Soon, Gu Fei led everyone to the mountain peak where he lived before.

The mountain peak is quite secluded, hidden in the deep clouds and mist. At the top of the mountain, the energy concentration of the heaven and earth is almost ten times that of the outside.

"Brother Gu Fei, do you own this entire mountain peak?"

Zi Yan looked around at the mountain scenery and then asked Gu Fei.

[Zi Yan feels surprised, and her emotional value increases by 100]

"You're so pretty! It's not like me. I thought I was a princess when I came back to my tribe, but ended up letting me live on a small broken island."

Zi Yan thought about her previous experiences and couldn't help but sigh.

"Little Broken Island?"

Hearing Zi Yan's words, Gu Fei smiled helplessly. If her clan members heard this, they would all be so angry that they would vomit blood.

However, the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan may really not care that much about the elegance of scenery.

"I live in that bamboo building." Gu Fei pointed to the bamboo building on the steps not far away.

The bamboo building is not big, but there are still rooms for the girls and Lord Skyfire to live in. The Lion King has opened a cave not far away.

"Haha, being able to follow the master is really the most correct choice I have made in my life..."

Coming to a place like this, the Lion King was extremely excited.

The energy of heaven and earth here is so dense that even if he has no other opportunities in the future, he is sure to reach the seventh level of advanced cultivation.

Lord Tianhuo doesn't care, anyway, all his former friends have passed away.

Now it is a good choice to follow Gu Fei after his resurrection, and he has a good rapport with the little girl Qing Lin, and they usually have something to say.

"You remember, our clan's rules are that outsiders are not allowed to come into contact with the people of the ancient clan, and you guys are not allowed to leave the ancient holy mountains without authorization..."

Gu Fei settled in several people, and after giving some explanations, he turned around and prepared to leave.

The little medical fairy felt uneasy when she came to a strange place. Seeing Gu Fei preparing to leave, she quickly stood up and asked, "Where are you going?"

Gu Fei turned around and looked at the little fairy doctor dotingly: "I have been away from the ancient world for a long time. Now that I am back, I have to meet the elders of the clan. This is some necessary etiquette..."

"Don't worry, this is the ancient world, and few people dare to cause trouble for me, Gu Fei."

Gu Fei wanted to see his elders, and the little medical fairy couldn't stop him, so he had to let Gu Fei leave.

There was nothing wrong with what he said. Indeed, few people in the ancient tribe dared to cause trouble for him.

But this person who is the most daring and capable of causing trouble is now in the ancient world, and is on his way here.

Gu Fei's front legs had just left, and Xun'er arrived at the top of the mountain in a short while.

Lord Tianhuo was the first to notice someone coming and immediately went out to investigate.

"Everyone from the ancient tribe is really a genius in cultivation. This girl has already reached Douhuang at such a young age!"

When he saw Xun'er, Lord Tianhuo couldn't help but sigh, with envy in his heart.

"What brings this young lady here?"

After all, this is someone else's territory, and Lord Tianhuo spoke very politely.

Hearing this, Xun'er just glanced at Lord Tianhuo and ignored him.

Her eyes kept falling on the bamboo building.

After Lord Tianhuo appeared, Zi Yan, Little Medical Fairy, and Qing Lin also knew that someone was coming and walked out of the bamboo building one after another.

The three girls appeared, Xun'er looked at the three of them, and finally his eyes fell on the little medical fairy.

"Is this the woman Gu Fei likes?"

The Little Medical Fairy, Qing Lin, and Zi Yan stood together, Xun'er's eyes focused on the Little Medical Fairy.

It was obvious that the Little Medical Fairy was the one she was looking for, and the other two looked younger.

Gu Fei is not likely to have any private relationship with those two little girls.

Xun'er's eyes swept over the little medical fairy like a scanner, wishing to see everything about the little medical fairy.

The little medical fairy's appearance is not that vulgar. She has a slim and graceful figure, and she has an ethereal fairy aura about her.

This made Xun'er feel a little threatened. After all, the only thing she could beat the Little Medical Fairy was her cultivation.

Although she felt threatened, Xun'er didn't show any signs of it, instead she smiled contemptuously.

"who is she?"

Looking at Xun'er with a contemptuous smile on her face, the little medical fairy felt the difference between her and other women.

Although other women admired Gu Fei, most of them looked at her with envy or jealousy when they saw him together.

The woman in front of him was full of hostility.

Looking at Xun'er's eyes, the little medical fairy's sixth sense told her that this person was probably closely related to Gu Fei.

"Miss, what are you doing here?" the little medical fairy asked.

"Can't I come to see Brother Gu Fei if I have nothing to do? Brother Gu Fei and I have known each other since we were children. We are childhood sweethearts..."

Xun'er deliberately emphasized her ambiguous relationship with Gu Fei, but never mentioned her marriage and divorce with Gu Fei, because it was not honorable to say it.

She came here just to stimulate the little medical fairy!

"It turns out that he is a good friend of Brother Gu Fei, so let's invite him inside."

When the little medical fairy heard that Xun'er was just Gu Fei's childhood playmate, he relaxed a little on his guard. What little boy didn't have a childhood sweetheart?

But Xun'er's next words made her feel like a light on her back.

"I won't go in. Brother Gu Fei left something on the bed in my room before this experience. I'll come over and give it back to him!"

Xun'er said this deliberately, with a hint of provocation in his eyes.

"Brother Gu Fei left something in her room? Or on the bed?"

Hearing this, the little medical fairy's heartbeat quickened. Xun'er's words contained a lot of information.

Gu Fei had been to this woman's room and left something on the bed?

So what exactly was left behind that this woman needed to send back in person?

Did the two of them do anything when they were alone in a room?

Just like myself and Gu Fei...

The little medical fairy couldn't help but have some random thoughts.

Concern caused chaos, and her breathing became rapid.

"Brother Gu Fei is not here...what is it? You put it here first. When Brother Gu Fei comes back, I will give it to him!"

The little medical fairy pretended to be calm and replied.

"This is not convenient. It is a very personal thing. I have to hand it over to him!"

"Private stuff?"

Xun'er's words undoubtedly made the little medical fairy think even more.

Even hearing the word "private" reminds me of the night after night of love between myself and Gu Fei. Could it be that Gu Fei and the woman in front of him had been like that before?

But Gu Fei said to himself... those wholehearted words...

The little medical fairy's breath became disordered, and her face became much pale.

Upon seeing this, Qing Lin quickly held her hand, but she was young and did not understand the underlying meaning of Xun'er's words, nor did she know how to comfort the little medical fairy.

When Xun'er saw the sad look of the little medical fairy, a proud smile appeared on her face.

"Gu Fei, the woman you chose seems to be easy to tease!"

Xun'er felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

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