Douluo: Awakening the original martial spirit at the beginning

Chapter 155 Tang San became a god and the Wind God blocked it

When Xiao Zi left, he conveyed his intention to all the gods in Douluo Continent, and the gods all agreed again and again, not daring to forget at all.

The gods who came to the Sun and Moon Continent discovered after a period of time that with the overall strength of the soul masters in the Sun and Moon Continent, even if the world changed drastically, the number of titled Douluo could only reach a dozen, and even more super Douluo. There is only one person, let alone an Ultimate Douluo.

The gods only stayed for a while, grabbed some interesting soul tools from the Sun and Moon Continent and rushed to the Douluo Continent.

Dozens of at least second-level gods appeared in Douluo. Even if they wanted to hide it, they couldn't hide it. All the major forces in the continent also discovered the existence of the gods. Even the Haotian Sect and the Killing God and the Killing God had a conflict. Death It attracted many disciples and elders of the sect, but was finally stopped by Tang Hao, who had completed the eighth test and reached level ninety-nine soul power.

In fact, it is not to say that they stopped it, but rather that the God of Killing and the God of Killing spared the Haotian Sect because of Tang Hao's identity as the heir to the Asura God. The auras exuded by the two gods at that time suppressed the entire Haotian Sect, except for Tang San, Tang Hao, and the rest were not even qualified to stand up.

"Dad, my soul power has reached level 99 and I can inherit the position of God of Thunder. I want to go to Thunder God Island as soon as possible!"

Tang San wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, helped Xiao Wu next to him, and looked at the Haotian Sect, which was almost in ruins. His eyes were full of hatred, especially because many of the elders who were very kind to him now fell to the ground one by one. In a pool of blood.

"Go! I can still hold on for a while now, but it's a pity that because of the great changes in the world, the inheritance of God Shura requires me to reach level 100 in soul power before I can inherit it!"

Tang Hao's eyes were filled with regret. He hated that he was too weak to protect his sect.

"Father, I will come back as quickly as possible!" Tang San nodded solemnly, holding Xiao Wu's hand: "Xiao Wu, let's go!"

Xiao Wu nodded, and was taken by Tang San to fly to Thunder God Island. He was surrounded by lightning, like lightning, and his speed was very fast.

Thunder God Island had already returned to the state of thunder falling like a heavy rain. Tang San walked in directly with Xiao Wu. The surrounding thunder seemed to have met its master, surrounding him, like an elf, guarding Tang San. Sanhe Xiaowu.

The two of them soon arrived at the center of the island. A flash of lightning flashed, and Tang San disappeared. The Thunder God Temple was in front of them.

Xiao Wu was waiting in an area without thunder and lightning.

"I didn't expect that the God of Thunder would actually leave a legacy in this continent, and that there would be successors!" Wind God, one of the seven elemental gods, also came to Thunder God Island. He looked at Tang San in the Thunder God Temple's plane absorbing Inheritance, the aura that gets stronger bit by bit, is also a bit unexpected.

Wind and thunder always appear together, so the relationship between the God of Wind and the God of Thunder is also very good in the God Realm. When the two are together, both of them can exert doubled combat power, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

Now that he has seen the inheritance of Thunder God, Fengshen also wants to take it into his pocket. With the power of Thunder God's laws, he may be able to break through to the level of God King.

He had this idea a long time ago, so after many years of research, he successfully developed a method that integrates the laws of wind and thunder. He has been waiting for a god with the laws of thunder and lightning to appear, but after waiting for many years, he has not met any one.

Now that the inheritance of Thor is right in front of him, how can he not be excited!

The God of Wind turned into a breeze and flew into the Thunder God Island. It tore open the space without any sound and came to the Thunder God Temple.

"Thunder God, my old friend is here, why don't you come out to see him?!" The figure of the God of Wind appeared behind Tang San, and his voice began to echo throughout the plane.

The remaining thoughts of the God of Thunder gathered into the shadow of the God of Thunder, looking at the God of Wind with a solemn expression.

"Wind God, how did you get down to the lower realm?! I remember that the God Kings stipulated that the gods of the divine world cannot go down to the lower realm unless necessary!" asked the God of Thunder.

Fengshen looked at the layout of the Thunder God Temple, looked at the huge statue of the God of Thunder that was fifty meters high in the center, and said with a smile: "Of course I can go down to the world with the instructions of the God King. It's not just me, but the gods on this continent now. There are a total of forty-seven. But I am really impressed by you. You were attacked by the out-of-control Dragon God, and you were able to escape with a ray of spiritual energy to the lower world and leave your legacy!"

"Is it related to the changes in heaven and earth a few months ago?" The God of Thunder pretended to be surprised. He had been recovering on the Island of Thunder God for many years. By planting the Thunder Hell Vine on the island, he attracted the power of thunder and lightning between the heaven and the earth, and barely let this ray of God escape. There is no risk of consciousness dissipating.

"Tang San, you have to get my inheritance as soon as possible. I can buy you ten minutes at most. You have to take this opportunity to escape as far as possible. When you become a first-level god, you can avenge me! "

At the same time, the God of Thunder also reminded Tang San through the connection between the gods.

"Lord Thor, what happened?!"

Tang San frowned. He used his mental energy to check the surroundings, but found nothing unusual. He didn't understand why the Thunder God was so nervous.

"My friend Fengshen in the God Realm has entered this plane, right behind you!"

"But I didn't notice anything unusual!"

Hearing Thunder God's words, Tang San was startled. He quickly sensed his surroundings, but still didn't find anything. He only occasionally felt a little breeze, but at the same time he also had doubts in his heart, saying: "Lord Thunder God, since I am your friend, then Why should I run away?"

The God of Thunder sighed and said leisurely: "The God of Wind is my friend, but that is based on the fact that the two of us are of equal strength. Now he should be spying on the thunder and lightning authority in my God of Thunder. Once he succeeds, with the help of Wind and Thunder With his power, he is very likely to break through to the realm of the God King."

Tang San instantly understood that he also knew the complementarity between the two laws of wind and thunder, and also understood that the Wind God would never let him go for the Thunder God's authority. Filled with anxiety, he began to speed up and continuously absorb the Thunder God's position.

"A few months ago, a huge change occurred in Douluo Planet. The level of the entire planet began to rise. Now it can barely be regarded as a quasi-god realm, not much different from the Dragon Realm back then! The Dragon God was split in half by the sword of God King Shura. , the body and the Godhead of Destruction became the Golden Dragon King and were sealed in the God Realm, while the wisdom and elemental authority became the Silver Dragon King, within this planet!" Fengshen explained with a smile, he was not in a hurry and did not care about Thunder God. Buy time for Tang San.

Even if Douluo Star becomes a quasi-god realm, Tang San will not be able to reach the sky and achieve the status of a first-class god in one step.

What he wants to do now is to have a good chat with his old friend Thor, and send his friend on his last journey.

"Do you know what the reason is?!" Thundergod asked. All he could do now was delay time, trying to allow Tang San to successfully absorb his divine status, so that he could escape.

Otherwise, with the peak strength of the first-level God of Wind, even if there is obstruction by other people's consciousness, it is impossible to escape.

"I don't know the specifics. I only know that he is a powerful being who has brought Douluo Star to the quasi-god realm and can carry the power of gods." Fengshen said with a smile, looking at Tang San with a smile on his face. He smiled with disdain.

So what if you become a god! What I'm waiting for is after you become a god. Only when you become a god can you form your godhead. All I want is your godhead!

Lei Shen didn't understand Fengshen's psychological fluctuations at all, so he still chatted with Fengshen and stalled for time.

Tang San's Nine Thunder God Tests soon reached the final step. The Thunder God Armor Armor Ceremony was started, six soul bones turned into a set of armor, and the eight spider soul bones turned into eight blue-purple wings and appeared behind him.

The moment he inherited the title of Thunder God and became a god, Tang San turned into a bolt of lightning and took Xiao Wu towards the Haotian Sect. At the same time, the illusive Thunder God's body burned with blue-purple flames, and countless electric snakes flickered. It turned into a spear and stabbed the Fengshen.

"As for it?! My friend, it's the same if I inherit the power of the God of Thunder! As for even this last bit of consciousness, it has to be burned out?!"

The God of Wind turned into a wisp of breeze to dodge the attack of the God of Thunder. Feeling the power of a first-level god, he was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the God of Thunder with only a ray of God's mind could also burst out with such strength.

Unfortunately, this kind of power is like a candle in the wind, it cannot last long.

Sighing in his heart, a soft sword appeared in Fengshen's hand. When the sword was swung out, the sharp breath even tore apart the space.

With just one sword strike, the gun in Thor's hand and its shadow were split in half.

"I have overestimated Fengshen's strength as much as possible. I didn't expect that tens of thousands of years have passed, and he has become so powerful."

"Tang San, I'm so sorry, you can only face this guy by yourself!"

Thor's expression was full of regret, and the blue-purple flames became smaller and smaller until they disappeared.

"No, you can't go to Haotian Sect. Haotian Sect can no longer withstand the destruction. Now the only person in the entire continent who can stop Fengshen is Li Fei!"

Tang San, who was holding Xiao Wu in his arms, immediately placed Xiao Wu in the forest below. After giving instructions, he flew towards the Sunset Forest regardless of Xiao Wu's reluctant eyes. However, not long after flying, a figure appeared in front of Tang San. Group hurricane.

When the hurricane dissipated, the elegant figure of the God of Wind was revealed.

The lightning formed by Tang San stopped instantly, and he looked at the Wind God solemnly. The Thunder God's Spear appeared in his hand, and the blue thunder god's power with the electric snake was condensed, and he stabbed the Wind God with a spear.

"Judgment Seven Styles: Spring Thunder!"

Small thunderbolts appeared one after another. They looked very weak, but there was a rare dignified look in Fengshen's eyes. With a wave of his hand, the storm gathered, and the endless energy was compressed, blocking this extremely subtle arc, and turned it away. Swallowed and converted into energy.

"As Thor's best friend, are you looking down on me when you use his moves against me?"

Fengshen said with a cold expression. He and Thor have been fighting together for countless years. It can be said that apart from Thor, he is the most familiar with his moves. As the most energetic thunder and lightning among thunder, Chun Lei is not very powerful and only has a few extremely powerful attacks. A weak arc.

Many gods and people suffered losses and even died.

But in fact, the power of this move is very terrifying. Spring Thunder is the thunder of life, but it is also the thunder and lightning that can devour life the most. Being hit by this move, even a god will be swallowed up a large amount of life in an instant, resulting in weakness and reaction. The power dropped, and then he was allowed to be slaughtered by thunder and lightning's attack that was close to the speed of light.

Tang San's eyes were full of solemnity, and he understood in his heart that the seven divine skills taught by the Thunder God might not have much effect on the Wind God. All he could rely on now were the hidden weapons of the Tang Sect in his previous life.

"The gap between me and him is too big. According to Mr. Thunder God, he wants the godhead that I will condense after I become a god, so there is no way he will be merciful. I must use my strongest blow to fight for it." Kill it with one blow!"

Tang San dissipated the Thunder God's Spear in his hand, and sat cross-legged in the air out of thin air, with his hands clasped together and his face full of compassion.

Then there seemed to be thousands of hands behind him, forming the seal of the lion and the seal of fearlessness.

A drop of blood was forced out of Tang San's body, draining the blood in just an instant, leaving only the purest water.

A huge statue of Guanyin appeared behind him. The statue's face was full of compassion and Hao Da.

Waves of Sanskrit sounds sounded, and even the God of Wind, who had become a god, felt fluctuations in his heart!

"What kind of power is this that can actually affect my mind!"

Fengshen's heart was filled with shock. He was a first-level god with a very firm mind and will. Except for the King of Gods, no one could affect him. And this man named Tang San could affect him with this move just based on his artistic conception. , which shows the power of this move.

Suddenly the Fengshen Soft Sword appeared in his hand, and the power of the storm gathered.

"Are these Avalokitesvara Tears?! It can express the majesty of the Buddha, but it's a pity that it doesn't have the purity of the Buddha!"

Li Fei had been paying attention to this battle when Fengshen appeared on Thunder God Island. Now that he saw the Tang Sect's number one hidden weapon, Guanyin Tears, he was also very interested.

In fact, Li Fei has never understood these hidden weapons of the Tang Sect. Why does Guanyin's Tears have to extract pure water from the blood instead of condensing water molecules from the air? ! And why is the power so great? It can seriously injure a god with a mortal. Now that Tang San is a god, how terrifying is the power?

"Compassion is a teardrop. Guanyin has tears!"

Tang San pulled his hands, and the milky white water droplets in his palms turned into long arrows, which disappeared into a stream of milky white light, almost reaching the speed of light.

Fengshen's reaction was also very quick. He swung out the long sword in his hand, and the cyan wind blade penetrated the void and met the small milky white arrow.

A single blow of Guanyin's Tears will drain away all the power. Now Tang San has inherited the first-level god status. Although his strength is not as strong as a first-level god, it is far superior to ordinary priests and can be compared to a third-level god.

The strength of the whole body is concentrated into the water droplet, and it is also stretched, which shows the power of this blow!

Guanyin Tears pierced the Wind God's wind blade with one blow, shot into the Wind God's chest like a stream of light, and entered the God's heart.


Milky white water droplets exploded in the God's Heart of the Wind God, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning exploded, directly shattering the God's Heart of the Wind God. Even the soul was mostly destroyed by the thunder and lightning.

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