Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 73 Departure

After Xiao Fei left Yue Xuan, he packed up in the hotel and then left Tian Dou City.

After leaving the city, Xiao Fei looked up at Tian Dou City. The half month in Yue Xuan was the most peaceful and peaceful day in Xiao Fei's life. Tang Yuehua's martial soul had its own domain, which was probably a god-level martial soul, but her body could not support the complete awakening of this martial soul, just like Yu Xiaogang's Luo Sanpao.

Xiao Fei looked at Tian Dou City carefully, feeling the hustle and bustle of the people around him. I am afraid that this is also the last hustle and bustle of Tian Dou City, and the last quiet moment of Tian Dou City. After the Tian Dou Palace Change, the whole city will be a river of blood.

Xiao Fei had no intention of interfering with the development of all this, and he had no ability to interfere. In the end, Xiao Fei gritted his teeth and turned away.

A few days later, Xiao Fei finally returned to the Element Academy. Yang Wudi, Niu Gao and Liu Ruyan took the students to obtain soul rings, especially Shui Bing'er's soul ring, which might have to go to the Far North to obtain.

Xiao Fei returned to his dormitory and took out the Hanhai Qiankun Cover. The whole room instantly turned sky blue. He cut his finger and dripped blood on the Vast Sea Universe Cover. The Vast Sea Universe Cover had a wave of suction, and then the Vast Sea Universe Cover flew directly to Xiao Fei's cut finger, as if it was stuck on his finger.

Xiao Fei suddenly felt dizzy, and a lot of blood seemed to flow to the Vast Sea Universe Cover. Xiao Fei wanted to use his soul power to resist, but his soul power didn't seem to have any reaction, and even his soul bones were out of his control. The soul power and the suction power on the Vast Sea Universe Cover seemed to be not at the same level. Slowly, Xiao Fei gradually lost consciousness.

In the room, the Vast Sea Universe Cover was glowing with blue light, and the light gradually formed a phantom, tall and burly. "I don't know how long it took, but I finally found a blood that tasted good, and finally found a physique that could withstand the power of the Vast Sea. It's a pity that the properties of this body..."

Finally, the blue light in the space gradually dissipated and merged into the Vast Sea Universe Cover, as if nothing had happened. The Good Universe Zhao slowly fell into the unconscious Xiao Fei's hands.

After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Fei gradually came to his senses. Looking at the Hanhai Qiankunzhao in his hand, there seemed to be a little more connection, but also a little repulsion. In the dark, it seemed to guide Xiao Fei to go somewhere in the west.

Xiao Fei carefully observed his body, and his whole body seemed very weak, a bit like a battle, a lot of bleeding. Xiao Fei estimated that he might have lost at least half of his blood.

Xiao Fei couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly. As expected, his martial soul was a fire phoenix, and it had extreme flames, which was exactly the opposite of the attributes of the Sea God. It was unlikely to get the inheritance of the Sea God.

However, since there was a little connection in the dark, and it guided himself to the west. It is estimated that the Sea God wanted to send the Hanhai Qiankunzhao back to the Sea God Island. As the saying goes, the power of the gods is unpredictable. Since the Sea God wants to send him back, it is estimated that he will also give himself some benefits. The experience of the Sea God Island is imperative.

Xiao Fei once again injected soul power into the Vast Sea Universe Cover, which emitted a brilliant blue light. The blue light covered Xiao Fei, and Xiao Fei felt that he was actually inside the Vast Sea Universe Cover. The entire Vast Sea Universe Cover was like an endless ocean, and Xiao Fei was a ball of fire in the ocean. At the same time, something was injected into Xiao Fei's mind, which was exactly how to use the Vast Sea Universe Cover. The blue light flashed again, and the Vast Sea Universe Cover returned to Xiao Fei's hand.

So far, Xiao Fei can use the Vast Sea Universe Cover, but he cannot fully master it. It can be regarded as a life-saving artifact!

Xiao Fei had just put the Vast Sea Universe Cover into his arms when the door was knocked. It turned out that Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang opened the door. The two were shocked when they saw Xiao Fei's condition. Huo Wu immediately pulled Xiao Fei to find the dean. Xiao Fei hurriedly shook his head, saying that he was just a little weak due to excessive consumption, but Huo Wu and the others didn't care about Xiao Fei's objection, and directly pulled Xiao Fei away.

The three of them arrived at Dean Huo Tianchen's place. Dean Huo carefully observed Xiaofei's body and asked Xiaofei with some doubts: "Xiaofei, what happened to you? You are now suffering from a great loss of blood and qi, as if more than half of your blood has been lost, but you don't look like you are injured. Is there any problem with your cultivation?"

Xiaofei had no choice but to take out the Vast Sea Universe Cover: "It was caused by this thing, but I am fine now, and I can use this thing now."

Everyone took the Vast Sea Universe Cover and observed it carefully, but there was no reaction. Everyone was speechless.

For the next period of time, Xiaofei recovered his body while cultivating his soul power. After half a month, Shui Bing'er, Yang Pojun and Niu Meng had all returned. It seemed that they all got good soul rings.

Xiaofei summoned everyone to prepare to go to the Sea God Island. In fact, Xiaofei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang should have no problem with the experience of the Sea God Island. Feng Xiaotian and Shui Bing'er might find it difficult to pass the trial, while Yang Pojun and Niu Meng would have a harder time.

In the original novel, when the Shrek Seven Devils went to the Sea God Island for training, they were basically all over level 60, and only Ma Hongjun was level 57. But it was also very difficult for them to pass the first level, and they finally passed the assessment with the help of Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

Now Yang Pojun and Niu Meng are only level 52, and the assessment may be very difficult.

Xiaofei repeatedly emphasized the danger of the Sea God Island, but whether it was Yang Pojun and Niu Meng, or Yang Wudi and Niu Gao, they all seemed determined to go, and Xiaofei had no choice but to agree. I hope their assessment level will not be too high!

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly, Liu Ruyan stood up. She seemed to have made a major decision. She took out a parchment scroll from her soul guide and handed it to Xiaofei.

"This is the map to Poseidon Island. Be careful on the road. Don't go to the Demon Whale Sea!"

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the crowd, Liu Ruyan said: "In the past, you several departments had your own backgrounds, and the background of my Tianshui College is Poseidon Island. Our ancestors came from Poseidon Island, but because of the long time, they have no relationship with Poseidon Island."

Xiaofei thought about it carefully. It seems that many girls in Haitianshui College have sea soul beasts, such as Shuiyueer's martial soul is Yingyu Dolphin.

Xiao Fei thought about it seriously and said to everyone: "All of you, if you don't want to go, or can't go to Sea God Island for other reasons, make a decision as soon as possible. Sea God Island is a mysterious place, full of infinite crises and opportunities, especially for our mainland soul masters, the assessment requirements will be very high, and the difficulty is far beyond your imagination. I hope everyone will do their best to become stronger."

"Also, if there are high-age soul bones in the family, you should absorb them as soon as possible, so that you will be more comfortable when facing danger."

Everyone nodded, with a firm look.

The next morning, the academy arranged two carriages. Xiao Fei, Huo Wushuang, Huo Wu, and Shui Bing'er took one carriage, and Feng Xiaotian, Niu Meng, and Yang Pojun took another carriage. The two carriages left the Element Academy in the eyes of everyone and started to set off for Hanhai City.

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