
Wendy looked up at the sky, her thoughts floating in the air like a kite with a broken string.

[Strength seems to be really important. If I am strong enough this time, I can help everyone. I have decided that I will start special training when I return this time. The goal… well, the first step is to defeat the enemy independently.

Wendy made up her mind and showed a hard-working expression on her face.

“By the way, what is Miss Lisanna’s magic? I never knew it,” Wendy asked curiously.

Lisanna pointed at herself and said,”My magic? My magic is also receiving magic, but I receive the power of elves, which was awakened after I signed the contract with Xiaoyang. Unfortunately, there are no creatures like elves in this world. Maybe there are some but I haven’t found them yet?”

“I can also receive some animals or monsters. After receiving them, the abilities or characteristics of these creatures will change, but they are definitely not as strong as elves. I currently only have one elf soul, but it is a support and its attack power is not high.”

Lisanna said with a serious expression on her face, and said in particular:”By the way, Wendy, you must never tell the enemy about your magic, nor tell the guild members about your weaknesses.” 26 Wendy showed a strange expression on her face:”Sister Lucy told me that I can’t explain magic to the enemy, but why can’t I tell everyone about my weaknesses? We are all companions, aren’t we?”

Mira:”Although we are all companions, the enemy may be able to learn about other people’s weaknesses through your memory. A step back, there is a high possibility of duels between guild members, just like this game. If others know your weaknesses, you will be defeated soon.”

Mira’s words instantly brought Wendy back to the game just now. Gray had used her weakness of being afraid of sour plums to defeat herself before.

Wendy nodded solemnly:”Okay, Sister Mira, I understand.”

[Ah, I changed my words, Wendy is so cute. Mira smiled.

Then Mira stood up, walked to the soup pot, scooped three quarters of the soup into a basin, took out a bottle of salt, and poured some into the remaining soup.

Wendy was a little puzzled:”Sister Mira, why do you want to add salt to the remaining soup?”

Mira took out a soup spoon and gently stirred the soup in the pot. When she saw that the salt and soup were completely blended, she scooped some out and put it in the soup dish. After tasting that it was slightly salty, she nodded with satisfaction.

“This is for Xiaoyang. Xiaoyang has a strong taste and likes salty food.”

“Σ(oДO, but I heard from Sister Lucy that Xiaoyang likes desserts that are not too sweet?”

Lisanna stuck out her tongue and smiled playfully:”Hehe, you also think it’s strange, right? You like cakes that are not too sweet, but you like salty food.”

“In this respect, Xiaoyang is completely different from Habby. Habby thinks the lighter the food, the better, and he even likes to eat raw fish, but Xiaoyang can’t accept raw food at all.”

Wendy nodded:”Xia Lulu doesn’t like to eat too salty food either, won’t this cause any harm to Xiaoyang?”

Mira heard this and a sly smile appeared on her face:”It doesn’t hurt Xiaoyang much, but it hurts Habby very much. One year, Xiaoyang took out something called hot pot, and Habby saw that Xiaoyang was eating it with relish, so he pestered him for three bags of hot pot base.”

“He loved eating it so much that he ate it for a week. A week later, the hair on the top of Happy’s head suddenly started to fall out. That morning, Happy almost fainted from crying when he saw the empty top of his head.”

Lisanna held her stomach and started laughing,”Hahaha, you can’t imagine the scene at that time. At that time, Natsu couldn’t coax Happy. Although Happy was pitiful, his bald head with tearful little expression was really funny. In the end, it was Xiaoyang who gave Happy a hair growth pill to calm the matter down.”

“But since then, whenever Habby hears the word”hot pot”, he will touch his head subconsciously.”

When Wendy heard Habby’s childhood embarrassment, she couldn’t help but smile.

“Everyone must have had a lot of fun living together when they were young.”

After hearing what Wendy said, Lisanna and Mira smiled at each other and said at the same time:

“Well, we all like life in the guild.”

Mira:”When he was young, Xiaoyang was known as the king of children. As long as he was in the guild, there would be 5 or 6 children around him. Although Xiaoyang sometimes liked to joke with everyone, no one would get angry. On the contrary, everyone liked to be with Xiaoyang.”

“Also, although Xiaoyang often plays horror movies as punishment, he actually doesn’t dare to watch them. One time, I accidentally saw Xiaoyang hiding in his room watching a horror movie. When the horror scene appeared, his hair stood up. He was so cute.”

Mila became more and more excited as she spoke, and a happy expression appeared on her face.

“Horror movie?”Wendy had never heard of this term.

Lisanna waved her hand aside:”Wendy, it’s better not to know, it’s quite scary.”

Hearing that it was quite scary, Wendy nodded solemnly:”Okay, I will definitely not understand it, and I won’t make a mistake.”

Wendy picked up the soup in front of her and took a sip. When the soup touched her tongue, Wendy’s face showed an intoxicated look.

“Ah, what a delicious soup! Sister Mira’s cooking skills are amazing.”

Mira had a proud look on her face:”It tastes good, right? Xiaoyang likes the food I cook the most.””

“Sister Mila likes Xiaoyang very much?”

Mila was stunned:”Yes, I do like him very much, why do you suddenly ask this?”

“Because Sister Mila is always smiling, and her smile is different from her usual smile. Every time you talk about Xiaoyang, you will feel happy from the bottom of your heart.”

“Really?” Mira raised her hand and touched her face.”I didn’t even notice it. Maybe it’s because I feel happy whenever I think of Xiaoyang.”

The three of them drank soup together and discussed past stories like sisters.

Elsa sat on the branch of the Sirius tree. She wiped the armor in her hand and thought about the test just now.

[Did I hit her too hard? Would Juvia think I had something against her? And Lisanna, she didn’t even have time to use her magic.

Erza put down her armor and stared at the brown branches in front of her.

[But this is the most basic thing in a battle, you should support first in a team fight, the enemy will not wait for you to finish casting magic before attacking you.

Her eyes became firm, she stood up, clenched her fists and shouted:

“That’s right, if I let them off now and they pass this exam, they might be killed by the enemy in the future, and I can’t allow that to happen.”

Elsa’s voice echoed around the bottom of the tree. When she heard the voice coming back, she realized that she had just shouted out her thoughts. Elsa sat back on the ground with a red face.

“Luckily, no one heard it, but I’ll go back and tell Juvia and the others later, that’s better.”

Erza held her head in her hands and looked up at the sky.

“But then again, why haven’t the enemies come yet? It’s been an hour, and none of the warning formations and traps I set up around me have been triggered. It’s so boring. If I were to play the game, I’m afraid I would be too immersed in it to notice the enemies. If I had known, I should have taken two pieces of cake when I left.”

“I don’t know how Mira’s soup is going. I was planning to make it myself. Xiaoyang should like that soup very much.”

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