Bibi Dong took a step forward, the void shook, and she was instantly a hundred meters in front of Qian Renxue. The two faced each other from a distance, and the Rakshasa realm spread. Qian Renxue instantly felt that she was in a world full of dark purple swamps. , the mud is crawling in the swamp, and all the evil in the world can be reflected here.

Just taking a glance at it, Qian Renxue felt a chill and nausea in her heart, her brows furrowed, and then she looked at Bibi Dong's now inhuman and ghostly appearance, and she suddenly had a look of disgust on her face!

"Bibi Dong, the way you look now is so disgusting!"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong just smiled. As a being who can inherit the divine status independently, the strength of his mind is not comparable to that of a soul master, and he has long since stopped caring about his appearance.

But at this time, she was even more curious about Qian Renxue's arrival, because she could no longer feel the aura inherited from the angel god on Qian Renxue's body. Instead, it turned into a more sacred and fiery aura.

This aura is far more restrained to her than the angel god. The sacred sun fire that combines the two attributes of holiness and fire, even in the Rakshasa realm, she can feel the evil thoughts contained in her Rakshasa power being suppressed. Burn, purify.

Bibi Dong smiled disdainfully and said, "What gives you the confidence?! You don't really think you are Li Fei, do you?"

Through the perception of her spiritual consciousness, she has been able to determine that Qian Renxue did not complete the test of the Angel God and inherit the throne of the Angel God, but chose to use Li Fei's method to break through and reach a new height.

At first, she was a little worried, worried that Qian Renxue would be like Li Fei, but after feeling it, she realized that Qian Renxue did not have the same bottomless feeling as Li Fei, and could feel the depth. Let her relax.

"Would you know if you try it?!"

Qian Renxue's hands instantly appeared with the thought of sacred non-snow, and a set of golden-red full-body armor also appeared on her body. With six pairs of red-gold wings behind her, she looked like a god.

"Seraph Realm!"

The realm that belongs to Qian Renxue now appears, and circles of red-gold light spread. The world that was originally full of filth instantly turned into a world burning with the true fire of the sun. Ten suns hung high in the sky, and the void sounded. sacred songs.

"This is not the angelic realm. Although the angelic realm is also extremely hot, it is just one of the attack methods. It is definitely not dominated by the sun's fire like it is now!!"

Bibi Dong looked at the world opposite in disbelief. She was the most familiar person in the Angel Realm besides Qian Renxue and Qian Daoliu, but how could she be acting like this now!

"Holy Sword of the Sun!"

Whispering softly, Qian Renxue used her right hand as a sword finger and rubbed it on Fei Xue Zhinian's sword. The sacred and blazing true fire of the sun wrapped around the sword and turned into a flaming sword.

Seeing this, Bibi Dong also held the Rakshasa Demonic Scythe in his hand. The dark purple Rakshasa divine power on the sickle blade continued to swallow, and the void was cut open at this moment.

"Netherworld Rakshasa!"

In the sky, purple light swept down with the swing of the giant scythe, condensing into a huge purple scythe light blade hundreds of meters long, and struck Qian Renxue head-on.

The thought of non-snow releases thousands of rays of light, and countless true sun fires can be clearly seen. With the swing of the fire sword, the two attributes of sacredness and flame completely burst out, and a huge five hundred meter long true sun fire sword was slashed forward. blade.


The true fire of the sun was as powerful as breaking bamboo, melting the purple sickle's light blade just like melting ice and snow, and continued to chop towards Bibi Dong after consuming most of its power.

"It can actually counteract the Netherworld Rakshasa!"

Bibi Dong was shocked. She still underestimated the restraint of Qian Renxue's attributes on her. If the angel god's attack is mainly through the purification effect of the sacred attribute, then the true sun fire transformed by Qian Renxue's divine power is Burn all evil.

With one powerful swing of the Rakshasa Demon Scythe, all the remaining fire swords were wiped out. There was a "ding" sound, and Fei Xue Zhi Nian's sword was blocked again, and a dark purple fragment flew out.

Looking at the Rakshasa Demonic Scythe that had been ripped open by Qian Renxue's avalanche with an ugly expression, Bibi Dong's face instantly turned cold. The Rakshasa Demonic Scythe was finally repaired by her power of devouring abyssal creatures, but unexpectedly it broke into pieces again.

At the same time, he was also surprised at the power of the weapon in Qian Renxue's hand.

Since the weapons are so powerful, the suit Qian Renxue is wearing must be even more powerful.

"Death and life are a dream!"

Weapons and energy attacks were defeated. Bibi Dong immediately changed his attack method, hoping to use his spiritual consciousness that was several levels higher than his spiritual power after becoming a god to pull Qian Renxue into the dream.

But as soon as her spiritual consciousness tried to stir up Qian Renxue's mental power, she discovered that Qian Renxue also had divine consciousness in her mind, even more powerful than hers.

"Angel roars!"

The red-gold sound wave came from Qian Renxue's mouth and spread instantly like ripples. This sudden blow made Bibi Dong suddenly feel that his soul began to burn, and an unprecedented pain came from the depths of his soul. came.

This is the benefit of forming a golden elixir. The divine power has been integrated with his body, soul and will. Even spiritual attacks will contain the power of the true fire of the sun.

As for the Rakshasa God Bibi Dong inherited, his soul is also full of filth and turbidity. What he fears most is the nemesis of the Sun True Fire/


Bibi Dong had a ferocious expression, groaned in pain, and began to mobilize the Rakshasa power in her body to surge towards her soul, like a tide wiping out the hot feeling of her soul in one wave after another.

The vibration of the soul made Bibi Dong slow to mobilize Rakshasa's divine power. Qian Renxue also seized this opportunity, her twelve wings vibrated, and she rushed towards Bibi Dong in an instant.

Feixue's thoughts instantly struck the Rakshasa Divine Armor, partially breaking it, and leaving a huge wound on Bibi Dong's body, with dark purple blood splattering out.

A sharp look flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, and she slashed out with the Rakshasa Demon Scythe.

"I have already tried the power of Feixue's Thoughts, let's try this suit again!"

Looking at the magic sickle, Qian Renxue didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, and directly pushed forward.


The sickle blade struck the red-gold armor, sparks flying instantly, without any effect.

"After Bibi Dong's attack passed through this suit, less than 10% of its power was left, and there was no way it could cause any harm to me!"

At this time, Qian Renxue was extremely grateful that these two pieces of equipment on her body, the attack power of the Non-Xue Nian sword, and the amplification and defense capabilities brought by the suit, allowed her to defeat Bibi Dong now.

Even under the suppression of the planet, Qian Renxue's strength is not stronger than Bibi Dong, and is even weaker. But with the blessing of two weapons, she has a strength that surpasses Bibi Dong.

The sword intent was condensed, and the long sword in his hand was swung at high speed. Countless sword gangs were swung out from the non-snow thoughts. The sword gangs turned into a red-gold torrent, and a splash of sword gangs completely transformed by the power of the sun was shot out, instantly Bibi Dong was involved.

"I didn't expect Xue'er to have such a trick. It seems that the outcome has been decided!"

Li Fei, who had been paying attention to this battle, smiled and said softly.

"Angel Yaoyang!"

Qian Renxue held her hand against the rushing red-gold torrent, and the true fire of the sun immediately burned in the torrent. The countless swords turned into nutrients, and the sun even began to explode, and finally gathered together to form a sun.

The huge sun exudes terrifying high temperatures, burning everything around it. The entire sky turns red and is cloudless. If it weren't for Qian Renxue's control, which prevented the temperature from completely spreading, otherwise Xinwu would have The Silvis Kingdom where the Soul Palace is located may turn into scorched earth.

Below, Hu Liena, Yue Guan and others looked up at the newly appeared sun, all worried about Bibi Dong's safety.

Bibi Dong was now bound to the sun, with red-gold chains locking her tightly. The fire of the sun continued to burn and purify the power of Rakshasa, and Bibi Dong's face began to slowly recover, turning dark purple. The mist kept drifting out, then faded and disappeared.

"Qian Renxue, stop, I am your mother, you can't do this to me!"

Feeling the Rakshasa power in her body disappearing, the Rakshasa heart and the Rakshasa power in her soul also dissipating under the burning of the sun's fire, Bibi Dong yelled angrily, Qian Renxue wanted to destroy her Luo The God of Sha.

The Rakshasa God was her root, the foundation for her revenge and ambition. If he disappeared, she couldn't imagine what would happen. !

However, no matter how anxious and excited she was, no matter how powerful the Rakshasa power in her body was, she could not break away from the shackles and purification of the sun. She could only watch her status as a god being deposed.

"Bibi Dong, since I learned the truth about that year, I no longer hate you. There was even a time when I hoped that we could restore our mother-daughter relationship!"

"But you, who have been blinded by hatred and ambition, can't see it at all!"

The suit on her head appeared, revealing Qian Renxue's beautiful face. She spoke sincerely to Bibi Dong in the True Fire of the Sun.

Bibi Dong's mind also reflected on Qian Renxue's strangeness before the two sides broke up. A trace of regret emerged in her heart, but it was cut off instantly. She was Bibi Dong, the pope of the New Spirit Hall and the supreme ruler of the continent in the future. How could you possibly regret it.

"Hey!" Seeing that Bibi Dong was still unmoved, Qian Renxue sighed, knowing that she could not be persuaded, so her heart became hardened, she increased the output of divine power, enhanced Bibi Dong's purification, and destroyed Luo Luo The God of Sha.

At this time, a blood-colored light pillar suddenly dropped from the sky, covering the sun transformed by Angel Yaoyang, cutting off the connection with Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue's figure retreated a thousand meters and looked towards the direction of the light beam with a solemn expression. She saw that the sun in the sky had disappeared at some point. Bibi Dong was floating weakly in the air. In the sky, there was a figure wearing a bloody suit. The armor had two pairs of wings of light on its back, and seven divine rings floated behind it. The man slowly descended from the sky.

"Sorry, I can't let you destroy her. If you leave now, I might let you go if I'm in a good mood?!" The man landed next to Bibi Dong from the air, showing a cruel smile and said softly.

Even though she was far away, Qian Renxue could smell the strong smell of blood and feel the man's extremely cold and disgusting breath. Her expression became solemn and she said: "Who are you?!"

"Blood God!"

"Xue'er, stay back!"

Li Fei's figure appeared instantly, protecting Qian Renxue behind him, looking at the Blood God and Bibi Dong with a frown, and said doubtfully: "If I remember correctly, gods who enter the divine realm should not be able to interfere in human affairs!"

"I'm not one of those sanctimonious guys. Naturally, I don't need to abide by the rules they set!" The Blood God sneered and looked at Li Fei and Qian Renxue with great disdain.

"I understand, you should be the type of god who has not entered the divine realm!"

Hearing this, Li Fei understood instantly and solved the doubts in his heart. Sure enough, the gods in this world are not only those in the God Realm. Among the gods in the Douluo God Realm, the most evil gods should be Rakshasa and Shura. Rakshasa Putting aside, Shura is basically a being who is both good and evil. He does things openly and can't do anything bad.

Where did the real evil gods go? The moment he saw the Blood God, he understood that the evil gods should have been eliminated or expelled from the divine world and hidden in the dark.

"But I still have a question, that is, how did you avoid being suppressed by Douluo Star?!"

Feeling the power fluctuation of the first-level blood god, Li Fei asked curiously.

"I didn't expect you to even know the concept of stars. It seems that you are really extraordinary. Let me see what is so special about you?!" The Blood God looked surprised and was immediately very interested in Li Fei. A bloody knife appeared and was slashed out with one strike.

The bloody sword light filled with murderous intent descended from the sky and took Li Fei's head. The void trembled under the effect of this sword.

Feeling the everything-cutting intent contained in the sword's light, the platinum halberd instantly appeared in Li Fei's hand. With an ordinary swing of the halberd, the blood-colored sword light disintegrated.

Taking one step forward, there was no movement at all. Li Fei appeared beside the Blood God in the next second. He swung out a halberd. The Blood God instinctively dodged and appeared in the distance with Bibi Dong.

"It's so fast, I almost didn't react!" The Blood God broke into cold sweat and looked at Li Fei with an extremely solemn expression. The blow just now didn't even have the slightest fluctuation. Even the Assassin God couldn't do this. .

A blood-colored jade pendant appeared in his hand, and the Blood God crushed it directly without any hesitation.

Suddenly ripples began to appear in the surrounding space, and the Blood God and Bibi Dong disappeared. Even Li Fei could not sense where the two were.

"Xue'er, let's leave first!"

Li Fei frowned. The situation in Douluo Continent was getting more and more complicated now. Gods that he didn't even know about appeared. Suddenly, he felt a sense of crisis that he hadn't seen in a long time.


Qian Renxue nodded, her face extremely ugly. She was just a little bit away from settling her grudge with Bibi Dong, but now all her previous efforts were in vain.

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