Under the siege of the three god kings, Waka didn't have much resistance at all, especially Li Fei's Zhou Tian Dao. The power circulated endlessly and it was impossible to consume much. Not only that, Li Fei also used Anniversary Zhidao assisted Shura and Xiaozi, and the two of them basically did not consume much.

But even so, it would be difficult for the three of them to defeat Waka. Waka is not the Lord of the Crimson Plane. Behind him is a huge plane comparable to the God Realm. His power is endless and not much different from infinity.


Hearing the voice next to him, Li Fei glanced and found a huge crack in the crimson plane, and he could clearly see the boundless starry sky outside.

"Shura, Xiao Zi! Next, you two will be the main ones, and I will collect these spilled sources!"

Separate a part of the Zhoutian Domain to collect the spilled origins, and throw them into the world inside his own body, completely cutting off the connection between Waka and this part of the origins. The source of his escape caused a part of his mind to be separated, which slightly reduced his combat effectiveness, which was no longer enough to completely suppress Waka.

"It's better this way, an evenly matched battle!" Shura's eyes were full of fighting intent, and he waved the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd and continued to fight with Waka. The two red energies intertwined and turned into ripples, sweeping in all directions. And go.

The space where the ripples passed collapsed, causing countless cracks to be torn out in the crimson plane, and the entire plane began to collapse.

"Li Fei, don't worry, collect it. The two of us can stop this guy!" Xiao Zi saw that Shan Crimson Plane began to collapse along the center of the battle between the four, and the Staff of Destruction began to be used as a stick, and he moved towards Waka crazily. Smashed it over.

The more the plane collapsed, the more Li Fei focused his attention. He quickly handed over the battlefield to the two of them, while he concentrated on assisting and collecting the scattered sources.

Time passed by, and the battle between the two sides lasted for two thousand years. Even with the help of Li Fei's Zhoutian Dao, the three of them were mentally exhausted and felt an unprecedented fatigue. This was not a consumption of spirit and strength. , but a kind of tiredness.

With the help of Zhou Tianzhidao, the three of them, Li Fei, would not consume too much mental energy, let alone the Crimson Lord Waka.

Waka was even more unbearable. The power in his body was not consumed much because of the crimson plane, but his mental power had indeed been exhausted. Coupled with the maintenance of his mind, he had reached his limit at this time.

The bloody armor on his body has long been reduced to fragments, and there are hundreds of blood holes on his body. Each blood hole contains huge Shura energy and destructive energy, which hinders the healing of the wound, and it continues. The destruction caused Waka's injuries to continue to worsen.

Not only that, the melee between the four god-king-level warriors has turned the entire crimson plane into tatters, and is now less than one-tenth of its size.

If it weren't for the fact that the real core center was still in Waka's hands, I'm afraid this crimson plane would have been completely destroyed.

"We have been fighting for two thousand years, and it's not over yet!" The God of Death said with emotion. They returned to the three-rail sailing ship nineteen hundred years ago. They are simply not capable of fighting at the level of a god king. attended.

"But depending on the situation, it's almost over. If the three adults are already at their limit, then Waka is the limit among the limits. He won't be able to hold on for too long!" Arrogance's eyes were full of smiles.

"Yes! We can finally go back!" Gluttony also laughed.

"Shura Blood Sword!"

"Wheel of Destruction!"

"Infinite Divine Fist!"

A sword, a round and a punch hit Waka's body, and three violent forces exploded in Waka's body, directly blasting him into pieces.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Li Fei took in the central source of the abyss plane into his hands. He also took out the collected sources stored in the inner world over the past two thousand years, and merged them together with the abyss sources into a huge ball of light.

The origins of seven ordinary crimson planes plus one super huge crimson plane source are enough to upgrade the divine world. I just don’t know if there will be a thunder catastrophe in the expansion of the divine realm. If there is, it will definitely be better than the quasi-divine realm. Upgrading to the God Realm is too powerful, and I don't know if it can be blocked with the combat power of six God King levels alone.

"The God of Death, this is a sailboat returning to the God Realm. The three of us need to have a good sleep!"

After putting the source away, Li Fei gave instructions to the God of Death, and returned to his own space in the cabin with Shura and Xiao Zi to fall asleep.

"Let's go! The three adults will probably sleep for hundreds of years!" The God of Death shook his head, and set off on a three-rail sailboat through space towards the God Realm.

In the Douluo God Realm, Qian Renxue sat on the edge of the Ten Thousand Waterfall Cliff and looked at the sky in the distance. Looking at the sky, her eyes were filled with longing.

Ten Thousand Waterfall Cliff is a very beautiful place in the center of the God Realm. It is composed of tens of thousands of waterfalls. The scenery of each waterfall is very beautiful and lined with green trees. It is considered a wonder of the God Realm. It was originally the residence of the Water God. , after Li Fei came to the God Realm, Qian Renxue fell in love with this place, and the Water God obediently gave in.

"It's been more than twenty years, Li Fei, why haven't you come back yet?"

"Xue'er, don't worry! Fei'er will be fine!"

Jiang Xin came behind Qian Renxue and heard those words full of longing. She immediately stepped forward to hold his hand and comforted him. Although she also missed her eldest son, she was very sad when she saw Qian Renxue's appearance. Feeling distressed.

"But we can't go for such a long time!" Qian Renxue said in despair. She and Li Fei could now say that they were on the same page. If something happened to Li Fei, she would also sense it as before. In the past twenty years, she Without the slightest feeling, he naturally knew that Li Fei was fine.

"How about Xue'er, why don't you go out for a walk?! Let's just relax!" Jiang Xin patted Qian Renxue's hand and suggested.


Qian Renxue thought for a while and nodded. She had been in the God Realm for so long and had been in a daze at Wanpu Cliff. It was really time to go out for a walk.

"Mom, then I'm going to go out for a walk!"

Qian Renxue said something to Jiang Xin, then stood up, then chose a plane passage and got in. He wanted to have a good stroll in the lower world.

Not long after the time passed, a three-rail sailboat tore through space and came to the God Realm. Xiao Lu, Evil and Kind appeared instantly. They felt the three familiar atmospheres in the ship and were overjoyed. Li Fei and the others came back. That means the God Realm is already qualified for dimension promotion.

"God of Death, where are Li Fei and the others?!"

Seeing that only the God of Death and the Seven Deadly Sins were on the bow of the boat, Evil asked in confusion. He could feel the auras of Li Fei, Shura and others, but did not see the three people coming out.

"For the information, Master Evil, the three God Kings, Li Fei, Shura and Xiao Zi, are just mentally exhausted and are fast asleep in the cabin. It is estimated that they will not wake up in a short time!" The God of Death and the Seven Deadly Sins looked at each other. He glanced at it and said with a bitter smile.

"But the three of them are full of energy, and the power in their bodies has not been exhausted!" Xiao Lu sensed the status of the three of them through the space, and found that they were all in good condition, especially the status of her husband Xiao Zi, whom he was very familiar with. Suddenly there was confusion on his face.

Because the three of them are in very good condition, and they don’t look like they have consumed too much!

She is the God of Life who specializes in studying the laws of life, so it is impossible for her to sense wrong.

"That's because Master Li Fei's Zhou Tian Dao allows us to fight without any consumption. It's also for this reason that we have been bravely advancing during the battle for more than nine thousand years without dying!"

Hearing this, Xiao Lu and Shan Shan discovered that the God of Killing and the God of Killing had reached the first level from the second level gods, and were still at the peak of the first level gods.

Arrogance, the strongest among the seven deadly sins, has reached the peak of quasi-god king. Judging from its very stable aura and faint surveillance of breakthroughs, it is only one step away from reaching the realm of god king.

"Then they are..."

Shan Shan pointed at the three people in the cabin, with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"The battle between the three God Kings lasted for two thousand years. Although their power was not consumed, their minds were consumed a lot, so they fell into a deep sleep!" The God of Death quickly explained.

"That's it!" Xiao Lu said suddenly, and walked into the cabin with Evil and Kind.

The three of them successfully entered the space where Xiao Zi and Shura were, but failed to wake them up. However, the three of them also saw the fatigue on Shura and Xiao Zi's faces and understood that they were really tired.

"It seems that the three of them are really exhausted!"

Xiao Lu sighed with emotion, then turned around and walked towards Li Fei's space, only to find that he was blocked by a gentle force. Not only Xiao Lu, but also good and evil could not enter.

"Even the three of us can't break through. It seems that Li Fei's abnormal strength has increased again!"

"Forget it!" Evil sighed, turned to look at the God of Death and said, "Let's drive this three-rail sailboat to Ten Thousand Waterfall Cliff! As for the matter of raising the dimension of the God Realm, let's wait until the three of them wake up!"


The God of Death immediately took the order and drove the three-rail sailboat to Wanpu Cliff.

When Li Ming, Jiang Xin and others knew that Li Fei was back, they immediately came to the cabin to see Li Fei. Seeing Li Ming and others easily entering the space where Li Fei was sleeping, Death God and others were dumbfounded. They had tried it before There were countless ways to get in, so why did Li Ming and the others just walk in now?

"Could it be that Mr. Li Fei has woken up!" The God of Death and others looked puzzled. They walked to the space door, but found that they still couldn't get in.

Li Fei did not wake up, but his body's protective instinct exuded a soft aura, isolating those who wanted to get close. Li Ming, Jiang Xin and others were able to come in because they had Li Fei's aura.

"Xue'er has been saying that she hasn't come back for so long. I didn't expect that Fei'er would come back as soon as I left. I really don't know what to say?!" Jiang Xin said with a helpless face, feeling that fate was playing tricks on people.

"Hey!" Li Ming sighed, also very helpless: "But I heard from Mr. Xiaolu that Fei'er is likely to sleep for a while, and Xue'er should be able to come back before Li Fei falls asleep!"

"I hope so!" Jiang Xin sighed.

Holy Demon Continent!

"The rules of this continent are so strange. I can vaguely feel an unusual power. Once I break through to the god level, I will merge with the world and die!"

In Haoyue City, Qian Renxue was walking on the street and felt the special power in the air. Her heart was filled with shock and doubt. She had been with Li Fei for many years and had a prominent position in the God Realm. She often interacted with Xiao Lu. When the God-King of Life communicates, his insights are naturally extraordinary.

She could clearly feel that this unusual power level surpassed that of the God King, and was even faintly above Li Fei's Zhoutian Divine Power.

Qian Renxue, who was walking on the road while thinking, unknowingly arrived at the entrance of the Bright Moon Knight Temple.


A small figure hurriedly ran out of the temple, bumped into Qian Renxue, and flew several meters away, hitting the ground heavily.

"Little brother, are you okay?!" Qian Renxue reacted instantly and quickly stepped forward to help this extremely beautiful little boy up.

"Sister, I'm fine! It's all my fault for not looking at the road!" The little boy patted the dust on his body, looked at Qian Renxue's beautiful and young face, and bowed quickly to apologize.

"It's okay!" Qian Renxue smiled, shook her head, gently rubbed the little boy's head, and said with a hint of shame: "It's my fault that I was thinking about something and didn't notice you!"

"Sister, you are the first one to recognize that I am a boy as soon as you see me!" The little boy touched his head and said slightly embarrassed, obviously he knew that he was very beautiful.

"May I have your name?!"

Qian Renxue has a good impression of the very polite little boy in front of her. As a Seraph, she can feel the extremely pure light attribute and upright character in the little boy's body. She is also the first such child. See you once.

"My name is Long Haochen, and I am a third-level knight of the Haoyue branch! Sister, what is your name?!" Hearing this, Long Haochen quickly introduced.

"My name is Qian Renxue!" Qian Renxue smiled, condensing sacred power in her hands, and instantly healed Long Haochen's injuries.

Long Haochen froze on the spot.

He only felt an incomparably vast and sacred power. The power of light contained in this power was simply unheard of and unseen before. Even his father Long Xingyu's power was not as powerful as that moment just now.

How can this be!

You must know that his father is the Knight of the Divine Seal of Doom and Killing. His power of light is definitely the strongest being on the continent, but he is not as good as the sister in front of him.

"Sister, are you the goddess of light?!" Long Haochen asked out of nowhere.

After asking, Long Haochen felt a little regretful. How could he ask such an idiotic question? If the goddess of light was a legendary existence.

"Goddess of Light?!" Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, shook her head and said, "No!"

"By the way, Haochen, why were you so anxious to run out of it just now?!"

"It's nothing! It's just that for some reason, other students in the temple ostracized me, and the most suitable teacher didn't teach me! So I wanted to find a place outside to practice sword practice and let off some steam!" Long Haochen said slightly disappointed.

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