Douluo Fire Phoenix

Chapter 174 Shrek returns to the mainland

On Poseidon Island, after everyone had absorbed the god-given soul rings, they walked out of Poseidon Temple together.

At this time, the Shrek Seven were unprecedentedly powerful, including level 100 Tang San, two Titled Douluo, three Soul Douluo, and one Soul Saint. And with the power of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, Ning Rongrong is definitely the number one auxiliary soul master in Douluo Continent.

After walking out of Poseidon Temple, the seven divine pillars of Poseidon Island all saluted Tang San to see the new Poseidon. The entire Poseidon Island was in a state of excitement. It seemed that everyone was celebrating the birth of the new Poseidon. Even the Demonic Great White Sharks were jumping on the sea surface.

In the end, Tang San ordered Sea Dragon Douluo to serve as the new Grand Priest of Poseidon Island. Since they can no longer contact the God Realm, the Seven Sacred Pillars and the original Poseidon Temple can no longer be used. The seven people guard the original Poseidon Temple together to temporarily ensure the operation of the entire Poseidon Island. We will deal with it after everything is stable.

Then, under the leadership of the Demonic Great White Shark Xiaobai and his tribe, the eight people left Poseidon Island, and Xiaobai officially became the new Poseidon's mount.

Soon, Tang San and his party returned to Hanhai City. But the situation in Hanhai City seems to be very tense, something is wrong.

Just as Tang San and others were hesitating, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao appeared. When the two of them saw that Tang San had officially become Poseidon, especially when their grandfather had returned, they were very excited.

The two knew that Hanhai City was now under surveillance. To ensure that the news was kept secret, the two led everyone to a hidden place.

After arriving in a hidden valley, Tang San looked at the injuries on Tang Hao and Tang Xiao and the black aura emanating from them, and quickly used his divine power to heal their injuries.

After the healing was completed, Tang Hao and Tang Xiao led the remaining tribesmen and knelt down to Tang Chen: "Grandpa, grandson, I miss you so much. The entire Haotian Sect misses you very much. You have finally recovered. This is The hope of my Haotian Sect.”

Tang Chen, Tang San and Shrek all looked at brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao in confusion. In the end, it was Tang Xiao who reported the results of the Jialing Pass battle and recent events to Tang Chen.

When I could only hear that on the battlefield of Jialing Pass, the Tiandou Empire was completely defeated, Emperor Xue Beng was captured, all the five elders of the Haotian Sect were captured or died in battle, and there were only a few dozen people left. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect was officially disbanded, and Sword Bone Douluo joined. Academy of Elements.

Everyone was extremely shocked when they mentioned this information, especially Ning Rongrong who fainted immediately.

Tang San was relatively calm: "Father, uncle, that means that the Wuhun Empire has now occupied nearly 80% of the continent. Only the Star Luo Empire on the entire continent has organized people near Star Luo City to oppose the Wuhun Empire."

Tang Hao said sadly: "Yes, only Xingluo City is still resisting the Spirit Empire in the entire continent."

"Father, what's going on with the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect? Why did the two seniors Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo join the Elemental Academy?"

"After the defeat that day, we and the remaining members of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect also ran to the Elements Academy and asked for asylum. The Elements Academy still maintains a neutral attitude and is unwilling to participate in the confrontation with the Spirit Empire."

"Wang Xiaofei said directly at that time that as long as he joins the Academy of Elements and does not participate in any disputes in the soul master world in the future, he will protect us all. But our Haotian Sect and the Wuhun Empire have too deep grudges, and we cannot give up revenge like this. of."

"In the end, Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, decided on the spot to disband the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and retire. Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo were seriously injured and poisoned, so they finally decided to quit the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and join the Elements Academy. And we It was also at that time that I separated from the Qibao Glazed Sect."

Tang San seemed a little angry: "How could the Elemental Academy do this? Aren't they taking advantage of others' danger? And how could Sect Leader Ning disband the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect? Has he forgotten the hatred between the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Spirit Empire? Yet?"

Upon hearing these words, everyone present fell silent. I didn't expect that such a big change would occur on the mainland in such a short time after leaving the mainland.

The million-strong army and two major sect forces on our side have been instantly wiped out. How can we fight against the Spirit Empire if this continues?

Tang San also thought for a moment: "Father, how is my teacher doing now? And how is the Tang Sect in Tiandou City doing now?"

Because Yu Xiaogang is weak and serves as the national master of the Tiandou Empire, he has always been with Emperor Xue Beng. He cannot escape with his own strength. Moreover, as the national master of the Tiandou Empire, he is also one of the key targets of the Wuhun Empire. First, in the end, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong were directly captured by Titled Douluo.

After Tang Sanqi and the others left the battlefield, Bai He had been responsible for the issue of information transmission, and the Min clan was the fastest flying soul master in the world, while the Li clan had been manufacturing weapons in Tiandou City and had not participated too much in the frontline war.

Since the Tang Clan does not have the Yu Zhi Clan and the Po Zhi Clan in the original work, there are not many warriors who actually participate in the front line, and most of them are auxiliary, either transmitting information or training everyone to use the Tang Clan's hidden weapons.

Tang Hao shook his head: "I don't know what's going on with Teacher You. On the battlefield at that time, all of us were fighting against the god Bibi Dong, and we had no time to pay attention to your teacher."

"As for the current situation of the Tang Sect, I don't know much about it. After leaving the battlefield, we all went directly to the Academy of Elements immediately. At the Academy of Elements, we heard Wang Xiaofei say that you were about to become a god. So we quickly came to Hanhai City."

"Tiandou City has not completely fallen yet, and the army of the Spirit Empire has not captured Tiandou City so quickly. I believe that Titan and Baihe should hide with the people of Tangmen."

Tiandou City is half a month away from Jialing Pass for ordinary troops. It is not suitable for a Titled Douluo to directly lead several high-end soul masters to capture a large city. Therefore, before the army of the Spirit Empire arrived, Tiandou City did not fall.

At this time, Ning Rongrong spoke: "Two seniors, do you know where my father is now?"

"Miss Ning, since leaving the Element Academy, we have been separated from your father. As for where your father is now? We don't know, but I believe that Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo should know. Your father should be in a secret place in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong also calmed down. It seems that she is thinking about where her father will be. As one of the top three sects, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect even became the world's number one sect in a short period of time. It is impossible that there is no backup. As the only eldest daughter, Ning Rongrong should have some idea in her mind.

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