"Leave those sects to me, and you can concentrate on dealing with matters in the court!" Li Fei said with a serious face, kissed Qian Renxue on the face, and left the imperial study.

Li Fei did not go to find trouble with those sects immediately. Instead, he returned to the original sect. Dealing with the sect's affairs could not be solved in a day or two. He had to teach Oscar and others to breathe deeply first.

After returning to the sect, Li Fei called Oscar and others over, along with Ning Rongrong. Since the last time, Ning Rongrong often ran from the Qibao Glazed Sect to the Noumenon Sect, not only for practice And eating, but more importantly, wanting to play with Oscar and others, because everyone in the Qibao Glazed Sect treats her as a princess, but Oscar and others treat her as a friend.

"Xiao Ao, what are you doing here?!" Ning Rongrong said curiously, looking at the dozens of small beds in the room.

"Actually, I don't understand very well. Brother Li Fei is just teaching us to sleep. But every time we sleep, we feel very comfortable and can increase our soul power and strength!" Xiao Ao touched his head and explained naively.

"Sleep?!" Ning Rongrong was very puzzled.

"Rongrong, find a bed and lie down too!"

Hearing Li Fei's voice, Ning Rongrong nodded, came to the small bed next to Nong Zhi and lay down.

After seeing everyone lying down, Li Fei's mental power spread like ripples, hypnotizing all the little ones and putting them into a deep sleep.

"It would be great if there was a device that could assist in entering deep sleep, so I wouldn't have to take time out to use hypnosis as often as I do!"

After Oscar and others entered the state, Li Fei also regained his energy and began to think in his heart.

However, this also reminded Li Fei that although he did not have the technology of the Galaxy Era, he did have the existence of a magic circle and a soul capital device. After a few more moves, it should not be a problem to create an auxiliary device.

"Fengzhi, Rongrong has gone to Noumenon Sect again, and you can't take care of it!" Chen Xin searched around the Qibao Glazed Sect but couldn't find Ning Rongrong, so he couldn't help complaining to Ning Fengzhi who was sitting there reading a book. .

"Uncle Jian, Li Fei's teaching ability far exceeds that of you and me. There is no harm in letting Rongrong come to the Noumenon Sect. Maybe Li Fei will also guide Rongrong in her practice and make her stronger, and she is basically in the sect. She doesn’t have any friends of the same age, but she can still play with Nong Zhi there. Isn’t that great?”

Ning Fengzhi put down the book in his hand, feeling helpless towards Sword Douluo. His two uncles were too doting on Rongrong.

"But we can't run away to subjugate our country three times a week. Can't Gu Rong and I, two titled Douluo, still teach us?!" Chen Xin said with some reluctance.

If you two could be more ruthless when teaching me, would I have dragged you out to hunt for whale gum for half a year? !

Ning Fengzhi rolled his eyes, looking helpless.

"Dad, Grandpa Jian, I'm back!"

Ning Rongrong's voice suddenly came from outside. Chen Xin instantly turned into a sword light and went outside. Then he hugged Ning Rongrong and kept caring.

"Grandpa Jian, I'm fine, Xiao Ao and the others are very good to me!" Ning Rongrong said in a clear voice.

Chen Xin was confused when he was concerned, and did not notice that Ning Rongrong's aura was much quieter than before, but the attentive Ning Fengzhi did notice that, not only that, he also discovered that Ning Rongrong's soul power had actually increased by one level. There was a glimmer of light in his eyes from time to time.

"Rongrong, tell dad! What happened in Noumenon Sect today?!" Ning Fengzhi coaxed.

"Nothing happened?!" Ning Rongrong was a little confused.

"Fengzhi, what do you mean?!" Chen Xin frowned.

"Uncle Jian, haven't you noticed yet?! Rongrong's aura has changed, and even his soul power and physical fitness have increased!" Ning Fengzhi said angrily.

After being reminded, Chen Xin realized Ning Rongrong's change.

"Rongrong, think carefully about what's different from when you went there before!"

Hearing her father and Grandpa Jian, Ning Rongrong still looked confused: "Except for brother Li Fei being here today and teaching us to sleep, nothing has changed?!"


"Yes! After I woke up, I felt that my strength had become so great, but I was just very hungry!" Ning Rongrong gestured with her hands as she spoke.

"It seems that the problem lies in sleeping. I didn't expect that Li Fei would teach Rongrong!" Ning Fengzhi sighed with emotion, and then said seriously: "Rongrong, your brother Li Fei taught you how to sleep. Don’t tell anyone else, you know?”

"I know! But dad and the two grandpas can't tell me either?!" Ning Rongrong nodded, and then asked doubtfully.

"Yes, dad and grandpa can't say that either!" Ning Fengzhi looked serious!

"Oh well!"

There are many buildings on the hills not far from Fengxiao Canyon. Each building is carved with sword patterns. This is the residence of Fengjian Sect. At this time, Feng Bailong, the leader of Fengjian Sect, is sitting cross-legged in the canyon. On the edge, his eyes were covered with cloth, and he was practicing his soul power.

This is the unique cultivation method of the Fengjian Sect. By closing the eyes and amplifying other senses of the body, one can feel the power of the wind. Combined with the Fengjian Martial Spirit inherited from the previous generation, it can be said to be even more powerful, allowing the Fengjian Sect to dominate the entire continent. The power is also among the best.

"What's the problem?! Why has my cultivation speed slowed down so much after I got to Contra? How long will it take for me to practice as a Titled Douluo?!"

Calling out the Wind Sword, Feng Bailong swung out his sword and split the distant and constant strong wind in the Fengxiao Canyon. His heart was full of unwillingness. He thought of the Wuhun Palace and the birth of titled Douluo in each generation of the three sects. And their family-style sect and two royal families really couldn't break through those shackles. His father died of depression because he was stuck at level 89 his whole life.

"Is it true that breaking through to the Titled Douluo is as father thought back then? Is it necessary to try methods?!" Feng Bailong lowered his head and thought, then swung his sword into the distance, a sword containing the power of wind. Qi spurted out.


Li Fei's figure appeared, he raised his hand gently and dispersed the sword energy with a snap of his fingers.

"Who are you?! I don't know why you came to our Fengjian Sect?!" Feng Bailong had a solemn look on his face. Although the sword he just made did not use soul skills, in this windy canyon where strong winds blow all the year round, , the sword swung with the power of the strong wind was no weaker than the attack power when he used his soul skills.

But the young man in front of him actually shot it away with just a snap of his fingers.

"Wait a minute, young man!" Feng Bailong reacted and said in a deep voice, "You are Li Fei!"

"As expected of the sect with the strongest attack power in the Ottoman province, it can actually hurt me!" Li Feiyou looked at Feng Bailong in surprise after looking at his healed finger.

Only he knows how strong his physical body is now. In terms of defensive power alone, it is stronger than Hu Yanzhen of the Elephant Armor Sect. Unexpectedly, he was cut open by a Contra who didn't even use his soul skills. .

Although he didn't use soul power or blood.

Hearing Li Fei's emotion, Feng Bailong's face suddenly turned cold. He looked down on himself so much that he actually thought that he, a majestic Contra, couldn't hurt him.

"Li Fei, stop looking down on others!"

"The eighth soul skill: Wind and Thunder Sword!"

The furious Feng Bailong didn't know how to be merciful at all. As soon as he came up, he struck with all his strength. The wind sword in his hand instantly turned into a giant sword, constantly gathering the endless storm and thunder power in Fengxiao Canyon.

Strike out with a sword!

The sharp sword light, which was as violent as wind and thunder, shot out and struck Li Fei, who had a calm face in the distance.

"Oh! Relying on the power of the natural environment of Fengxiao Canyon, the power of this blow is already comparable to the full blow of an ordinary titled Douluo!" Li Fei was slightly surprised, and then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "But, it's not just You will use the power of nature!”

"The sixth soul skill: Dark Demon Evil Thunder Fury!"

Endless gray thunder and lightning wrapped around Li Fei's fist, instantly condensing all the power of wind and thunder in the Fengxiao Canyon, and then punched out, the violent thunder, wrapped in the power of the storm, made the sharp streak in the sky The wind and thunder sword energy was broken every inch. Not only that, the power of the gray thunder did not weaken at all after destroying the wind and thunder sword energy. By the way, it also destroyed the wind and thunder sword above Feng Bailong.

This is one of the two major soul skills of the soul ring transformed by the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It is the domineering lightning condensed by the soul power of the three attributes of wind, thunder and evil. Coupled with the powerful spiritual power that condenses the power of heaven and earth, But it is far stronger than Feng Bailong.


The eighth soul skill was forcibly destroyed, and the soul power backfired. Feng Bailong spurted out blood, looked at Li Fei in disbelief, and kept murmuring.

"How is this possible?! I have been in this Wind Roaring Canyon for more than thirty years and have been constantly feeling the power of the storm here. No one is more familiar with this place than me. Why can you, a newcomer, borrow the power of heaven and earth? More than me!"

"Nothing is impossible! You can't even understand the basics of cultivation. Even if I give you a hundred years or a thousand years here, you still won't be able to cultivate!" Li Fei looked disdainful.

As his cultivation increased and he studied martial arts and spirituality, he came to understand more and more that the dual cultivation of life and life was the root of cultivation. As long as life continued to improve, various fighting methods would naturally increase.

"I don't believe it, you are just a boy who is less than ten years old!" Hearing this, Feng Bailong went a little crazy. The wind sword spirit regrouped, and the power of wind wrapped around him. He rushed in front of Li Fei in an instant and started to attack crazily. With.

The sword technique was like a violent storm, very fast. In just an instant, Feng Bailong swung thousands of swords, blocking all Li Fei's attack routes.

"The sword swing is fast, but it is out of control. Your own mental strength cannot control this high-speed sword technique. This will only become your biggest flaw!"

He sighed inwardly, Feng Bailong actually pursues the power of swordsmanship so much. Although this kind of move can be the best, it is only when facing masters of the same level, and when facing opponents whose realm strength far exceeds his, this kind of uncontrollable The moves will only be flaws.

With a slight retreat, Li Fei dodged more than half of the sword shadows, and then the soul power of the two attributes of gold and thunder on his fingers condensed, and he stabbed out instantly, turning into sword shadows all over the sky. At this moment, Li Fei also stabbed thousands of sword shadows. Down.

Then under Feng Bailong's unbelievable gaze, Li Fei's sword shadow destroyed all his sword shadows, and then left hundreds of blood holes on his body.

"Why don't you kill me?!"

Feng Bailong said doubtfully, as long as these blood holes were deeper, they could kill him, instead of the current injuries that were not even serious injuries, this kind of control alone was beyond his imagination.

"Since you know my name, you should know who I work for. The Tiandou Empire still needs sects like you, but we don't want them to be disobedient. Do you understand what I mean?!" Li Fei said in a calm voice.

"I understand, Fengjian Sect is willing to bow to His Majesty Xue Qinghe and jointly manage Fengxiao City!" Feng Bailong sighed inwardly, and slowly knelt down, his voice trembling.

"Very good! I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise the next time I come here will be the day of the Fengjian Sect's demise!" Li Fei nodded with satisfaction, turned around, and was about to rush to the next sect. He instantly looked back at Feng Bailong: "You are very sensible, so I would like to remind you that if you want to break through the Title Douluo, you must first have the mental strength to reach the Title Douluo. Otherwise, you will only be an eighty-ninth level Soul Douluo for the rest of your life." !”

After saying that, Li Fei stepped on the moon cloth and disappeared into a streak of light. ,

"It turns out that the key is mental power. No wonder my father has been struggling with his soul power for a lifetime without a breakthrough!" Feng Bailong smiled, and then he lay down in Fengxiao Canyon and passed out.

Dou Yi's research on soul masters was not thorough. Except for Wuhun Palace and Shangsan Sect, there were basically no titled Douluo in other sects. The biggest reason for this was because of soul cores.

The soul masters of Wuhun Palace and Shangsan Sect often have more powerful cultivation methods and have a deeper understanding of spiritual power. Therefore, they have more advantages in passively condensing soul cores, and naturally have more possibilities to become titled Douluo.

But after Dou Er, soul cores were no longer a secret among the major forces, and the method of condensation had long been thoroughly studied, so the number of titled Douluo increased exponentially.

With the Fengjian Sect learning from the past, the remaining sect leaders of the Fire Leopard, Chamois and Bird Bee sects were also very wise and expressed their loyalty to the Tiandou Empire. As for the three sects of the Holy Dragon Sect, the Elephant Armor Sect and the Black Tiger Sect, they It was the Wuhun Palace, so I left it to Bibi Dong to handle.

Of course, Li Fei and Qian Renxue will not completely believe the verbal promises of several sects. They cannot easily give up the city they manage. After all, to support the people of a sect, the money required is very huge, and it is difficult to express their stance now. Just because they are afraid of Li Fei's terrifying strength, once they have the ability to resist, they will definitely start to counterattack.

But with this statement, they can send people to intervene in the cities managed by several major sects, use other means to restrict these sects, and then collect and pay them here.

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