Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 44 Six-headed Fire Phoenix

Everyone knows that with Xiao Fei's character, as long as he is sure of something, he will definitely do it.

So, the dean brought everyone to his own training chamber. Under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Fei summoned his martial soul and then swallowed the inner pill of the ten-headed scorching sun snake in one gulp.

In fact, Xiao Fei has been very entangled about whether to absorb this inner pill. First of all, looking at the entire text of Douluo, treasures such as bead inner pills are very against the sky. Secondly, the ten-headed scorching sun snake obviously does not conform to the soul beast rules of the Douluo world. It can be said that it has surpassed the soul beast itself and is a thing beyond the level. Absorbing this inner pill may cause unimaginable benefits. Finally, in the original work, Ma Hongjun was able to absorb this soul ring with the help of Tang San and Ning Rongrong, but he did not have the help of others.

However, his current physical fitness is far from that of Ma Hongjun. Four high-year soul bones make his physical fitness far superior to ordinary people. And his body can be said to have been transformed by the City of Slaughter and become stronger.

Xiao Fei concentrated his mind and began to absorb this soul ring. After the inner elixir of the ten-headed scorching sun snake entered the body, it instantly melted in Xiao Fei's body, and the power of the inner elixir instantly turned into a red flame, burning Xiao Fei's whole body, including Xiao Fei's martial soul.

Fortunately, Xiao Fei has now become the ultimate fire, and the Phoenix flame has a certain suppressive effect on all the flames in the world. Xiao Fei used his own meditation method to guide the flame to circulate throughout the body. In an instant, Xiao Fei's whole body turned red, and a trace of blood flowed along the skin, mixed with orange flames. Gradually, an orange fireball formed around Xiao Fei, constantly burning Xiao Fei's body and Xiao Fei's fire phoenix martial soul, as if forging something.

And Xiao Fei and Xiao Fei's martial soul in the fireball seemed to be forged by fire, burning every cell and every trace of Xiao Fei's soul. The area around the fireball had already turned into a charred black.

Huo Wu covered her mouth and said, "Grandpa, how is Xiao Fei now?"

Dean Huo said, "Xiao Fei's condition has temporarily stabilized and there should be no danger."

Xiao Fei in the fireball experienced three days of calcination. Gradually, a huge soul ring appeared on the fire phoenix. The soul ring gradually changed from the initial white to yellow, purple, dark purple, black and dark black. Finally, when the flames around Xiao Fei completely disappeared, a dark black soul ring formed around the fire phoenix. The fire phoenix also changed. In addition to the original head, it actually grew five more heads. Moreover, the fire phoenix let out a long cry, and a phoenix flame rushed out of the training room, dyeing the sky above the entire Chihuo Academy into a fiery red. A huge phoenix phantom appeared in the air. All the fire attribute soul masters around seemed to be unable to help throbbing, and there was an impulse to worship the fire phoenix, just like thousands of fires worshiping the phoenix.

Xiao Fei himself lost a lot of weight, and the black hair on his head was burned into a fiery red. His eyes seemed to have a hint of gold, and the depths of his soul seemed to have been sublimated.

Huo Wu ran over and hugged Xiao Fei and said, "Xiao Fei, how do you feel now?"

Xiao Fei smiled and said, "Very good, I feel very comfortable now, and I have become unprecedentedly strong."

Xiao Fei summoned his Fire Phoenix martial soul, and everyone around him instantly felt that there seemed to be a repressive force. It was like the suppression of the lower martial soul by the upper martial soul. Xiao Fei carefully felt his martial soul, which seemed to have a trace of divinity. There would be a natural repressive force on the martial soul and beast pattern of the fire attribute, and it seemed that the martial soul did not seem to enter the final form. The current Fire Phoenix should be regarded as a quasi-god-level martial soul. When it transforms into a ten-headed fire phoenix, it is when the martial soul enters the god level.

Xiao Fei's soul power has reached an astonishing level of 64. Of course, this includes both the sixth soul ring, which is infinitely close to the 100,000-year soul ring, and Xiao Fei's accumulation of soul power in the past two years.

At the same time, Xiao Fei's phoenix transformation has also developed further. Now Xiao Fei can also phoenixize his torso, but the head cannot be phoenixized. In terms of strength, Xiao Fei can already single out the eight-ring soul douluo. In the entire Blazing Academy, no one is Xiao Fei's opponent except the dean.

Xiao Fei's sixth soul skill is called Phoenix Slash. He can gather his strength in his right claw and release a flaming slash. The slash is accompanied by a powerful Phoenix flame essence, which can burn and cut everything, ignoring all obstacles. The flame will never go out, physical defense is invalid, and energy defense is reduced by 50%. The attack range is linked to Xiao Fei's use of soul power.

Xiao Fei's first feeling is that this soul skill is very powerful, and the second feeling is that the development limit of this soul skill is very high. In the original work, Xiao Fei's favorite is Jian Douluo Jian Dao Chen Xin. If he can master the formation principle of this slash, can he use the claws as a sword and use similar sword energy or knife energy. That would be fun.

Then Xiao Fei resumed his normal college life, reading books, exercising, practicing soul power, and occasionally fighting with Huo Lie. Life has become leisurely for a while. Xiao Fei also plans to relax himself.

Xiao Fei and Huo Wu have been living a very good life these days, and they often live in their own little world. Huo Wushuang, who used to be with her, was kicked out by Huo Wu to practice.

The two practiced together, read books together, played together, and went shopping together. The relationship between Xiao Fei and Huo Wu quickly heated up, and now they have started holding hands.

Recently, Blazing Fire Academy is one of the hottest places in the entire Douluo Continent. Since the day when the Phoenix flames filled the sky, many people have been saying that Blazing Fire Academy has produced an incredible talent. The dean Huo Tianchen announced to the outside world that he has reached level 93, which is an amazing speed. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang of Blazing Fire Academy have now reached level 66 and 65 respectively. Huo Wu is just 22 years old. The 22-year-old Soul Emperor can be called the youngest Soul Emperor in history. Huo Wushuang is 24 years old and has reached level 65, which is also well-known. Now the two are known as the Blazing Fire Twin Stars, and there is a trend of overshadowing the Haotian Twin Stars in the past.

Huo Wu is known as the first person of the young generation and can be called the proud daughter of heaven. In addition, Huo Wu is beautiful, and countless people come to her for her reputation, and those who want to marry her are stepping on the door. Even the direct disciples of the three sects came, but they were all rejected by Huo Wu. Even the prince Xue Qinghe came, but unfortunately the two sides did not even meet. Faced with the harassment, Huo Wu directly put forward her own conditions. Only those who are stronger than herself can date her, and they must marry into the Blazing Fire Academy, and the other party must be a fire element practitioner.

Once such a threshold was put forward, many people instantly disappeared.

Of course, more people came to make friends.

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