Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 26 Angel

Next is the promotion round. The promotion match was held at the Royal Grand Campus outside the city.

Outside the main campus, a total of 10,000 royal knights surrounded the entire main campus, their armors shining brightly. Between the large circle formed by the knights and the competition venue, fifteen participating teams have arrived, even the teams that received a bye today. Even if they don't have to compete, they still have to clearly see the strength of their opponents.

The rules of the competition are simple. Each team sends seven players to participate, and each player must fight until he is defeated. If the winner wins, he will face the next opponent until all seven players on one side are defeated.

For Blazing Fire Academy, this is a very easy matter, because Blazing Fire Academy has the largest number of soul sects, 4 soul sects.

As the game progressed, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu were basically the ones wreaking havoc on the audience in Blazing Academy. The two of them have worn each other many times and become the best-performing students among all the personnel.

This afternoon, after the game, someone suddenly walked up to the three of them and said to them, "Hello, three soul masters. Are you free? Our prince invites you to get together."

Xiao Fei secretly thought, "It's bad." Although Xiao Fei has been hiding his strength, his strength level is still easy for Titled Douluo to detect. But His Highness the Crown Prince's invitation cannot be refused.

When the three of them entered a beautiful room, they saw only three people sitting inside. One of the beautiful and elegant young people said, "Hello, three classmates, I am Xue Qinghe. These two are Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, the masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. I'm sorry to disturb you."

"Greetings to His Highness the Crown Prince, Sect Leader Ning, and Senior Sword Douluo." The three of them saluted quickly. These three were among the most powerful people in the Tiandou Empire.

Xue Qinghe said, "Classmate Huo Wu, classmate Huo Wushuang, you two are the students who performed best in the qualifying and promotion rounds. Can I ask what your plans are in the future? Have you ever thought about playing for the Tiandou royal family? ”

Huo Wushuang hurriedly said, "Your Highness, my grandfather is the dean of Blazing Fire College. After graduation, Huo Wu and I should both return to Blazing Fire College to teach."

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince chuckled and said, "It's a pity. I can only wish you victory in the Soul Master Competition and carry forward Blazing Fire Academy."

The three of them were about to leave when suddenly Sword Douluo opened his eyes that had been closed and said, "Wait a minute, little friend, what is your name?" Seeing Sword Douluo's actions, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe both A little surprised.

Wang Xiaofei said quickly, "Senior Sword Douluo, hello, my name is Wang Xiaofei."

Sword Douluo looked at Xiao Fei, nodded, and said, "Yes, you are very good for having such soul power at such a young age. Are you interested in joining the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? If you arrive at the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, we will vigorously train you. "

Xiao Fei said quickly, "Senior Sword Douluo, I am a student of Blazing Fire Academy. The academy trained me. My goal is to become a teacher of Blazing Fire Academy in the future, Everbright Blazing Fire Academy."

Sword Douluo shook his head and said, "Huo Tianchen from Blazing Fire Academy only has the cultivation level of Soul Douluo. If you join the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Bone Douluo Gu Rong and I are both titled Douluo and can give you guidance. You will obtain The achievements will be higher.”

Xiao Fei said again, "Thank you, Senior Sword Douluo, for your respect. Xiao Fei is just an ordinary student of Blazing Fire Academy. His future goal is to become a teacher of Blazing Fire Academy, teach and educate people for Blazing Fire Academy, and bring glory to Blazing Fire Academy."

Sword Douluo shook his head, sat down, and closed his eyes again. Ning Fengzhi saw this and said with a smile, "Hello, classmate Xiaofei, I am Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Qibao Glazed Sect. You can come to our Qibao Glazed Sect as a guest at any time when you are free." After saying this, he also held a token from the Qibao Glazed Sect. He gave it to Xiao Fei and said at the same time, "This is the token of our Qibao Glazed Sect, please accept it."

Xiao Fei quickly accepted the token and thanked Sect Leader Ning and Sword Douluo.

After Xiaofei and the others left, Ning Fengzhi looked at Sword Douluo with some confusion, "Uncle Jian, is there anything different about this Wang Xiaofei?"

Sword Douluo opened his eyes and said, "14 years old, level 49. Fire attribute is very good."

Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe were both very surprised. "Uncle Jian, is Wang Xiaofei so exaggerated?"

Sword Douluo shook his head, "This kid's whole body is boiling with energy and blood, and his soul power is very solid. It shows that his physical fitness is very good. I have never seen anyone who is more exaggerated than him at this level."

Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi were both lost in thought. In the end, Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "I didn't expect Blazing Academy to still have this trump card. It seems to be for the finals."

That night both Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi received a message, "Wang Xiaofei, an orphan from Holy Soul Village, was raised by the village elder Jack. He has an innate soul power of level 8, a martial soul flame bird, and was later confirmed as a fire phoenix by Yu Xiaogang. , graduated from Notting Junior School five years later, with a soul level of 26 at the age of 11, and joined the Blazing Academy a year after graduation.

Xue Qinghe and Ning Fengzhi were both puzzled. Wang Xiaofei's information was really simple, and it was only three years after graduation that he was promoted from level 26 to level 49, 8 levels each year? Anyone who wasn't a close confidant would have suspected that this information was fake.

Xue Qinghe said to the darkness, "Yu Long, how did you go to investigate?"

A big man came out of the darkness and said, "Sword Douluo is very accurate. He is indeed 14 years old, level 49, and it looks like he will be able to level up soon. Do you want to tell the Pope to go and win over him?"

"Hmm?" Xue Qinghe glanced at Yu Long. He said, "Don't tell that woman yet. Let's meet Wang Xiaofei alone in a few days."

A few days later, when Xiaofei was resting in the hotel, someone suddenly knocked on the door. When he opened the door, it turned out to be a soldier. The soldier said respectfully, "Student Wang, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince invites you."

Xiaofei thought about it and it seemed that he couldn't escape. So he followed the soldier to a hotel. This time, Xue Qinghe was the only one in the room.

Xue Qinghe was holding a file. Looking closely, it turned out to be Wang Xiaofei's own file.

After Xiaofei entered the room, he saluted Xue Qinghe first. After a round of polite gestures, Xue Qinghe asked Xiaofei to sit opposite him. Xue Jinhe said, "Student Xiaofei, can I ask you a question? Why didn't you have any news for a year after graduation, and you went from level 26 to the current level 49 in more than three years?"

Xiaofei quickly told Xue Qinghe what he had said before at Chihuo Academy. Xue Qinghe also sighed when he heard it. Of course, Xiao Fei once again rejected Xue Qinghe's invitation, still because he wanted to be a teacher at Chihuo Academy, which made Xue Qinghe speechless.

Halfway through the conversation, Xue Qinghe suddenly said, "Xiao Fei, what do you think of the Spirit Hall?"

Xiao Fei knew that the main point of today was coming. He thought about it seriously and said, "My spirit was awakened with the help of the Spirit Hall. Before I was 11 years old, I had been receiving subsidies from the Spirit Hall. Without these subsidies, I might not have achieved what I have now. When I graduated from Notting Junior Spirit Master Academy, my goals were the Spirit Hall Spirit Master Academy, Tiandou Royal Academy and Blazing Fire Spirit Master Academy. In the end, I chose Blazing Fire Academy. I think the Spirit Hall Spirit Master Academy is a bit chaotic at this stage. I think the belief of the Spirit Hall should be the angel of peace."

Xue Qinghe smiled and said, "Then why didn't you come to Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Xiao Fei shook his head and said, "I am a civilian. The resources of Tiandou Royal Academy are very good, but I feel that the atmosphere is not suitable for my study. I also heard that my fellow villager Tang San and others were expelled from Tiandou Royal Academy, so I am a little scared. And Blazing Fire Academy is indeed suitable for the development of our fire element spirit masters."

Finally, the conversation ended in a warm atmosphere between the two. After Xiao Fei left here, he couldn't help wiping away the cold sweat. I know I have walked through the gates of hell.

Xue Qinghe's face turned pale, "It's all because of that woman, otherwise these are all talents of our Spirit Hall." The two big men next to him were so scared that they didn't say a word.

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