Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 20 Fire Dance

The Blazing Fire Team is training hard, and the one who trains the hardest is undoubtedly Wang Xiaofei.

Every day, Wang Xiaofei's schedule is very standard. Basically, he trains, fights with spirits, meditates, and climbs. After a year of climbing, Wang Xiaofei has basically mastered the beastification of both hands, and can even do it without using spirit skills. It can be said that these are all learned from the third and fourth spirit skills.

As for Xiaofei's combat effectiveness, the other students of the Blazing Fire Team are still quite different from him. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang, two soul masters, are far from being his opponents. Yes, Huo Wu has also become a soul master, and her fourth spirit skill also comes from the Earth Fire Lizard.

If he lets go, Xiaofei can even fight Huo Yi in singles. Now Xiaofei's training target in the morning is basically Huo Yi, and sometimes Xiaofei and seven other people fight. Others are very curious about Wang Xiaofei's efforts and persistence, especially the strong-willed Huo Wu.

"Xiaofei, why are you still so hardworking today? Let's go out for a walk and go shopping! Sometimes you have to combine work and rest." Huo Wushuang said.

Xiao Fei still admires Huo Wushuang very much. He is brave, courageous, responsible, and dotes on his sister. He is the spiritual leader of the team. Although he is not as strong as Xiao Fei, he is trusted by all the students. It can be said that he is a bit like Dai Mubai, but he is more responsible and responsible than Dai Mubai. He is also the successor that the Huo family focuses on training.

The three of them walked on the street and immediately attracted everyone's attention. Huo Wu was proud, like a blooming peacock, Huo Wushuang was relatively calm, but a bit unlike his martial soul, the Explosive Dragon, and Xiao Fei was like a little transparent, following the two.

The three walked into a restaurant. Huo Wu took the menu and ordered a table of dishes without hesitation. Before Huo Wushuang and Xiao Fei could react, they had already ordered. The two looked confused. This is completely feminism.

Suddenly, several people appeared at the entrance. A gust of wind blew, and a person was already sitting next to Huo Wu. This was the old acquaintance Feng Xiaotian. Shenfeng College and Chihuo College often communicate, and the relationship between the two is very good. After a few visits, everyone is familiar with each other. Feng Xiaotian has been pursuing Huo Wu. However, the arrogant Huo Wu has always looked down on Feng Xiaotian, so Feng Xiaotian is very lonely.

Today, they met outside and walked over decisively. Huo Wu suddenly felt impatient and glanced at Xiao Fei next to her, so Huo Wu took Xiao Fei's hand and said, "Feng Xiaotian, Xiao Fei is my boyfriend now. If you really want to pursue me, you should beat Xiao Fei first!"

Xiao Fei looked at Huo Wu next to him and felt that nothing he said was right, so he had to shut up. Feng Xiaotian looked at Xiao Fei and shut up immediately, because he had fought with Xiao Fei several times before and was not his opponent at all.

Several people were speechless for a while. Finally, Huo Wushuang said, "Brother Feng, how come you have time to come to us?"

"It's not for the exchange between the two colleges. I came here mainly to see Sister Huo Wu." Several people cast a contemptuous look at Feng Xiaotian. In the end, Huo Wu drove Feng Xiaotian away domineeringly.

The scene of three people returned to the desktop. Huo Wushuang suddenly asked, "Xiao Fei, why do you practice so hard? What is your goal? I always feel that your practice is not like your peers."

Xiao Fei thought for a while and said, "I just want to be able to decide my own destiny. I don't want to be powerless when disaster strikes. I am just a small soul sect now. In the eyes of many big figures, killing me may be as simple as crushing an ant."

Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were thinking about this question. At this time, Huo Wu said, "What kind of achievement do you think can control your own destiny and not be regarded as an ant?"

Xiao Fei glanced at the two and said seriously, "In fact, this world is very big, and we are only in contact with a small corner. No one knows the strength of the Wuhun Hall now, but I estimate that they have at least 10 or more Title Douluo. In their eyes, we may not even be considered ants. In other words, at least you must have the strength of a Title Douluo to control your own life and death."

Huo Wu looked at Xiao Fei seriously and ate quietly, and Huo Wushuang did not speak. Both of them were thinking that Xiao Fei's goal was so big.

In the afternoon, Huo Wushuang secretly found Xiaofei and asked, "Xiaofei, what do you think of Xiaowu? If you become Xiaowu's boyfriend, I agree. I can help you from behind."

Xiaofei looked at Huo Wushuang speechlessly, are you selling your sister? After thinking for a while, he said, "Huowu is a very beautiful girl, passionate, and many people around us like her. If you want to be her boyfriend, you must convince Huowu, and you need to tolerate Huowu's personality. Huowu is obviously a more feminist. In other words, Huowu is a queen. To treat the queen, we must have more ability than her, and at the same time, we must tolerate her in everything. I personally prefer to live a plain life, and I am afraid that I can't stand Huowu's personality."

As a result, just after half an hour, Huowu came over, "Xiaofei, what do you mean by tolerating my personality? Do I have a bad personality?" Pointing at Xiaofei's nose and scolding, he finally left. Huo Wushuang next to him hid there and laughed secretly.

In this way, the daily lives of several people became noisy. Huo Wu always acted like a queen, Xiao Fei was low-key, and Huo Wushuang was trying to smooth things over. The relationship between the three of them became closer. Huo Wu sometimes couldn't stand Xiao Fei's calmness. Unfortunately, she couldn't beat Xiao Fei.

Two years have passed, Xiaofei is 14, Huowu is 18, Huowushuang is 20. The five-year grand all-continent soul master competition is about to start.

Now the specific soul power is taken down. Wang Xiaofei, level 49, Huowushuang, level 47, Huowu, level 46. The other four members of the team are all level 42, Huoxing, Huoyu, Huojun, and Huochui, and their martial souls are all fire cranes, and they are quick attack soul masters. It can be said that the lineup of the Blazing Academy team is unprecedentedly strong. If there is a shortcoming, it is that there is no auxiliary soul master. If there is a Ye Lengleng or Ning Rongrong, it would be perfect.

This time, the all-continent soul master competition was led by the principal Huo Tianchen himself, and the dean of teaching Huo Lie also walked with the team. There are also 4 substitutes, all of whom are level 38 and 39 soul masters. Soul masters with fire attributes basically do not take the auxiliary route.

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