"Now that it has been discovered, the sacred attributes can be removed!"

With a sneer, the originally golden-red sacred flame instantly turned into a gray flame. This is the flame of evil. Its destructive power is not as powerful as the sacred eye, but its devouring effect on soul power is very powerful.

Not only that, countless gray-black thunderballs also began to appear in the sky, turning into rolling thunderclouds, and thick thunder pillars blasted towards the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King below.

The speed at which the Zhoutian Domain absorbed the soul power of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly accelerated several times. The soul power was continuously extracted from his body, turning into countless blue-purple light bands that were absorbed by the barriers of the domain world, and then fed back into Li Fei's body.

As soul power was injected into his body one after another, Li Fei controlled the soul power to continuously wash away the acupoints all over his body, allowing the acupoints to open up one by one.

Li Fei's cultivation has reached the point where he is invulnerable to gods. Even if all the soul power of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King pours into his body, he can control it perfectly, and there is no possibility of bursting.

"No, I have to break this realm. I can't continue like this. Sooner or later, I will be sucked dry by this kid!"

The eyes of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King were full of solemnity. He felt the soul power in his body passing away at several times the previous speed. He quickly controlled the soul power in his body. However, under the bombardment of the dark demon evil thunder, every blow made the soul power in his body shake. , and then the soul power in his body was absorbed by Zhou Tian Realm.

It understood that Li Fei was forcing it to turn into a human form. His body was too huge. Even if he had turned into a dragon and was flexible, it would be difficult to dodge at the speed of thunder and lightning. Basically, every evil thunder could condense into his body. Rutie's soul power was shaken away, and then absorbed by the entire evil power that had filled the entire Zhoutian realm, and transformed into pure power that was absorbed by Li Fei.

The Demonic Whale Domain continued to explode, and various soul power light beams continued to blast towards the surrounding Zhoutian Barrier, but each time they were blocked by the flame light curtain transformed from the evil fire. Occasionally, a light beam broke through the light screen, but the attack The power is no longer enough to break the barriers in Zhou Tian's field.


Another thick Dark Demon Evil Thunder struck the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, causing it to snort coldly and look at Li Fei in the air. The huge body wanted to sprint forward continuously. The Zhoutian Domain was centered on Li Fei. Yes, although it can use the Demonic Whale Domain to offset the suppressive influence of the Zhoutian Domain, and its soul power explodes powerfully, it cannot get close to Li Fei who is at the center of the domain.

No matter how his huge body moved, Li Fei always kept a safe distance from him, and also used the power of evil fire to continuously cut into him, making him weaker and weaker.

"What kind of human being is this? I can withstand millions of years in my dragon body. After absorbing so much of my power, not only does he not feel any discomfort in his body, but he continues to strengthen."

Looking at the increasingly strengthened Li Fei, the eyes of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King became more and more solemn. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the blue-purple light surrounding his body began to converge and turned into a huge vortex. With its body as the center, it began to continuously compress. Soul power.

"Are you finally going to turn into a human form?"

Li Fei has waited too long, and the strength of the sea soul beast in human form will be reduced by at least half. Even if the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King does not lose much due to millions of years of savings, it is enough for Li Fei now.

"Platinum Halberd!"

However, it was impossible for Li Fei to let the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King transform into a human form so easily. He stretched his hand into the air, and all the soul power in the Zhoutian Domain gathered in Li Fei's hand, and the platinum-gold light turned into a large white weapon. halberd.


The platinum spurge turned into a stream of light and sank directly into the huge vortex formed by the huge body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.


A hundred-meter-high white-gold mushroom cloud rose into the sky, white arcs of electricity flashed continuously, spreading all over the world, and shock waves continued to sweep away in all directions.

"Damn guy!"

The roar of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King rang out in the mushroom cloud, and then a blue-purple soul power light pillar shot up into the sky, tearing apart the white-gold mushroom cloud. The human appearance of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King appeared, holding two eight-pointers in both hands. Plum Blossom Hammer glared at Li Fei.

It's just that he looks a little miserable at this time. The dark purple armor made of energy has been mostly broken, and blue-purple blood can be seen constantly overflowing from the wounds on his body.

"I am going to kill you!"

The dark purple eight-edged plum blossom swung back, and his whole body turned into a dark purple stream of light and rushed towards Li Fei.

"I've been waiting for you to transform for a long time!"

Li Fei was not afraid at all. It should be said that he had been waiting for a long time. White lightning wrapped around the golden trident, and he rushed forward.

The golden trident and the eight-edged plum blossom hammer continued to collide, and the white-gold lightning and the blue-purple lightning also began to collide. The white lightning that perfectly blended the three attributes of gold, fire, and thunder instantly tore apart the blue-purple lightning that had the attributes of water and thunder. lightning.

"His thunder and lightning restrain me, and his fighting skills are superior to mine!"

The fight between the two sides made the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King very frustrated. The white lightning was hot and steaming, tearing apart the mines on his body every time. It continued to shine with terrifying heat, and Li Fei's fighting skills were very good. Strong, coupled with the advantage of long-handled weapons, he is often left with a big hole in his body. The most important thing is the difference in weapons. Although his eight-edged plum-blossom hammer has reached the level of a semi-artifact, it is not in any way. The opponent of the artifact Poseidon Trident.

However, he is not someone to be trifled with. During the battle, just like in the original work, he continued to plant his mines throughout the Zhoutian domain, covering the entire space in a short period of time.

"It's indeed insidious, but it's not very useful!"

"Explode the ring!"

Li Fei sneered, and the first four of the eight soul rings exploded instantly, as if substantial soul power erupted from Li Fei's body. Even the space began to distort. White thunder and lightning continued to flash, turning the entire domain into daylight.


The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King secretly said something was wrong, murderous intent burst out on his face, and he stretched out his right hand towards Li Fei. The thunderball hidden in the air appeared instantly and shot towards Li Fei from all directions, but it seemed as if the substance could distort the space. There is no effect at all in front of the soul power.

When countless blue-violet lightnings reached Li Fei's side, they were shot to the side due to the distorted space and could not touch Li Fei at all.

"Five Elements Reversal!!"

Li Fei shouted loudly, and the power of the five elements appeared. The five elements were constantly colliding with each other based on the principle of mutual restraint of the five elements. Black lights representing destruction began to flash continuously, wrapping around the Poseidon Trident like running water.


Throwing the Poseidon Trident forcefully, in the eyes of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, the black stream of light pierced through his chest at an unimaginable speed. He looked down at the wound filled with black light.

He raised his head and glanced at Li Fei: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King returned to his original body and fell from the sky.

Li Fei did not put away the Zhou Tian Domain. He wanted to use the domain to completely absorb the nearly million-year heritage of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King and transform it into his own heritage.

After the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King landed, a red ball with nine golden patterns appeared. At the same time, there was a stream of strong soul power emanating from the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's huge body.

A blue-purple trunk bone slowly floated out from the body.

After seeing all this, Li Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Although the current Deep Sea Demon Whale King still had most of his soul, he was really dead.

After throwing the Evil Demon Suit and the Dark Evil Demon Halberd onto the body of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, Li Fei sat down cross-legged. Li Fei began to destroy the Zhoutian Domain, continuously absorbing the escaped soul power, and at the same time pulling the soul ring. As he began to absorb it, waves of murderous and violent power poured into his body, trying to affect Li Fei's mind and body.

However, Li Fei, who was in the realm of fetal breath and seeing the gods as indestructible, was not affected by external forces at all. Once these soul powers entered the body, they became extremely docile and were easily absorbed.

Not only that, the energy of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is extremely huge, and the excess power is also absorbed by the qi, blood and soul ring under Li Fei's control, and is constantly converted into the power of qi and blood, which also makes the qi and blood make great progress.

Suddenly, the torso bone of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King turned into a stream of light and rushed in front of Li Fei, trying to merge into Li Fei's body, but a bloody armor appeared around him, blocking the soul bone and preventing it from letting go. There's not even the slightest bit of progress.

"I wanted to make a sneak attack, but unfortunately I was prepared!"

Li Fei sneered, closed his eyes and continued to refine the soul ring. In the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness, part of the remaining soul of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King kept hitting Li Fei, but it had no effect at all. Instead, the collisions continued again and again. He continued to consume energy, which turned into spiritual power and was absorbed by Li Fei.

The light of awakening appeared in the body again, this time it was a purple-gold light. This was another awakening and evolution of the martial soul. With this awakening, Li Fei felt that his original martial soul was disappearing. It should be said that it was completely integrated into the body. .

In the past, if Li Fei, the original martial soul, wanted to fully exert his strength, he also needed to be possessed by the martial soul. However, after the martial soul was completely integrated, it was not needed at all. The soul ring would appear as soon as the mind moved, and the soul power would be more unobstructed. .

Because the martial soul is the manifestation of part of the human soul, as the martial soul merges into the body, the soul and the blood merge into one, turning into pure Yang. The mind is extremely agile, predicts events like a god, and has a special premonition of danger.

This also means that Li Fei's body finally has the special features of the Martial Saint in Human Immortal Martial Arts.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Fei also used the power of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King to start condensing the third soul core. With the last experience, the condensation of the blood soul core was very smooth, but now there is a problem, that is The spirit and soul power are fused, and the soul power and qi and blood are fused, but the spirit and qi and blood are not completely integrated.

This also led to Li Fei's purple-gold awakening never being successful, and the martial spirit was only one step away from being fully integrated into the body.

At this time, Li Fei made a crazy move, and his mental power exploded completely. He actually pulled the spiritual soul core and qi-blood soul core out of the upper and lower dantian, and followed the meridians into the middle dantian.

Three completely unrelated soul cores began to collide continuously. The three forces continued to recombine, baptize, and condense. Slowly, streams of red-gold energy appeared at the junction of the three soul cores. With this, As soon as a wave of energy appeared, it began to wildly devour the surrounding soul power, mental power and qi and blood power, and quickly began to swim along the meridians.

With the emergence of this special red-gold power, the last step of the martial soul's integration into the body was completely completed. After the martial soul awakened and disappeared, Li Fei also quickly returned the spirit and blood soul core to the body.

In this way, the nearly million-year foundation of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King was absorbed by Li Fei's body, soul power, soul ring, and qi and blood. With the absorption of the century-old soul ring, the ninth qi-blood soul ring was also successfully condensed. out.

"My soul power and blood have all reached level ninety-seven, my soul rings have all evolved to a hundred thousand years, and my body's strength has already exceeded one million kilograms, reaching the terrifying six million. Now I am considered a god. I also feel like I can fight!”

"The most important thing is that with the help of the power of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, I actually opened up thirty acupoints. I had only opened three with the help of the Ice and Fire Eyes for two years of practice. Its power is really powerful!"

The acupoints are the reason why Li Fei dares to absorb all the secrets of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. The soul power in the thirty-three acupoints is equivalent to the title Douluo, which means that Li Fei now has thirty-three reserve soul powers. library.

And with the opening of acupoints, acupoints have also brought many unexpected effects. Almost all the acupoints Li Fei has opened are on his limbs, making his limbs more flexible and as powerful as mountains. The speed is like a ghost.

He took photos of the whale glue and whale beads floating in the field and threw them into the storage bracelet together with the soul bones.

"It's a pity that 99% of the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King has been completely energized, and I used the Zhoutian Domain to refine it!"

Seeing the completely disappeared body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, Li Fei also felt pity. If it were completely flesh, the bones and skin would definitely be the best material for refining soul tools.

At this time, Li Fei was also full of doubts. His body was close to being completely energized, and his heart and brain were no longer his fatal weaknesses. How could he be killed by nine bursts of Bodhi Blood? You must know that he used the five elements to restrain each other. The destructive power generated was successfully killed with the help of the power of the Poseidon Trident.

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore!"

"When I get back, I'll study this new power!"

A ball of blood-colored energy appeared in Li Fei's hand, constantly changing into various shapes. This energy had the characteristics of soul power, qi and blood, and spiritual power at the same time. He felt that it was no weaker than the power of the Poseidon he had seen at the beginning. .

He also took back the Evil Demon Suit and the Dark Evil Demon Halberd. After taking a look, he found that this time he had swallowed up a lot of energy from the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, and it had grown to the level of a ninth-level soul guide. However, the function was still single, not as good as the various ones in the Peerless Period. Soul guide.

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