
Long Haochen had a look of embarrassment on his face. Unless the spiritual power control skills were practiced to a certain extent, it would have little effect on improving combat power. As for the spiritual furnace, he was sure that Qian Renxue did not want others to know her existence.

"Haochen, you can hand over the method of spiritual power control and forget about the rest! In addition, you can tell the person in front of you about your teacher's situation. She should know what to do!"

At this time, Qian Renxue's voice suddenly sounded in Long Haochen's ears, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Sir, Deputy Palace Master, my combat power can be better than others..."

After explaining some tips on spiritual power control to Han Qian, Long Haochen also hung him upside down on the roof and extended it again. After obtaining Ye Hua's consent, he also broke through the nine points of Ye Hua's innate spiritual power to the fifth level. Speak up.

Han Qian was very surprised and excitedly grabbed Ye Hua and asked if it was true!

In the entire alliance, a full 80% are those with less than 10 points of innate spiritual power. It is difficult for these people to break through the bottleneck of the second level throughout their lives. These people account for 90% of the alliance's army and suffer the greatest casualties.

If these people can break through the bottleneck and successfully reach the fifth level, then the war with the demons will definitely be much easier.

After receiving Ye Hua's affirmation, Han Qian was so excited that he jumped up and immediately accepted Yue Hua as his disciple.

Because the last game started soon, Han Qian didn't chat too much.

The last game was Long Haochen versus Li Xin.

Unfortunately, Long Haochen was much stronger than Li Xin, and neither of them could hurt the other. In the end, the two sides simply exchanged a few moves, and Li Xin surrendered after being knocked away by the knight's sword, ending the game.

In the Temple Union Square, Long Haochen was watching the scenery with Sheng Cai'er. In fact, he mainly chatted with Sheng Cai'er and enjoyed the time with her.

Suddenly, Haoyue's cry for help came from his mind, and then a purple space channel appeared, sucking him in directly.

Sheng Cai'er suddenly had murderous intent on her face, and her expression was extremely cold: "Where did he go?!"

Qian Renxue's figure suddenly appeared next to Sheng Cai'er. She glanced at the paranoid girl next to her and sighed in her heart.

It looks so much like myself!

But I still have my grandfather, but she only has Long Haochen in her heart!

Seeing the girl's heart at a glance, Qian Renxue said softly: "Haochen was taken to his plane by his mount. Do you want to stay with him?!"

"Yes! I want to stay with Long Haochen forever!" Sheng Cai'er turned around and said firmly.

"Okay, I'll take you there!" Qian Renxue nodded, stretched out her hand, and Sheng Cai'er disappeared into the Holy Demon Continent and reached the plane of the undead.

All the assassins of the Assassin Palace who were hiding in the darkness appeared in an instant, and someone had already informed the deputy master of the Assassin Palace, Ying Sui Feng. The eyes of these assassins flashed with cold light, and they said with murderous intent: "Where is our eldest lady?!"

They were very sure that it was the guy in front of them who had lost their lady, because as soon as Qian Renxue appeared and said a word to her lady, her lady disappeared.

Qian Renxue didn't say anything. She just glanced at these people and turned around and walked towards where she lived. She saw through the barrier of the world that it might take some time for Long Haochen and Sheng Cai'er.

With the help of the Holy Angel Spiritual Furnace and Cai'er, Long Haochen wouldn't have much of a problem waiting until Haoyue evolves.

"Go on, catch her! We must find out the whereabouts of the young lady!"

Nearly ten assassins turned into afterimages and rushed towards Qian Renxue. Before they were even five meters away from Qian Renxue, a golden energy spread out. The ten assassins vomited blood and flew backwards, hitting her heavily. on the ground.

"Miss you, everything is fine! You'll be back in two days!"

Qian Renxue left a word and disappeared.

Soon after, Shadow and Xia Zhe appeared in the square. Looking at the assassins lying on the ground, they quickly stepped forward and asked, "Where is Cai'er?!"

"Lord Xia Zhe! Lord Shadow! We didn't know that after Long Haochen was absorbed by the space channel, the woman appeared next to the young lady, and then she disappeared!"

"A few of us wanted to take her down, but we didn't even have the qualifications to take action. We were seriously injured by the energy she radiated!"

"But she said Miss is fine and will be back in two days!"

The assassins who fell to the ground talked about the situation just now, and the knights and shadows who heard it frowned. Cai'er, whose innate spiritual power had reached 100 due to the six reincarnations, was regarded as their hope of defeating the Demon God Emperor. Without facing the Demon God directly When the emperor is cultivating, nothing can happen!

"Sir, I found that person's address~"

At this time, a seventh-level assassin appeared and spoke respectfully to the shadow and the knight.

"Shadow, let's go!"

The Xia Zhe gave a look, and the seventh-level assassin immediately understood. His body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the hotel where Qian Renxue lived. The shadow and the Xia Zhe turned into two shadows and followed closely.

In the hotel, Qian Renxue sensed the situation in the plane of the undead, and after confirming that there was no problem with the two people and the beast, she continued carving the wood carvings.

Qian Renxue, who was carving, frowned and said in a slightly cold voice: "I told you, those two little guys are fine and will come over in two days. So if nothing happens, don't disturb me!"

In an instant, the three knights outside the window felt as if they were falling into hell. Their bodies and souls seemed to be frozen, and they could not move at all. Cold sweat could not stop pouring out.

At this time, the three people understood that the people in the house were not existences they could mess with at all.

The knight forced the field to operate, barely recovered a little, and said with a trembling voice: "Senior... I want to ask... Cai'er... where did the two of them... go? Please... please tell... one time!"

"A plane full of undead! After Long Haochen's mount evolves, the two of them will come back!"

As soon as the words fell, the three of them felt that the cold feeling on their bodies disappeared instantly. They breathed a sigh of relief, and the three of them disappeared in an instant.

Two days later!

The abyss passage leading to the plane of the undead appeared, and Long Haochen rushed out of the passage with Sheng Cai'er in his arms. He ignored the assassins who appeared around him and rushed towards the hotel where Qian Renxue was.

Sheng Cai'er's attributes are not advantageous against the undead at all. In order to help Long Haochen, he even resorted to the Six Paths of Reincarnation. His six senses have been lost, leaving only hearing and mind. The rest have basically disappeared. No different than the living dead.

There were tears in Long Haochen's eyes, and he was moving extremely fast. He knew that only Qian Renxue could save Cai'er now.

"Sister Xue, help me save Cai'er!"

Before arriving at the hotel, Long Haochen started shouting loudly, and then rushed directly into Qian Renxue's room.

Qian Renxue took a look at Sheng Cai'er's condition, waved her hand gently, and hundreds of golden light spots scattered around Sheng Cai'er.

Just hearing Sheng Cai'er groan, all four of her lost senses were instantly restored, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation was successfully cultivated in an instant.


"Thank you, Sister Xue!"

Seeing Sheng Cai'er's bright eyes in his arms, Long Haochen said gratefully.

"Sit down!" Looking at the two of them, Qian Renxue thought of herself and Li Fei.

I don’t know when Li Fei will come back!

Both of them are gods with unlimited lifespans. Twenty years is nothing at all, but she still can't help but miss them.

Sheng Cai'er held Long Haochen's arm and sat on Narrator's sofa, looking at Qian Renxue curiously.

"Sister Xue, I remember you said before that Haoyue is very special. This time, the creatures in the plane of the undead said that Haoyue was Austin Griffin and that it destroyed that plane. Is this true?!"

Long Haochen said with solemn eyes. When fighting the lich, he wondered why the undead in that world would stare at Haoyue and insist on putting Haoyue to death.

He originally wanted to bury this kind of thing deep in his heart, but when he thought about the power of divine punishment that Qian Renxue mentioned before, he understood that Sister Xue might know something.

"Nine-headed Chimera! The opposite of the God of Creation, she is born with the power to destroy the world. After she truly awakens, she will become a being that destroys everything. The plane of the undead should be destroyed by it!" Qian Renxue said slowly.

There are also records of Haoyue's existence in the God Realm. She has been in the God Realm for more than 20 years. If she has nothing to do, she will read some books about the God Realm. Naturally, she also knows the situation of the Nine-Headed Chimera.

It's just that Haoyue's records in the God Realm are sealed, so the gods have never paid attention to it.

"So Haoyue is the Nine-Headed Chimera, right?"

"Well! The seventy-two demon pillars on this continent are the artifact fragments created by that plane in order to kill Haoyue. It's just a pity that the Nine-Headed Chimera was too strong, and both sides died together in the end, and that plane became the plane of the undead. , the fragments of the artifact came to this world..."

Seeing Qian Renxue nodding and telling the truth about Haoyue, Long Haochen was at a loss for a moment. Haoyue was his Warcraft partner. It could be said that he had watched him grow up. The relationship between the two could be said to be very strong. Deep, that's why he risked his life to buy time for Haoyue's evolution.

But now that he knows that Haoyue will destroy the entire plane when it evolves to the end, and that even the seventy-two demon pillars are closely related to Haoyue, he really doesn't know what to do!

Kill Haoyue! This is simply impossible!

But if he doesn’t kill, will he just watch the plane be destroyed!

"Sister Xue, you are a god! You should be able to solve Haoyue's problem!" Long Haochen suddenly looked at Qian Renxue with hope, hoping to get a good solution from her.

Qian Renxue looked at Long Haochen and said after a while: "I do have a way, but if you do this, you will have no chance of becoming a god in the future!"

"Sister, tell me what method you want!"

Become a god! Long Haochen didn't care, he just wanted to protect his own plane while saving Haoyue's life, and not let Haoyue destroy other planes!

"You signed a blood contract with Haoyue, so its growth height depends on your height. I can set a seal in your body and its body at the same time, so that your strength will always be stuck at the human limit, so that it can't do anything Evolving to Nine Heads and becoming the God of Scourge will only be your bright moon!"

Qian Renxue sighed and said that the gods were also very disgusted with Austin Griffin, the God of Scourge. She originally wanted to wait for Austin Griffin to return to his original appearance and kill him, but now it seems that he is very likely to It might break the heart of my younger brother.

This is something she doesn't want to see.

"Sister! Come on! I'm ready!"

Hearing this, Long Haochen said with excitement.

"Hey!" Qian Renxue sighed, and the sacred law appeared in his hand. As his fingers slid, he drew a very complicated pattern in the air, which was very close to the Bagua Diagram. The Bagua Diagram shone with sacred golden light, slowly rotating, and constantly Absorbing the spiritual energy in the air, it quickly solidified.

After drawing one, she tapped her finger on the Bagua diagram, and instantly another one appeared next to it.

"Okay! Summon that little guy Haoyue!"

Long Haochen nodded, summoned Haoyue who had evolved into three heads, touched Haoyue's three big heads affectionately, then turned to look at Qian Renxue, and said seriously: "Sister, come on! "

Qian Renxue raised her hand lightly, and the two Bagua diagrams were submerged into the bodies of one person and one beast. Immediately, the bodies of one person and one beast began to tremble, showing expressions of pain.

Cai'er stood up immediately and shouted worriedly: "Haochen!"

"Don't worry! Neither of them are life-threatening!"

The pain did not last long, and soon the expressions of Long Haochen and Haoyue returned to calm.

"Haochen! Now that your potential has been fixed, the spiritual power in your body will only reach 999,999 points in the future, but it does not mean that your combat power cannot continue to increase!

The mental and physical training methods I teach you can be practiced continuously. Once you reach the limit, you can concentrate on polishing your body and mind. You may not be worse than God! "

"Thank you, Sister Xue!"

Long Haochen took Haoyue and bowed to Qian Renxue, then left with Cai'er. He knew Qian Renxue didn't like to be disturbed.

Standing outside the hotel were Xia Zhe and Shadow, who had already received the news. Long Haochen also briefly talked about the situation in the plane of the undead, leaving out Haoyue's matter, and Sheng Cai'er's heart was all about Long Haochen. , doesn’t care about other people at all, and naturally won’t say much.

The knight pulled Long Haochen aside and told him about the six forbidden arts of reincarnation, which shocked Long Haochen. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to protect Cai'er.

After experiencing the trip to the plane of the undead, Long Haochen and Cai'er continued to start their own demon hunting team selection competition, and easily won the first place, forming a very strange demon hunting team just like in the original work. ——The Dawn of Light.

After Long Haochen went to the Exorcism Pass to take the exam, Qian Renxue also left the Temple Alliance and continued to travel in this continent.

Spirit world! Li Fei, who was sleeping in the plane space, opened his eyes. Unlike Shura and Xiao Zi, he knew the techniques of deep sleep, so he naturally did not need to sleep for too long to recover.

Then he arrived at the God Realm Committee in an instant and threw the collected abyss origins to Xiaolu. Without waiting for the three god kings to speak, he quickly returned to Wanpu Cliff. Now he just wants to go back and see his parents and accompany Qian Qian. Ren Xue lived a stable life for a while.

"Mom, what did you say?! Xueer went to visit other continents!"

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