Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 2: Soul Awakening

With Xiaofei's expectation, three days passed quickly.

Three days later, in addition to the village chief Jack and the nine children who had arrived, there was also a young man in the Wuhun Hall. This man looked to be in his twenties, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a very handsome appearance. Wearing a white outfit with a black cloak on the back, there is a fist-sized soul character in the center of the chest.

This is the standard attire for personnel directly under the Wuhun Palace. On the left chest, there is a badge engraved with a long sword. There are three long swords intertwined on the badge.

People like Old Jack who are very familiar with soul masters know that the number of three handles represents the soul master's third-level title of great soul master, and the long sword represents that the deacon from Wuhun Palace is a warrior. Soul master.

"Hello, respected Spirit Master, I'm going to trouble you this time." Old Jack saluted the young man respectfully.

There was a touch of pride in the young man's eyebrows, and he bowed slightly in return, "I don't have much time, let's start now." Old Jack said: "Okay. Children, this is from The fighting soul master of Notting City. Next, he will lead you to activate your own martial soul. You must cooperate with the master to awaken the martial soul. Grandpa hopes that some of you can become soul masters."

The young man said impatiently: "Okay, you said the same thing last year. Is it really that easy to become a soul master? I have been through six villages, and there is not a single person with soul power. There is no suitable person. Wuhun."

Xiao Fei has been secretly paying attention to this young man. This is the legendary Su Yuntao, known as Blind Douluo. An iconic figure in the eyes of countless time travellers, witnessing the rise of the Tang Shenwang.

The young man's eyes fell on the eight children in front of him. As the patrol deacon of Wuhun Hall, it was his necessary job to help ordinary people awaken their Wuhun, and he had long been accustomed to it.

"Children, stand in a row." His attitude towards these children was much gentler. The nine children stood still in front of the young man, Tang San stood at the second to last, and Xiao Fei stood at the last on purpose. There are two main thoughts. On the one hand, I want to take a closer look at Tang San's martial soul awakening. Is it really like in the original work? On the one hand, I feel that I have the best physical fitness and the tallest among all the people, so I should make my final appearance. In my own memory, the protagonist is always the last one to appear. I'll be the protagonist.

The young man smiled and said: "My name is Su Yuntao, a twenty-sixth level great soul master, and I am your leader. Now, I will awaken your martial souls one by one. Remember, no matter what happens, don't be afraid."

While talking, Su Yuntao opened his package on the table nearby and took out two things from it, six round black stones and a shining blue crystal ball. Su Yuntao arranged six black stones into a hexagon on the ground, and then motioned to the first child on the right to stand in it. "Don't be afraid, close your eyes and feel carefully." As he spoke, Su Yuntao's eyes suddenly lit up. In the horrified eyes of the children, he shouted, "Lone wolf, possessed." A faint ray of light The green light was first released from the center of his eyebrows, followed the position of his eyebrows, and went up into the bun. Su Yuntao's hair was originally black, but after the green light was injected into it, it instantly turned gray and quickly grew longer. Hair of the same color appeared on his exposed hands. At the same time, his body seemed to Much larger than before. The whole body is full of muscles. Wuhundian's specific clothing is very elastic and does not burst as his size increases. Su Yuntao's eyes had turned faint green, and the sharp claws protruding from the fingers of his hands shone with a faint cold light. Two rings of light lit up from under his feet, constantly hovering from his feet to the top of his head. One of them is white and the other is yellow, which is particularly weird.

The boy he called into the black stone was a boy. Seeing the changes in Su Yuntao's body, he suddenly screamed, "Ah--" and was about to run away in fear. The green light in Su Yuntao's eyes was really scary. He grabbed the child and said, "Don't move. I told you not to be afraid. This is my martial spirit, Lone Wolf. If any of you can become a spirit master in the future, you will also use it." Same ability."

Everyone was frightened by Su Yuntao. After all, as a rural child, he was still very afraid of wolves. Xiao Fei looked at Su Yuntao carefully. His body had transformed into a wolf. It was a bit like the transformation in the novel. It should have some wolf characteristics, such as physical fitness, speed, defense, etc. Could this be the advantage of the beast spirit? In the early stage, the body is possessed by a martial spirit, giving the body some of the advantages of a beast.

Su Yuntao quickly shot out with both hands, and six faint green lights were injected into the six black stones on the ground. Suddenly, a layer of golden brilliance was released from the six stones, forming a light golden mask. Covering the child from before.

"Stretch out your right hand." Su Yuntao stared at the boy with his green eyes and commanded majestically. The boy subconsciously stretched out his right hand. Suddenly, all the light spots rushed out. In an instant, a sickle appeared in his palm. It seems that the sickle is not an illusion of light and shadow, but a real existence. Su Yuntao frowned, "It's a weapon spirit. Can the sickle be used as a weapon? It should be forced."

"Put your right hand on the crystal stone to see if you have innate soul power?" The boy followed the instructions and put his hand on the crystal stone, but the crystal stone did not light up. "Without innate soul power, you cannot become a soul master." The child looked disappointed.

Seven children were tested in this way, and the result was that they all had no innate soul power. Until he reached the eighth Tang San, Xiao Fei looked excited and wanted to see if he could witness the beginning of his rise.

Sure enough, as the original work said, what Tang San awakened in his right hand was an ordinary bluesilver grass. There was almost nothing strange about it, but it was held tightly in his left hand. Seeing that it was a blue silver grass, Su Yuntao looked disappointed, "This is the blue silver grass martial spirit. It is a standard useless martial spirit and has the highest proportion of useless martial spirits in Douluo Continent. Basically, there are no soul masters. possible."

At Tang San's repeated requests, Su Yuntao tested Tang San's innate soul power. I saw the crystal ball shining like a gem, and the whole crystal ball was full of luster. Su Yuntao's face was shocked, "He was actually born with full soul power. This is the first time I have encountered full innate soul power in so many years of work. It's a pity." Thinking that Tang San's martial spirit was Blue Silver Grass, Su Yuntao looked disappointed.

Finally it was Xiao Fei's turn. Xiao Fei stood among the six black stones. As Su Yuntao's soul power was injected into him, Xiao Fei felt his whole body warm, and then a bunch of flames came out of his body, and then a fire appeared in his field of vision. A bird covered in flames. If you look closely, isn't this the Fire Phoenix of Ma Hongjun from Shrek's Seven Monsters? It’s just that Xiao Fei has always felt strange. He feels something is wrong with him. His right hand always feels weird.

"The Flame Bird, it's actually the Flame Bird, a very good beast martial spirit." Su Yuntao looked excited. Xiaofei rolled his eyes at Su Yuntao, what kind of eyes is this? Fire Phoenix can be seen as a flame bird, he is worthy of being the king of blind eyes.

"Come, test your innate soul power."

Xiao Fei followed the instructions and put his hand on the crystal ball. The crystal ball shone, but the brightness was obviously lower than that of Tang San. "The innate soul power is at level eight. He can become a soul master and has huge potential." In Su Yuntao's memory, Xiao Fei should be the one with the highest innate soul power he had encountered besides Tang San.

"Hello, Xiaofei, my name is Su Yuntao, and I am the deacon of Wuhun Palace. Are you interested in coming to our Wuhun Palace Academy? You will receive the best training."

Xiaofei looked hesitant, "I'm sorry, Master Su Yuntao, I have to ask my grandfather. There are only two people in my family. I want to study in Notting City first, and then join the Spirit Hall when I grow up."

Xiao Fei has nothing against Wuhun Palace, but the teaching within Wuhun Palace is relatively standardized and is not suitable for the training of an individual, and the people trained are relatively streamlined and have basically no special performance. The martial arts in the original work Soul Palace Academy, among the seven who finally faced Erlei. Except for the three members of the golden generation, the others basically had no outstanding performance.

As a soul sect over level 45, he is higher than everyone else in Shrek, and his performance is worse than the last one. Even Hu Liena and Xie Yue's performance was mediocre, with no outstanding personal abilities at all. The two people's martial soul fusion skills actually fell into a duel with Tang San. It was equivalent to Tang San restraining the two soul kings by himself. Their performance was really good. disappoint others. The only one who stood out was Yan, who showed off his defense and burst, but was beaten by a group of people. Furthermore, there are so many opportunities in Douluo Continent? By joining the Spirit Hall, wouldn't all the opportunities be wasted? Xiaofei doesn't think he can surpass level 45 at the age of 14. The innate soul power is level eight, which is generally lower than Shrek's.

Su Yuntao led Xiao Fei and Tang San to Old Jack.

Old Jack greeted Su Yuntao with a nervous look on his face, "Master, how are you? Is it possible for the children in our village to become soul masters this year?"

Su Yuntao looked excited, "Two of them have awakened their innate soul power. From Tang San, who was born with full soul power, but unfortunately it was Lan Yincao who was a waste martial soul, and there is Wang Xiaofei, who awakened the Flame Bird martial soul and has innate soul power. At level eight, he has great development prospects, but it’s a pity that he doesn’t want to go to Wuhundian Academy with me and has to stay at home.”

Su Yuntao knew that Xiao Fei was the grandson of Old Jack, and had been persuading Old Jack to let Xiao Fei go to Wuhundian Academy. Old Jack knew that Xiao Fei had his own ideas, and told Su Yuntao that he might have to wait until he graduated from junior college before going to Wuhundian Academy. What happened was that Su Yuntao looked disappointed.

After returning home, Old Jack asked after confirming that there were only two of them, "Xiao Fei, why don't you want to go to Wuhundian Academy? For us civilian soul masters, Wuhundian Academy is the fairest and has the best environment?"

Xiaofei expressed his thoughts: "Wulhundian Academy will indeed be better at the beginning. The internal competition is too fierce and is not suitable for the development of a single person. I have some other ideas and goals. In Wuhundian Academy, Temple Academy cannot be completed.”

In fact, there is one more thing that has not been mentioned, that is, I don’t want to work under Bibi Dong, a crazy woman. If it weren’t for Bibi Dong’s repeated foolishness in the original work, Shrek would not be able to develop at all. For the sake of your own life, you should stay away from brain damage and cherish life.

Back in his small room, Xiao Fei summoned his martial spirit, but felt something was strange. First, after summoning my Fire Phoenix Spirit, I always felt that my flames were not very pure. I felt that there were impurities in my Phoenix Flames, and there seemed to be quite a few impurities.

This is probably the evil fire in Ma Hongjun in the original work. His innate soul power is one level lower than Ma Hongjun's. I am afraid that the problem of evil fire will be more serious. If you want to continue practicing, you must first find a way to restrain your own evil fire.

Another point is that Xiao Fei always feels as if he has two martial arts souls, but Xiao Fei seems to be unable to discover the other one. He always feels that something is wrong with his body, and his right hand does not seem to integrate into the whole body.

The original work is very detailed, and some parts here are borrowed from the original work. It can also be regarded as respect for the original work.

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