Canaan College, inner courtyard.


Xiao Yan took a long breath and suppressed his impetuous fighting spirit. Just now, he had broken through to the level of a four-star fighting spirit.

Having been in the Inner Court for nearly two years, he is now somewhat famous in the Inner Court.

"Teacher, Han Feng seems to have disappeared in the Black Angle Territory in the past few years. It will be very troublesome to find him if you don't have some power!"

Xiao Yan came back to his senses from his cultivation state and communicated with Yaolao's soul in Najie.

"Don't worry, with your current strength, even if you find the traitor, you won't be able to defeat him! Let alone seize his strange fire."

Yao Lao said bluntly.

Although it is a bit shocking, it is true.

According to some information he received, Han Feng had reached the peak of Dou Huang a long time ago.

Xiao Yan currently has only a fighting spirit, and even with the help of his own soul power, he can barely fight against the Dou Huang.

That kid Han Feng was a Dou Huang with a strange fire. He was much stronger than the average Dou Huang, so it was impossible for Xiao Yan to defeat Han Feng.

"After a while, you can leave the inner courtyard!"

Yao Lao suddenly spoke.

"Where to go?" Xiao Yan was stunned.

"Zhongzhou Southern Region!"

Yao Lao said lightly, with nostalgia in his words. He thought of Xingyun Pavilion, where he had his old friends.

With old friends helping him and Xiao Yan, his recovery speed may be much faster, and Xiao Yan's strength can also improve faster.


Xiao Yan agreed without asking any further questions.

At this moment, Xiao Yan received a letter from home, which was from Xiao Ning in the outer courtyard.

"What, father is missing?"

When Xiao Yan saw the contents of the letter, his expression suddenly changed.

During his childhood, because he turned from a genius to a loser, most of the people around him ridiculed him and looked down upon him.

But his father Xiao Zhan never neglected him and always encouraged and supported him.

His father, Xiao Zhan, was the person Xiao Yan cared about most in his life.

"I have to go back to find my father quickly!"

The letter was crushed to pieces by Xiao Yan in an instant, and then he jumped into the air and prepared to leave the inner courtyard.

"Don't get into trouble first. Let's see what happened and then talk about it."

Yao Lao appeared in time to persuade Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan calmed down after Yao Lao persuaded him.

Think about it carefully, how could your father disappear for no reason?

My father, the great fighting master, is not very strong.

But in a small place like Wutan City, absolutely no one could let him disappear out of thin air.

"There must be something fishy about this!"

Xiao Yan realized this.

"Yes, you must be careful in everything. I feel that the Jiama Empire has not been peaceful recently. When I go back this time, be careful!"

Yao Lao warned.

"I understand, teacher, without further ado, I will ask for leave and leave the inner courtyard now!"

Originally, in the original work, Xiao Yan's father would be taken away by the powerful soul clan at the three-year appointment. However, because of Gu Fei's protector, the powerful soul clan postponed the plan.

But what was supposed to come, came anyway.

"The Canaan College is just ahead, Zi Yan, you want to go there and have a look, right?"

In the Black Corner Territory, Gu Fei and his party finally came back here again after a month.

At this moment, they appeared in the sky of the Black Horn Territory riding the Amethyst Winged Lion King. The Amethyst Winged Lion King, which was large enough to block a large area of ​​sunlight, immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Look what that is!"

"It turns out to be a magical beast. Judging from its strength, it seems to be very powerful. It seems to be the Amethyst Winged Lion King?"

"Look carefully, there seem to be many people on the back of the Amethyst Winged Lion King... Such a powerful monster is just a mount!"

"Who can make the Amethyst Winged Lion King willing to be a mount?"

The appearance of the Amethyst Winged Lion King alarmed many powerful men in the Black Angle Domain. Even some fighting emperors looked at the Amethyst Winged Lion King with fear.

Because, today, the Lion King is already a seventh-level monster, and the arrival of a seventh-level monster in the Black Horn Territory is enough to cause an uproar.

But the seventh-level monster really didn't stand out in front of Gu Fei and others, so the Lion King was still willing to be a mount.

"Forget it, come back when we return!"

After hearing Gu Fei's words, Zi Yan hesitated for a moment, then shook her head.

"Okay, then come back when we return!"

"Let's go to the Jiama Empire first!"

Gu Fei ordered the Lion King to turn around and rush towards the Jiama Empire.

Upon hearing this, the Lion King shook his wings, stirred up a strong wind, and then flew away towards the Gama Empire.

At the current speed of the Lion King, it would take two or three days to fly from the Black Horn Region to the Jia Ma Empire.

Looking around on the back of the Lion King, the surrounding scenery left a series of afterimages that were quickly left behind. A few days later, the group of them arrived at the first stop, Qingshan Town.

After arriving at Qingshan Town, the Lion King turned into a human again and landed on the ground, and everyone entered Qingshan Town together.

"Is this the hometown of the little medical fairy sister?"

Zi Yan entered the town and looked around curiously.

"There are quite a few cultivators here, but they all look very strong but are very weak in strength." Zi Yan muttered as she walked.

"Sister Zi Yan, not everywhere is filled with geniuses like Canaan College. This is the real life of ordinary people."

Qinglin comes from the grassroots level, so he understands.


Zi Yan didn't seem to understand.

From the time she can remember, she has been living in Canaan College, a place where geniuses gather. Naturally, you can't see people licking blood from the tips of knives.

Later, she followed Gu Fei all the way to Zhongzhou, and the areas where she could move were almost all big families in major cities, as well as the later Shengdan City, Gulong Island and Gujie.

These places are also places where the upper class gather.

What she saw and heard was even more different from Qingshan Town.

Zi Yan was like a princess born with delicacies in her mouth, and she didn't know what it was like to eat simple food.

The strong have their own survival habits, and the weak have their own survival rules.

Qingshan Town is adjacent to the Warcraft Mountain Range, so mercenaries who want to enter the Warcraft Mountain Range to hunt Warcraft often gather here.

Most of the mercenaries are weak and rough men.

Their living environment is very harsh, and it is rare to see beauties on weekdays.

Now under the leadership of Gu Fei, several beauties came at once, immediately attracting the attention of a large number of mercenaries, and even many people stopped to look unconsciously.

Cai Er noticed the gazes of these people, and a cold breath immediately emanated. She felt that these people were extremely dirty.

In order not to bring unnecessary trouble to himself, Gu Fei slightly released his breath to deter everyone.

Most of the soldiers were just fighters and masters, and Dou Zun was like a god in front of them.

After feeling Gu Fei's pressure, they immediately put away their gazes and became honest.

Gu Fei and others were able to stroll around Qingshan Town smoothly.

"Qingshan Town looks the same as before." Gu Fei said softly.

Xiao Yixian came with a light heart, but as she walked, she felt that there were not many places here that she missed.

Even thinking of the past experiences, Xiao Yixian was a little angry.

She really missed only that place.

"Forget it, let's go to the small valley!"

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