Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 23 Let’s go, I’ll take you to kill someone!

After returning to Qingshan Town, Gu Fei immediately hid himself and did not appear in front of others.

He took a deep look at the little medical fairy, told her not to worry, and then fell silent.

[The little medical fairy feels depressed, and her mood value increases by 100]

Although a plan had been made in advance, the little medical fairy still felt suffocated when she saw Gu Fei suddenly disappearing.

She concealed the fluctuation on her face with a calm expression. According to what Gu Fei had said before, when Boss Yao asked about it, she announced that the powerful alchemist had left.

It is said that after Gu Fei got satisfactory medicinal materials, he separated from the medicinal gathering team when he went down the mountain.

"That adult actually left..."

Boss Yao listened and responded lightly, feeling regretful that he didn't flatter the alchemist.

Qingshan Town, where the Wolf Head Mercenary Group is stationed.

Mu She was furious when she learned that her son Mu Li had died tragically and no one had collected his body, leaving him alone in the Warcraft Mountains.

He had a pair of scarlet eyes, and the cup in his hand was crushed to pieces in an instant.

Glass shards were flying and falling, Mu Snake had a sinister look on his face and gnashed his teeth.

He is certainly not stupid. After much thought, the only suspect is the Little Medical Fairy.

He knew that Mu Li's death was related to the little doctor from Wanyao Zhai, so he couldn't help but immediately sent someone to kill the little doctor to vent his anger.

But at first he didn't know that the powerful alchemist who protected the little medical fairy had left, and was waiting for him because of his face.

News came from his subordinates that the little fairy doctor said that Gu Fei had left first.

Mu She smiled sinisterly, his expression full of murderous intent.

"Go and send someone to notify Boss Yao of Wanyao Zhai to hand over the little medical fairy. Otherwise, when I come to the door in person, you won't be treated like this."

It was rare for his subordinates to see such a gloomy Mu She, so he whispered yes in a trembling voice, and hurried to Wanyaozhai.

At the same time, Wanyaozhai's boss Yao also revealed his true face after repeatedly confirming that Gu Fei had "left".

He was very tactful and shrewd in his dealings with others, and it was natural to see that Gu Fei had been protecting the little medical fairy intentionally or unintentionally.

Now that Gu Fei has really left, the little medical fairy will just let him rub her.

Boss Yao has always known something about the treasure at the bottom of the cliff, but he has never revealed it.

Because of this, he has always been greedy and wanted to get a piece of the pie.

Boss Yao knew that the Little Medical Fairy and Gu Fei must have retrieved the treasure during this trip.

Now that Gu Fei has left, he sent people to put the little medical fairy under house arrest, and kept asking about the whereabouts of the treasure.

That formation was just short of a direct body search.

Moreover, after Boss Yao received the news from Mu She, he agreed to Mu She without hesitation.

He raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a sinister smile.

Boss Yao planned to give the little fairy doctor to Mu She to vent his anger after asking about the treasure.

The little medical fairy was suddenly put under house arrest, and she was smart and quickly discovered that this was Boss Yao's conspiracy.

Of course she couldn't believe it, because Boss Yao always looked kind and peaceful, and he never even said harsh words.

She also overheard Mu She's name during their conversation.

I'm afraid Mu She will ask Boss Yao for her.

This series of things happened quickly, making the little medical fairy very worried.

However, she remembered what Gu Fei had told her before in the Warcraft Mountains, and she gradually felt relieved.

That night.

Boss Yao's men left after another round of questioning to no avail, and the little medical fairy leaned against the wall tiredly, eyes empty.

"It seems that as soon as I leave, there will be many people who want to attack you."

"Little Medical Fairy, are you okay now?"

[The little doctor fairy has a surprise emotion, and the emotion value is increased by 100]

When the little medical fairy heard the familiar warm voice, she opened her eyes suddenly, full of surprise.

It turned out that Gu Fei appeared again, directly in the little medical fairy's room.

He walked over step by step, picked up a chair, and sat down in front of the little medical fairy.

"Brother Gu Fei, you are finally here!"

[The little medical fairy is moved, and the emotional value is increased by 100]

The little medical fairy had been interrogated and forced for a day. Although she was not hurt, she was very tired in her heart.

When she finally saw Gu Fei, her eyes were red and full of emotion.

"Let's go, I'll take you to kill someone!"

Gu Fei smiled slightly, and his expression when he said this was no different from usual.

But his words made the little medical fairy stunned.

[The little medical fairy is moved, and the emotional value is increased by 100]

The little medical fairy couldn't describe how she felt in her heart at that moment. It was sour and numb, but she didn't hate it.

Next, Gu Fei took the little medical fairy and walked out of the room in a swagger.

The little medical fairy's heartbeat quickened for a moment, and she saw that the vicious guards who were sitting at the door of the room were all lying on the table, as if they were having a dream from which they could not wake up.

They first went to Boss Yao's residence.

Boss Yao had already rested. Hearing the thin and dense sounds, he sat up suddenly and shouted: "Who!"

"it's me."

Gu Fei approached him, followed by a little medical fairy.

Two people who shouldn't be here appeared together. Boss Yao was stunned, and then cold sweat broke out on his palms.

[Boss Yao feels guilty, and his emotional value increases by 10]

"You brought the little medical fairy to visit me in my room in the middle of the night. What's the matter?"

He asked pretending to be stupid, but his body kept retreating until he was fixed in place by Gu Fei's cold eyes.

Gu Fei raised his palm slightly, and a terrifying air current brewed in his palm.

[Boss Yao has extreme fear, and his emotional value increases by 15]

Boss Yao immediately knelt down and begged for mercy with tears streaming down his face: "Sir, please spare my life! I locked up the Little Medical Fairy to protect her! Mu She wanted to kill her to vent his anger! I did this all for her own good!"

Gu Fei stopped talking nonsense. He had spent the past few days secretly reading the whole story and knew that what Boss Yao said was all lies.

The next moment, he swung out a crisp palm, and the terrifying air flow accurately passed through Boss Yao's chest, making him, like Mu Li before, lose his breath before he could react.

The little medical fairy pursed her lips and said nothing, and Gu Fei took her to the headquarters of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group and found Mu She.

During this period, Gu Fei saw all the viciousness of Mu She and Boss Yao, so he acted without mercy or hesitation.

[Mu Snake has a fearful emotion, and his emotional value increases by 10]

He did not give Mu She a chance to quibble, but gave Mu She a light palm, completely freezing Mu She's fearful eyes.

The little medical fairy was right behind Gu Fei, watching quietly as he dealt with Boss Yao and Mu She in succession.

[The little doctor fairy feels grateful, and the emotional value is increased by 100]

Although Gu Fei killed people without blinking an eye, the little medical fairy was not afraid.

Because she understands that these people deserve to die, and Gu Fei is standing up for her.

She was grateful to Gu Fei from the bottom of her heart. Without Gu Fei, her current situation would probably be very difficult.

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