"Sister, Little Medical Fairy, thank you!"

Hearing this, Queen Medusa smiled tenderly and expressed her gratitude to the little medical fairy. Her tone was very gentle and extremely sincere.

In the past, Queen Medusa was a high-ranking queen in the Snake Tribe and would never speak politely to others.

But now, she met Gu Fei, and she had seen people who were much stronger than herself.

The arrogance in her heart actually faded a lot naturally.

But at this moment, the little medical fairy was not angry because she "seduced" Gu Fei, and immediately gained the favor of Queen Medusa.

"What do you call sister?"

The little medical fairy took a long breath, adjusted her emotions, and allowed herself to completely accept the existence of Queen Medusa. After all, the two of them would live together for a long time in the future.

"She is Queen Medusa of the Snake Tribe. She does not have an actual name. How about we call her Cai'er from now on!"

Gu Fei said with a smile.

He was very happy to see the two women getting along so peacefully.

"What do you think, do you like it?"


"Well, that's a pretty good name, Mr. Yifu!"

Queen Medusa pursed her lips slightly when she heard the name. She thought the name was a bit tacky, but it was given by Gu Fei's gang, so she happily accepted the name.

"According to rumors, the Queen of the Snake Tribe has a fierce reputation, but I didn't expect that she would be so docile in front of Brother Gu Fei..."

The little medical fairy sighed in her heart, she knew that Gu Fei was not an ordinary person.

At this time, Huo Zhi, who stayed here, felt a little embarrassed. Now, there were two women around Gu Fei, but she was not there.

"Should I also imitate Xun'er, and this girl Cai'er... No, in that case, it might just make people look down upon!"

Huo Zhi shook her head. She understood that her situation was different. Queen Medusa was able to succeed because of her previous ambiguous experiences with Gu Fei and Xun'er's stimulation.

And she, Huo Zhi, is the genius of the Yan clan and represents the face of the Yan clan. There is no problem in expressing her pursuit enthusiastically, but she cannot beg a man to want her without any lower limit.

"Miss Huozhi, if you want to discuss the art of controlling fire, come back next time!"

Gu Fei also knew that it was not appropriate for Huo Zhi to stay here, so he spoke.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Gu Fei!"

"My little lady, come back in two days."

Huo Zhi replied politely, sighing in her heart, knowing that this relationship cannot be forced.

She and Gu Fei could only look at their fate in the future and couldn't force it.

Gu Fei's excellence makes people unable to let go of her even if it is known that he has several women.

She imagined in her heart that it would be nice for three people to share Gu Fei together.

The premise is that she can squeeze in and become one of them.

After Huo Zhi left, the little medical fairy who had adjusted her mood generously pulled Queen Medusa into the bamboo building.

"Sister Cai'er, I still want to hear the story between you and Brother Gu Fei. If you don't mind telling it to me, please."

Entering the house, the Little Medical Fairy and Zi Yan sat down and looked at Cai'er in front of them.

Zi Yan also looked at Cai'er curiously with her big eyes open. She was very gossipy about this kind of thing, especially about Gu Fei.

Just now, Gu Fei told the story of himself and Cai'er from his own perspective.

Among them, there must be many other contents that they did not know.

In addition, now that Huo Zhi is no longer an outsider, the conversation is more open.

Next is Gu Fei's embarrassing time.

However, the little fairy doctor pretended to be angry and rolled her eyes at Gu Fei before brushing the matter aside.

When getting along, Queen Medusa has her own dignity because of her noble status as the previous queen.

Coupled with that proud mature figure, she showed a mature beauty that was completely different from the other women present.

Therefore, during the conversation, the girls unknowingly took Cai'er as the leader and regarded Cai'er as the elder among them.

"Let me tell you, Brother Gu Fei is too big-hearted. How can he bear to let you stay in his sleeves all the time? It's so dark and narrow there."

Zi Yan complained while listening.

When Gu Fei heard this, he couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

At first, he just saw that Queen Medusa could provide high emotional value, so he quietly took her with him.

But later, after seeing Queen Medusa's naked body, his attitude towards Queen Medusa quietly changed.

"Sister Cai'er, what is your true form? Why do I feel that you are different from ordinary snake-shaped monsters?"

Zi Yan is a talkative, and she says whatever comes to her mind. In the past, when her magical beast aura was released, even if the opponent was one level higher than her, her blood aura could suppress the opponent.

But in front of Queen Medusa, her bloodline advantage seemed to have no effect.

"My true body is a seven-colored sky-swallowing python!"

"The seven-colored sky-swallowing python turns out to be of the bloodline of the magical beasts from ancient times. No wonder!"

Zi Yan looked surprised.

In the following time, although there was one more person in Gu Fei's bamboo house, it did not affect the previous enjoyment.

"I didn't expect it to be an ancient bloodline like the Colorful Sky-Swallowing Python..."

Lord Tianhuo looked at the new member Cai'er and sighed in his heart, there was another monster beside Gu Fei.

The Lion King's sense of presence has also been reduced again. Compared with these women, he is not at the same level. Even the weakest Qinglin has a tendency to catch up with him.

Two days later, Huo Zhi came here again and asked Gu Fei for advice on fire control skills.

During this period, she saw that Queen Medusa had perfectly integrated into the lives of Gu Fei and others, and she was a little envious.

"What are you thinking about? You must stay focused when controlling fire."

Seeing Huo Zhi distracted, Gu Fei reminded him: "I don't have much time to teach you!"


Hearing this, Huo Zhi quickly calmed down.

After several days of asking for advice, although Gu Fei did not teach her the skills, he also made her understand fire control more deeply.

"Brother Gu Fei, take a break... cough..."

Xiao Yixian saw Gu Fei and Huo Zhi stop practicing, and suddenly retched while talking.

It looked like she was nauseous.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Fei walked up to support Xiao Yixian and checked her body, but found that everything seemed very stable.

"It's okay..."

"Huh? This is..."

Gu Fei was just about to withdraw his soul power.

But he found a weak life form in Xiao Yixian's stomach.

He immediately looked at the life form, and finally learned the reason why Xiao Yixian kept retching.

Xiao Yixian, pregnant!

Gu Fei helped Xiao Yixian to sit down, and he turned his back to Xiao Yixian to check her internal condition. So he couldn't see Gu Fei's expression.

Huo Zhi, who was standing by, saw it clearly. Gu Fei had a surprise expression on his face that he had never had before.

She couldn't figure it out for a while.

What on earth could make Gu Fei so happy?

Xiao Yixian didn't seem to be in a good condition... Huo Zhi was thinking wildly.

Gu Fei hugged Xiao Yixian and came to her. He squatted in front of Xiao Yixian and said in surprise: "We have a child!"

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