Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 145 Xun'er: I'm only in seclusion once, and his child is already over one year old

The three of them ran away separately, but Gu Fei still crushed them all with one hand, and then evaporated into nothingness.

Gu Fei made a strong appearance and crushed Yan Luotian and Mulan to death with thunderous means. Everyone present was shocked.

The imperial coalition forces did not dare to move at all, for fear that with Gu Fei's wave of his hand, all of them would turn into nothingness.

"Warning to all empires, the Snake People are protected by me, Gu Fei, and Queen Medusa is my wife. If you dare to plot evil against the Snake People again in the future, you will be killed without mercy!"

"get out!"

When Gu Fei said something, no one dared to make a sound. They all followed Gu Fei's words and dispersed like birds and beasts.

After handling these matters, Gu Fei looked at Yunshan and Jia Xingtian who were standing aside.

"Yunshan, you are courageous!"

Although these two people were a little scheming, they did the right thing after all.

"You two have done great work in protecting the Snake People. These rewards will be given to you."

Gu Fei threw a Sect-Breaking Pill to Jiaxingtian and rewarded Yunshan with a Qingyang Pill. Yunshan's hand holding the Qingyang Pill was shaking with excitement. He knew that he was right in his bet this time. Qingyang Pill can directly improve the level of the body. He has a one-star cultivation level!

"After watching it for so long, why not stay!"

While Jia Xingtian and Yunshan were excited, Gu Fei's voice changed.

Then he grabbed it with one hand again, and he pulled out a black mist hidden outside the battlefield. This person was the Iron Protector.

Similar to the Falcon Guardian, he went to the Izumo Empire to support the Ten Thousand Scorpions Sect and prepared to start a war. When he heard this news this time, he wanted to come and harvest the souls of those who died on the battlefield.

"You guys in the Soul Palace are really like mice, digging holes everywhere! You can see them everywhere!" Gu Fei was very annoyed with the Soul Palace.

"Senior, spare your life!"

Protector Tie begged, but was still captured by Gu Fei, still a soul body.

"What kind of force is this Soul Palace? Why are the powerful people in it all soul bodies?"

Jia Xingtian and Yunshan were confused when they saw that the Iron Protector and the Eagle Protector were similar.

"Senior, if you are willing to let me go..."


Gu Fei didn't give him a chance to talk nonsense, he just crushed him to death and turned him into nothingness.

"With my shock, the major empires will no longer dare to have any different intentions. I will leave the rest to you."

After frightening off several major empire coalition forces, Gu Fei finished his explanation and returned directly to the Snake Tribe's new territory.

Although the snake people migrated here not long ago, this new habitat has already begun to take shape.

Some flat areas often have a large number of houses for the snake people to live in. They are connected together to form places similar to human villages.

On the outskirts of the Snake Tribe's territory, due to the rugged terrain, there is currently no city wall surrounding it.

There are only sentry towers set up at regular intervals. In addition, in the sky outside, there are a group of strange warning birds raised by the Snake People. Whenever there is any movement, they will sound the alarm to the Snake People.

In the center of this area, there is a rather huge basin, sandwiched between two tall peaks.

The area of ​​the basin is very large. In less than ten days, a huge city has grown up in the basin.

Here is the new holy city of the snake people.

The Little Medical Fairy, Zi Yan and the others also came here, and they all stayed in the palace.

"The snake people's mobility is really strong, and they have begun to take shape in a short time!"

The little medical fairy was very surprised when she came to this city that rose from the ground in the Warcraft Mountains. She looked at the unique body shape of the snake people and sighed at their strong construction power.

How can a person with a snake tail be faster than a person with two legs?

"Now that the Snake Tribe is stable, Sister Cai'er, you have nothing to worry about."

Zi Yan walked around the city and came to Cai'er.

"Well, this time it's all thanks to my husband's intervention in persuading the imperial coalition to retreat. Otherwise, how could the tribe have been able to thrive in such a stable manner!"

The corners of Cai'er's rosy mouth couldn't help but curl into a coquettish arc, and the joy that came from her heart couldn't be concealed at all.

If the Jiama Empire was in awe of Gu Fei's strength and was willing to cooperate and give way, the snake people would not be able to reach here smoothly.

If the imperial coalition forces hadn't made a strong move to kill Yan Luotian and Mulan, once the war reached this point, the snake people would have been completely wiped out.

"You are my wife, of course you want me to cover you."

Cai'er blushed, and Gu Fei suddenly appeared behind her and held her slender waist in his arms.

Seeing that Gu Fei and Cai'er were becoming ambiguous, Zi Yan rolled her eyes at Gu Fei angrily and said, "Brother Gu Fei is really annoying. He always does things that are inappropriate for children."

After that, Zi Yan deliberately stamped her foot very hard. She originally wanted to pretend to be angry, but the force was too strong and she directly cracked the newly laid floor tiles in the Holy City.

Zi Yan quietly turned around to see if the ambiguous Gu Fei and Cai'er had noticed, but when she saw the two of them looking directly at her, Zi Yan could only smile: "I'm sorry, I forgive you. "

Cai'er was amused by Zi Yan's cute appearance, touched her little head, and said: "It doesn't matter, I'll just have someone re-pave it."

"But you have to be careful in the future. After all, this is the holy city of our Snake Tribe. It cannot be riddled with holes."

"I know, sister Cai'er, I'll pay attention!"

Zi Yan, who had done something wrong and ran away, looked extremely cute.

After Zi Yan left, Gu Fei looked at Cai'er again, and Cai'er also happened to look at Gu Fei. The two looked at each other lovingly.

Cai'er's fair cheeks were a little rosy, and her crystal eyes were flashing. Gu Fei felt dizzy and his consciousness began to blur.

He slowly lowered his head and kissed Cai'er's red lips. The two of them were gentle and lingering, and in this new holy city, passion was overflowing.

After a long time, the two reluctantly separated. Cai'er licked her lips and savored the taste just now.

"Where are Xiao Yixian and Xianle?"

"They were arranged in the inner hall, where the environment is the most comfortable, and there are strong snakemen protecting them. It is also the strongest and safest place." Cai'er explained.

"Let's go and see them."


In the ancient world, in a hall, a girl was suspended in the center, surrounded by golden energy, which was slowly dissipating at this moment.

The girl was none other than Xun'er.

As the golden light dissipated, Xun'er exhaled a breath of turbid air and opened her bright eyes.

This time, she spent a year and a half in seclusion, and her cultivation had greatly improved. She had already entered the Dou Zong stage.

At this moment, she had a confident look on her face again.

However, Xun'er, who had been in seclusion for a year, was also bored. After coming out of seclusion, she wandered around the ancient world, relaxing and finding out some news.

"What? I just went into seclusion once, and his child is already one year old?"

Soon, Xun'er learned the news from the tribe, and her face had a complicated expression.

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