Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 24 Blushing

Since Tang San lacks immunity to ice and fire, his strength is obviously much lower than in the original work. What Tang San's Blue Silver Grass feared most was fire. This resulted in a complete loss of the game.

After the game, Tang San and others felt very disappointed. At this time, Yu Xiaogang said, "Xiao San, I don't blame you for this game, I blame my wrong judgment. Only after fighting against them did I know that Blazing Academy is much stronger than I thought."

Tang San lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, "I don't know why, but I feel that the people in Blazing Fire Academy have particularly flexible bodies. Everyone is very fast and very powerful."

Yu Xiaogang nodded and said: "Yes, after you fought with Chihuo, I also discovered this problem. I don't know what method they used? They were able to practice both speed and strength so well at the same time. It can be said that how many of them can This is what I find strange about him being both an agile and powerful soul master.

Several people discussed it and felt they had no clue, so they went back.

After the game, Xiao Fei, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang walked out of the spirit fighting arena. "Xiao Feizi, I'm in a happy mood today, why don't we go to the auction house to have a look?" Huo Wushuang and Xiao Fei both nodded, feeling a little bored indeed.

So the three of them walked towards the auction house and kept walking along the road. Xiao Fei suddenly felt that something was wrong. The distance between the Great Soul Fighting Arena and the auction house is very close. Why haven't we arrived after walking for so long? Is there a problem? Pay attention to the surrounding environment again, and there is indeed something wrong with the environment. Although the person was still busy, he seemed to have no soul. Xiao Fei instantly understood what was going on and secretly relaxed his right hand.

Suddenly, the vision in the eyes of the three people changed. The scene in front of them changed, and the three of them were already in a wedding hall. Xiaofei saw that he was actually wearing a red dress and was getting married to a girl, and he was actually wearing a red hijab. Upon closer inspection, this girl turned out to be Huo Wu, and the young man next to her was Huo Wushuang. Huo Wushuang handed Huo Wu's hand to Xiao Fei and solemnly said, "Xiao Fei, I will leave my sister to you from now on. You must Treat her well."

Huo Wu said very domineeringly: "Xiao Feizi, don't worry, after you marry me, I will definitely treat you well, and I will protect you no matter where you are from now on."

Immediately afterwards, the two entered the bridal chamber and had a lingering moment.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky, countless killers ran in, and there were fire lights everywhere. Several uncles and the dean of the Huo family fell in a pool of blood. Several of them were stabbing Huo Wu and Xiao Fei with knives.

Xiaofei yelled and walked toward the killer. Suddenly, Xiaofei's eyes flashed, and a burst of light shot directly at the killer. The killer felt dizzy for a moment. I saw five steel claws stretched out from Xiao Fei's fingers, and he quickly slashed at the killer, and the killer was cut into several pieces in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of them shattered instantly, and all three people opened their eyes. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang had pain and confusion on their faces, while Xiao Fei was close to an old man with a gloomy expression. The old man had been divided into several sections by Xiao Fei's steel claws, while Xiao Fei sat on the ground, panting. The old man vomited blood and said with difficulty, "I didn't expect you to be the strongest among the three, and you have an external soul bone."

Xiaofei snorted coldly and said, "Canghui Academy Shi Nian." "You actually know me?" The old man died with an unwilling expression.

"It's actually Shi Nian?" Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang came over quickly, and Huo Wushuang said, "Xiao Fei, you are getting more and more powerful. Even Shi Nian can't beat you."

When Huo Wu came over, he didn't say anything, but his face looked a little blushing. Xiaofei and Huo Wushuang suddenly remembered the scene in their dream, and Xiaofei swallowed. Huo Wu's face became even redder, and she said angrily, "What are you two looking at? No one is allowed to say anything about what happened today, or I will chop you two up." The two of them suddenly sweated profusely.

The three of them stayed speechless for more than ten minutes, until all three of them had almost recovered. Huo Wushuang said, "What should we do now? Shi Nian is already dead, and there is no evidence of his death."

Xiao Fei looked at the surrounding environment. The area was very remote, and it was indeed a good place for killing people and stealing goods. Xiao Fei's eyes flashed and he remembered something. A ball of flame ignited and flew towards Shi Nian's body. The body burned for a while, and sure enough, a sparkle appeared in the fire, and Xiao Fei quickly took out the things. Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu were surprised. They didn't expect that Shi Nian actually had a head soul bone. Xiao Fei quickly put away the soul bones and looked around carefully. After making sure that there was no one around, he said to the two of them, "Let's go back first." The two of them nodded and quickly returned to the city.

After the three returned to a room, Huo Wushuang quickly called Huo Lie and Huo Tianchen. Huo Wushuang quickly told the two of them what had just happened. The two looked at the head soul bones on the table, and looked at Xiao Fei and the others in fear.

Huo Tianchen said, "Xiaofei, you can actually kill a Soul Saint. You are not a small character in Canghui Academy. Many Soul Douluo don't like to face him."

Huo Tianchen continued, "Since you killed Shi Nian, Xiao Fei should keep the head soul bone himself. Did you do it cleanly?"

Xiaofei said quickly, "I looked carefully and no one should have noticed it."

Looking at the soul bone, Xiao Fei thought for a moment and said, "The properties of this soul bone are not in line with mine. Sister Huowu, your martial spirit is auxiliary. This soul bone will absorb it better for you. It really doesn't work." , you can sell it to the Qibao Glazed Sect, I believe they really want this kind of soul bone."

The five people discussed for a while, and finally, Huo Wu happily put away the soul bone. Huo Wu suddenly said, "Did you not get the illusion? You pretended to be in the illusion just to kill Shi Nian in one blow?"

Xiao Fei hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, I was indeed in the illusion. It's just that my mental power is special and can break the illusion."

Huo Wu was immediately furious, "Then you were in the illusion just now..." Then he looked at the people around him and left the room angrily.

Huo Wushuang stepped on Xiao Fei and said, "Why don't you go and explain it to Huo Wu."

Xiao Fei had no choice but to walk down to Huo Wu's door and knocked on the door, but Huo Wu didn't open it. Then Xiao Fei continued to knock on the door. Huo Wu opened the door and said angrily, "Xiao Fei, I'm so nice to you, but you are such a person?"

Xiao Fei rolled his eyes speechlessly and said in his heart, "What kind of person am I?"

Xiao Fei had to say seriously, "Sister Huo Wu, I really have no way this time. When I was in Cang Hui Academy, I was a dignified Soul Saint, but I am just a small Soul Sect. If I don't do this today, I'm afraid all three of us will die."

Huo Wu finally said in a low voice, "Even if you have no way, you can't be like today. What are we?"

Xiao Fei broke into a sweat.

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