Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 110 Xun'er, why bother hanging a tree? My ancient demon is not bad either!

In the Northwest Continent, in the Imperial Palace of the Jiajia Empire, the atmosphere was a bit tense in a large hall.

"I didn't expect that old guy from Yunshan to actually break through to Douzong..."

"It's been an unknown amount of time since there was a strong Douzong figure in the Jiama Empire..."

Jia Xingtian's face was gloomy. He knew very well that Yunshan's breakthrough to Douzong would bring about earth-shaking changes to the entire Jia Ma Empire.

As the actual rulers of the Jiama Empire, the Jiama Royal Family is afraid that their imperial power will be impacted.

"Grandpa Huang, in this way, all the say in the Jiama Empire belongs to the Yunlan Sect..."

When Yaoye told the consequences, Jia Xingtian could only smile helplessly.

"Grandpa Huang, you have reached the peak of Dou Huang a long time ago. After so many years of exploration, you may be able to break through in the near future."

“The more you struggle to break through the edge, the more you realize how difficult it is to break through.”

"Even if we can't break through, Yunlan Sect will only have one Dou Sect in Yunshan. If we gather the power of the three major families, we won't be able to fight against them!"

"Yaoye, I know your thoughts are good, but I am the closest to Douzong and know the power of Douzong best. If Yunshan really becomes Douzong, even if several Douzong join forces, they will not be his opponent. "

Jia Xingtian's words made Yao Ye, who was full of fighting spirit, feel a little sad.

Do you really want to surrender to the Yunlan Sect?

With the Yunlan Sect's ambitions and methods, the royal family of the Jiama Empire will one day come to an end, and the Yunlan Sect will not allow any force to share their power.

Yao Ye lowered her head and thought, and suddenly thought of someone.

"Grandpa Huang, do you still remember that another strong Douzong man appeared in the Jiama Empire?"

"You mean...Master Gu Fei?!"

When Jia Xingtian thought of this name, his eyes instantly glowed.

"If Mr. Gu Fei is willing to help us, how can we be afraid of his mere Yunshan?"

At that time, when he saw Gu Fei, he knew that he was definitely a real strong Douzong, and he was also a high-level Douzong, otherwise he would not be so frightened.

"But...leaving aside whether Mr. Gu Fei is willing to help us, just finding him is a problem."

Yaoye was a little discouraged and felt that this idea was not feasible, but Jia Xingtian didn't think so.

"It is not necessary to invite Mr. Gu Fei to solve the problem."

"Fortunately, we entertained Mr. Gu Fei for a while before. With this relationship, the Yunlan Sect should have some concerns!"

"There is also the seventh-grade alchemist's handbook that Mr. Gu Fei left for Yue'er. However, the Alchemist Guild is tied to my royal family. If the Yunlan Sect wants to attack our royal family, the Alchemist Guild will not sit idly by."

"With these two relationships, even Yunshan should be cautious!"

Yao Ye analyzed all the pros and cons in one breath. Her admiration for Gu Fei could be said to be blind.

The back mountain of Yunlan Sect.

Two beautiful figures stood gracefully in the woods, and a sound like silver bells came from the forest.

"Master, my master recently returned to the world, and you seem to be much more relaxed!"

"Teacher broke through the Douzong and became the strongest person in the Jiama Empire. The enemies who used to be eyeing the Yunlan Sect have become much more honest. Moreover, the master is back in charge of the affairs of the Yunlan Sect, so I will naturally be free."

"However, I always feel a little uneasy lately..."

Yun Yun stopped and looked at Nalan Yanran beside her.


"Is it related to the fact that the three elders Yun Ling, Yun Du, and Yun Cha broke through Dou Huang one after another?"

Nalan Yanran had some guesses in her mind.

"Well, I know the talents of the three elders Yun Ling, Yun Du, and Yun Cha very well. Even if they spend the rest of their lives trying to break through to Dou Huang, it will be difficult for them, but they have broken through one after another in just a few months."

"Moreover, the teacher summons them alone every time, and even I can't enter."

"Ever since the teacher came out of isolation, he has become very distant from me. I always feel that many things are being hidden from me..."

Yun Yun was worried, and there were a few dark clouds gathering under her dark eyebrows.

She had a feeling that a storm was coming for the Yunlan Sect.

Ancient World, Ancient Sacred Mountains.

A stream of light passed across the sky, and with a "bang" sound, a slender figure fell in front of Gu Qingyang, it was Xun'er.

"I know you just made a breakthrough and became stronger, but you don't need to show it like this!"

Gu Qingyang looked at Xun'er, waved away the dust and joked.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately stopped smiling and looked at Xun'er solemnly, because he felt that Xun'er's breath was a little cold.

"Xun'er, why do you look so bad and are you arguing with Gu Fei again?"

Gu Qingyang asked quickly, with concern in his words.

Xun'er just said that he would go to Gu Fei's place and it would be like this when he came back. He was also making a reasonable guess.

Xun'er shook his head vigorously.

"No, I didn't see him during this trip!" Xun'er said coldly.

"Not Gu Fei?" Gu Qingyang thought, and soon another answer appeared in his mind.

"If you haven't seen Gu Fei, then you have met the woman Gu Fei brought!"

Hearing this, Xun'er's eyes became colder. Gu Qingyang did not look directly at Xun'er, but still felt uncomfortable all over.

"For you to be like this, it seems that the woman brought back by Brother Gu Fei is not simple."

Gu Qingyang didn't want to say anything more, but looking at Xun'er, who had empty and cold eyes and a slightly pale face, he couldn't help but speak.

"That's all. Now that you've made peace with him, you better not get involved in his affairs in the future."

"Gu Fei has already stayed out of the matter. If you continue to entangle, you will be trapped in it. Even the seniors in the clan may not be on your side. It is not worth embarrassing yourself for a heartless person."

"Brother Qingyang is right!"

Just as Gu Qingyang's voice fell, a voice sounded not far away, and a figure appeared in the sky.

The person who came was none other than the ancient demon.

"Let the past pass, and we must start a new life!" Gu Yao said with a smile, looking at Xun'er's eyes with admiration.

If one were to say who was happiest between Gu Fei and Xun'er, it was Gu Yao.

Only when Xun'er left Gu Fei could Gu Yao legitimately pursue Xun'er. Xun'er was the woman he had liked since he was a child, but in the end, Gu Fei proposed first and succeeded, so it was hard for him to fight.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say!"

"If you've been in it, you know how infuriating it is!"

Facing the ancient demon who persuaded him to let go of the matter, Xun'er didn't look good at all.

Gu Yao didn't feel sad either, and continued to say in a cheerful and unrestrained tone: "Brother Gu Fei has made up his mind, why don't you let go. Instead of wasting your mind on what you can't get, it's better to look at the scenery around you that you missed."

The implication of Gu Yao's words is that he is the missed scenery.

"After staying in the ancient world for so long, what bad scenery can I miss?"

Xun'er finished speaking impatiently.

After saying that, he didn't bother to pay attention to the ancient demon anymore and disappeared in a few flashes.

Seeing Xun'er's retreating figure, Gu Yao was not discouraged and vowed in his heart that he would chase Xun'er.

"He's back, let's go see him too!" Gu Qingyang looked at Gu Yao.

Gu Yao paused first, and then walked with Gu Qingyang towards the mountain peak where Gu Fei was.

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