Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 96 Xun'er: How long has it been and he actually has a new love?

Ancient world, Ancient Sacred Mountains.

A huge warship slowly stopped over this endless mountain range.

On the bow of the boat, stood a girl in green. She was wearing a light green skirt. Three thousand blue silk threads were tied up casually, spreading over her slender waist and ending vertically on her delicate buttocks.

The gentle breeze blows in, and the green silk hair flutters, out of the world and refined. That beautiful face is rare in the world, and the moving eyes are ethereal, like the deepest starry sky.

This woman is Xun'er who was brought back by Gu Nanhai. Before she even got off the ship, she attracted the attention of a large number of people below.

"It's Xun'er who's back!"

"Xun'er is still so beautiful!"

"Xun'er is still just a fighting king. She went out to practice outside the ancient world, but she really hasn't made any progress at all!"

"Xun'er's bloodline is not trivial. I was delayed in playing around before. If I practice with concentration in the future, my achievements will definitely crush you!"

"Hmph, I don't believe it. Although her bloodline is good, my bloodline is not weak either!"

Among the younger generation of the ancient tribe, most of the women were sarcastic and sarcastic towards Xun'er.

Because Gu Fei is the collective secret crush of the girls of the ancient tribe, and Xun'er not only took Gu Fei away before, but also betrayed Gu Fei in the end.

Among the men, many people frowned, but perhaps because of her identity as the daughter of the patriarch of Xun'er and her otherworldly beauty, there were still a large number of people defending her.

What's interesting is that those who defend Xun'er don't get her good looks.

After Xun'er came down, he walked straight towards his mountain courtyard.

"Xun'er, have you met Brother Gu Fei this time when you left the ancient world?"

Among the crowd, Gu Yunyou followed Xun'er to the foot of the mountain peak and asked.

"This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

Seeing Gu Yunyou, Xun'er, who was already in a bad mood, spoke with the smell of gunpowder.

"You must be jealous!"

"I'm jealous because of you?"

Xun'er raised her head confidently.

"Don't you know?"

"I heard news from the elders sent by the clan to protect Brother Gu Fei that Brother Gu Fei was out training this time and was taking a young woman with him, and the two of them got along day and night!"

Gu Yunyou said slowly that although she was not in a good mood about this matter, she would be very happy if she could make Xun'er angry now.

"Gu Fei spends time with a young woman?" Upon hearing the news, Xun'er's heart beat faster inexplicably.

Next, Gu Yunyou seemed to be gloating about others' misfortunes, and told Xun'er everything she knew about the Little Medical Fairy and Gu Fei.

"how so?"

"It's only been a year since I separated from him, and he actually has a new love!"

"How could he do this?"

Xun'er felt inexplicably uncomfortable, even a little angry, and her eyes were red.

"Hey, Xun'er, what qualifications do you have to comment on Brother Gu Fei!"

Seeing Xun'er's reaction, a sneer appeared on Gu Yun's pretty face: "Back then, before you separated from Brother Gu Fei, you did that unruly thing!"

"Who do you think is unruly?"

Hearing Yun You's harsh words, Xun'er's eyes filled with anger.

"Why, you've hit a painful spot and you want to attack me. Do you have the strength?"

Gu Yunyou stood calmly on the spot, meeting Xun'er's fire-breathing eyes.

With her cultivation level, even if she was only a three-star Dou Huang, Xun'er couldn't defeat her now.

"Don't be complacent. Give me two years and I will make you understand what a wrong decision it was to provoke me today..."

Xun'er clenched her fists and suppressed the anger in her heart. She also realized that her cultivation progress had been delayed for too long.

If this continues, the gap between her and Gu Fei will become wider and wider, and by then, she may really become a laughing stock.

The next moment, she changed direction and walked towards a hall deep in the mountains.

Among the ancient tribe, the cultivation resources are far beyond comparison with outside forces. Xun'er plans to go to his father Gu Yuan to get some resources and prepare for the next stage of baptism in the imperial altar.

In addition to exercises, fighting skills, and elixirs, ancient races like this also have some power inheritance left by their ancestors.

When the ancestors of the ancient clan were about to die, they would choose to store their power in the Emperor's Altar. The younger generations of the clan could enter the Emperor's Altar and directly pass on the power of some of their ancestors.

The strength of this inheritance varies from person to person. Generally speaking, the purer the bloodline, the higher the benefits obtained from baptism in the Imperial Altar.

Half an hour later, Xun'er stopped in front of a simple hall.

"Gu Fei, after you separated from me, you found an ordinary woman like that. Do you think she can be recognized by the clan?"

Xun'er murmured in her heart, and then slowly stepped into the ancient hall.

Shengdan City, in the inn room where Gu Fei and Xiao Yixian were.

"Brother Gu Fei, I finally broke through to Dou Wang! I can fly now!"

The little medical fairy stood up from the bathtub soaked in venom, and then, a pair of purple fighting spirit wings spread out on her back.

The Dou Qi wings vibrated slightly and slowly brought her into the mid-air of the room.

"It's very good. You broke through the Dou Wang in less than two months of retreat. I think it won't take more than two years for you to climb to the Dou Zong realm!"

Seeing the excitement of the little medical fairy, Gu Fei also had a happy smile on his face.

During this time, Gu Fei and the Little Medical Fairy have been staying in Shengdan City.

Shengdan City is the center of the mainland, and its resource storage far exceeds that of other cities on the mainland.

In addition to high-grade medicinal materials, some powerful poisons are also unmatched in ordinary places.

Gu Fei carefully selected many poisons and gave the little medical fairy a pill that could speed up her cultivation. Naturally, her cultivation level improved by leaps and bounds.

"Two years to reach Douzong is too fast! Can I do it?"

Hearing Gu Fei's encouragement, the little medical fairy was a little unconfident. After all, the higher the level of cultivation, the harder it became. There was a huge gap between Dou Wang and Dou Zong.

"You have to have confidence in yourself. Now there are no hidden dangers in your Annihilation Poison Body. The two years I mentioned are actually very conservative!"

Gu Fei smiled and shook his head.

In the original work, the little medical fairy struggled alone in the Izumo Empire. In three or four years, he grew from a novice practitioner to a three-star fighting sect. Such talent in cultivation cannot be compared to ordinary geniuses from ancient races.


Seeing that Gu Fei was so confident in herself, the smile on the little medical fairy's face became even brighter. She came to Gu Fei excitedly and rested her head on Gu Fei's broad chest.

"Why did that girl escape so quickly?"

At a certain moment, in the room, Gu Fei, who was hugging the little medical fairy tightly, suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

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