"Miss Huo Zhi, are you okay?"

Hearing the knock on the door outside the bamboo building, Gu Fei waved his hand and quickly set a seal in the bamboo building, and then sent a message to Huo Zhi.

Outside the bamboo building, Huo Zhi decided to push the door in directly when he received no response.

Because the bamboo building had a seal, she couldn't feel any movement in the room.

After hearing Gu Fei's message, Huo Zhi slowly retracted his hand on the door.

"I heard that Master Gu Fei controls many kinds of strange fires. So many strange fires are gathered in the young master's body, but the young master is safe and sound. I think the master's fire control skills must have reached the pinnacle."

"So, this little lady, I want to come to you to explore the knowledge of fire control. I wonder if Mr. Gu Fei has time?"

Outside, Huo Zhi said with a smile, his face filled with enthusiasm.

Normally, she is known as the Iceberg Beauty within her clan.

All this changed completely when dealing with Gu Fei.

Upon hearing this, Gu Fei frowned slightly and said without hesitation: "Sorry, I have some things to do, which is temporarily inconvenient! Let's talk about it when we have a chance!"

What an international joke, at this time, how could Gu Fei put aside the fairy Queen Medusa and discuss some so-called fire control techniques with Huo Zhi.

Hearing Gu Fei's merciless words in the room, the originally enthusiastic Huo Zhi's expression froze and became a little disappointed.

[Huo Zhi feels depressed, and his mood value increases by 30]

[Queen Medusa feels proud, and her mood value increases by 100]

He actually rejected me so mercilessly...

Don't I have any merit?

Huo Zhi fell into self-doubt.

Little did he know that Gu Fei simply had something urgent, a big battle that had to be resolved immediately.

"Are you worried that the little medical fairy girl will be unhappy if she finds out?"

"Master Gu Fei, I'm just here to ask about some fire control techniques. If the little fairy doctor knows about it, she won't be angry, right?"

"I don't think she is such a stingy person!"

Huo Zhi is still fighting for it.

In the room, Gu Fei, who was hugging the delicate body of Queen Medusa, couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile when he heard these words.

What's going on today? Even Huo Zhi's words have become a bit teasing?

The hot breath in the air made it increasingly difficult for Gu Fei to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

He didn't have time to think about anything and quickly replied to Huo Zhi outside: "No, I really have something wrong!"

"You hurry up and leave!"

Gu Fei continued to urge.

"What is wrong with Mr. Gu Fei? Can the little girl help?"

Huo Zhi continued to care about Gu Fei and said.

Hearing this, Gu Fei was stunned for a moment.

Help, is this kind of help something you can do casually?

Do you also want to have a naked temptation?

If two peerless beauties were in full view in front of him, he would lose consciousness on the spot and become a slave to his own nature.

"If you leave now, it will be the best help to me!" Gu Fei continued to transmit the message.

"It's okay. Since Mr. Gu Fei is busy, I'll wait here!" Huo Zhi was very stubborn. Since he was here today, he must see Gu Fei!

After saying that, Huo Zhi actually sat outside, waiting quietly for Gu Fei to come out.

"Just wait if you want, I can't help it anyway!"

Gu Fei was too lazy to pay attention to Huo Zhi.

He set up a ban on the bamboo building. With Huo Zhi's strength, it was impossible to see what was going on inside, so Gu Fei was not worried.

In the room, Queen Medusa's jade hands were also pressed against Gu Fei's chest.

She has obviously transformed into a human form.

However, the body is still twisting smoothly like a slippery snake body.

"Fairy, let's fight!"

Gu Fei no longer controlled.

He stretched out his big hand, hugged Queen Medusa's slender waist, and then lowered his head.

Kissed her directly on her red lips.

The two of them arrived at the bedside before they knew it.

Feeling Gu Fei's body temperature, Queen Medusa's body felt a little soft at the moment.

Next, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became extremely charming.

Just like that, Huo Zhi was waiting outside, while Gu Fei was having a rough time with the Queen.

On a peak of the Ancient Sacred Mountains, a small gathering was being held here.

Many young people from the ancient tribe attended this banquet.

"Sister Little Medical Fairy, why do I think it wasn't Brother Gu Fei who asked us to come!"

Zi Yan had been at the banquet for a long time, her eyes constantly looking around, trying to find a few familiar faces among them.

But in the end, they were all strangers, and even their abilities were somewhat inferior.

Although Zi Yan doesn't know much about the world, these people obviously can't get into Gu Fei's circle. Why did Gu Fei ask them to come?

"I also feel strange. Little friend Gu Fei asked us to come here. Why haven't we seen Gu Fei until now?"

Lord Tianhuo also felt strange.

I just saw that these people were not hostile, so I didn't say anything.

Next, Qing Lin and Lion King also said that this banquet was not like Gu Fei's invitation.

Everyone was talking, and then they all looked at the little medical fairy, who made the decision.

The little medical fairy glanced at everyone present, but found that no one paid attention to this place at all.

"Then go back, maybe it was the prank played by the woman before!"

The little medical fairy stood up.

Others also followed the little medical fairy.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye, Miss Xiao Yixian? Were you not happy enough at the banquet?" A young woman from the ancient tribe suddenly blocked Xiao Yixian's way. This person was the one who had gone to Gu Fei Peak to invite them.

Xiao Yixian looked at her with cold eyes.

The unique cold temperament of the evil poison body was fully revealed at this moment.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiao Yixian was too lazy to explain and said coldly.

"Brother Gu Fei hasn't come yet, Miss Xiao Yixian, please sit down for a while."

After the woman finished speaking, she pushed Xiao Yixian with a momentum. From what she meant, she actually wanted to force Xiao Yixian to stay here.

Seeing this, the Sky Fire Venerable did not tolerate it, and directly used his fighting spirit to counterattack.

The woman was immediately forced to retreat by the Sky Fire Venerable, her face pale.

"Dou Zun!" She looked at the Sky Fire Venerable in horror and did not dare to step forward to stop him.

Dou Zun can only be dealt with by the elders of the tribe.

With the support of the Sky Fire Venerable, Xiao Yixian and others returned to the mountain smoothly.

But she saw Huo Zhi waiting outside the room.

"Miss Huo Zhi, why are you here?"

Xiao Yixian stepped forward and asked.

"I came to see Master Gu Fei, but he has something to do and doesn't want to see me for the time being!"

Huo Zhi didn't shy away and said directly.

Her personality was so straightforward, she didn't like to hide things.

"Is Brother Gu Fei in there?"

"It seems that someone is really playing a prank!"

Xiao Yixian was very angry when she heard that Gu Fei was at home. It couldn't be that Gu Fei stood them up tonight.

"I think it was her!"

"She deliberately led us away, wanting to be alone with Brother Gu Fei!"

Zi Yan suspected that Huo Zhi was playing tricks.

"Perhaps, you misunderstood. Before I came, I saw Miss Xun'er from the Gu clan coming down the mountain..." Huo Zhi explained frankly.

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