Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 18 The little medical fairy is my friend, I will take care of this matter!

The little medical fairy had a pretty face and was pale. She first looked at Mu Li with a bit of fear, and then cast her purple eyes at Gu Fei.

Her eyes were full of surprise and a little bit of undetectable panic.

[When the little doctor becomes panicked, his mood value will be increased by 100]

She stopped there, quite at a loss.

Suddenly two people appeared one after another, and the little medical fairy didn't know what to do.

After all, Gu Fei gave her a more reliable feeling. The little medical fairy looked at him helplessly, as if hoping that Gu Fei could give an explanation.

Otherwise, why did the two people suddenly appear behind her?

"Little Medical Fairy, I just saw this person sneaking behind you. I was worried that this person had some evil intentions, so I followed you."

Naturally, Gu Fei didn't feel guilty. After all, he didn't do anything shameful. Instead, he took a preemptive strike and put a bad-intentioned hat on Mu Li.

[Mu Li feels angry, and his emotional value increases by 10]

Mu Li, who was still trying to make excuses, glared at Gu Fei in shock and anger.

But he didn't dare to break up with Gu Fei now.

After all, Mu Li was not a fool to take the position of young leader of the Wolf Head Mercenary Group.

Of course he could see the clues from Boss Yao's previous selection of mercenaries. The identity of this alchemist was probably not simple.

Moreover, he has been a mercenary for many years, and his most basic and necessary skill is to be alert to his surroundings at all times.

Although he had just focused all his attention on tracking the little medical fairy, staying vigilant was already his body's instinctive reaction.

If Gu Fei really followed him, there was no way he wouldn't notice it!

Therefore, this shows that Gu Fei is either very powerful or has a very powerful method of concealing his aura.

Therefore, he could only glare at Gu Fei angrily, but did not dare to attack immediately.

The little medical fairy was full of trust in Gu Fei. After all, how could such a powerful alchemist deceive her.

[The little medical fairy feels grateful, and the emotional value is increased by 100]

She was full of gratitude to Gu Fei, and at the same time, she became more wary of Mu Li.

Mu Li suddenly followed him for no reason, and he didn't want to be discovered by her...

Could it be that my secret has been exposed?

The little medical fairy shook her head. She hid it so well and no one around her noticed it. How could a mere Mu Li know about it?

In order to confirm the suspicion in her heart, the little medical fairy was unwilling to settle the matter and pretended that the incident had never happened.

"Mu Li, why are you following me?"

The little medical fairy looked at Mu Li and asked loudly.

The forest was airtight and oppressive, and the sun couldn't penetrate. The little medical fairy couldn't see clearly the expression on Mu Li's face.

He laughed sinisterly twice and said unhurriedly.

"Haha, let me put it bluntly, there should be a treasure down here!"

He saw the little medical fairy's reluctance. Since the matter had come to this, Mu Li simply stopped pretending and told the situation directly.

The little medical fairy swayed in disbelief, with obvious shock and confusion in her beautiful eyes.

"I only told my assistant Liffy about this."

Her beautiful purple eyes immediately filled with anger and sadness at being betrayed.

" bribed her?"

Even a person with a gentle and kind personality, like the Little Medical Fairy, is not completely temperless.

Liffy was not only her friend, she had also been regarded as a close friend early on. The little medical fairy had shared many thoughts and secrets with Liffy.

But she didn't expect that Mu Li would know about things that only God knew, earth knew, and she knew Life knew.

Besides Liffy, who else could it be?

Mu Li laughed a few times and nodded in admission.

What he likes most is seeing the shocked and angry looks of those people after learning that they were betrayed by their best friend.

The little medical fairy's mood swings are too great, and her own talent and strength are not in fighting, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

As for the remaining one——

Mu Li turned to look at Gu Fei.

He smiled and said: "Master, why don't you join our wolf-headed mercenary group to explore the treasure together?"

He stared at Gu Fei's still calm and calm face, and said meaningfully every word: "When the time comes, the treasure will be divided into five, five, points."

Anyone who came out with the little medical fairy, whether it was an alchemist, a servant of Wanyao Zhai, or even Boss Yao, would have agreed without hesitation.

After all, this is a great opportunity to cooperate with the strongest mercenary group in Qingshan Town to share the treasure, and Mu Li is willing to give in.

According to his character, it would be good even if he didn't kill people and take it all for himself. At this time, he was willing to give up half of it to Gu Fei. It was like a pie from the sky.

Mu Li took out his ears slowly and blew lightly on his fingertips.


Facing Mu Li's invitation, Gu Fei first pretended to be excited.

He deliberately showed hesitation, and as expected he saw Mu Li's unconscious smile.

[Mu Li feels proud, and his mood value increases by 10]

Gu Fei raised his eyebrows.

I'm afraid it's a scam.

He didn't believe that Mu Li was such a generous person. He was afraid that after they cooperated to find the treasure, Mu Li would kill him and throw his body underneath, and come up alone.

Facing Mu Li's invitation, with his extremely confident eyes, Gu Fei pretended to nod in agreement.

But just when the corners of Mu Li's mouth were about to fly out of his cheeks, his expression changed.

He refused decisively and said, "A person like you is worthy of cooperating with me?"

[Mu Li feels angry, and his emotional value increases by 10]

"What did you say?"

Mu Li's eyes were filled with anger, and he began to move his body, and the sound of bone friction could be heard from time to time.

Seeing Gu Fei's determined attitude, the little medical fairy stared at him without blinking, with very complicated emotions.

[The little medical fairy is moved, and the emotional value is increased by 80]

[The little medical fairy becomes dependent, and the emotional value is increased by 80]

Seeing that Gu Fei was unwilling to cooperate, Mu Li was too lazy to waste time.

He smiled ferociously, showing his true dirty face: "Since you don't want to cooperate, please don't stop me..."

His gloomy gaze fell on the little medical fairy, with a faint murderous intent.

But he was caught off guard when he heard Gu Fei's words of ignorance of current affairs.

"The little medical fairy is my friend, I will take care of this matter!"

Gu Feidao.

[The little medical fairy is moved, and the emotional value is increased by 80]

Mu Li looked at him in surprise, not knowing whether this kid was really afraid of death or pretending to be afraid of death.

He simply stopped talking nonsense and directly threatened Gu Fei, making moves in his hands.

"In that case, don't blame me. Even if you have a strong background, if you die quietly in the Warcraft Mountains, no one will suspect our Wolf Head Mercenary Group!"

A dark light flashed in Mu Li's eyes, and he looked at Gu Fei who didn't know whether to live or die quietly, with murderous intent in his heart.

Gu Fei is not in a hurry to leave. After all, with his current strength, not only the entire Qingshan Town, but also the entire Jiama Empire will not be able to find an opponent.

The little medical fairy had already hidden behind him.

He stood in front of the little medical fairy, his tall figure seemed to be helping her resist all harm.

The little medical fairy couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Under Mu Li's dark gaze, a dozen mercenaries emerged from the dense forest within a short while. These Gu Fei had already noticed.

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