After a while, Cana and Lucy’s eyes regained spirits. When the light appeared in their eyes, they turned their heads and looked around. After finding that they were back in the examination room, their bodies finally relaxed. They hugged each other and began to cry bitterly.

“AWow! What are those things? They (hiccups), really (humph)… So disgusting.”

The cries of the two people kept echoing in the cave.

“They are zombies. They are mutated after the living are infected with the virus. They have no sense of pain and will rush over as soon as they smell the scent of living people.”

After hearing the explanation, Lucy turned her head while sobbing. She puffed up her cheeks and looked at the culprit this time.

“”Xiaoyang!! How can you have so many BT illusions there? We almost couldn’t get out~, ugh”.

Lucy’s mind recalled the images and smells she had just experienced. Her eyes rolled back subconsciously, and she covered her mouth with her left hand and couldn’t help but retching.

Kana was a little stronger, but she looked a little uncomfortable. She continued to complain after Lucy’s words:

“That’s right, there was a zombie that almost bit me. Now I feel sick when I think back to the appearance of that person.”

Laxus crossed his arms, with a gloating smile on his face.

“You two are not 24 regretful, if you had fought me directly just now, you wouldn’t have gone through this.”

Lucy kept thinking about this sentence in her mind.

[Indeed, it might be better to fight Laxus, at least his body parts didn’t fall out, and he didn’t emit a strange smell.

Cana took out a bottle of wine and drank it in a few gulps. She wiped the wine stains from the corners of her mouth, and a look of disgust appeared on her face.

“You were angry when we first came in. I don’t know why, but you were definitely angry at the time. If we fought you head-on, you would definitely not show mercy.”

“.()I don’t want to be the object of your venting of emotions.”

Laxus’ face darkened and he waved his hand at the two of them.

“Okay, you guys have cleared the level, let’s go now”

[Kana is still as cunning as she was when she was little.

“That’s right, congratulations to you two for successfully passing the S-class wizard assessment.” Xiao Yang clapped his hands and smiled as he looked at the two of them.

“Yeah” x2

After hearing that they had successfully passed the level, the two of them excitedly clapped their hands vigorously.

“I actually passed the S-class wizard exam! I passed Laxus, I’m going to go out and show off to Natsu.”

Lucy jumped back and forth excitedly, like a rabbit that successfully escaped from the claws of an eagle.

“Correction: I have to pass Xiaoyang, otherwise Natsu will come to fight me again, which is very annoying.”

Laxus’ mind reappeared the scene when Natsu constantly challenged him when he was a child.

“Hehe, got it,” Lucy stuck out her tongue and smiled playfully. She was about to leave the cave with Cana, but she suddenly stopped halfway.

“Wait, my magic power is full! I almost used it up in the illusion.”

Kana grabbed Lucy and continued to move forward:”This is the basic operation of Xiaoyang’s illusion. We are lucky to meet Xiaoyang. We can have full magic power for the second test. Let’s prepare for the next test quickly.”

After the contestants left, Xiaoyang and his friends also prepared to return to the temporary camp.

When they were about to reach the camp, Xiaoyang suddenly paused, and a magic circle appeared in front of him

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Laxus asked curiously.

“The warning array I placed on the island earlier sent a message that a stranger has landed on the island.” A blue water divination plate appeared in front of Xiaoyang. The water divination plate kept spinning, and many words appeared out of thin air in the center.

“It’s the enemy, and it’s the heart of the Dark Guild Demon.”

Xiao Yang took out his phone, opened WeChat, and clicked on Elsa’s profile picture.

“Elsa, the enemy is attacking, they will most likely go to the Sirius Tree. If the Sirius Tree is damaged, our magic power will be exhausted, you should go and protect the Sirius Tree immediately.”

Elsa:”What attack? Okay, I know, I’ll leave now.”

After sending a single message to Elsa, Xiaoyang opened the Fairy Tail chat group again.

“All members, everyone, please pay attention, there is an enemy attack. The second exam is now suspended. Everyone go to the designated location according to the instructions.”

Elfman:”What?” (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lucy:”Why would someone attack us? Isn’t this the holy land of our guild??”

“I will explain it to you in detail later. First, follow my instructions and defeat the enemy first.”

“Gildarts, go to the northern slope. In 20 minutes, a man with braids and a monkey-like appearance will be there. His magic is gravity magic. Your mission is to knock him down.”

Gildarts:”Okay, got it.””

“Lucy, go to the ruins in the south. In 10 minutes, a sheep wearing a suit will appear there. He has magic that can reduce human abilities.”

“Note: It is a controlled star spirit. Lucy, your puppet manipulation can restrain it. Loki and Lucy go together.

Lucy and Loki:”Received”.

Lucy:”Why is there a sheep in a suit? Or a star spirit? Loki, do you know?”

Loki:”The sheep in a suit should be the star spirit of Capricorn – Capricho. He has been out of contact for a long time. We can’t find him no matter how hard we try. According to Xiaoyang, he should be controlled, so he has been staying in the human world.”

“In 15 minutes, a man with golden hair and God-killing magic will appear on the western cliff. Give him to Natsu. Your golden flame and fluctuations can restrain him.

Natsu:”Okay, I’m on fire.”

“In 18 minutes, a fat white man with an afro will appear in the northeast. Give him to Juvia and Gray. Remember not to let him pull your hair. His magic is similar to the magic butt I used before. Long-range attacks will be fine.”

Gray and Juvia:”Received.”

As soon as the message was sent, Juvia rolled around in the camp with joy:

“Ah~, I have to defeat the enemy with Gray-sama. Hehe, if Gray-sama sees how awesome I am and confesses to me, how many babies will we have?(/▽)”

“After 18 minutes in the east, a little girl with pink hair will appear. This person is handed over to Gajeel. Her magic is sensory magic, which can connect the enemy and the person he likes together. If one person is injured, the other person will also be injured.”

Gajeel:”Okay! Geihei, there is finally a fight. Wait, what do you mean??”

“Uru 930 Tia will appear in the northwest in 13 minutes. Give her to Uru. She is your daughter. Defeat her first and then explain to her, otherwise she won’t listen.”

Uru:”What do you mean my daughter? Didn’t she die a long time ago? Isn’t this the same name?”

“No, the organization that treated Urrutia before was a dark organization. They lied to you that your daughter was dead so that they could monopolize her. She escaped from the laboratory once, and when she returned home, she found that you were with Gray and Leo, so she believed what the dark organization told her. You abandoned her and finally joined the dark organization wholeheartedly.”

Uru:”Ju, it’s so good, I know, I will explain it to her.”

“The rest are just some small details, not enough evidence. The above is the plan for this time, let’s start now.”

After Xiao Yang sent the message, he looked at Laxus beside him.

“Laxus, now go to the beach where we came from. The big boss will appear there. Take this.”

He took out a magic crystal.

“This is a magic spirit power full of magic elimination. Use it on the enemy’s spaceship and then attack the spaceship.”

Laxus took the crystal and said,”Okay, we will contact each other via WeChat later.” After saying that, Laxus left. After seeing Laxus leave, Xiaoyang narrowed his eyes, and a pair of wings appeared out of thin air behind him.

“Arc of Manifestation, turns everything you imagine into reality. Although I don’t know what its limitations and conditions are, this magic is definitely useful.”

“By the way, divination magic is really good. It can predict everything from tomorrow’s weather to the exact location of the enemy.”

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