"Her growth rate is so amazing after circumventing the will of the planet!!"

When Bibi Dong came back, Qian Renxue already knew about her will to avoid the planet, but she didn't expect that she would grow so quickly. In just a few months, she would become at least twice as strong. Not only that, Bibi Dong's aura was not as good as Besides the vain feeling before, the strength exerted in this way may be much stronger than twice as much.

"Xue'er, what do you think we should do now?!"

Naturally, Jin Crocodile and others heard Qian Renxue's words and asked with serious faces.

"It's okay, Bibi Dong will have someone to deal with him, we just need to know what they are going to do?!"

Qian Renxue shook her head and said very calmly, but the jade token that Li Fei left for her appeared in her hand, and she held it firmly in her hand.

"Xiao Gang, I didn't expect to see you here?!"

Bibi Dong's whole body was emitting a dark purple light, and she landed steadily in front of Tang Hao and the others. She said calmly, with no trace of guilt in her eyes. There was even hatred and happiness in her eyes. She hated her, but she also hated Yu Xiaogang for abandoning her. Regardless, what made her happy was naturally Yu Xiaogang's eyes full of hatred now.

"Bibi Dong! You deserve to die!"

Seeing Bibi Dong, Yu Xiaogang's eyes were full of hatred, and he roared heartbreakingly, Luo Sanpao had already been summoned, and he fired four cannons at Bibi Dong, but it had no effect at all. Before Bibi could reach In front of Dong, it dissipated into nothingness.

Bibi Dong smiled disdainfully, looked at Tang San who was absorbing the Thunder Hell Vine in the distance, and said: "Is that little boy the disciple you chose, Xiaogang?! It's really good, he actually has twin martial spirits. It depends on the situation, you I want him to inherit the Thunder God."

"But I'm curious, what will you do if I kill him!"

After saying that, Bibi Dong condensed dark purple Rakshasa power in her hands, ready to deliver a fatal blow to Tang San at any time.

"You dare to touch my son, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Tang Hao's eyes were full of solemnity. He had already held the Shura Demonic Sword in his hand. The Shura Domain had been fully expanded. Nine soul rings had been wrapped around the sword. He was ready to explode the rings at any time and fight Bibi Dong with all his strength.

Yu Xiaogang yelled crazily: "Bibi Dong! If you dare to touch Tang San, I will kill you even if I fight to the death!"


Tang Hao's expression changed drastically. He was irritating Bibi Dong at this moment. Wasn't he seeking death? Without the slightest hesitation, the nine soul rings were exploded together, transformed into Shura divine power and all infused into the Shura Demon Sword, and the Shura Demon Sword was used with the skill of the Great Sumeru Hammer.

Just as Tang Hao expected, Bibi Dong waved her hand vigorously and swept outward, sending a purple-black light towards the opponent.

The huge Shura Demon Sword struck the purple-gold light, and Tang Hao felt an unprecedented power coming from the Shura Demon Sword. This was because he had never lost in strength since he chose to defeat all magic with one force. to other people's situations.


Tang Hao shouted angrily, and moved the Shura Demonic Sword from a horizontal sweep to an upward thrust. His muscles all over his body squirmed, his veins popped out, and he unleashed all his strength.


The dark purple light was thrown out and exploded, and the dark clouds over the entire Thunder God Island were instantly blown away.

Tang Hao was also panting heavily, holding the Shura Demonic Sword, and looked at Bibi Dong a little tiredly. The blow just now had consumed all his soul power and energy, but even so, he could barely pick it off. Bibi Dong's attack flew away.

"The inheritance of God Shura is worthy of Haotian Douluo!"

Bibi Dong looked at Tang Hao and said with a smile, with murderous intent already rising in his eyes. The Rakshasa God was most unhappy with the Shura God, who was still restrained. Coupled with his relationship with Tang Hao, Tang Hao had to die!

The Rakshasa Magic Scythe appeared in her hand, and Rakshasa's divine power gathered on the sickle blade. She wanted to kill Tang Hao with one blow, and even his soul would be annihilated, eliminating any possibility of Tang Hao's comeback.

The sickle was swung out, like lightning, without giving Tang Hao a chance to react. It was about to split Tang Hao in half. A red-gold holy sword blocked the sickle, and terrifying energy exploded instantly, cutting Tang Hao into half. Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang were both thrown away.

"I can't let you get what you want!"

Qian Renxue's figure appeared, looked at Bibi Dong and said seriously.

"You can't stop me at all! You are no match for me now!"

Bibi Dong looked around and saw Qian Renxue saying disdainfully. At the same time, she stretched out her right hand and moved her five fingers casually. Dozens of dark purple rays of light went towards Tang San in the distance. Qian Renxue As soon as Xue stretched out her hand, Feixue's Thought appeared in her hand, and she waved it at high speed, shattering the incoming light, but a ray of light was still missed.


Tang Hao saw this and wanted to step forward to help, but found that he couldn't muster the strength at all, so he could only stretch out his hand, with a look of despair on his face, watching helplessly as Tang San, who was absorbing the martial spirit, was in danger.

"Three cannons that blasted the sky and shattered the earth!!"


Yu Xiaogang summoned Luo Sanpao, put it on his shoulders, and fired out a cannon towards the front. Using the powerful reaction force, he instantly arrived in front of Tang San and blocked the dark purple blast for Tang San. With the light, the whole person was split into two halves, and the body fell beside Tang San.

At the same time, Qian Renxue swung out a red-gold sword energy, shattering the dark purple light whose power was greatly reduced, saving Tang San's life.

Bibi Dong's pupils shrank, a trace of regret flashed in her eyes, and then she felt relieved. She no longer had the love for Yu Xiaogang that she had when she was passionately in love at the beginning, and only had hatred. Death in her own hands was a well-deserved death.

Glancing at Yu Xiaogang, Bibi Dong clenched the Rakshasa Magic Scythe in her hand. Rakshasa divine power was condensed on it, exuding an extremely evil and terrifying aura. The entire Thunder God Island was shaking violently, and the air felt like Became sticky and oppressive.

Hiding in the dark, Golden Crocodile, Qianjun and Jiangmo could only feel the force of Qianjun pressing down on them, unable to move at all.

Tang Hao climbed up to Tang San with difficulty and inserted the Shura Demon Sword in front of Tang San. As the weapon of God Shura, one of the super divine weapons in the God Realm, it was impossible to affect Bibi Dong's momentum and pressure alone. Those around it can also guarantee that Tang San will not be affected.

"You've come to this point, and you still want to protect your son. Are you really sure that he can inherit the title of Thunder God?!"

Bibi Dong had a look of disdain, and with a slight exertion on her feet, she arrived in front of Tang Hao as if teleporting, and began to wave the Rakshasa Magic Scythe to strike at the vital point. Qian Renxue's figure also appeared, waving Fei Xue's thoughts and began to communicate with him. Bibi Dong started fighting, and his moves were extremely concise and effective.

Just a simple fight, Qian Renxue has already determined that she is not Bibi Dong's fight. In order to resist the attack just now, she did not hold back at all. She has almost exerted all her strength at this stage, and Bibi Dong's attack is Just do it casually, not much consumption at all.

"That's it!"

A disdainful smile appeared on Bibi Dong's lips, but the vigilance in her eyes never disappeared. What she was wary of was not Qian Renxue, but the missing Li Fei. Even though she had now digested the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, her cultivation level Even after reaching the level of the Three Extremes God, she didn't feel like she was Li Fei's opponent.

Li Fei's disappearance was what worried her the most. After she was taken away by the Blood God, she also learned the reason why she couldn't break through in Douluo. With the help of the Blood God, she obtained a way to circumvent the will of the planet. She successfully broke through the priests and reached the level of the Three Extremes God, and she continued to become stronger.

But now that Li Fei is missing, she strongly suspects that he left Douluo Planet to break through, and even found a way to circumvent the planet's will to break through. Li Fei, who has not yet broken through, can make the first-level blood god fearful. It is conceivable that And know how powerful Li Fei is.

"Bibi Dong, don't be proud. I am indeed no match for you, but you can't do any harm to me!"

After the words fell, the suit that Li Fei refined for Qian Renxue appeared on Qian Renxue's body, turning into a full-body armor to wrap Qian Renxue without any blind spots. The blue eyes on the armor lit up, and she died. Staring at Bibi Dong, the twelve wings behind her slowly flapped.

The suit armor on his body is Qian Renxue's confidence. Compared with Feixue's Thought, an offensive magic weapon, Li Fei pays more attention to the suit's life-saving magic weapon. Its defensive power is difficult to break even for a first-level god. Bibi Dong couldn't do it now.

"I can't kill you, or even cause you any harm, but that doesn't mean I can't kill Tang Hao and these people who came with you!"

Bibi Dong slashed Qian Renxue's body with a sickle again, and found that it could not cause much damage at all. Her attack was weakened by 90%. The remaining layer could not cause much damage to Qian Renxue at all. The little damage caused Before it could accumulate, it was repaired by the power of the sun.

With a wave of his hand, a dark purple eight-pointed star formation appeared at Qian Renxue's feet, and eight dark purple light beams instantly rose up, tightly controlling Qian Renxue within it, unable to move at all!

"You're too focused on my scythe!"

After confirming that her attack could not break through Qian Renxue's defense, Bibi Dong changed her attack method. Each attack would inject a Rakshasa divine power into the ground, forming special magic circles to control Live in Qianrenxue.

Under Bibi Dong's control, the dark purple light beam split into several branches, trying to penetrate Qian Renxue's suit slowly, but found that it still had no effect.

"Since I can't kill you, I will seal you completely. This may be better."

A sneer hung from the corner of Bibi Dong's mouth, and various handprints were constantly changing in her hands, activating the power of Rakshasa. The dark purple light beam turned into liquid and began to erode Qian Renxue's body. The three golden crocodiles hidden in the dark immediately opened The martial spirit avatar attacked Bibi Dong.

"court death!"

The four magic scythes behind Bibi Dong flew out instantly, and with just one blow, they broke through the martial spirit avatars of the three golden crocodiles, severely injuring the three of them and reaching a state of near-death.

Seeing this, the jade pendant that Qian Renxue had held in his hand a long time ago shattered. Li Fei, who was far away on the moon, felt it instantly. He opened his eyes, a red-gold light flashed, and turned to look at Douluo. Looking in the direction of Star Thunder God Island, Qian Renxue's current situation was discovered.

With hundreds of thousands of thoughts, the space was torn apart in an instant, and Li Fei dived in.

On Thunder God Island, just as Bibi Dong was about to wield the Rakshasa Demon Scythe to attack, cracks began to appear in the space in front of her, and then shattered instantly. A huge space crack appeared in front of her, and then in her unbelievable eyes, Li Fei slowly walked out of it.

Turning around and glancing at the trapped Qian Renxue, the eight-pointed star formation instantly shattered and turned into dark purple light spots that dissipated in the air.

"How can it be?!"

Bibi Dong looked at Li Fei in disbelief. She didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in power just now, but her sealing circle shattered instantly. She couldn't understand it no matter how hard she thought!

"Li Fei, your retreat is over!" Qian Renxue looked at Li Fei in surprise and asked.

"We have already broken through. The only difference is the energy accumulation, but it doesn't matter!" Li Fei looked around and said with a smile, "Go and see the three worshippers! They need your treatment!"

Qian Renxue nodded, and instantly reached the side of the three golden crocodiles. She used the power of the sun to help the three grandfathers recover from their injuries.

Li Fei glanced at Tang San who was absorbing the soul ring and Tang Hao who was guarding him, and then began to look at the entire Thunder God Island. He wanted to know why Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue came here, and his eyes stopped at In the center of the island, there is a small hill that looks like the tip of a spear.

"There is actually a plane full of thunder and lightning in the hills!" Li Fei felt a little surprised: "This is the Thunder God Temple. It turns out that the inheritance of the God of Thunder is here!"

The moment he saw the Thunder God Temple, Li Fei deduced the reason why everyone came here, and turned to look at the remains of the Thunder Hell Vine and Yu Xiaogang's body next to Tang San, "So Tang San came This is for the inheritance of the Thunder God, and Yu Xiaogang was probably killed by Bibi Dong to protect Tang San."

"He is indeed the son of luck. This will give him the chance to become a god!"

After the breakthrough, Li Fei could feel the will of the planet more clearly, and could also see the will of the planet converging on those people, and Tang San had gathered more than 80% of the planet's luck.

Of course, Li Fei was just a little surprised. At his level, luck was useless and it was very easy to get rid of the influence.

After understanding what happened, Li Fei set his sights on Bibi Dong!

Bibi Dong never spoke or moved. She could feel that if she made any move, she would definitely be fatally attacked by Li Fei.

"Bibi Dong, let's deal with things between us now!"

Bibi Dong sneered and said slowly: "What do you want to do?! Kill me?!"

"Oh! What makes you so confident?!" Li Fei was a little surprised, looking around with sharp eyes, but didn't realize what was hidden around her? !

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