Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 140 Yun Yun: The world is so big, I want to go see it!

"This son's future achievements will be immeasurable!"

Yao Lao's soul lurked in the ring in Xiao Yan's hand, and he gathered all his soul power to prevent Gu Fei's attention.

But just now, Yao Lao felt Gu Fei's huge soul power, even in Najie, and was extremely shocked.

After the exhausted black gas was burned away, Yunshan, who was originally chaotic and mad, finally calmed down, and his consciousness gradually returned to consciousness.

Seeing this, Yun Yun showed a look of surprise on her face. Compared to Yun Shan's awakening, she was even more surprised that Gu Fei was willing to help her.

"Thank you for your help, senior. Yunshan will never forget your great kindness!"

After Yunshan woke up, he thanked Gu Fei. He didn't expect that cooperation with the Soul Palace would almost lead to him ending up like that.

Many elders of Yunlan Sect also thanked Gu Fei at this time.

But Gu Fei didn't bother to pay attention to them at all.

As for Furukawa, who was knocked away by Yunshan's palm, almost no one asked about him at this time. Only his direct disciple Liu Ling walked over to help him.

"Yun'er, I'm sorry for you as a teacher!"

After Yun Yun thanked Gu Fei, she immediately turned around and apologized to Yun Yun, her attitude was extremely sincere and even a bit groveling.

Yun Yun's expression was very indifferent to Yun Shan's apology.

To this teacher, she has done everything she can to be kind and righteous.

She no longer has much nostalgia for the entire Yunlan Sect at this moment.

"Teacher, since you have returned to the world now, Yun Yun will completely step down as the head of the Yunlan Sect... The world is so vast, and I want to go out for a walk!"

Yun Yun expressed her intention directly. She had already figured out just now that she could no longer live for the Yun Lan Sect in her future life.

Yunshan looked very sorry when he heard this.

He heard the coldness in Yun Yun's tone, and knew that the wrong things he had done before had already made Yun Yun feel cold and he had no shame to try to save her.

"Okay!" Yunshan lowered his head and said.

"Teacher, do you really want to leave?"

Nalan Yanran looked at Yun Yun.

Yun Yun and Nalan Yanran looked at each other. Her eyes were very firm and she nodded heavily.

"The Dou Qi Continent is so big, I have long wanted to go out to practice. Teacher, let me go with you..."

If Yun Yunruo leaves, there will be nothing left for Nalan Yanran to miss in Yunlan Sect.

What's more, after experiencing the defeat of the three-year contract, Nalan Yanran was full of desire for stronger strength. Going outside the Jiama Empire might be a shortcut to becoming stronger.

In one day, the sect leader and the young sect leader of the Yunlan Sect were leaving the sect one after another. Suddenly, everyone in the Yunlan Sect showed reluctance to leave.

"Is he leaving?"

Gu He peeked at Yun Yun from a distance.

He wanted to have a word with Yun Yun, but he knew that he was no longer qualified.

At this time, seeing the elders of Yunshan and Yunlan Sects awakening, a look of sadness appeared on the faces of Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong.

"If this old guy doesn't die, it's rare that the Jiama Empire will be at peace!"

Jiaxingtian frowned slightly.

"Senior Gu Fei's ability to take action will already help the Jia Ma Empire. If this crazy Yunshan is allowed to act recklessly, the Jia Ma Empire may fall into a disaster." Hai Bodong's gaze was longer than that of Jia Xingtian.

He sighed: "But don't worry too much. Although Yunshan is alive, the whole sect is now divided. The young sect leader left directly. The Yunlan sect does not dare to take action against the Jiama royal family again."

In the crowd, Nalan Jie looked at Gu Fei, who had saved his life, in the sky, and felt deeply in his heart.

At the same time, his eyes also fell on Nalan Yanran who was beside Yun Yun. If Nalan Yanran could get along with this senior...

After deciding with Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun looked at Gu Fei who was not far away.

When she saw Gu Fei, her sharp and decisive eyes suddenly softened, and her body unconsciously relaxed a little.

Gu Fei could feel that Yun Yun's mood at this moment was completely different from before. She was even a little relaxed and happy now.

"Gu Fei..."

"You can't, but you want to come and be my slave..."

Yun Yun approached Gu Fei, but before she could speak, Gu Fei spoke first.

Yun Yun smiled awkwardly upon hearing this.

This was indeed the promise she had just made to Gu Fei, and she had made plans to become a real slave.

"Let me tell you first, I don't lack maids, I just need friends."

Gu Fei's words made the atmosphere much lighter, because the heavy atmosphere surrounding the Yunlan Sect incident suddenly cleared a lot.

"Since you have no shortage of maids, I am going to travel around the world."

"Before I leave, I want to know, if I miss you in the future, where will I look for you?"

Yun Yun smiled and said, at this moment, she has successfully resigned as the head of Yunlan Sect, and she no longer needs to care about the eyes of the people in the world.

She can do what she wants without considering the interests of the sect.

As long as you want to do it, you can do it freely.

Looking at Yun Yun's bright eyes, Gu Fei said very seriously: "Eastern Region, Ancient World!"

He was very happy that Yun Yun made such a decision. At least in the future, she would no longer be dragged down by the Yunlan Sect and could live for herself.

"Okay, I'll remember it! Let's meet again in the future!"

Yun Yun smiled sweetly, as if all the spring breeze of the entire Yunlan Sect was on her face.

Seeing Yun Yun's sweet smile, Gu He lowered his head and took Liu Ling's hand, turned around, and gradually disappeared in a corner where no one was paying attention.

"Yunlan Sect has lost a good sect leader."

Jia Xingtian and Yun Yun met each other and knew his character, so now he can't help but feel a little regretful.

"I heard that this senior had visited your Jiama royal family before. Does your royal family have any ill intentions?"

The threat from Yunlan Sect was lifted, and Hai Bodong looked at Jia Xingtian and said meaningfully.

Jia Xingtian smiled mysteriously and did not give any explanation. This made Hai Bodong very anxious. He secretly decided to investigate the relationship between Gu Fei and the Jiama royal family.

The matter was over, and Gu Fei looked at Cai'er beside him.

"Go back and rest for a night. We will set off to the snake tribe tomorrow!"

Cai'er just witnessed everything.

But she stood behind Gu Fei and said nothing.

She knew the relationship between Yun Yun and Gu Fei very well, and she would not make Gu Fei feel embarrassed.

"Let's go!" Cai'er smiled slightly.

Next, Gu Fei and his group left Yunlan Sect, and Queen Medusa was a little excited.

After returning to the snake tribe, they had to start preparing for the migration of the whole tribe. Now, she was finally about to fulfill her wish for many years.

In Yunlan Sect, everyone dispersed, and Xiao Yan remained hidden in the crowd without showing his head.

He had some guesses about his father's disappearance in his heart, and the entire Yunlan Sect was polluted by those so-called Soul Palaces.

If this matter was not done by Yunlan Sect, then it could only be Soul Palace.

But why did Soul Palace do this?

Xiao Yan didn't know, and there were some things that he had to continue investigating.

After today, all forces will know that Yunlan Sect will be more restrained in its actions in the Jiama Empire in the future.

At least, if Yunshan wants to strengthen Yunlan Sect, he can only choose to point his gun outward.

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