Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 118 Xun'er: What, the Yan tribe is coming to marry Gu Fei?

"Renew your marriage?"

Gu Nanhai and others were slightly startled when they heard this. They looked at Huo Zhi who was sitting quietly at the end of the table, and vaguely understood the intention of the Yan clan's coming.

"From what he means, he should come to propose marriage to Gu Fei..."

"This is strange. It has always been the man who takes the initiative when it comes to marriage, but it is very rare for a woman to come to the door on her own initiative, let alone from a big clan like the Yan Clan..."

Gu Nanhai looked at the Yan clan elders and Huo Zhi in confusion. They were puzzled by the Yan clan's initiative to send the beautiful lady, so they couldn't help but think too much.

"Haha, this is the junior of our clan, Huo Zhi, who is nineteen years old and has reached the Eight Star Dou Sect. He is a good match for Gu Fei..."

Elder Huo Yao naturally noticed the doubts of Gu Nanhai and others, but he did not explain too much, but introduced the woman in red.

The woman in red is Huo Zhi, wearing a light red dress, her cheeks covered by a veil, but even so, the outline revealed through the veil is extremely moving. In those bright eyes, even the face There was no disturbance at all to many ancient clan elders.

"You are only nineteen years old, and your cultivation level has already reached the Eight Star Douzong!"

Gu Nanhai looked at the woman in red in surprise, marveling at her talent. In terms of talent alone, apart from Xun'er, there was no other woman in the ancient tribe who could compare with her.

Such a genius should be one of the best even in the Yan Clan. The Yan Clan took the initiative to send this girl for marriage... What is their plan?

Gu Nanhai's doubtful eyes were more wary, but he praised Huo Zhi endlessly: "Such a talent, amazing talent, you Yan clan has a successor!"

Elder Huoyao heard this and said with a smile: "I believe you can see that my Yan clan is full of sincerity, so please consider the matter of marriage seriously."

If the Yan Clan is truly sincere in their marriage, and Gu Fei marries the Yan Clan's genius, it will be of endless benefit to both the Ancient Clan and the Yan Clan.

The Yan Clan and the Ancient Clan are deeply bound.

With the strength of the two clans, if they unite, the Soul clan and several other clans will be firmly overwhelmed by them.

But in this regard, Gu Nanhai couldn't make a decision. It wasn't because of the little medical fairy that Gu Fei brought back. The current little medical fairy couldn't attract their attention at all. They even felt that the little medical fairy was wasting Gu Fei's time.

What they care about is Gu Fei's own wishes.

In view of Gu Fei's special status in the clan, every decision about Gu Fei needs to be made by Gu Fei himself.

"Gu Fei is the number one genius of our ancient clan and the grandson of King Black Annihilation. His marriage is not something we can decide..."

"In this way, you all can rest here for a few days, and I will give you a satisfactory reply after discussing it with other elders in the clan..."

Elder Huoyao saw that Gu Nanhai did not readily agree, so he had expected this.

"Then we'll just wait for the good news!"

"I heard that people from the Yan Clan came to our ancient tribe. Many Dou Sage-level elders accompanied a red-haired woman. Although the red-haired woman is wearing a veil, you can tell at a glance that she is definitely a beauty!"

"As far as I know, the Yan clan came here to come and get married..."

"Say marriage! If I can marry that beautiful woman, I will have no regrets in my life!"

"Okay, stop dreaming, I'm here to propose marriage to Gu Fei."

When the children of the ancient tribe heard that they already had a marriage partner, they immediately looked downcast, like weeds that had been stepped on.

When everyone was talking about this, Xun'er happened to pass by. She was very surprised when she learned the purpose of the Yan tribe's mission.

"Are the Yan clan all fighting for him?"

Xun'er gritted her teeth, her expression very unwilling.

It is obviously something that I own but despise.

After she threw it away, the thing suddenly became a treasure in everyone's eyes. The huge gap in Xun'er's mind continued to impact Xun'er's mind, breaking through her fragile defense line.

"No, I'm going to find out what's going on!"

Just as Xun'er was about to leave, a fiery red light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and then a woman in red appeared, it was Huo Zhi.

"This must be Miss Xun'er!" Huo Zhi said with a smile while looking at Xun'er.

Xun'er looked at Huo Zhi, and her sixth sense made her full of hostility towards the strange woman in front of her.

"Haha, I have long heard that Miss Xun'er has extraordinary talents. When I see you today, she is well-deserved..."

Huo Zhi smiled and said, she sensed Xun'er's aura, it was just the Five-Star Dou Huang, obviously with a sense of ridicule.

"Who are you?"

"Yan Clan, Huo Zhi!"

"Are you Huo Zhi from the Yan tribe who wants to marry Gu Fei?"

Xun'er's eyes turned cold. How could someone else easily get a man he couldn't get?

"Gu Fei will never agree to marry you!"

"He already has a heart, and now he lives in the Ancient Sacred Mountains with the new love he brought back... You are just humiliating yourself by coming here."

Xun'er's words were extremely vicious. They not only humiliated Huo Zhi, but also dragged the little medical fairy into trouble.

Don’t you want to marry Gu Fei?

Gu Fei now has a new love, I want to see what you do!

It would be better if you go find the Little Medical Fairy and humiliate her, or make a big fuss with the Yan Clan.

It's best to alert the senior officials of the Ancient Clan and prevent Gu Fei and the Little Fairy Doctor from coming to power!

Xun'er had very good thoughts in her heart, but Huo Zhi obviously didn't go as she expected.

After learning that Gu Fei had a new love, Huo Zhi acted very calmly and didn't care, and then a faint voice sounded.

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't agree. Anyway, I don't have that interest..."

Huo Zhi was very angry, and in her eyes, not many men could catch her eye.

Coming to the ancient clan to propose marriage this time was the intention of the elders of the clan, not my own wish. I just wanted to take a look.

Who is the so-called ancient genius Gu Fei?

"You, on the other hand, look so eager when mentioning Gu Fei... I have heard some rumors about you..."

"That's enough!" Xun'er shouted angrily, stopping Huo Zhi from continuing.

Huo Zhi looked at the angry Xun'er with a proud smile on his face.

"Miss Xun'er should take care of her own affairs and think about other things." Huo Zhi left these words and turned to leave.

Xun'er stood there angrily, clenching her fists.

If she hadn't lost to Huo Zhi, she would have definitely taken action just now.

The mountain peak where Gu Fei is located.

Zi Yan's figure flashed across the mountain, and she looked very anxious. She landed in front of and behind the bamboo building, and immediately shouted to the main building: "Sister, Little Medical Fairy, it's not good!"

"Zi Yan, what's going on? What's going on?"

The little medical fairy came out of the main building and asked after seeing Zi Yan's anxious look.

"Sister Little Medical Fairy, I just strolled outside for a while and overheard someone saying that the Yan Clan, one of the eight ancient tribes, sent a mission this time. Their purpose of coming here is to give Brother Gu Fei Let’s talk about a marriage!”


"Promise to brother Gu Fei?"

Hearing this, the little medical fairy's expression suddenly changed.

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