"Senior, be careful!"

"The seventh soul skill: Immortal True Body!"

"The fifth soul skill: Holy Flame Transformation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Evil God Suit instantly covered his whole body, and the Dark Evil Demon Halberd also appeared in his hand. Seven soul rings, four black and three red, appeared, and an extremely domineering aura rose up, accompanied by the explosion of soul power at the same time.

The current Evil God Suit and the Dark Evil Demon Halberd have almost reached the level of seventh-level soul guides under the joint nourishment of Li Fei's soul power and Qi and blood. They can defend even against the attacks of Titled Douluo. This is also the case for Li Fei. The fundamental reason why I want to feel the sword’s power up close!

"Good boy, this momentum can't be matched even by Soul Douluo. You are qualified to let me use the Seven Killing Sword!" Chen Xin looked surprised, and then came ecstasy. This kind of soul ring configuration and soul power Volatility is worth fighting for.


The air exploded, the invisible impact destroyed the trees below, sonic booms continued to roar, and Li Fei rushed towards Chenxin at a terrifying speed.

"Well done!"

"The first soul skill: long sword attack!"

Chen Xin's face was full of excitement, the sharp sword energy attached to the Seven Kills Sword, the sword intention was condensed, and the Seven Kills Sword Technique was used, several bright sword energy cut through the air, hitting all Li Fei's flaws.

"Zi Feng!"

Li Fei waved the magic halberd, and the three attributes of golden wind and thunder were perfectly integrated and condensed on the halberd body, flying Chen Xin's sword energy, and then slashed Huashan down with the simplest force.

As the swords and halberds clashed, Chen Xin felt a terrifying force coming from the sword body. The sword energy and sword intention condensed on the sword body were scattered by this domineering force. The sword technique in his hand changed, using softness to overcome hardness. The power pulling the magic halberd was released to the side, and the remaining power of the halberd turned into a slash and flew out.


A crack of over a hundred meters appeared in the Sunset Forest.

"This guy Chen Xin actually suffered a loss, why don't I laugh at him when he comes back!" Gu Rong immediately started laughing.

"Uncle Gu, are you saying that Uncle Jian suffered a loss in the confrontation just now!" Ning Fengzhi asked with a surprised look on his face.

"That's right, that guy Chen Xin suffered the disadvantage of underestimating his enemy and treated Li Fei as an ordinary Contra. As a result, he suffered a small loss due to Li Fei's explosive power!" Gu Rong laughed loudly.

"Come on Grandpa Jian!" Upon hearing this, Ning Rongrong immediately shouted loudly.

"The seventh soul skill: Seven Kills True Body!"

In the distance, Chen Xin, who was using the Seven Kills Sword to block Li Fei's attack, suddenly turned dark. His seventh soul ring lit up, and a thirty-meter-long Seven Kills Sword stretched out from his back, followed by terrifying streaks. The sword energy stabbed Li Fei from all directions.

"What a domineering sword spirit, there is no comparison with the previous attacks!"

Feeling the impact of the sword energy on the halberd body, Li Fei was filled with shock. If the previous sword energy could only split a stone, the current sword energy could completely split a hill, and the power was increased dozens of times.

"But this is okay, I can feel that the sword intent contained in the sword energy has increased dozens of times, which is just right for me to comprehend!"

"The sixth soul skill: Dark Demon Evil Thunder Fury!"

A trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and black-gray thunder and lightning appeared around him and then wrapped around the halberd. Li Fei swung the halberd at high speed, and countless afterimages turned into protective shields, scattering all Chen Xin's sword energy.

As the sword energy and sword intention were dispersed, some secrets of the sword intention emerged, and Li Fei also seized the opportunity to understand it.

After the distraction control reached the level of Ruyixin, he was able to comprehend while fighting without affecting his fighting.

Chen Xin's whole body exuded the sword intent soaring into the sky, and the endless sword energy surrounded his body to protect his body and attack, which brought huge pressure to Li Fei. Under this pressure, Li Fei swung his magic halberd even faster, and his soul power , the strength changes at will, and with the crazy transformation of light and darkness, the air above the Sunset Forest becomes as thick as mercury, lead, and mercury. Not only is the attack power amazing, but the defense is also very powerful.

The magic halberd and the Seven Kills Sword kept colliding, and the soul power of the two people kept rubbing and colliding in the surrounding space, and finally formed a terrifying energy storm.

In Tiandou City, all the people with cultivation level of Soul Saint or above noticed the abnormality in the sky above Sunset Forest, and felt the fluctuation of soul power at the level of Titled Douluo. They all flew towards Sunset Forest one after another, wanting to see where it was. Two titled Douluo were fighting.

"It's Li Fei!" Qian Renxue, who was far away in the East Palace, felt the familiar soul power, and without caring about anything else, she opened the door directly, and huge swan wings appeared behind her and soared into the sky.

She Long and the dolphin who were hiding in the dark quickly caught up with them.

Liu Erlong from Lanba Academy, Jiang Mo and Salas from Tiandou Wuhun Branch also rushed towards the direction of the soul power explosion.

Looking at the two people fighting, Gu Rong, who was originally planning to go back and laugh at Chen Xin, turned serious. He stared at the two people fighting, then turned around and said solemnly: "Fengzhi, Li Fei! If If you can't become friends, you must destroy them. If such a being becomes a titled Douluo in the future, it will be a huge mountain that will make any sect unable to lift its head!"

"I know Uncle Gu, so we formed an alliance after he revealed his soul ring configuration!" Ning Fengzhi nodded solemnly, and then looked at Li Fei who was doing his best in the sky. The soul power exploded with every blow reached He couldn't believe the state of the Titled Douluo, and said: "Is he really just a Soul Saint?! Isn't he a Titled Douluo in disguise?!"

"He's a Soul Saint, and he's only at level seventy-five! It's just that his physical body is stronger than Titled Douluo, and his soul power is not less concentrated and pure than Titled Douluo. Coupled with his terrifying explosive power in an instant, He can unleash a Title Douluo level of attack power. Also, have you seen the armor he is wearing and the halberd in his hand?"

"Armor and halberd!" At this time, Ning Fengzhi took a closer look and found that his uncle Jian actually had a lot of sword energy hitting Li Fei's body, but these sword energy had long been weakened by the halberd, and even the armor's defense was not available. Breaking it open, it can be seen that the armor is of high quality.

And that halberd that can fight against the Seven Kills Sword of Douluo level is definitely not an ordinary one.

"You've discovered it! His armor and halberd are both powerful soul tools. Combined with the previous factors, this is why he can fight against Chen Xin who is 60% of his strength. Now Chen Xin, except for the third The two major soul skills eight and nine are fully activated!" Gu Rong explained, but the shock and disbelief in his heart was no less than that of Ning Fengzhi.

Kendo Chenxin’s 60% strength! That's no worse than those Titled Douluo below level ninety-five. A Soul Saint can actually explode with such strength.

"Teacher, what is going on?! Why did Li Fei and Jian Mianxia get into a fight?!" Qian Renxue flew from a distance and landed next to Ning Fengzhi. She looked worriedly at the two people fighting in the sky. He had already He recognized that the person Li Fei was fighting with was Sword Douluo, who had the most terrifying attack power.

"The two of them are just comparing notes. Uncle Jian is now coaching Li Fei!" Ning Fengzhi replied with a smile, but did not take his eyes away from the battlefield.

Liu Erlong, Salas, the major educational committees of Tiandou Academy, and the people of the Tiandou Empire were also filled with shock and stared at the young boy intently.

"It's amazing! The first seven soul rings are all integrated into the martial soul. Is this the Seven Kills Sword Technique?!"

Li Fei, who was knocked away by the Seven Kills Sword, steadied his figure and looked at the Seven Kills Sword surrounded by only two ten thousand year soul rings. He was also very shocked. He didn't expect that the soul rings could be used like this.

With the integration of the seven soul rings, the power of the Seven Killing Sword Wuhun has been increased by more than ten times, and the power it has exploded has far exceeded that of Li Fei. You must know that Li Fei's physical strength alone is now More than forty thousand kilograms, plus soul power, qi and blood and other powers combined to explode, one hundred thousand kilograms is definitely there.

The power of one hundred thousand kilograms is enough to crack mountains and split seas, and the speed of the instantaneous explosion is definitely faster than the speed of sound. But for Li Fei, facing the explosion after integrating the soul ring into the Seven Kills Sword, he felt that he was powerless.

Little did the shocked Li Fei know that Chen Xin was even more shocked than him at this moment.

"What a monster! In addition to being worse than me in mental power, combat skills and soul power, he is superior to me in all other aspects. Is this really just a soul saint?!"

You must know that he is a ninety-sixth level Super Douluo, and there are few people in the entire continent who are stronger than him. As the successor of the Seven Killing Sword, his physical fitness is not much different from that of defense and strength soul masters of the same level.

The sword was swung out, the sword intent was condensed, and a killing character composed entirely of sword energy was hacked out.

Li Fei didn't dare to be careless at all. The four soul powers of gold, thunder, strength and sacred were integrated into the dark evil halberd, and he struck at the huge word "kill".


The two collided, a roar sounded, and sword energy flew. Li Fei's attack only blocked less than half of the sword energy attack, and all the remaining sword energy struck him, and the extremely sharp sword energy broke through. He took out the evil suit and cut hundreds of hideous wounds on Li Fei's body.

"It should be over now... right..."

The smile hanging on the corner of Chen Xin's mouth froze in an instant, and he saw that Li Fei's wounds and evil suit recovered in the blink of an eye, and even his breath did not weaken at all, just like a normal person.

"Senior, let's do it again!"

Li Fei smiled softly, his strength exploded, and he rushed towards Chen Xin. He wanted to understand the sword's intention more. He didn't want to let go of such an opportunity, and fighting Chen Xin, he would gain far more than this.

Chen Xin's combat experience, skills, sword intention, application of power, etc. are all worth learning from him.

"You brat, don't push yourself too far. Isn't it going to end well if you're obedient?!"

Chen Xin was a little angry. He could tell that Li Fei in front of him regarded him as a sparring partner.

"The eighth soul skill: Move mountains and fill seas!"

Ten sword shadows flew out from the Seven Kills Sword and turned into ten streaks of light. They exceeded the speed of sound in an instant and attacked Li Fei from all directions. Each sword shadow in Chen Xin's hand was as easy as the Seven Kills Sword. It was very fast. They are very flexible, and each of them can skillfully use the Seven Kills Sword Technique.

Li Fei was distracted for a moment. No matter how fast he waved the Dark Demon Halberd to resist, he would always miss a few sword shadows, tearing the Demon Suit apart, leaving hideous wounds on his body. Moreover, under his perception, these swords Each shadow has 80% of the attack power of the Seven Killing Sword.

But even this 80% attack power is no different between Li Fei and his heyday. Chen Xin didn't use his full strength.

After another three minutes of fierce fighting, Li Fei still couldn't break through the ten sword shadows. He knew that Chen Xin would no longer give him a chance. If he continued to fight like this, he would only be wasting his energy and would no longer have any learning effect on him.


Sighing inwardly, Li Fei sold a flaw and was directly blasted away by a sword shadow, leaving a 100-meter crater in the Sunset Forest, and smoke and dust billowed out instantly.

"Senior's strength is amazing, junior has given up!"

Li Fei didn't let everyone wait long. He flew out of the smoke in less than three seconds. The evil suit and the dark evil halberd had been put away. He was wearing ripped and torn clothes and said in a pretended embarrassment.

"You're fine, brat!"

Chen Xin nodded, retracted the Seven Killing Sword, and flew to Ning Fengzhi's side.

"Sect Master Ning, Your Highness, and a few seniors, there are many people here, so we should go to the sect and talk about it!" Li Fei also followed him, sensing that many soul saints had arrived in Sunset Forest at some point, so he suggested road.


Hearing this, Li Fei flew to Dugu Bo's side and invited him to go to the Noumenon Sect together. By the way, he also brought back Oscar and others who were protected by Dugu Bo.

"Li Fei is so strong. This is a real monster. An unprecedented monster in the Douluo Continent. He can actually exert the fighting power of a Titled Douluo at the Soul Saint level. Fortunately, he is from our Tiandou Empire!"

Soul Saint level Xue Xing said to Xue Ye next to him with a solemn face, but his eyes were full of worry, because Li Fei was recruited by Qian Renxue, which would only make Qian Renxue's influence in the Tiandou Empire The position is more consolidated.

"Let's go!"

Xue Ye, who had a pale and sickly face, said something, turned around and flew towards Tiandou City.

Liu Erlong returned to Lanba Academy with a complicated look.

Jiangmo in the dark chuckled twice and turned back to the Wuhun Hall.

In the Ontology Sect, a huge dining table was filled with all kinds of delicacies made by Shen Chenyan. Li Fei had already put on new clothes and came here, motioning for Ning Fengzhi and others to sit down.

"Thank you, Senior Sword Douluo, for your advice!" Li Fei held the wine and toasted to Chen Xin.

"No need to thank me, this is my reward for teaching Rongrong these six months!" Chen Xin waved his hand, but still took the drink from Li Fei's hand and drank it down, then raised his head and asked: "Li Fei, you Let’s not talk about the soul guide, what’s going on with your body! Even the top healing Soul Douluo can’t recover like you do!”

Now Chen Xin is really curious. Not only does Li Fei's body have a defensive power comparable to that of a defensive Soul Douluo, but its recovery speed is also unheard of. Coupled with the soul guide armor, unless he uses his full strength, he will not be able to survive at all. It is impossible to kill Li Fei.

Except for Qian Renxue and Dugu Bo, everyone around them also looked at Li Fei curiously.

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