Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 25 Xun'er's anger! (Please order first!)

Qingshan Town.

The young man carrying a giant black ruler walked curiously in the lively market, looking around.

There are still many scars on his body. Although they have been healed, there are still faint scars. An inconspicuous black Na ring is worn on the finger of his right hand.

This young man was Xiao Yan, and he finally arrived at the town closest to the Warcraft Mountains.

Xiao Yan walked around the market and bought some necessary things. In addition, he also inquired about some information intentionally or unintentionally.

This time, Xiao Yan originally left home and planned to enter the Warcraft Mountains to experience as soon as he arrived in Qingshan Town.

However, because the ancient demon sent people to attack Xiao Yan before, Yao Lao put his soul into sleep in order to save him, and Xiao Yan was seriously injured.

Although his injuries are almost healed now, Xiao Yan is not sure about going into the mountain alone.

Therefore, he planned to join the mercenary team and enter the Warcraft Mountains together, so as to add an extra layer of protection to his own safety.

In the process of inquiring about information from people in these markets, he also heard about many major events that had happened in Qingshan Town recently.

Xiao Yan had heard about the famous Wolf Head Mercenary Group early in the morning in Qingshan Town.

When Xiao Yan heard the man's face turned red and told him about his admiration for the group leader Mu She, Xiao Yan also felt the desire for power in his heart when he heard the identity of Mu She's two-star fighting master.

But the well-informed shop owner here pulled him over mysteriously and whispered: "The Wolf Head Mercenary Group, the strongest mercenary group with strong fighting masters, has been completely annihilated!"

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank sharply. He happened to hear the news and lamented that things in the world are unpredictable.

But what the shopkeeper said next shocked him even more.

"It is said that they were killed by a mysterious alchemist boy who looked to be only sixteen years old. He destroyed the entire mercenary group by himself!"

After hearing this, Xiao Yan walked out of the shop, still looking a little dazed.

"It's really terrifying. Such a powerful person, even Nalan Yanran, the so-called Young Master of the Yunlan Sect, is completely incomparable..."

Now Xiao Yan is just an ordinary Dou Zhe practitioner, so he just sighs with emotion about this kind of thing, and has no other thoughts in his heart.

The reason why he chose to come to the Warcraft Mountains this time was because Yao Lao wanted him to come here to experience for a year before he consumed his soul power and fell asleep.

Xiao Yan's plan is to search for the elixir that can restore Yaolao's soul while practicing.

Yao Lao's soul was probably seriously damaged this time. Xiao Yan called him countless times in his mind but did not receive any response.

Although he was worried, he had no choice but to take one step at a time.

At noon the next day, Xiao Yan finally selected a mercenary team and went into the mountain together.

Two days after Xiao Yan entered the mountain, Qingshan Town also welcomed two other distinguished guests.

Pingting, a girl with a pretty face and long hair, was walking in the market and shopping. She stopped from time to time, looked at a product with bright eyes, and pulled the sleeve of the elder next to her to ask him to pay for it.

Ling Ying naturally sighed and reluctantly bought it for the young lady.

Many shopkeepers and mercenaries were staring at these two very wealthy strangers intentionally or unintentionally, their appraising eyes flowing over them.

In fact, she is trying to catch the big fish she wants through such a high-profile behavior.

——If brother Xiao Yan were here, he should have known of her arrival long ago and would have come to find her. Why has he been missing?

Seeing that this method didn't work, Xun'er had to go and find out in person whether a young man carrying a giant black ruler had visited Qingshan Town in the past few days.

Xun'er inquired for a long time. It wasn't until the sun set, twilight was getting thick, and night had come that she finally got some clues.

The news was obtained through inquiring, but brother Xiao Yan had already taken the first step.

Xun'er returned to her residence, holding her chin and sighing.

"It seems we are late. Brother Xiao Yan has already entered the Warcraft Mountains."

Ling Ying nodded and said nothing, because he knew Xun'er would have his own ideas.

As expected, Xun'er looked at the distant mountains outside the window and thought for a moment, then clapped her hands and said to Ling Ying excitedly: "How about I go directly into the Warcraft Mountains to find Brother Xiao Yan?"

Although the outer edge of the Warcraft Mountain Range poses no threat to Xun'er, no one has fully explored what kind of Warcraft is hidden along the inner edge.

In order to ensure Xun'er's safety, Ling Ying didn't want to persuade her anymore and just planned to follow her silently.

Next, Xun'er also entered the Warcraft Mountains, following Xiao Yan's footsteps.

Fortunately, she had the trace treasure in her hands, but it was still very difficult to find a person in the huge Warcraft Mountains.

the other side.

Although Xiao Yan chose a team to go into the mountain together, soon after entering the mountain, he quietly left the mercenary team and chose to practice alone.

After all, these mercenaries saw that Xiao Yan was young and would protect him when encountering monsters. Xiao Yan was not able to hone himself well.

So, he gritted his teeth and chose to risk himself and explore the Warcraft Mountains alone.

Because Xiao Yan was separated from the team, the traces left by him alone were more hidden and difficult to find. Therefore, although Xun'er had Ling Ying's help, he could not find Xiao Yan in a short time.

Xun'er was very patient and followed Ling Ying, walking all the way to the Warcraft Mountains.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted her footsteps.

"Miss, I seem to smell some familiar smell here, something isn't quite right."

Suddenly, Ling Ying said with some surprise, her expression was quite unexpected.

Xun'er stopped and looked back at him with a serious expression.

She knew Ling Ying's strength, and if Ling Ying said there was a problem, then there really was a problem.

As a bodyguard, Ling Ying is best at hiding and spying.

However, the aura of Gu Fei that he thought was very familiar was very faint, and Ling Ying could not identify it.

All I know is that this aura probably belongs to someone from the ancient clan.

Xun'er took a few steps closer, and Ling Ying hesitated for a moment.

"I can't tell who this breath belongs to."

"But there is no doubt that it comes from an ancient tribe, and its strength is unknown."

Gu Fei himself was good at controlling his aura, and the aura left along the road was from several days ago. It was extremely powerful for Ling Ying to be able to detect it.

Although Ling Ying was extremely powerful, there was nothing he could do to determine the owner of this aura.

After listening to Ling Ying's words, Xun'er's expression became stagnant.

Ling Ying's discovery made Xun'er very panicked and filled with anger.

Because of the lessons learned from the ancient demon, Xun'er was still worried that this time someone from the ancient tribe was going to kill brother Xiao Yan, even if his judgment this time was groundless.

Therefore, Xun'er was even more eager to find Xiao Yan and confirm his current safety.

Brother Xiao Yan is not very strong yet. Facing the killers sent by the ancient tribe, will a mysterious person rescue him this time? If not, what should brother Xiao Yan do?

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