"Don't worry, I'm only here for the strange fire, I won't take your life!"

After a moment, Gu Fei opened his eyes and looked at Han Feng with sharp eyes.

He lowered his voice, making it hoarse and gloomy. At the same time, Han Feng sensed that the connection between him and Hai Xinyan was completely erased.

"This person is actually so terrifying. In just a moment, the connection between Hai Xinyan and me was wiped out..."

[Han Feng feels fear and gratitude, and his emotional value increases by 50]

As expected by Gu Fei, Han Feng, who wrote a lot of ink in the original work, had very high luck. He could provide dozens of emotions at one time, which made Gu Fei even more convinced that his move to the northwest continent was the right one. of.

After Gu Fei left, Han Feng felt like he was surviving a disaster. After a long time, he was relieved to see that Gu Fei was really gone.

On Gu Fei's side, now that he has obtained Hai Xinyan, his next plan is to go to Black Seal City.

He wanted to search again.

In fact, I didn't go to Black Seal City specifically, I just took a look along the way.

Although I don’t know if the remaining demon fire map has been obtained by Yuan Yi from the Eight Gates.

But Gu Fei was going to the Jiama Empire and would pass by Black Seal City on the way.

Just ask.

In the original work, Xiao Yan went to the Black Corner Territory after the three-year appointment and caught up with the third demon fire remnant map being auctioned in Black Seal City.

If Yuan Yi has already obtained the Demon Fire Remnant Map, then Gu Fei can obtain the Demon Fire Remnant Map in advance.

Maple City is quite far away from Black Seal City, so Gu took a short rest after arriving at Black Seal City.

Then, he found out where the eight doors were and concealed his own aura.

No one stopped him along the way, it was like entering a deserted place.

Gu Fei closed his eyes and used his fighting spirit to sense the fluctuations around him.

Within five miles nearby, in the northwest direction, there is an extremely powerful person.

That should be Yuan Yi!

Like a ghost, Gu Fei came directly to the secret room of the sect owner Yuan Yi.

He was wearing a black robe, hiding his face.

Yuan Yi was sipping tea at this time, and looked at him very calmly when he heard the noise.

With his status and strength, Yuan Yi believed that he did not need to fear anyone.

The man in black robe in front of me must be asking for something from him, otherwise he would take action as soon as he meets him.

Yuan Yi has seen many people like Gu Fei who broke through many checkpoints and heavy defenses and appeared directly in the secret room.

These strong men who did not want to show their true faces concealed their auras and came to him because they wanted something from him but it was not convenient for them to reveal their identities.

Either hunting for treasure, or killing people for treasure, or hiding from enemies... He has seen too many.

Every time he raises the price, Yuan Yi can make a fortune.

I just don’t know what the person in front of me wants.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Fei directly stated his intention as Yuan Yi expected.

"Is there any trace of the remaining picture?"

His deep eyes stared at Yuan Yi, and he laid out his conditions unhurriedly.

"I can exchange it for a sixth-grade elixir."

[Yuan Yi feels surprised, and his emotional value increases by 5]

Gu Fei heard the system beep and looked at him without changing his expression.

Through the gap in the black robe, he clearly noticed that Yuan Yi's hand holding the cup paused for a moment, then brought it to his lips and took a sip of tea as if nothing had happened.

Then she turned to look directly at him.

His eyes were calm, hiding the ecstasy in his heart well.

A sixth-grade elixir!

If this elixir is taken out in Black Seal City, it can also cause a bloody storm.

Although sixth-grade elixirs are not as good as seventh-grade elixirs, they are still rare and extremely valuable.

Now, this man in black robe is using him to trade for a broken map?

Moreover, from the look of him, he might have a lot of treasures in his hands.

Yuan Yi rolled his eyes and had an idea.

When Gu Fei mentioned the word "broken picture", Yuan Yi knew which one he was talking about.

Logically speaking, ordinary residual pictures are not worth the price.

After all, residual pictures and residual pictures, although it is possible to find treasures, are still incomplete.

Finding treasures is also more difficult.

But the residual picture was different.

Then it is possible to find the remains of the demon fire!

Yuan Yi thought for a moment and said, "I don't have any residual pictures here."

[Yuan Yi feels greedy, and his mood value increases by 30]

Gu Fei raised his eyebrows and immediately knew that Yuan Yi did have the residual map.

Since it can produce greedy emotions, it means that Yuan Yi clearly has a broken picture, but wants to raise its price in order to obtain more benefits.

Gu Fei twisted his fingertips and simply stopped restraining himself, directly showing off his momentum.

Yuan Yi was suddenly shocked.

[Yuan Yi feels fearful, and his emotional value increases by 10]

The cup in his hand shattered directly, his face turned pale, and his pupils were full of fear and fear.

But greed still made him hesitate.

Gu Fei shook his head and secretly sighed that Yuan Yi was ignorant.

He continued to release eight points of momentum, and the entire secret room seemed to be crushed, not to mention Yuan Yi who was targeted.

[Yuan Yi has extreme fear, and his emotional value increases by 12]

Under the pressure of the powerful momentum, Yuan Yi felt the crisis of death for the first time in a long time.

His face was pale and he couldn't move. He could only shout: "I will give! I will give! Spare your life!"

Although Gu Fei had no intention of killing, he was able to unleash an aura and murderous intention that even the eight sect masters, Yuan Yi, were afraid of.

He smiled slightly and calmed down his aura.

Yuan Yi suddenly relaxed all over.

He stood up and went to find the broken picture for Gu Fei. Under Gu Fei's calm eyes, he held it up with trembling hands.

Gu Fei put away the remaining pictures and walked out swaggeringly.

Along the way, Yuan Yi also gained scattered emotional values ​​​​mixed with fear, fear and resentment.

He didn't pay attention, but counted the time.

Gu Fei guessed that Xiao Yan probably had not yet entered the Warcraft Mountains to experience.

After all, with his current strength, he would only be seeking death if he went in.

Because Xiao Yan hasn't gone there yet, the remaining pictures in the cave should still be there.

Anyway, a residual map has been obtained, so Gu Fei simply planned to enter the Warcraft Mountains and obtain a residual map of the three buildings.

With his current strength, as long as he doesn't offend those terrifying monsters that are occupying one side, he is enough to walk sideways in the Magical Beast Mountains.

There are still more than half of the resources in Najie, and Gu Fei does not need to stop and rest.

He longed to continue to become stronger and urgently needed the demon fire.

One scrap of the picture has been obtained, and another one will follow.

After collecting all the remaining pictures, you can get the back-ups left behind by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint.

In this way, when the demon fire comes out, Gu Fei can take the greatest advantage and finally take the demon fire into his pocket.

The Pure Lotus Demon Fire is the third-ranked strange fire in the world. Its strength is comparable to that of the Seven-Star Fighting Saint, second only to the Void Swallowing Flame and the so-called Emperor Yan, which is number one on the list of strange fires.

With the demon fire, Gu Fei's strength will be rapidly improved!

Next, Gu Fei immediately set off and rushed to Qingshan Town on the edge of the Jiama Empire.

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