Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 51: The Land of Inheritance

After reading the words on the wall, the three of them sighed. It seems that the Divine Fire Sect should be the ancestor of the Huo family.

Huo Wu suddenly said: "Where is the inheritance? Could it be that the inheritance is on that staircase?" Huo Wushuang and Xiao Fei also nodded, obviously thinking that the divine fire in the hands of the statue is the inheritance.

The three of them discussed and decided to start climbing the stairs. Xiao Fei felt that this staircase was a bit similar to the Sea God's Light on Sea God Island, but the stairs on Sea God Island had 1,000 steps, while the stairs here only had 100 steps. Moreover, this place seemed to be only suitable for soul masters with fire attributes, while the Sea God's Light was all-encompassing and suitable for everyone. The first generation ancestor of the Fire God Sect probably also went to Sea God Island, so he made a copycat version of the Sea God's Light.

The three of them climbed hard, and in the end, with everyone's methods coming out frequently, Huo Wu finally climbed to the 72nd step, Huo Wushuang climbed to the 74th step, and Xiao Fei climbed to the 84th step. After that, it was difficult to move forward half a step. The three of them had to go back to the bottom of the stairs.

Huo Wu looked depressed, "Why is my soul power level the highest, but I climbed the lowest step?"

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said, "The inheritance tower should correspond to the body's endurance limit and soul power limit. Huo Wushuang is a beast martial soul, and his physical strength is higher than yours, so he can climb higher. This step is probably related to our actual ability, and Huo Wu, as a control system, is at a disadvantage compared to Huo Wushuang, who is a strong attack system." Huo Wushuang heard it and nodded. Suddenly, seeing Huo Wu's gloomy eyes, he shook his head decisively. Xiao Fei was speechless for a while.

Huo Wushuang said, "We can't reach the top of the steps, and we can't get the treasure. What should we do?"

Xiao Fei smiled and said, "This step is the best treasure. The fire element on it is produced by that wisp of divine fire. If we practice on it, we will make faster progress."

Huo Wushuang also nodded and said, "Yes, just now on the steps, I felt that the speed of soul power in my body would become faster, and it seemed to promote the growth of the fire element in our bodies."

Then the three of them practiced on the steps that suited them.

Unconsciously, Xiao Fei and the other two have been in the Holy Fire Tower for almost a year. During this year, people's soul power has increased rapidly. Among them, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang have reached the Soul Saint, and both have obtained their own soul rings in the Undead Volcano. Among them, Huo Wu has reached level 73, Huo Wushuang has reached level 72, and Xiao Fei has reached level 68. The extreme attribute is indeed a turtle speed. No matter how hard Xiao Fei tries, the speed of soul power improvement is always not as fast as Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu.

Recently, Xiao Fei has been thinking about whether to use cockscomb Phoenix sunflower to improve the last two levels to reach the Soul Saint. With the energy contained in cockscomb Phoenix sunflower, it should be no problem to improve the soul power by two levels. However, Xiao Fei has already used the fairy grass. If he uses it many times, he is afraid that it will affect his foundation and make his soul power relatively exaggerated.

But Xiao Fei himself feels that the last two levels before the Soul Saint may take two or three years to break through. In fact, if the last level breaks through, his flame may usher in a real qualitative change. However, he knows nothing about the situation outside now. He doesn't know what the situation is like in Blazing Fire Academy and the entire continent now?

Seeing Xiao Fei's recent impatience and worry, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu were a little worried. Huo Wu ordered Huo Wushuang to continue practicing, while she and Xiao Fei relaxed in the Divine Fire, which made Huo Wushuang very depressed.

In the Divine Fire Sect, Xiao Fei and Huo Wu held hands and walked quietly on the road. When they came to a broken wall, they sat down and Huo Wu leaned her head on Xiao Fei's shoulder. The two were silent all the time. Xiao Fei didn't say anything, and Huo Wu didn't ask anything. It seemed that the two had a tacit understanding.

As they stayed like this, Xiao Fei looked at Huo Wu's beautiful face and fiery red lips, and couldn't help kissing her. The two closed their eyes and touched their lips. At this moment, there was only each other in their world, no worldly disputes, no soul power levels, no various mundane things, only each other, and the moment seemed eternal.

Next, Huo Wu snuggled in Xiao Fei's arms, and the two stayed quietly like this.

Huo Wu suddenly said, "Xiao Fei, in fact, your grandpa told me about your situation. It will be slow before level 70, but after level 70, the soul power will grow very fast. You will break through level 70 in two years at most. By then, the soul power will catch up."

Xiao Fei gently stroked Huo Wu's hair and said, "Sister Huo Wu, I know my body better than anyone else, and I also understand the cruelty of this world better. I just hope that I can become stronger so that I can better protect you. I hope that the two of us are not ants that can be trampled to death at any time in the eyes of others."

Huo Wu said softly, "No matter what happens, I will be with you, no matter where you are."

The two returned to the Shenhuo Tower. Huo Wushuang glanced at the two and continued to practice. Xiao Fei did not practice on the stairs, but sat under the tower and meditated quietly. Suddenly, Xiao Fei opened his eyes and seemed to have made up his mind. Then he took out a jade box from the Phoenix Ring. There was a sunflower in the jade box, like a cockscomb, like a flame. This is also the most important fairy grass for Xiao Fei: cockscomb Phoenix sunflower. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang also quickly came to Xiao Fei's side, silently looking at Xiao Fei and the cockscomb phoenix sunflower in Xiao Fei's hand.

Since taking out the cockscomb phoenix sunflower, Xiao Fei felt a trace of covetousness and desire in his fire phoenix martial spirit.

Without saying a word, Xiao Fei swallowed the whole cockscomb phoenix sunflower into his mouth. After the cockscomb phoenix sunflower entered the mouth, there was no pain as imagined, but it was very gentle, and gradually integrated into Xiao Fei's body, Xiao Fei's martial spirit, Xiao Fei's blood, In Xiao Fei's soul, everything seems to be taken for granted, as if water and milk are in harmony. A ball of lightning appeared in the sky outside the Shenhuo Tower, as if Xiao Fei's martial spirit could not survive in the world.

Three hours later, Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower has been completely absorbed by Xiao Fei. Xiao Fei's martial soul seems to have been transformed. Xiao Fei summons his own martial soul. In addition to the power of fire, the martial soul seems to exude the aura of God. The Fire Phoenix finally transformed into a god-level martial spirit. Xiao Fei has also reached level 70.

Seeing Xiao Fei's changes, Huo Wu quickly threw herself into Xiao Fei's arms. She knew that Xiao Fei had succeeded. All the problems I have been worrying about recently have been solved.

Huo Wushuang looked depressed. After all, his little cabbage was taken away by this kid. Is there anyone who bullies singles like this?

The two sat cuddled together again, and Huo Wu asked: "Xiao Fei, have you decided what soul beast to choose for your seventh soul ring? What age is it?"

Xiao Fei shook his head quietly and said, "Come on, my seventh soul ring should be coming soon." After saying that, Xiao Fei quietly stared into the magma in the distance.

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