sighed: "Is this considered presumptuous? My strength is far from enough, and I need to work harder! Because time is running out."

Whether it was Poseidon on the top of the mountain or the people under the steps, everyone seemed to swallow their saliva. Is this Wang Xiaofei's true strength?

A voice came from Xiaofei's mind: "Wang Xiaofei, outstanding, unyielding, breaking through his own limits, passed through double Poseidon's light in the first of the nine red level exams, exceeded the target, increased his soul power by one level, and increased the life of all soul rings by 3000 years ”

Xiao Fei felt that his soul power had improved, but because he had reached the level 80 bottleneck, he could not show it. At this point, Xiao Fei's soul power level is level 80 (81), and his soul rings are purple, purple, black, black, black, and red, with the sixth soul ring having a hint of red.

When Xiaofei returned to the stairs, he was in front of everyone. In the sky, Bo Saixi appeared again.

Bo Saixi said to Xiaofei with a hint of admiration: "Congratulations to the seven of you for passing the first test of the Poseidon test. But your subsequent tests will be more difficult. I hope you will do your best to complete the test. Wang Xiaofei, in my life Among them, I have never seen a young man as outstanding as you. I hope you will continue to work hard and reach the top of the soul master."

"Xiao Fei, you have reached level 80 now, and this is your god-given soul ring. After you absorb this god-given soul ring, the second assessment for the six of you is about to begin, and the time is still one year."

Xiao Fei took the god-given soul ring from Bo Saixi's hand and did not absorb it immediately. Instead, he sat directly on the ground and began to cultivate. Xiao Fei had to adjust his condition to the best, because Xiao Fei felt that this god-given soul ring was for him. It may bring unexpected benefits, because there may not be a stronger fire attribute soul beast on Douluo Continent.

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