Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 49 Nether Python

By the time Huo Wu finished absorbing the fire spider's external soul bone, it was already a day later. Huo Wu's face glowed brightly and he said, "The externally attached soul bone is really good. I feel that my combat power is much stronger than before. In the future, even battle soul masters of the same level will not be my opponent."

After saying that, Huo Wu injected his soul power into his external soul bone. Eight fire spider legs stretched out from his back and tore the clothes on Huo Wu's back. When the eight fire-red spider legs are fully extended, each spider leg is more than 2 meters long and shines with a metallic luster. It is obvious that these spider legs are quite sharp. Moreover, the sharp points of the spider legs have a hint of dark red, which is obviously the poison of the fire spider.

Suddenly, Huo Wu screamed and quickly covered his upper body. Huo Wushuang quickly used his clothes to block Huo Wu. Huo Wu blushed with embarrassment, while Huo Wushuang looked at Xiao Fei with an unkind expression. Xiaofei looked like he still had something to say, obviously he had just enjoyed what he saw. Huo Wu's face suddenly became filled with shame and anger, she put on her clothes, and then punched and kicked Xiao Fei, causing Xiao Fei to scream in agony.

Afterwards, Huo Wu felt a sense of relief, while Xiao Fei was bruised and swollen again. Huo Wu asked domineeringly: "Xiao Fei, how is my sister's figure? Does she look good?"

Xiao Fei said tremblingly: "It's... good-looking." Huo Wu's expression changed instantly. Xiao Fei immediately said: "It doesn't look good."

Huo Wu: "Huh?" Xiao Fei immediately received another punch on the face.

Xiao Fei and the other three slowly walked into the Fire Spider's lair and found countless animal and human corpses in the lair, as well as several soul guides. The Fire Spider was truly a top hunter.

In the next month, Xiao Fei and the others searched all over the interior of the Immortal Volcano, but there were no traces on the map. On the contrary, it was discovered that many top-level soul beasts, even two 90,000-year-old soul beasts, were being hunted down very miserably. But there is no trace of the Shenhuo Sect. It seems that the 100,000-year-old soul beast has not been found.

After searching for a month with no results, the three simply walked to the fire spider's lair and started practicing in the fire spider's lair.

There are basically no soul beasts near the fire spider lair. Some of them were basically eaten by fire spiders, and this lair is underground. The fire element is very good and very quiet, which is very suitable for the three of them to practice. What's more, the three of them have basically been keeping tight for a while. , should relax a little.

After three consecutive months of training in the Fire Spider's Lair, the three of them each improved by one level. So he walked out of the Fire Spider's lair and continued his training.

Speaking of soul power levels, Xiao Fei is now level 65 and has not been upgraded for half a year, Huo Wushuang is level 67, and Huo Wu is level 68. It seems that Huo Wushuang is always one level lower than Huo Wu. When Huo Wushuang upgrades one level because of the fire bat's head soul bone, Huo Wu immediately absorbs the attached soul bone to upgrade one level? This made Huo Wushuang very depressed, and of course Xiao Fei was even more depressed. Everyone else has moved up two levels, but I haven't moved up one level yet. Since absorbing Lovesickness Heartbroken Red and Ninth Grade Longzhi, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang's talents have exceeded the innate full soul power, and are estimated to be second only to Qian Renxue, who is at level 20.

Since they have found nothing about the Shenhuo Sect so far, the three of them decided to go to the center of the immortal volcano to investigate.

When Xiao Fei and the other three arrived at the center of the volcano, they were already far away from the ground. I saw magma everywhere in the center, and the temperature of the magma exceeded a thousand degrees. The air was also filled with the smell of explosion and destruction, which was very uncomfortable. There was a serious smell of danger everywhere.

The three of them searched around the magma many times under great pressure, but found nothing. Instead, they found a few very old spirit beasts.

Because Xiao Fei absorbed the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake as the sixth soul ring, Xiao Fei has a higher sensitivity to snakes. Suddenly Xiao Fei felt that there seemed to be the smell of a snake nearby. However, nothing was found around the magma. Xiaofei suddenly thought of a terrible question. Xiao Fei has been exploring around the magma, but has not carefully explored the inside of the magma.

Xiao Fei activated his soul bones and carefully sensed the anomalies in the magma. Suddenly, Xiao Fei discovered that there were fluctuations in soul power in the magma, and this fluctuation in soul power was getting bigger and bigger. Xiao Fei quickly pulled Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang away from the magma.

However, a stream of magma suddenly burst out of the magma and shot directly at the three people. Xiao Fei immediately took the two of them and flew away. Suddenly, a huge wave of soul power appeared in the magma, and a huge snake head was exposed in the magma. The snake head was about 10 meters in size, and there were two sarcomas on the head.

Xiaofei said quickly:

"This is the Nether Python. Legend has it that it lives in magma. Because it has withstood the high temperature of magma for many years, its whole body has been tempered like iron. The scales on its body are as hard as steel, and two horns have appeared on his head. It is estimated that the strength is infinitely close to one hundred thousand years old.”

"There is a trace of dragon blood in the body of the Nether Python. This kind of snake can transform into a python in ten thousand years, a dragon in a hundred thousand years, and a dragon in a million years. It can be called the ultimate among snake soul beasts, and its potential is even higher than that of the Heavenly One in the Star Dou Forest. Green Bull Python.”

The three of them were silent. This legendary soul beast was far beyond their capabilities.

The Nether Python seems to be very repulsive to Xiao Fei and others, especially the aura of the Ten-Headed Fierce Sun Snake that exudes from Xiao Fei.

The Nether Python attacked several times, but Xiao Fei dodged them. Seeing that the attacks failed, he returned to the magma and ignored the three of them.

Watching the Nether Python leave, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief? Xiao Fei suddenly felt very strange. The three people in front searched around the magma, but they didn't seem to see the netherworld python's nest. After two hours, there was still no trace of the Nether Python.

Xiao Fei said: "No, although the Nether Python can survive in the magma, even if the Nether Python does not breathe, it is impossible to stay in the magma for a long time. And the Nether Python does not go home. Snakes have a strong sense of territory and generally do not leave the nest for a long distance."

"Is the nest of this snake under the magma?"

Huo Wu and the others were shocked.

Huo Wu said quickly: "What should we do now? We can't jump into the magma ourselves."

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said: "There must be a fault space around the magma, and this space should be somewhere under our feet. Since there is no magma covering it, the temperature of the ground here should be lower than that of the place with magma. Let's feel it carefully now. Where is the temperature relatively low 100 meters underground? That should be the place of the fault space. As long as the place is confirmed, we can dig directly in."

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang also nodded.

Because the three of them are fire attribute soul masters, they are very sensitive to flames and temperature, and they all have head soul bones, and their perception is far beyond that of ordinary soul masters.

In the following time, the three of them tried their best to feel the temperature underground, but they didn't find anything for half a month, which made Xiaofei and the other two very distressed.

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