Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 101 Xiao Yan: Oh no, my strange fire is gone again!


As Queen Medusa transformed into a colorful snake again, the heat in Gu Fei's heart finally dissipated completely. He exhaled a breath of hot breath, slowly stood up and stretched.

Then, he skillfully picked up the colorful snake and put it into his sleeve.

Through the system's emotional value prompts, Gu Fei knew that when his soul was wandering just now, Queen Medusa had some murderous intentions.

But fortunately, Queen Medusa made a very wise choice in the end.

"I have been in seclusion for several days this time. Zi Yannazi must be impatient with waiting!"

Gu Fei walked out of the stone room, murmuring softly, and then planned to walk towards the medicinal square. He didn't know Zi Yan's situation yet.

"Brother Gu Fei, go and see Zi Yan quickly, something is wrong with her!"

At this moment, Xiong Zhan walked over.

"Zi Yan, what's wrong with her?"

Gu Fei frowned, and then he flashed and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already arrived next to the light cocoon.

On the surface of the light cocoon, the purple light alternates between bright and dark, just like the beating of the heart.

Gu Fei could detect that every time the light of the light cocoon changed, all the energy of the surrounding world would be absorbed into the light cocoon, making the cocoon's body shine brighter.

"There's nothing wrong. It's just that this little girl has eaten too many heavenly materials and earthly treasures recently but hasn't digested them. Now she's going to advance!"

A look of helplessness appeared on Gu Fei's face.

Zi Yan is advancing at this time. If she is allowed to complete it slowly by herself, I am afraid it will take more than half a year to completely complete it.

Without Zi Yan's help, it would be inconvenient for Gu Fei to leave the Dan Realm, and he couldn't just leave Zi Yan here.

"Brother Gu Fei, is Zi Yan okay?"

After a while, Xiong Zhan also rushed over and asked Gu Fei worriedly.

"Zi Yan is about to advance. During this period, I will help her speed up the advancement. I may have to misappropriate the medicinal materials you have here!"

Gu Fei replied directly.

"It doesn't matter, brother Gu Fei can use it!" Xiong Zhanman didn't care. Although he collected so many medicinal materials, he didn't know how to refine elixirs. Now that he had a chance to make friends with an eighth-grade alchemist, how could he Stingy?

"Thank you. Next, I will refine some medicinal liquid to help Zi Yan speed up her advancement. I don't want to be disturbed in the meantime..."

"Don't worry, from today on, no one else will come in this hall!"

Xiong Zhan nodded and then retreated.

When Xiong Zhan left, Gu Fei's soul power immediately scanned the medicinal material square, and then dozens of medicinal herbs quickly flew towards Gu Fei.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Fei took out a medicine cauldron and placed it on the ground. A flame entered the medicine cauldron from his palm and began to refine the medicinal materials.

Under the tempering of the fused alien fire, these medicinal materials quickly turned into medicinal essence.

Finally, the essence of all the medicinal materials are gathered and blended together to become an energy potion.

The refined medicinal liquid was evenly applied on the surface of the purple light cocoon by Gu Fei.

The huge medicinal power quickly penetrated into the light cocoon, making the light cocoon brighter and brighter.

"At this rate, it should only take more than a month for her to emerge from the cocoon!"

Gu Fei glanced at the purple light cocoon, and then began to sit cross-legged and practice.

A month is nothing to a cultivator like him.

It just so happened that he could also dive into his heart and realize the soul realm he had just broken through.

As for the Little Medical Fairy and Qing Lin, they don't have to worry about being in danger if they stay in Shengdan City and are looked after by the Lion King and Lord Tianhuo.

Northwest Continent, Canaan College.

"Teacher, we are a step too late again, the strange fire has been taken away by Na Gu Fei!"

In a room somewhere in the academy, Xiao Yan was anxiously communicating with the Yao Lao in Najie.

After a long journey, he finally arrived at Canaan College.

When he came here, Xiao Yan hardly inquired, and he naturally heard some legends about Gu Fei's visit here.

"Teacher, didn't you say that an ordinary person can refine at most one kind of strange fire in his life? Then how can Gu Fei refine so many strange fires?"

When Yao Lao was silent, Xiao Yan continued to ask. At this time, he was a little wavering on whether he should continue to practice Fen Jue.

"It stands to reason that in this world, apart from Burning Jue, there should be no other way for people to refine multiple strange fires..."

While accepting the precept, Yao Lao also had a look of surprise on his face.

"Unless that person has also practiced Fen Jue!"

After a while, Yao Lao made a guess.

"Xiao Yanzi, do you still remember what I told you before I became a master, your senior brother who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors?" Yao Lao said slowly: "Back then, he colluded with the people of the Soul Palace for that skill. , to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor, but his technique is only incomplete and incomplete..."

"Teacher, you are saying that Gu Fei may have obtained the incomplete technique of Fen Jue from Han Feng, so he was able to refine many kinds of strange fires!"

A flash of surprise flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes.

Previously, Xiao Yan had heard of Medicine Emperor Han Feng shortly after entering the Black Corner Territory.

He also learned about Han Feng's behavior of bullying his master and destroying his ancestors from Yao Lao.

"Well, considering these things together, this is the only way to explain it!"

Yao Lao nodded firmly.

"Teacher, if this is really the case, then Gu Fei will continue to look for strange fires..."

Xiao Yan hesitated to speak. At this time, he had almost no hope for Fen Jue's technique. After all, the gap between him and Gu Fei was so big that he couldn't even think about it. The idea of ​​competing.

"Xiao Yanzi, don't be too discouraged. This world is vast and boundless. It is impossible for him to take away all the strange fires by himself. You still have a chance..."

Yao Lao did not want to give up. He continued to comfort Xiao Yan, hoping that Xiao Yan could complete what he had not completed.

Moreover, he originally learned from the Fen Jue technique that if he wanted to be resurrected, he must have someone with a variety of strange fires to help him refine a new body.

"Okay, teacher, although this technique is very weak now, it is the only one that can give me a chance to transcend ordinary people and reach an unprecedented peak..."

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, and finally made the decision to continue practicing Fen Jue.

"Xiao Yanzi, you can think so, that's great!"

Yao Lao nodded happily.

"Teacher, since there is only one young fire in Canaan College, do we still want to stay here?" Xiao Yan then asked.

"The young flames of the Fallen Heart Flame in the Burning Qi Refining Tower today can also emit heart fire, which is very helpful for your cultivation. After you break through the fighting spirit, consider leaving..."

Yao Lao sighed softly, with a solemn expression on his face.

Because the strange fire he was looking for twice in a row was discovered first, some of his original plans and arrangements were disrupted.

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