
The extremely compressed metallic soul power combined with the energy and blood exploded instantly, and a thick slash emitting bright golden light flew out. The entire Jintie Mountains shook, and a large amount of gravel began to fall along the roof of the cave. , all the abyssal creatures wherever the slash passed were turned into flying ashes by this supreme power. The slash spread until it reached the abyss passage, leaving a deep ravine.

The remaining abyssal creatures did not feel the slightest fear at all, and continued to be brave and unafraid of death, rushing towards Li Fan with madness in their eyes.

"Hurry up and contact His Majesty through the communication bronze mirror and explain the situation here. The rest of you will stay with me first. Remember to pay attention to safety!"

Li Fan threw out a bronze mirror from the storage ring and gave it to an adjutant behind him, asking him to contact someone. He rushed forward with the soul master guarding here and began to hunt crazily for the person who came from the abyss. Creatures that rush out far and wide.


A sound sounded, and more than a dozen tall mammoths rushed out from the passage, charging in front of them. The scarlet energy fluctuations they emitted were at least Soul Emperor level, and some even had Reaching the level of Soul Saint, this is the most important vanguard of the Abyss, the Abyss Mammoth with powerful defense and strength.

As the Abyssal Mammoth charged, the entire mine trembled violently. Li Fan's original metallic and strong attacks were no longer as easy as before, and it often took several full-strength sticks to break through the Abyssal Mammoth's defense and defeat it. Its kill.

"What kind of monsters are these? Are there such creatures on the mainland?! You must know that I am not only a soul saint of the seventh ring, but also a Qi and blood warrior of the seventh ring! The combination of the two can defeat even Contra. But facing these mammoths who are only at the soul emperor level, it takes several full-force attacks to kill them."

The soul power exploded on the iron rod, resisting the elephant trunk thrown in front of him. Li Fan's eyes were full of disbelief. He must deal with this group of mammoths as soon as possible, otherwise the huge number of abyss creatures following the mammoths will be destroyed. Break out of the mine under cover.

Li Fan, who had experienced the ferocity of these creatures, knew that these creatures must not be allowed to rush out of the mine, otherwise the Tiandou Empire would definitely cause a bloody storm.

Li Fan, a super powerful soul saint, had such a hard time resisting it. It can be imagined that other soul masters, no matter how exquisitely they cooperated and unleashed all their soul power, could not do much in the face of the huge abyssal mammoth. Instead, they were killed and defeated, and the corpse and soul power were swallowed into the belly of the abyssal mammoth.


At this time, a sound broke through the air, and a heroic figure appeared in front of Li Fan. The person who came was none other than Qian Renxue, who had received the message. Originally, she wanted to send a few elders, but when she saw Copper When he saw the image of the abyss passage coming from the mirror, he felt a chill in his heart, and without caring about anything else, he flew towards this side at full speed.

"Angel Holy Sword!"

A blazing light flashed in his hand, and a golden holy sword appeared in his hand. Qian Renxue's strength was fully activated. The three soul cores vibrated, and a golden sword energy flew out. All those who ran out of the abyss channel All the creatures in the abyss were cut off at the waist, and then burned into ashes by the golden flames.

"sister in law!"

When Li Fan saw the visitor, he immediately shouted in surprise.

"Xiao Fan, take the people away first, and then seal off the entire Jintie Mountains and don't allow anyone to enter!"

With another sword strike, the Abyss Sword Demon that rushed out was chopped into flying ash. Qian Renxue said something to Xiao Fan behind her, and then looked at the abyss passage with an extremely solemn expression. She could feel a chill from the passage. There was a feeling of fear in my heart, and there was a steady stream of creatures rushing out of the passage.

"Yes!" Li Fan turned around and waved to the remaining people: "Everyone retreat with me!"

"Very good!"

The soul master troops followed Li Fan and ran outside one by one, leaving Qian Renxue alone to fight in the mine.

"Angel Seal!"

After killing the abyssal mammoth that had just rushed out of the abyss, Qian Renxue released the sealing array that had been charged up. A bright golden light flashed through, and the array was composed of twelve angel holy sword marks. It covered the abyss passage and sealed it.

The dark red energy began to continuously impact the sealing array, but it had little effect. It only caused the array to tremble, but it could not be broken.

"What is on the other side of the passage?! Why does it make me, a being who has surpassed the Limit Douluo, feel scared?!"

After adding a few more angel seals, Qian Renxue also had a solemn look on her face. Such a passage suddenly appeared in the Tiandou Empire, which is also the main mining area. Someone must have done it, and she had never heard of it. Something similar appeared in Douluo Continent before.

"Go to Li Fei, maybe he knows something?!"

Qian Renxue checked a few more times to make sure there were no problems, then turned around and walked out of the mine. They dismissed the miners, paid them compensation, and notified Golden Crocodile and other worshipers to be on duty here. Then they left with peace of mind and flew towards the Ice and Fire Eyes.

In just the blink of an eye, Qian Renxue fell into the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi. Looking at Li Fei sleeping in a hammock made of two immortal grasses, she immediately wanted to step forward, but the two immortal grasses took advantage of her. The branches and leaves blocked the outside.

"Xiao Bing, Xiao Huo, what are you two doing?! I have something to do with Li Fei!" Qian Renxue frowned and asked coldly.

"Sir, he is undergoing transformation now and cannot be disturbed!!" Xiao Bing's slightly childish voice sounded. Because of Li Fei, the consciousness of the two fairy grasses has been fully opened, and their minds are equivalent to those of eleven or twelve years old human beings.

"Yes!" Xiaohuo next to him also said as he swung his branches.

"Transforming, could it be that Li Fei is becoming a god!" Qian Renxue murmured in disbelief, looking at the two fairy grasses on the spring of Ice and Fire: "Xiao Bing, Xiao Huo, wait until Li Fei's transformation is completed. Then, tell him to come to me quickly and tell him that there is something extremely urgent!”

After saying that, Qian Renxue turned around and returned to the Tiandou Palace.

In the following period, nine abyss passages appeared in various parts of the Tiandou Empire, and each one was larger than the last. The largest one even drilled out a Contra-level Abyss Mammoth and a Titled Douluo-level creature, Qian Renxue. People from the Haotian Sect had to be sent to guard it.

"The nine passages are all very far apart. They are located in various parts of the Tiandou Empire. It is difficult to support each other. Someone must be doing something behind the scenes!"

In the Tiandou Palace, looking at the locations of the nine abyss passages, Qian Renxue's face was very cold. Now all the Titled Douluo of the Tiandou Empire had been sent out, and the three largest passages were led by the Haotian Sect, Angels and the Qibao Glazed Sect guarded the area, and the battle was fierce.

The abyssal creatures were all powerful and attacked continuously day and night. Even the two major sects and the angels were unable to bear them. Fortunately, they had the latest soul cannons and other weapons provided by the Blacksmith Association, so they could barely cope with them.

Although she sealed the passages many times, it didn't take long for someone to secretly open them each time. Even the largest ones could not be sealed by her. In the end, they simply stopped sealing them and guarded them directly with the army.

"Bibi Dong, what on earth do you want to do?! You don't really think that you can defeat the Tiandou Empire by containing all my top combat power!"

Looking at Qian Renxue's extremely cold expression in Silvis City, she could tell at a glance that Bibi Dong had done this. All combat forces above the Soul King level in the entire empire had been recruited, except for a small number of commanding officers. , the rest were basically sent near these abyss passages.

"Haha, Qian Renxue, what are you going to do now?! However, Li Fei hasn't appeared yet, and the Tiandou Empire can't act rashly yet, but the Star Luo Empire is in my possession!"

Bibi Dong looked at the information in her hand and laughed, but there was still fear of Li Fei in her eyes.

At the same time, the New Spirit Hall began to gather troops and march towards the Star Luo Empire. With the huge team of spirit masters and the top combat power of Titled Douluo, this journey could be said to be unstoppable, and soon the Antonio Province and Long Yan were conquered. The two major provinces were occupied, approaching the Star Luo Province where Star Luo City is located.

Emperor Xingluo had no choice but to shrink his defense line and concentrate all his strength to deal with the new Wuhun Palace. At the same time, he sent people to the Tiandou Empire for help.

"So this is your purpose?! Bibi Dong!"

Looking at the information and letters in her hand, Qian Renxue also wanted to go to reinforce, but now that all the Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo in the Tiandou Empire have been arranged to suppress the abyss passage, there is no way to go there, and those below Soul Saint Yes, it’s no use even going there.

What makes the Star Luo Empire inferior is not the combat power below the Soul Saint level. The battles in this area are not that much inferior to those of the New Spirit Hall. What is really inferior is the Titled Douluo. There are nearly ten powerful Titled Douluo who can easily tear the Star Luo Empire apart. The line of defense caused the Star Luo Empire to collapse.

What's more, there is Bibi Dong, who has become a Rakshasa god.

Moreover, the Star Luo Empire and the Tian Dou Empire are not at odds with each other. After all, the Star Luo Empire is also the goal of the Tian Dou Empire. It is just the difference between being destroyed by Bibi Dong and being destroyed by herself. So after thinking for a while, Qian Renxue gave up. She had planned to support her, but she didn't want Bibi Dong to capture the Star Luo Empire so easily.

"Come here, notify the two elders Snake Spear and Ailantus at the border, and ask them to harass the Haagen-Dazs Kingdom and the Gulei Kingdom occupied by the New Spirit Hall, forcing the New Spirit Hall to divide its troops!"

"By the way, I will send someone to sell a batch of newly manufactured firearms and soul tools to the Star Luo Empire to improve the combat effectiveness of their army! But the price will be three times higher than the market value!"

After receiving the order, She Long and Qiwan immediately led a small group of troops and began to harass and plunder the two kingdoms as planned, and continued to engage in guerrilla warfare.


Bibi Dong's scepter tapped the ground hard, and she naturally understood the reason why Qian Renxue did this. This was a conspiracy, and she had to respond, otherwise the people who had been gathered by the New Spirit Hall would definitely disperse.

"Come here, let Yue Guan, Gui Mei, the eighth and ninth fourth elders go to the two kingdoms and destroy the surprise attack force of the Tiandou Empire!"


The departure of the four titled Douluo greatly reduced the pressure on the Star Luo Empire in an instant. Coupled with the new weapons, they were able to withstand the attack of the new Spirit Hall for the time being.

Ice and fire are in your eyes!

"This is what the Buddhists say: no self, no one, no sentient beings, no lifespan! During this period of deep sleep, my mind sublimated again, and my powerful mind can be combined with the trajectory of the planet. Together, heaven and man become one, things and self are forgotten, and the understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth has been raised to several levels."

Li Fei slowly opened his eyes. He did not expect that this time's practice would allow him to break through again and reach the state of sitting and forgetting. Even during this period, his mind touched the will of the entire Douluo Star. He understood it. Arrived at the secrets of some planets.

"It is indeed a fantasy floor tile. Those below the God King cannot withstand the power of the planet's will, and can only exert the strength of the quasi-god peak. No wonder I feel that the previous Bibi Dong is just like a parallel import!"

Showing a wry smile, Li Fei finally understood why he could defeat Bibi Dong easily. Although Bibi Dong became a god and had the existence of ten rings, his strength could only reach level 100, while he had already reached the lowest level. , possessing control power down to the nanometer level, one point of effort can be treated as 100% strength, and the strength is almost increased a hundred times.

And because of Zhou Tianzhi's way, the energy in the body forms a circulation, which makes up for the body's shortcomings. Even injuries such as being cut off at the waist and having the Dantian broken can be recovered instantly.

The most important thing is that with the blessing of spiritual power, micro-control can not only penetrate deeply into oneself, but also perceive the external environment in detail, analyze the surrounding situation, and refine the energy flow between oneself and the outside world.

The consciousness can be divided into dozens of parts, the computing power is comparable to that of a supercomputer, and the thinking ability is far beyond that of ordinary people. Because the perception ability is extremely powerful, it also has metaphysical precognition characteristics. It is also easy to identify positions by listening to voices, sense the wind and act as prophets.

Facing Li Fei like this, Bibi Dong had no chance of winning.

Li Fei was sitting cross-legged in the hammock, comprehending the newly formed Yuanying-like product in the Dantian in his body. The creation of Yuanying allowed Li Fei to take his application of power to a higher level, reaching the extreme, reaching the level of atoms, and Yuan Ying The red-gold power that Yingtun spit out was dozens of times more pure than before, and was much stronger than Bibi Dong's Rakshasa power.

"Master Li Fei, Miss Qian Renxue said that if you wake up, you should go find her. She has something important to ask you!"

Hearing Xiao Bing's words, Li Fei was a little confused. He gently touched two fairy grasses, and his whole body disappeared in an instant and appeared in the palace.

"Xue'er, what happened?!"

"Li Fei, during this period, nine space passages appeared in the Tiandou Empire. I don't know where they are connected. Many creatures that have never been seen on the mainland will emerge from them. Kill the creatures when you see them. Then, they will swallow the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the mainland and strengthen themselves. There are even creatures at the level of Titled Douluo. The most important thing is that I feel heart palpitations when I stand in front of the space passage.”

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