Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 34 Return to College

The next few people all ate their own fairy grass, and Xiao Fei took out the Fairy Tongtian Ju. It had been almost three years since he last absorbed the fairy grass. Xiao Fei felt that he could absorb another fairy grass. This time The next target is QiRongTianJiu. As for the cockscomb phoenix sunflower, Xiaofei wants to absorb it next time.

After absorbing the fairy grass, Xiao Fei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were all upgraded to level 50. Dean Huo Tiancheng improved two levels, reaching level 90 quasi-titled Douluo. Huo Lie has reached level 80 Quasi-Contra.

Huo Wu said happily: "Xiao Fei, why don't you take out such a good thing as fairy grass earlier? If you take it out earlier, I can reach the Soul King before the Soul Master Competition, and then our competition will be easier."

Xiao Fei shook his head and said: "Sister Huo Wu, you and Huo Wushuang are both star students of Blazing Fire Academy. Every time you upgrade, a lot of people will pay attention. If the sudden upgrade while a student is too exaggerated, it will easily attract other people's attention." After you graduate, you will show less of your soul power outside, which will be safer."

Huo Tianchen nodded and said: "Xiao Fei, you are more thoughtful. Blazing Fire Academy is a bit big now, so we need to be more stable next."

Xiao Fei added: "Sister Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, I suggest you absorb the soul bones now. You should still have a lot of fairy grass energy in your body. After absorbing the soul bones, you will be able to absorb older ones." Soul ring. This will have greater benefits. Also, I suggest Dean Huo take us there to get the soul ring, and don’t ask anyone else to help, because after hunting the soul ring, Sister Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang will have higher souls. The improvement of power, especially Sister Huo Wu, may be improved by four or five levels."

Huo Tianchen nodded.

Xiao Fei looked at a few people, took out the head soul bone, and began to absorb it. It took a full day for Xiao Fei to absorb the wisdom soul bone. After absorbing the soul bone, Xiao Fei felt that his mental power had been greatly improved, his thinking was much clearer than before, and he had obtained a soul bone skill - mental shock. Can activate mental power to cause damage to enemies.

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang have also absorbed it, and Huo Wu has absorbed two soul bones. Huo Wu said happily: "I think I am very strong now. I can beat several of my previous selves. What do you think, Xiao Fei?"

Xiao Fei nodded and said with a smile: "I think it's very good. This wisdom skull should not be fifty thousand years old, but should have reached sixty thousand years. This time Wuhun Palace suffered a big loss."

Huo Tianchen said: "How do you choose your soul rings this time?"

Huo Wu took the lead and said: "I think I can absorb a fire attribute soul ring that is about 20,000 years old."

Huo Wushuang smiled and said: "It can also absorb soul rings that are about 18,000 years old. Of course they are also fire attributes."

The two of them looked at Xiao Fei. Xiao Fei thought for a while and said, "It should be able to absorb a soul ring that is about fifty thousand years old, with fire attributes. It would be better if it has Phoenix bloodline."

Huo Tianchen said: "Xiao Fei, fifty thousand year soul beasts are no joke. I know that the soul rings before you were all absorbed by leapfrog levels. The gap between a thousand year soul ring and a fifty thousand year soul ring is very big."

Xiao Fei said, "Dean, you can check my physical fitness. After absorbing the wisdom soul bone this time, I should be able to withstand the mental impact of a fifty thousand year old soul beast."

Huo Tianchen carefully checked Xiao Fei's body and said, "40,000 years should be fine, but 50,000 years is a bit reluctant. After returning to the academy this time, I will take you to the Immortal Volcano, where there are more fire-attribute soul beasts."

In the next period of time, Huo Tianchen and his team planned to go to Tiandou City first and then return to the academy. Of course, Shenfeng Academy and Tianshui Academy also went together. Divine Wind Academy, Tianshui Academy, and Blazing Fire Academy are all called Elemental Academy. They have always advanced and retreated together and have always been allies.

Elephant Armor School and Thunder Academy are only on relatively good terms with each other, and there is no such situation where they can advance or retreat together. Behind the Elephant Armor Academy is the Elephant Armor Sect, and behind the Thunder Academy is the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. There is still a distance between the academy that is backed by the sect and the ordinary academy, otherwise you will be eaten without even knowing it.

Divine Wind Academy is closer to Fengjian Sect, Blazing Fire Academy is closer to Fire Leopard Sect, and the relationship behind Tianshui Academy is unknown. However, the Wind Sword Sect and the Fire Leopard Sect are both in the Star Luo Empire, so there is no issue of ownership. Their historical origins do have a lot to do with them. This sect cannot eat up the colleges of the Tiandou Empire.

Now the whole world knows that there are three high-level soul bones in Blazing Fire Academy. Many people on the road covet them, but they are all scared away by the strength of Dean Huo Tianchen's Peak Soul Douluo. And now that the deans of Tianshui College and Shenfeng College are here, it means that there are now three high-level Soul Douluo, and ordinary titled Douluo dare to touch them. Moreover, the three academies have a long history, and their students are spread across the two empires, including some big figures. Therefore, the journey is relatively smooth.

Prince Xue Qinghe also returned to Tiandou City with the three teams. After returning to Tiandou City, Emperor Xueye personally met with the deans and students of the three teams. Regarding Blazing Academy, Emperor Xueye originally planned to name the Royal Academy as Royal Blazing Academy, but Huo Tianchen declined.

Huo Tianchen said that the purpose of Chihuo Academy is only to teach and educate people, and it is worthy of the title of royal family. Finally, Emperor Xueye sealed Blazing City and a large area nearby to Blazing Academy. Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, and Wang Xiaofei were named earls by Emperor Xueye, and they were all in the spotlight for a while. The three people's fiefdoms are all near Blazing Fire City.

After another five days of traveling, we finally returned to Blazing Academy. Xiaofei instantly felt like he was back home.

After returning to school, Dean Huo Tianchen organized all the teachers and told them that Wang Xiaofei was now officially the vice president of Chihuo Academy. However, since Xiaofei was relatively young, he only had the title of vice president and would not be assigned a job for the time being, while Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang became teachers of the academy. Wang Xiaofei became the youngest vice president of the advanced soul master academy in Douluo Continent at the age of less than 15. In short, Wang Xiaofei only received a salary but did not work.

A week after returning to school, Dean Huo Tianchen and Huo Lie took Xiaofei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang and quietly left the academy. This time their destination was the Immortal Volcano Mountain Range located in the south of Chihuo Academy.

The Immortal Volcano Mountain Range is the largest active volcano in the Tiandou Empire. The volcano will erupt from time to time, and the surrounding area is nearly 100 kilometers. Because the temperature is too high and too dangerous, there is no one around the Immortal Volcano. And the deeper you go, the higher the temperature is, and there will even be magma flowing out in some places.

It is said that there was an ancient fire sect built in the mountains before, but a volcanic eruption and the cracks in the ground veins caused countless casualties in the sect, and eventually had to move. The sect had to move away due to heavy casualties and eventually declined. The legendary Fire Leopard Sect was one of its branches.

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