"I'll leave the exploration of the abyss plane to you. By the way, let's test out the Abyss Saint Lord and his Heavenly Saint Splitting Abyss Halberd!" Li Fei said to the clone.

"Yes!" The clone nodded, turned around and walked towards the next level.

Li Fei took the knife and returned to the entrance of the Jintie Mountains. He took back the Dark Evil Demon Halberd, returned to Douluo Continent, sealed the passage as before, and teleported to the Tiandou Palace.

Qian Renxue asked: "How's it going?!"

"Everything has been sealed. There will be no problems in a short time!" Li Fei held Qian Renxue in his arms and whispered in her ear: "Now I want to seal you even more!"

Qian Renxue rolled her eyes and allowed Li Fei to take her to the dragon bed in the harem, where things started to change.

After the clouds and rain passed, Li Fei hugged Qian Renxue and said in a deep voice: "Bibi Dong should have found a way to open the abyss through the Rakshasa inheritance. This will definitely bring disaster to the mainland, so we have to speed up our actions. It is imperative to unify the continent.”

Qian Renxue rested her head on Li Fei's chest, determination flashed in her eyes: "Well! Now that the abyss passage has been sealed, the major forces in the Tiandou Empire can also spare some of their forces, which can be used to launch an attack on the New Spirit Palace."

"But leave Bibi Dong to me!"

After saying that, Qian Renxue looked at Li Fei with a firm face, the meaning in her eyes was very clear, they would solve the matter between their mother and daughter themselves.

"Hey!" Li Fei sighed, tapped Qian Renxue's eyebrows with his fingertips, and said: "This is the method I deduced to break through to the god level. You should familiarize yourself with it first, and I will take you to the Ice and Fire Eyes in a while. "Practice."

Feeling the information in her mind, Qian Renxue closed her eyes and absorbed it.

Qian Renxue quickly became familiar with the practice method in her mind, and she already understood it in her heart.

After getting dressed, Li Fei took Qian Renxue to the Eye of Ice and Fire, asked her to sit cross-legged on a hammock intertwined with two fairy grasses, and then reminded:

"Xue'er, you have reached the realm of Changding. You have also entered the realm of Qi and Blood martial arts for the first time. Your physical and mental strength have long surpassed that of Ultimate Douluo. You are only one step away from being a god. And you have enough control to accept it. With the energy I deliver to you, you should take this opportunity to fully understand the practice methods I have given you, transform your body and soul, and turn them into body and soul!"


Qian Renxue nodded solemnly, and Li Fei began to continuously absorb power from various dimensions, transforming it into a stream of pure soul power and blood and injecting it into Qian Renxue's body.

Qian Renxue has reached the point where she can see the gods and be indestructible, and her control of energy has also been refined. Although she cannot reach the nanometer level, she can control the acupuncture points on her body, adjust the human body through the acupoints, and can also inject the energy from Li Fei Absorb it all and accelerate the transformation of your body.

Li Fei separated a clone and continued to absorb energy and transmit it to Qian Renxue, while his main body was sitting cross-legged in the air, connecting his mind to the orbit of the planet, pulling the gravity of the entire continent.

He also took out the weapons from the special creatures in the abyss plane from the storage bracelet. They shattered instantly under the influence of gravity. At the same time, Li Fei's various precious materials were also broken.

This time, the weapons were refining with the help of the power of the planet. The abyssal weapons and materials had all been turned into atoms and energy particles. With a thought, a red-gold light appeared. This was not Li Fei's pure Yang power. , but energy particles composed of ultimate holiness and flames.

All the atoms and energy particles were condensed together and divided into two groups. The gravity of the planet was like the beginning of a forging hammer, forging the two groups.

In the abyss plane, Li Fei's clone without a trace of emotion has reached the eleventh level. He is walking on the ground full of abyss sword demons as if there is no one around. At a rough look, the number of abyss sword demons on this level is roughly About 30,000, among which there are more than a dozen titled Douluo alone. The emperors at this level are far beyond the limit Douluo. Even the energy in the body has been transformed, and they are only one step away from becoming a demigod.

The surrounding abyss sword demons continued to fight and devour each other as if they had not seen Li Fei. Abyssal creatures that were not abyss sword demons had almost no place to survive and could only hide in various dark corners, because once they were captured If you discover it, you will face the fate of being devoured by the abyss sword demon.

"Damn bugs, they still dare to go deep into the abyss plane with such arrogance. Do they really think that I, the abyss creature, has no one?!"

Li Fei's clone was still leisurely studying the composition of the abyss plane. Suddenly, a cold voice came from the distance. Li Fei turned his head and looked over, and found a humanoid creature wearing blue-purple armor, still exuding... There was a blue-purple light, and he held a huge halberd in his hand.

Behind the humanoid creature was the eleventh-level Sword Demon Emperor and a dozen of his subordinate titled Douluo.

"Saint Lord of the Abyss?!" Li Fei shook his head and denied: "No, the power in the body has barely reached the god level. He should be one of the nine emperors. Who are you?!"

Although the words were very polite, there was no emotion in his tone. His eyes were fixed on the huge halberd in the hand of the visitor. He could feel that the level of this halberd was far higher than his own. The Poseidon Trident used.

The Poseidon Trident is a pseudo-super artifact of a first-level god. Since its quality exceeds that of the Poseidon Trident, it goes without saying that the identity of this halberd is the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd bred in the abyss plane.

"I am the second level emperor of the abyss, Emperor Lie. Damn humans, are you ready to die?!" Emperor Lie's eyes were emotionless and filled with pure murderous intent!

"It turns out it's just a second-level piece of trash. I thought it was the Abyss Saint Lord who is comparable to a first-level god!" Li Fei's face remained expressionless, but his words were full of ridicule and disappointment.

"Looking for death! I don't even need a Holy Lord to deal with you!"

Hearing this, Lie Emperor instantly became furious, his anger level was at full capacity, and holding the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd in his hand, his whole body seemed to be gliding in the air, rushing towards Li Fei in a straight line.

A platinum halberd appeared in Li Fei's hand. With just a simple straight thrust, the halberd hit the weak point of the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd.

"Ding!" A crisp voice sounded, Li Fei's body shook slightly, and the air under his feet exploded instantly, turning into a wave of air that destroyed the earth below, killing a group of abyss sword demons.

"Sure enough, it is strange. This halberd seems to be born with some kind of rules. The attacks swung with it were not consumed at all by the resistance of the platinum halberd, and were directly transmitted into my body!!"

After the Lie Emperor's attack was transmitted from his feet, Li Fei stared at the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd, and his brain began to work rapidly, analyzing the characteristics of this weapon.

The platinum halberd bloomed with white-gold light, like mercury leaking out of the ground, covering the Lie Emperor and the dozens of Abyss Douluo behind it.

"You also have a taste of my attacks! Let me see what else is special about this super artifact!"

The white-gold light scattered from the air turned into cone-shaped golden lights under the wave of the halberd, and shot towards Lie Di and others from all directions.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!..." The Lie Emperor waved the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd at high speed and struggled to resist the cone-shaped golden light. There was no way to distract himself from taking care of the group of abyss sword demons. The strongest ones were only the demigods of the abyss. The sword demon was so densely packed with cone-shaped golden light that it was like a sudden rain. There was no resistance at all. They were all beaten into a sieve, and they could no longer die.

With the death of the emperor on this layer, the eleventh layer of the abyss instantly began to collapse. At this moment, all the abyssal creatures on this layer turned into the purest energy and surged towards other layers.

Nine passages suddenly appeared on the eleventh floor of the abyss that continued to collapse, and then several auras of different intensities came out of it. One of them was even stronger than the Lie Emperor. It was the rest of the nine emperors. eight.

The eight emperors appeared at the same time, and the collapsed eleventh floor suddenly stabilized. The eight emperors were at the side of Emperor Lie in an instant, looking at Li Fei solemnly.

"Be careful, this guy in front of you is so powerful! If possible, we'd better go together!" Lie Emperor took a deep breath, swallowed up a large amount of abyss energy around him, and restored the body that had been pierced by the cone-shaped golden light. He said in disbelief about the injury.

"Brother Emperor, are you kidding me! The energy fluctuations emitted by this guy are at the level of a quasi-god. No matter how powerful it is, there is no need for ten of us to fight together!" The eight emperors were suddenly surprised, and Emperor Zhi said in disbelief.

"Although I don't want to admit it, even though I was holding the Holy Lord's weapon, I couldn't take any advantage in his hands. Instead, I was almost killed. Do you think I'm still joking?!" Lie Di asked. He was solemn at the moment. , can no longer raise any emotions.

Hearing this, the eyes of the other Nine Emperors became more solemn, and power began to erupt from their bodies. Various lights emitted from their bodies. The bodies of the Nine Emperors, who were still in human form, instantly began to change, revealing their respective bodies.

The leader of the Spirit Emperor has turned into an Abyss Spirit Dragon. His abyssal power, which is just short of a god, has not improved much, but his mental power has reached the level of a god in an instant. Even the surrounding space began to distort at this moment. stand up.

"You are not the real body, you are just a clone!" With the spiritual power of God, the Spirit Emperor instantly sensed Li Fei's condition. Looking at the body supported by only a few strands of divine thoughts, he said in disbelief.

"Emperor Ling, what did you say?!" the other eight emperors said in disbelief.

"It was discovered!" Li Fei was a little surprised, and then changed the topic and said: "But it doesn't matter, this clone was originally used to explore the abyssal plane, and it was only a matter of time before it was discovered!"

Without paying any attention to the nine emperors in front of him, Li Fei raised his head and looked up at the sky, murmuring: "Is that guy named the Abyss Emperor on the first floor?! I'll go up and find him right now!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"Soul Scream" The Spirit Emperor roared, and an extremely sharp scream came from the Abyss Spirit Dragon. This scream turned into an unparalleled sound wave. The Ling Emperor controlled the sound waves to condense together and turned into a milky white laser, heading straight towards Li Fei.

The laser was only as thin as a hair. It was formed by the condensed sound waves of the Soul Scream that Emperor Ling exerted with all his strength. This concentrated attack was far more powerful than Bibi Dong's previous strongest attack.

At the same time, the other eight emperors used their special attacks, among which the Lie Emperor exploded with the strongest power in his life. He followed the laser, and layers of blue-purple light condensed on the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd.

Li Fei had no expression on his face, and slowly stretched out a finger, pointing towards the white laser point. That finger was so simple and unpretentious, without the slightest energy fluctuation, but the power contained in it was only Li Fei's. Unless you know it yourself!

"Idiot, the real attack method of Soul Scream is not those sound waves, but the extremely compressed spiritual attack contained in it. Just wait to be hit by my soul attack, and then be killed by Lie Emperor and the others!" A proud smile appeared on the corner of Di's mouth, but the next moment it turned into shock and disbelief: "How is this possible?!"

The moment Li Fei's fingers without energy fluctuations touched the white laser, he felt the abyss energy and spiritual energy in the laser cracking apart, and then lost contact with himself.

Immediately afterwards, countless platinum ripples appeared behind Li Fei, and countless platinum halberds were launched from the ripples, falling from the sky like violent winds and rain. Not only were these halberds infinitely powerful, they were also incredibly fast. , the energy contained in each handle can turn Ultimate Douluo into flying ash.

At this time, the Lie Emperor's attack also arrived. Li Fei flicked the halberd with his finger, and the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd instantly began to tremble. A force that was unimaginable to the Lie Emperor came from the halberd, making its entire body tremble. Feeling numb, he couldn't help but let go of his hand.

"Is this a super artifact?! It's a pity that it contains the soul imprint of the Holy Lord of the Abyss!"

Li Fei stretched out his hand to hold the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd, and immediately felt the mark inside. The Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd also began to struggle violently, trying to break free from Li Fei's hand.

With a firm squeeze, there was a creaking sound. He held the halberd firmly in his hand and drew it behind him. The Sickle Emperor tearing apart the space and appearing with the scythe in his hand appeared in an instant. Under its unbelievable gaze, the sky The Holy Split Abyss Halberd hit it, and it was turned into ashes by the power of the Heavenly Holy Split Abyss Halberd before even letting out a scream.


With the death of Emperor Scythe, the entire eleventh level of the abyss began to shake. No, not only the eleventh level, but the entire abyss plane began to shake. An extremely terrifying force came from the top level.

Not only that, Li Fei could feel that the power of the entire abyss was gathered together, pressing towards him, and the platinum halberd that was originally like a shower also dissipated.

"You are finally willing to move. I thought you would watch me and continue to kill?!"

Li Fei smiled softly, and saw that the struggle in his hand became more and more intense, reaching the point where he could no longer use it, and he let go of his hand.

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