Xun'er watched with some discomfort as the seventh-grade elixir came out of Gu Fei's hands.

She thought for a while and decided to put aside what happened yesterday for the time being.

After all, the yearning for the strong must exist in the heart of every ancient tribe.

Although she didn't like Gu Fei, there would be no problem if she went to bless him for refining the seventh-grade elixir.

She successfully convinced herself to go see Gu Fei and put the unpleasant comments she had just heard behind her.

Xun'er was just about to prepare to congratulate Gu Fei and explain what happened before.

She still wanted to ease the relationship with Gu Fei.

After all, for a genius like Gu Fei, being her husband would bring glory to her.

Xun'er couldn't remember why Gu Fei proposed to divorce at this time.

She still felt that Gu Fei was making too much fuss, but it was just a small matter, was it necessary to propose separation.

Xun'er still thinks that as long as she takes a step back, Gu Fei will forgive herself.

After all, Gu Fei liked her so much in the past, and his first request to Gu Yuan was to marry her.

Gu Fei loves her very much, doesn't he?

Who knows, the next second, Xun'er's steps stopped in place.

She had already reached the foot of the mountain and was about to step up.

A servant came to stop him.

"Sorry, Miss Xun'er, the master has issued an eviction order and ordered no one to disturb us."

The servant's tone was calm and obviously polite.

It was almost as if he were speaking to the wife of the owner of this mountain.

Xun'er stared with a look of anger.

These servants had never called her Miss Xun'er before, and their attitude had never been so distant!

In the past, even if Gu Fei wanted to practice and was ordered to be kicked out, she would not be stopped.

She has always had free access to this mountain peak.

This was the promise Gu Fei made when he married her. This mountain full of fighting spirit could never stop Xun'er.

Seeing this, Xun'er wanted to speak, but was blocked by the servant.

"The master has decided to start refining the next elixir immediately and cannot be disturbed by anyone."

Even for a genius like Xun'er, he couldn't help but be a little shocked after hearing what this servant said.

Want to refine the next one? !

Moreover, judging from the importance Gu Fei attaches to it, it is very likely that it is another high-level elixir!

Xun'er couldn't help but sigh inwardly.

Could it be that Gu Fei is a monster?

An ordinary seventh-grade alchemist will completely lose his fighting spirit after refining a seventh-grade elixir.

They need to rest for several days or even ten days before they can recover.

After all, refining seventh-grade elixirs requires a huge amount of fighting energy, and it also consumes a lot of energy.

There are even many people who have injured their origins while refining seventh-grade elixirs, making it difficult to improve their strength throughout their lives.

Gu Fei has just refined a seventh-grade elixir here, is he going to refine the next one immediately?

He doesn't need any rest at all?

Totally a monster.

As for the servant's words, Xun'er could only give up.

She stamped her feet and walked away bitterly.

All this was captured by one person.

"Everything depends on God's will..."

The man sighed in his heart, revealing a plain, weathered face.

Ming Ming looked very ordinary at first sight, but the dark light that occasionally flashed in his eyes made it impossible to ignore his existence.

The top man of the ancient clan, the Black Annihilation King Gulie, was looking down from a high place.

Gu Lie had been watching the conflict between the two young people for a long time. He smiled helplessly and sighed leisurely.

Gu Yuan came to Gu Lie that day to talk about this matter.

Gu Yuan told Gu Lie about this matter with a little embarrassment, and politely asked him to persuade Gu Fei.

When he first heard about this, Gu Lie was certainly dissatisfied.

After he waited for Gu Yuan to leave, he snorted coldly.

His grandson was cuckolded by his grandson's wife, and Gu Yuan wanted him to persuade Gu Fei to forgive Xun'er!

How ridiculous!

And Gu Fei is not a thing in the pool, why should he give in again and again!

But the clan leaders asked him so earnestly to persuade Gu Fei, so Gu Lie had no choice but to agree.

However, what can he do about Gu Fei.

Gu Lie knew his grandson's character very well.

He is an independent thinker. Even if Gu Lie uses his status as a grandfather to pressure him, he just won't do it if he doesn't want to.

Therefore, Gu Lie did not have the confidence to persuade Gu Fei.

Moreover, privately, he did not want his proud grandson to suffer such injustice.

Just one woman, how many more are there in the world!

Why did Gu Fei hang himself on this tree?

It’s been a long time again.

There is an endless stream of people from the ancient tribe coming under the Gufei Mountain Peak every day.

They looked up, their hearts filled with admiration.

The emotional value slowly entered the system, and finally, the second seventh-grade elixir was born.

The familiar dark clouds and Dan Lei gathered on the mountain peak again.

Around Gu Fei's mountain peak, countless people from the ancient tribe once again gathered to watch.

The pill thunder struck down one after another, and the terrifying pressure stretched for more than hundreds of miles.

Many of the people below looked a little pale and could not resist this pressure.

Some people began to worry about whether something would happen to Gu Fei.

After all, he did not pause in the middle, and after refining two seventh-grade elixirs, he withstood two elixirs.

"Do we need to worry about this? Who is Brother Gu Fei? A mere Dan Lei is not worth mentioning!"

"That's right, if you have this time to worry about Brother Gu Fei, why not think about how to improve your alchemy skills!"

There was good-natured laughter from the people around him, and the man blushed and touched his head.

He secretly decided to ask Brother Gu Fei for advice next time.

He is a sixteen-year-old genius in refining medicine. I am afraid that even if I study and practice hard all my life, I will never be able to match him.

But at this moment, Xun'er came angrily.

She stood at the foot of the mountain, her almond-shaped eyebrows raised, and her eyes full of anger.

[Xun'er feels angry, and her mood value increases by 200]

Gu Fei frowned, opened his eyes and looked down the mountain.

Looking down the mountain, there is a small figure.

The figure's dantian was filled with anger, and his voice was filled with obvious anger.

She added fighting spirit to her voice so that the sound could spread so that Gu Fei on the mountaintop could hear it clearly.

"Gu Fei, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person and actually send someone to kill brother Xiao Yan!"

There was an uproar all around.

Among those who knew the inside story, some did not believe Xun'er's words, while others were thinking deeply in secret and hesitated.

Xiao Yan is clearly the son of the head of the Xiao family in Wutan City and Xun'er's former sweetheart.

Could it be that Gu Fei was betrayed by his wife, and his love gave rise to hatred, and his jealousy drove him to hurt Xiao Yan?

He even wanted to kill the "adulterer".

But when one person tentatively proposed this idea, he was drowned out by the opposition.

"How is that possible! That's Brother Gu Fei!"

"That is, would he hurt an ordinary person because of Xun'er?"

"Besides, Brother Gu Fei clearly no longer likes Xun'er, and he is not a person who kills indiscriminately!"

People here who know the inside story don't believe Xun'er's words, and others who don't know naturally don't believe it even more.

They usually look at what kind of person Gu Fei is.

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