In the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, Li Fei's eyes opened instantly, and the next second he disappeared completely. He came to the sky above King Silvis City. He was surprised when he looked at the purple-gold light pillar rising from the ground. , I didn’t expect Bibi Dong to become a god so quickly.

But then his eyes were full of ecstasy. He just needed a god to verify his current combat power, and Bibi Dong became a god just right. This kind of person who had just inherited the divine position and whose soul power had just exceeded level 100 had not yet truly reached the first level of god. the point.

It is difficult to reach heaven in one step through cultivation. Even if you inherit the divine throne, it will take time to grow and adapt. However, their cultivation speed is many times faster than that of people who make independent breakthroughs.

Li Fei looked at the surrounding environment. This was not a suitable place for the two of them to fight. King Silvis City was very close to the central area of ​​the continent, and there were a large number of cities and villages around it. The battle between him and Bibi Dong might affect these cities. and villages, causing the death of a large number of creatures.

"Bibi Dong, I know you are not willing to give in, so I am waiting for you above the sea."

With his fiery eyes and golden eyes, he looked at Bibi Dong in the small dimension below King Silvis City and said softly. The space began to distort in the next second, and Li Fei arrived above the Demon Whale Sea and began to wait for Bibi Dong.

Because of the death of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, there are already many marine life activities in the Demonic Whale Sea area at this moment, and it is no longer dead as before.


Li Fei's face showed a look of surprise, because he felt a force that was not weaker than the Deep Sea Demon Whale King in a trench deep in the Demon Whale Sea, and his cultivation level had reached more than 900,000 years. , and there is a deep-sea demon whale king with tens of thousands of years of cultivation next to him.

"These are the Demon Lord and Lan Fuzi from the Dragon King Legend period! I didn't expect them to be hiding in the Demon Whale Sea. I thought they were somewhere else?!"

Seeing Lan Fuzi leisurely swimming beside the demon lord, Li Fei withdrew his right hand, which was originally emitting red-gold light, thinking that he should give this carefree girl a peaceful life!

"Demon Lord, I hope you can see this world clearly, otherwise the deep-sea demon whales will be exterminated!"

Li Fei was ready to give the Demon Lord a chance. The Demon Lord's current cultivation level is the same as that of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. He improved his cultivation level by absorbing the life and soul power of marine creatures. He is considered an evil soul master among soul beasts. Now he may be because of Because I have children, I have restrained myself a lot.

The momentum spread slightly, and it was forced directly into the trench below the Demon Whale Sea Area.

"Xiaolan, let's go!" The Demon Lord woke up instantly and felt Li Fei's familiar aura. The hatred in his eyes flashed past, replaced by a look of panic. The power pulling the water flow brought a look of confusion. Lan Fuzi swam deeper into the trench, turning into a stream of light that kept moving back and forth, fearing that Li Fei would catch him if he was slow.

But what the Demon Lord didn't know was that Li Fei had put a spiritual imprint on her body. No matter where she escaped, Li Fei could easily find her if she wanted to find her.

A dark purple magic circle suddenly appeared in the air, and then turned into a whirlpool. Bibi Dong walked out wearing a dark purple armor, holding a Rakshasa Magic Scythe. The armor was covered with various kinds of magic circles, and there was endless evil purple air flowing on it. , the whole person's skin color is not the original fair color, but a sickly cyan color, combined with the endless evil aura emanating from the whole body, like an evil ghost.

There is also a purple-gold divine ring behind it, exuding a gleaming divine light. Four sickles extend out from both sides of the divine ring, waving like wings.

"Li Fei, I have become a god, are you ready to die?!"

Bibi Dong said coldly, her eyes had turned dark green at some point, and there were spiderweb pupils composed of black lines in her eyes, which looked extremely weird.

"Bibi Dong, look at how you look after putting on the Rakshasa god costume. Are you still a human being?!"

Li Fei joked, the Poseidon Trident appeared in his hand, and he was preparing for it seriously. After all, Li Fei has never really felt the power of God. The few times he met were either divine thoughts or heirs to the divine throne, so he could not truly feel it. Having experienced the power of God, he must be fully prepared.

"Now I am no longer a human being, I am a real Rakshasa God!"

Bibi Dong was not irritated by Li Fei, but was very calm. All nineteen soul rings lit up, and the outermost purple-gold soul ring looked particularly eye-catching. Not only that, the remaining eighteen soul rings were also all contaminated. Infused with the breath of God, it sparkled with divine light.

Now every soul ring skill of Bibi Dong has turned into a divine skill. Even the weakest soul skill is now the most powerful soul skill that exceeds the ninety-ninth level Ultimate Douluo!

"It seems that Bibi Dong has been completely influenced by the Rakshasa God!"

Sighing in his heart, Li Fei had no intention of holding back. The energy, blood, mental power and soul power in his body instantly merged and turned into red-gold energy. A stream of pure Yang energy appeared and instantly wrapped around the Poseidon Trident.

The space was slightly distorted, and Li Fei's figure appeared beside Bibi Dong. He smashed the Poseidon Trident in his hand hard. Bibi Dong, who was already a Rakshasa God, reacted very quickly and immediately sensed the direction of the attack. , waving the Rakshasa Demon Scythe in his hand and slashed in the direction he sensed.


The sickle and the trident collided, and several sparks exploded. Like fireworks, terrifying energy exploded instantly, causing the space within a radius of 10,000 meters to distort.

Bibi Dong instantly felt that her arms were numb, and she could hardly hold the Rakshasa Demon Scythe in her hand. She felt that Li Fei's power was endless and it was not something she could resist.

"How is this possible?! I have become a god, why am I still losing in strength to Li Fei, a super Douluo who is only level 97! I don't believe it!"

With an unbelievable look in her eyes, the Rakshasa heart in Bibi Dong's body began to shine with endless bright light, and she began to increase the output of Rakshasa's divine power, resisting the Poseidon Trident with difficulty.

But even so, as Li Fei continued to increase his strength, the Poseidon Trident wrapped with the power of red-gold pure Yang still suppressed the Rakshasa Demon Scythe and kept approaching her.

"Ha!~" Bibi Dong shouted coldly, and the eight huge magic scythes like wings flew out from her shoulders in an instant and connected together in the air, forming a strange magic circle. The eight scythes turned into A dark purple disk began to rotate at high speed, and the sharp edges even tore the space apart!

"Rakshasa's Plate!~Go!"

The Rakshasa Disk drew an arc in the air and shot at Li Fei at an extremely tricky angle.

Feeling the sharp energy on the disk, Li Fei also frowned. Although it was no problem to resist with his current body, he would definitely be injured, and it was really not worth the gain.

Holding the Poseidon Trident in his right hand, he continued to increase the strength in his hand, forcing Bibi Dong to defend with all his strength.

At the same time, the platinum halberd in his left hand condensed, and the tip of the halberd was pressed against the Rakshasa. The two sharp auras began to collide continuously. Just the aura that escaped could easily kill any Extreme Douluo.

As for why the Evil Demon Suit and the Dark Evil Demon Halberd are not used, it is because the levels of these two weapons cannot keep up with Li Fei's strength. Although he has been using his own power to warm up and even draw the power of various dimensions, using these powers to make They evolve, but due to the materials, these two weapons cannot function in god-level battles even if they possess the tiger bones of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

It is for this reason that Li Feicai understands why after a god becomes a god, the artifacts and divine equipment are formed from pure energy, because in this way the artifacts and divine equipment will evolve with the improvement of cultivation, so Li Feicai will be completely made of energy entities The platinum halberd formed by the formation was condensed.

As the ultimate holiness, ultimate power, and ultimate gold, the platinum war halberd is condensed with the three attributes of qi, blood and mental power. Its current strength is only slightly worse than that of the golden trident, even if it is not as strong as the Rakshasa Demon Scythe. Can contend.

"Rakshasa Realm!"

After seeing that the attack of the Rakshasa Plate was fruitless, Bibi Dong did not dare to hold back anymore. The Rakshasa Domain used its full strength to wrap Li Fei in it. The surrounding environment also changed. Relying on the power of the Rakshasa Domain, Bibi Dong It also instantly opened the distance between Li Fei.

Li Fei looked at the Rakshasa realm after Bibi Dong became a god, and found that it had also undergone tremendous changes. The realm that originally contained only the aura of darkness and evil had now turned into a world containing all the filth in the world.

Frowning slightly, Li Fei felt how terrible these filth were. Not only could they corrode energy, even the red-gold pure Yang power could barely resist it, but they would also pollute people's spirits. Fortunately, Li Fei's realm was already over. Beyond constant concentration, there is only one step away from reaching the state of sitting and forgetting. It is impossible for distracting thoughts to arise in the heart. These filth are not even qualified to enter Li Fei's heart.

"Divine Skill·Disaster Curse!"

Deep in the filthy Rakshasa Prison, streaks of strange red light slowly lit up, converging in the sky to form a weird magic seal. If you look carefully, you will find that this seal is made of countless blood-red eyes. It was formed by a gathering of eyes, and there seemed to be countless resentful creatures struggling and squirming on it.

A series of coquettish dark purple lasers shot towards Li Fei from all directions. Each dark purple laser was made of highly compressed Rakshasa divine power, and its attack power was very powerful.


Li Fei smiled disdainfully, and ripples began to appear in the space around him. All the dark purple lasers were directly absorbed into the ripples and disappeared.

"How is this possible! This is my domain, why can you still use the power of space?!"

Bibi Dong looked in disbelief as she watched Li Fei use space to crack her own moves. Even if a god of the same level fell into the opponent's domain, he couldn't use the power of space. He could only break the domain through violence or use the same level of magic. field offset.

Li Fei said with a hint of sarcasm: "Are you too self-righteous?! Why do you think this is your domain?!"

"Could it be?!"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong suddenly thought of Li Fei's special field, and immediately turned ugly, looking at Li Fei in disbelief.

Li Fei's eyes were very proud: "Yes, as early as the moment you opened your domain, I also opened my domain and integrated it into your domain.

It should be said that it is worthy of being the domain of God. I can't erase this filthy environment. But fortunately, I can also use the power of this domain to offset the restrictions on me and even launch an attack on you! "

"I don't believe you can be stronger than me, the Rakshasa God, in controlling the field!"

Bibi Dong's eyes erupted with green light, and the Death Spider Emperor's eighth soul skill, Spider Emperor Clone, was used. The whole person directly split into two, waving the Rakshasa Demon Scythe in his hand, and began to attack continuously.

After becoming a god, all the skills of the soul ring have undergone incredible evolution. The flaws that originally required manipulation of the spider king's clone skills have completely disappeared under the influence of divine thoughts. It can be said that now the two Bibi Dongs are the same body, and both are the same. Together, she at least doubled her combat effectiveness.

"I don't need a stronger control power than you, as long as the domain can't affect me!"

As long as Li Fei, who has practiced fetal breath to Hunyuan breath, can eliminate the domain of god-level experts, he can use his powerful spiritual cultivation to absorb power from other dimensions and even condense the power of heaven and earth. This is also what Li Fei did during this period. Open up acupoints and come up with ways to fight against gods.

And without the influence of the field, Li Fei's own combat power is definitely much higher than that of Bibi Dong at this time. In the battle just now, he only used the ninety-seventh level of soul power and energy in his body with micro-level control. With the power of blood and domain, it is difficult for Bibi Dong to withstand the strength he exerts in a head-on confrontation. What's more, he also has the power in the acupoints. After opening the acupoints, the physical body that contains all kinds of wonderful powers and the understanding of Zhou Tian's intention are not available. Not the slightest use.

"Damn! I have become a god, but his power fluctuation is still at level ninety-seven, why can't I kill him?! Why?!"

Bibi Dong's heart became more and more crazy. At this time, she had already exerted her own strength to the extreme, using various soul skills and magical skills with the clone. She even used the power of the clone to perform many magical fusion skills, but these attacks When he was in front of Li Fei, he was as powerless as a child beating an adult, and was easily resolved.

It was clear that he had used his maximum spiritual power to control Li Fei's field, but it had no effect at all.

She couldn't figure it out. It was clear that each of Li Fei's attacks contained very little power, but the power exerted was no weaker than an attack with hundreds of times the power. If it weren't for the fact that he had killed someone in order to become a god, The various resentments and dirty thoughts emitted by the wronged souls of tens of thousands of soul masters provide Rakshasa divine power, and her consumption is definitely not small.

"Bibi Dong, it seems that your heart has been shaken and you no longer have confidence!" Li Fei used the Poseidon Trident to point at the intersection of the two Rakshasa Sickles, blocking the two Bibi Dong attacks, and then the Platinum War Halberd One wave.

With a stabbing sound, one of them, Bibi Dong, was split in half!

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