Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 64 Drug Maniac and Flower Maniac

Yang Wudi took the three of them to his alchemy.

Yang Wudi's alchemy is located near his office and is built underground. The entire alchemy is relatively large and very quiet. The shelves next to it are already filled with various medicinal materials. It seems that Yang Wudi has already started refining medicine in this refining pharmacy.

After Yang Wudi brought the three people into the alchemy, he carefully checked everyone's body and smelled it from time to time. Finally, he took out a few bottles and gave some blood to all three of them, and then carefully studied the blood of Xiao Fei and the others. Apparently, Yang Wudi was also entrusted by Dean Huo Tianchen to check the physical condition of the three people.

First, Yang Wubi said to Huo Wushuang: "You are a good boy. Jiupin Longzhi is indeed the most suitable fairy grass for you. According to legend, Jiupin Longzhi grew out of being contaminated with the blood of a giant dragon. The dragon in your blood The attributes are very high, it can be said that you now have dragon blood.”

"It is estimated that after you absorb the ninth-grade Dragon Zhi, your strength, physical strength, and martial soul strength will be greatly improved. The quality of your martial soul is estimated to be close to that of a real dragon, and it is more powerful than the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit."

Then Yang Wudi walked up to Huo Wu and said, "You girl, Lovesickness Heartbroken Red is a divine treasure among the immortal medicinal herbs. It has the effect of life and death, flesh and bones. Lovesickness Heartbroken Red has completely transformed your body. You are now The physical talent has almost reached the limit of human beings, not weaker than the legendary level 20 innate soul power.”

Finally, he walked up to Xiao Fei and said, "You are very ambitious. According to your blood analysis, you should have taken Star Anise Ice Grass, Fire Apricot Jiao Shu, Qi Rong Bong Tian Ju, and Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower. I miss your body." You should be invulnerable to water and fire, your meridians are unobstructed, and your martial soul has evolved. In terms of physical fitness and talent, I am afraid no one can surpass you. "Wangchuan Qiushuilu is an eye refiner and an increaser." The spiritual ones were not discovered.

Xiaofei could only smile: "Dean Yang, thank you!"

Yang Wudi saw Wang Xiaofei pretending to be stupid and said directly: "Xiao Fei, I have told you so much, since we are discussing the method of refining medicine, what do you always want me to see?"

"Of course, but I also want Dean Yang to give me something."

Yang Wudi was a little surprised and said: "What do you want? I don't have any immortal items in my hands."

Xiao Fei shook his head: "I want all the knowledge of the fairy medicinal herbs."

Yang Wudi shook his head: "You kid, you can't bear any loss."

Yang Wudi took out a thick book from his ring and handed it to Xiao Fei: "This is the encyclopedia of medicinal herbs that my Yang family has compiled over the years, including a directory of immortal medicinal herbs. It contains basically all the medicinal herbs in Douluo Continent." The medicinal materials. If you don’t satisfy me, I will take it back at any time.”

Xiaofei smiled and said, "I guarantee that Dean Yang will be satisfied."

After saying that, Xiao Fei did not take his storage ring, but instead took out an armband from his left shoulder, and then took out a jade box from the armband.

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang next to them were immediately speechless. Wang Xiaofei actually secretly hid an armband to store the soul guide. Even the two of them who were together every day didn't know that he was indeed the sixth child.

Yang Wudi snatched the jade box and saw a flower lying inside the jade box, a large pale pink flower with no leaves and a stem three feet long. The flower was huge, with a diameter of a full foot. Every petal looked like They are as clear as crystal, and the stamens are lavender, like purple diamonds set in there. It is the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal.

Yang Wudi slowly opened the jade box, gently caressed the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Product, as if caressing his own child, then put his nose to the big flower and sniffed hard, and suddenly started dancing as if he was crazy. , "It is indeed the Youxiang Qiluo Immortal. I have been looking for him all my life, but I am not really lucky enough to meet it in this life."

Xiaofei looked at the intoxicated Yang Wudi and said, "I wonder if Dean Yang is satisfied."

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied!" Yang Wudi, who was dancing happily, said without looking back.

Xiao Fei, Huo Wu, and Huo Wushuang were immediately speechless. The dignified Contra was actually driven crazy by a flower.

Xiaofei and the other three left Yang Wudi's alchemy. Xiao Fei suddenly felt a pain in his ears, which had been picked up by Xiao Huowu: "Xiao Fei, you are very brave. When did you secretly hide a storage armband? Why didn't I know?"

Xiaofei suddenly looked bitter, as if he had been caught hiding private money, and said quickly: "Wait a minute, please listen to my excuse, uh, please listen to my explanation, I picked this up in the fire spider's lair last time. It’s all just to put some little things in, I didn’t want to hide it from you.”

Huo Wu smiled: "Since it is a little thing, shouldn't it be handed over?"

Xiao Fei said seriously: "The things inside are not trivial. Many of them are highly poisonous. I don't dare to move them, so I put them alone. And you must not tell anyone about the things inside, otherwise you will be destroyed." A disaster. A piece of fairy grass given to a highly talented person can basically create a powerful person at the level of a titled Douluo. This is why I don’t dare to use it casually.”

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang rarely saw Xiao Fei's serious look. They instantly understood the seriousness of the problem and nodded.

Xiaofei returned to his room, and just as he was about to practice, there was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door, he saw that Ju Douluo was here. Xiaofei was speechless. He had just walked back from Yang Wudi, and Ju Douluo came again. I don't know if he had just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den.

Xiao Fei quickly bowed and invited Ju Douluo into the room.

Douluo entered Xiao Fei's room and touched and smelled Xiao Fei's body again, still looking intoxicated. Xiao Fei was speechless.

"Classmate, where did you get these three immortal products?" Ju Douluo asked directly without any hesitation.

Xiao Fei hesitated: "This-"

"Don't worry, I just need to know the place, I won't do anything to you."

Xiao Fei gritted his teeth, and a look of fear appeared on his face: "These fairy herbs were found in the Xingdou Great Forest. After I graduated from Notting College at the age of 11, I felt that I was not talented enough, so I wanted to go to the Xingdou Great Forest to find some opportunities to see if I could enhance my talent."

"I got lost in the Xingdou Great Forest. I only remember encountering many soul beasts chasing me, and finally hid by a lake. The lake was very beautiful, the water was white and transparent, and the lake surface looked like a fairy. I saw a few fairy herbs in the center of the lake, and I flew over to pick them. No, as soon as I picked the fairy herbs, I felt a great pressure all over my body. Go A voice came out and said - Human, this is not the place you should come to, please leave quickly. "

"I was almost scared to death at that time, so I flew away quickly, and then got lost in the Star Dou Great Forest. It was not until half a month later that I walked out of the Star Dou Great Forest."

Ju Douluo looked at Xiao Fei with a serious face: "You are really lucky. The place you are going to should be the center of the Star Dou Great Forest - the Lake of Life. There are 100,000-year-old soul beasts there, and even I dare not set foot easily."

Ju Douluo muttered to himself: "The Lake of Life, for thousands of years, almost few people have been able to reach the central position, and the life breath there is very rich. It is indeed possible to grow immortal herbs. It is such a pity. If I had known that there was a strange chrysanthemum there, I would have tried my best to go to the center of the Lake of Life to pick it. "

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