"Xun'er, let's get a divorce!"

On the balcony of the bamboo building, Gu Fei turned around and looked at Xun'er, who had just returned to the room with a bright smile on his face, and said lightly.

"What did you say?"

In the room, Xun'er was obviously stunned for a moment after hearing Gu Fei's words.

Then, she looked at Gu Fei in disbelief, thinking that she had heard wrongly.

"I said, let's get a divorce!"

Gu Fei looked at Xun'er calmly, his voice still as firm as before.

He was originally from Blue Star, but after a car accident, he accidentally traveled to Dou Qi Continent.

Moreover, he also became the grandson of Gu Lie, the Black Annihilation King of the ancient eight-star fighting saint.

In terms of age, Gu Fei is only one year older than Xun'er, and the two of them are considered childhood sweethearts.

However, a few years later, the patriarch Gu Yuan suddenly decided to let Xun'er lurk in Wutan City.

Go and wait for an opportunity to find the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade of the Xiao Clan!

Although Gu Fei had the intention to stop him at that time, he was only a child of a few years old at that time and did not hold much weight among the ancient clan.

There is absolutely no way to change the decision made by the leader of the clan, Gu Yuan.

I can only watch Xun'er being sent out of the ancient world by Gu Yuan!

After that, Gu Fei secretly vowed to find a way to bring Xun'er back.

In the past ten years, Gu Fei's cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, and he has become the most dazzling genius among the ancient clan. Even Gu Qingyang, who was once designated as the young clan leader, is much inferior.

His prestige among the ancient clan even surpassed that of many elders of the ancient clan.

Then, Gu Fei applied to the Elders Council of the Ancient Clan to take the daughter of the patriarch back to the Ancient Clan.

Moreover, he also expressed that he would marry Xun'er.

With his current status and his unparalleled cultivation talent.

Even Gu Yuan is very optimistic about it!

Gu Yuandang even agreed and agreed to the marriage between him and Xun'er.

After Xun'er was brought back to the ancient world, the patriarch Gu Yuan personally arranged the marriage between Gu Fei and Xun'er.

However, although the two were married, Xun'er had never refused to consummate the marriage with Gu Fei for six months, and she would not even let him touch her.

Her attitude towards Gu Fei was even colder than towards a stranger.

For more than half a year, Gu Fei tried his best to be kind to Xun'er.

However, all this seems to be just wishful thinking, and Xun'er doesn't appreciate it at all.

The reason why Xun'er is smiling so happily today is because Ling Ying brought back news about Xiao Yan from outside the ancient world.

Before that, she asked Ling Ying to send the core fighting skills scroll of the ancient tribe to Xiao Yan.

Not only that, she was willing to give away even the Zihuo of Jin Emperor Fen Tianyan.

Moreover, this time, Ling Ying was asked to bring the news and asked Xiao Yan to meet in Wutan City in three months.

As Xun'er's husband, Gu Feidu had never received a gift from Xun'er.

Now, Xun'er is planning to have a private meeting with other men. How can Gu Fei endure this?

"You, Gu Fei... don't be ridiculous, we have only been married for half a year!"

Xun'er had a bad premonition in her heart.

Her pretty face tensed up and she said seriously.


Gu Fei didn't answer, but looked at Xun'er calmly, without any emotion in his eyes.

Seeing Gu Fei's reaction, Xun'er realized that Gu Fei was not joking.

"No, I don't agree!"

Xun'er's expression changed and she shook her head.

"After we got married, didn't we get along very well? We never had a quarrel!"

"How can I be sorry for you that you actually want to divorce me?"

"I firmly disagree with divorce!"

Xun'er pursed her lips and stared at Gu Feidao.

As the daughter of the clan leader, she is extremely talented and her whole body shines brightly.

If she divorces Gu Fei, it will probably lead to a lot of malicious speculation from others. In this case, her reputation will be ruined.

She would never allow such a thing to happen!

[Ding, Xun'er feels angry, her mood value will be increased by 100]

At this moment, the familiar system prompt sounded in Gu Fei's mind.

At first, after Xun'er left the ancient tribe, Gu Fei was very decadent. It was at that time that he bound the emotion upgrade system.

By collecting the emotional values ​​of various lucky people, you can upgrade your various abilities!

It is precisely because of this clear upgrade system that Gu Fei has been able to grow rapidly to this level in the past ten years.

"Getting along well? Haha..."

Seeing the extremely serious expression on Xun'er's face, Gu Fei couldn't help but sneered: "What qualifications do you have to disagree with the divorce?"

In the past, Xun'er was cold yet gentle, but now, all Gu Fei saw was indifference. Even though the two were married, nothing had changed. They were just like strangers.

"Why am I not qualified?"

"Why do you get divorced when you say you want to divorce?"

Xun'er was offended by the sneer on Gu Fei's face, and roared hysterically.

"Haha, you are almost going to betray Hongxing, and you still ask me why?"

Gu Fei sneered again.

He had liked this woman for many years.

Now, he finally made up his mind to cut off the relationship with her.

"Hongxing cheated?"

Listening to the words Gu Fei used, Xun'er's body couldn't help but tremble.

【Ding! Xun'er feels extremely angry, and her mood value increases by 200]

"You're talking nonsense. When will I cheat on you? You're insulting me!"

Xun'er's delicate body trembled slightly, she pointed at Gu Fei and retorted loudly.

"Am I talking nonsense?"

Gu Fei's eyes suddenly showed a trace of disgust. Unexpectedly, this woman still refused to admit it. He said loudly: "Who did you meet just now? Do you think no one knows?"

"Master Ling is my elder. When I was in the ancient world for several years, Master Ling took care of me. I kept in touch with Master Ling. Is this wrong?"

Hearing Gu Fei's words, Xun'er was very unconvinced and asked confidently.

"It's right to contact Ling Ying, but when you contact Ling Ying, you care about others!"

"You care more about your old lover than you do about me as your husband!"

Gu Fei said sarcastically.

Xun'er's eyes suddenly dodge.

[Ding, Xun'er has panic + anger emotions, and the emotional value is increased by 100]

"Nonsense, what kind of old lover? I have stayed in the Xiao family for so many years, and I just treat him as an elder brother and a relative!"

"I'm a little concerned about my relatives. Is this wrong?"

Seeing Xun'er continue to quibble, the sarcasm in Gu Fei's eyes became even more intense.

"Haha, a relative who has no blood relationship is worthy of you hiding the clan's secret fighting skills and giving away the clan's secret fighting skills, or even giving away the Zihuo of Jin Emperor Fen Tianyan?"

Gu Fei sneered: "Is it worth paying attention to everything that happens to him every moment, and even making an appointment for the next time to meet?"

"Are you already fantasizing about how to hold your brother tightly next time we meet?"

As he spoke, Gu Fei's eyes were filled with disgust and disgust.

For a woman whose heart does not belong to him, no matter how beautiful she is, Gu Fei does not intend to miss her too much.

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