[Hills generate angry emotions, and the emotional value increases by 20]

"Little friend Gu Fei, this time I agreed to allow you to enter the Star Territory to conquer the Three Thousand Flame Flames, which is already an exception for my Danta. You actually plan to bring other people in. It's simply too..."

Seeing Gu Fei tear open the space jade slip, Qiuling beside him suddenly became angry.

His expression changed slightly and he scolded.

Although Gu Fei has a profound background, his behavior really offended Danta!

However, before Qiu Ling could say all the cruel words, he stayed in place for an instant.

Because, as the white-robed old man walked out of the space crack, an indescribably terrifying aura appeared in the star field.

Qiu Ling's mouth opened wide, and he swallowed back all the words he wanted to say before.

There was only shock and dullness in his eyes.

He stared hard at the ordinary-faced old man who came out of the crack in space, with a trace of fear in his eyes and stepped back.

Who is this person? His terrifying momentum is far inferior to that of the three giants.

The next moment, the empty space fluctuated slightly, and soon, another old figure slowly emerged.

The person who came was none other than Xuan Kongzi, the leader of the three giants of Danta.

He had just noticed the abnormal space fluctuations in the star field, so he had no time to say hello to others, so he summoned the silver gate again and entered the star field.

When Qiu Ling saw Xuan Kongzi coming, his face relaxed and he was about to open his mouth. Xuan Kongzi quickly waved his hand with a serious look on his face, signaling him to stop.

"Could this terrifying momentum be the realm of this senior..."

As soon as he saw the old man in white robe, Xuan Kongzi felt his heart beat hard for a moment, and there was also a trace of strong fear in his eyes.

"Haha, boy Gu Fei, you finally remembered the old guy. Did you run into any trouble this time?"

The old man who walked out of the crack had a serious face, his aura was rising, and his fingertips were flashing with subtle light.

He came in a hurry, thinking that Gu Fei was in big trouble when he summoned him this time.

When he saw that Gu Fei was safe and sound, he finally let go of his worries and had a kind smile on his face.

"Grandpa Gu Xiong, if there is no trouble, can't I see you?"

Gu Fei said with a smile, his tone was quite casual and a little intimate.

The person he invited this time was a senior of his grandfather Gu Lie's generation in the clan. He had watched Gu Fei grow up and had a very good relationship with him.

Among Gu Fei's rings, there are more than a dozen such space jade slips.

Every space jade slip can, at the very least, call upon a powerful semi-saint.

These space jade slips were all put into his hands by the strong men of his grandfathers and uncles. Gu Fei had to dodge them several times before he took a few less.

It can be said that Gu Fei is loved by thousands of people in the ancient clan.

He originally wanted to practice, but if he used those space jade slips too much, he would probably become dependent on them, which would not be of much help in improving his strength.

Gu Fei will only use this space jade slip when he really needs it.

Now, it was the first time that he used the space jade slip to ask the powerful people in the clan for help.

The ancient bear who came this time had a cultivation level that directly reached the level of a three-star fighting saint, and completely crushed the strongest person present, Xuan Kongzi.

Even in the secret small alchemy tower, it is difficult to find someone who can compete.

"Junior Xuan Kongzi, I have met my senior!"

Xuan Kongzi looked at the old man and the young man chatting and laughing over there, with a slightly solemn expression.

The aura of the ancient bear is really too strong.

In Xuan Kongzi's induction, it even surpassed that of the Great Elder of Xiaodan Pagoda.

At this moment, Xuan Kongzi did not dare to neglect, walked forward and greeted him respectfully.


Hearing this, Gu Xiong's eyes stopped on Xuan Kongzi for a moment and nodded slightly.

At this moment, Gu Fei has invited helpers, and he must take away these three thousand flames today to avoid long nights and dreams.

However, with Gu Fei's character, he obviously would not snatch the strange fire from the Dan Pagoda.

"Senior Xuan Kongzi, these three thousand flames are a trouble for the Danta. Why don't you let me take them away today?"

Gu Fei said politely.

On the side, Gu Xiong nodded in agreement after hearing what Gu Fei said.

Although in his opinion, this strange fire is indeed not a particularly important treasure.

However, Gu Fei has always had his own opinion. Since he refuses to let go, it means that this strange fire is very suitable for his practice.

"Since Gu Fei is interested in this strange fire, you guys will hand it over. If you need any compensation, just say so!"

Hearing this, Xuan Kongzi had a strange expression and glanced at Gu Fei without trace.

The boy who was feeling so confident before was not that he was sure of himself, but that he was sure of the people he invited to help.

Now Xuan Kongzi, from the moment he saw Gu Xiong, was able to determine that Gu Fei and the two came from that ancient clan, the ancient clan.

In Xuan Kongzi's impression, those ancient races seemed to be particularly arrogant.

Almost all of them disdain to participate in the power struggle in Zhongzhou.

They also disdain some external resources.

Even three thousand Yan Yanhuo is nothing to such an ancient clan. The fact that Gu Xiong and Gu Fei can be so polite has already given them Danta face.

"Since the seniors have already spoken, let's leave it like this. There is no need for compensation!"

Xuan Kongzi hesitated for a moment, then agreed, and then quickly formed seals with his hands.

The strange runes on the black dragon slowly faded, and the black lines continued to fade.

The moment the seal was broken, Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo suddenly opened his eyes, roared, and retreated violently, trying to escape from the star field.

"Beast, if you dare to run away again, I will slap you to death!"

Seeing this, Gu Xiong shouted lowly, his voice filled with endless coercion.

Although the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo has been able to compete with the three giants of Danta for so many years, it does not mean that it truly has the strength to fight with the three giants.

After all, the three giants have always wanted to seal it, and sealing and killing it are two different things. If they choose to kill it, I am afraid that the three thousand flames will have completely dissipated long ago.

Although the Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo is known as the immortal fire, the three giants of the Danta really want to deal with it. It is not that there is no way, but they just don't want to really get to that step.

Every kind of strange fire is extremely rare for alchemists.

Moreover, these strange fires took tens of thousands of years to take shape. If they were destroyed at will, it would be a waste of nature.

But Ancient Bear is different. If Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo disobeys, he will destroy it with thunder. At this moment, under the awe of Ancient Bear's momentum, the highly intelligent Three Thousand Yan Yanhuo stopped escaping and stopped unwillingly. .

"You're such a wise beast!"

The seal in Gu Xiong's hand was pinched, and a force enveloped the three thousand flames, and then compressed its huge body.

"Thank you so much, Grandpa Gu Xiong!"

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Gu Fei's face.

“It’s a big background, but it’s different!”

[Hills produce speechless and envious emotions, and the emotional value increases by 20]

Qiu Ling watched the ancient bear take away the three thousand flames, and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

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