While learning the two skills, Xiao Yang also arrived at his destination. As soon as he arrived, two giant cat dolls appeared at the door. The two dolls opened the door and said to Xiao Yang:

“Hello, Master Yang Ming, welcome to Daphne’s laboratory. Master Daphne has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Xiao Yang opened his mouth in surprise as he looked at the cat doll that opened the door for him.

[Daphne has evolved! I remember that before, these cat dolls could only present flowers and applaud, but now they can actually talk.

After watching the target person not move for a long time, the two cats came forward, one held him in his arms, and the other took out fruits and snacks from his stomach and handed them to him.

Xiaoyang was stunned by the actions of the two cats. He originally wanted to fly down, but the touch of the cat’s fur was too comfortable, just like the finest silk. After hesitating for two seconds, Xiaoyang sat safely in the cat’s arms and enjoyed the caring service.

“Very comfortable, thank you”

“You’re welcome, Lord Yang Ming.”

[o O! Wow, he just talked to me.

Xiao Yang thought he had misheard and asked tentatively:

“Good morning?”

The cat holding him had a red light flashing in its eyes.

“Master Yang Ming, it is 10:25 am now. To be more precise, it should be good morning.”

Xiao Yang looked shocked when the cat corrected him.

“You, you can talk to me on your own! And you can know the time accurately!!”

Hearing the surprise of the big man, the two cats flashed a smug look on their faces, but this smugness disappeared in an instant.

“Yes, Daphne has helped us install many different functions, including but not limited to taking care of others’ food and daily life, assisting in experiments, collecting weather data for the past week, etc.”

“In addition, we also have language conversion templates. We have many sound sources here, and Lord Yang Ming can choose the sound he likes.”

After saying this, the voices of the two cats began to change.

“Mature uncle”, the voice of the cat on the left turns into the voice of Suho Takashi

“Sexy Queen”, the cat holding Xiaoyang turned into Fujiko Mine’s voice

“Steady man”, the voice turns into the voice of Red A

“Tsundere girl”, the voice changed to Misaka Mikoto’s voice.

Then the male and female voices sounded together:”What type do you like, Yang Ming-sama?”

Xiao Yang was stunned when Fuji Mineko’s voice came out, not to mention the voices of others behind.

[They are all the voices of anime characters! How ridiculous! What on earth has Daphne been doing during this time?

As they were talking, they came to the basement of the laboratory. Looking down, they saw a dense crowd of cat-shaped dolls. Some of them were cleaning, some were cooking, and some were organizing materials.

“Σ(OДoAre all these robots like you?”

Red A voice:”No, the two of us are just perfect products made by Lady Daphne by chance. The other individuals only have a single function and they do not have the ability to think independently.”

Misaka Mikoto voice:”We were specially sent by Lady Daphne to greet you in order to show off to you. Your surprised expression has been transmitted to Lady Daphne.”

[Where did this bastard learn this?

“Come on, it seems that the emotional system is still not perfect. If it were me, I would not have said the last sentence at all.”

Daphne put her left hand on her waist and walked towards Xiaoyang while eating sausage.

Hearing the creator say this, the two cats bent down and bowed to her at the same time:”Yes, we will learn from this lesson, beautiful and charming lady Daphne with a peerless appearance”

“Daphne, you are so…”

Simple narcissism is no longer enough to describe Daphne. Xiaoyang really can’t think of a better word.

“Come on, come on, it’s great, right? I know, I know it very well.”

Daphne held up her glasses and smiled proudly.

“Forget it, there are too many things I want to complain about, and I don’t want to complain anymore, but I’m very curious, how did you invent these two?”

“Come on, there are three kinds of knowledge in ancient documents, mathematics, physics and chemistry. The more I learn, the more powerful I feel these knowledge is. Based on these knowledge and the cartoons I saw on my mobile phone, I invented Big Dragon No. 1 and Little Dragon No. 2.”

Xiao Yang took a breath when he heard the names of the two cats.

“Could it be that Dalong and Xiaolong were named according to the order of their invention?”

“That’s right, Xiaoyang, you understand a lot.” Daphne couldn’t stop nodding, her eyes full of”I’m optimistic about you”

“Why are they called Big Dragon and Little Dragon? They don’t seem to be related to dragons. They should be called Big Cat and Little Cat.”

When Daphne heard Xiao Yang ask such a crucial question, her glasses suddenly emitted white light, and the two white lenses blocked her eyes tightly.

“Come on, I’ve been waiting for you to ask this question, Dalong and Xiaolong, activate the super transformation form.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hearing this familiar line, Xiaoyang suddenly felt that what was going to happen next might be a little bad.

“”Crack, crack.”

The bodies of the two cats suddenly began to flip, and the upper and lower bodies swapped positions. The original cat heads were replaced by a dragon head. The hair all over their bodies began to shrink, and in the blink of an eye, the two cats turned into green tin men. Then, the tin surface turned out scales from top to bottom one by one like turning the pages of a calendar.

The originally soft hair was completely replaced by green scales. The two cats disappeared, and were replaced by two iron dragons that looked like robots. As usual, they had familiar dragon heads, dragon horns and dragon tails!

Xiao Yang’s eyes went dark when he saw this scene. He unconsciously covered his eyes with his left paw and kept breathing heavily.

[Oh my god, this scene looks so familiar. Isn’t this something from Iron Armor Little Treasure? When I solved the six demon generals, the mobile phone clone also activated other functions. I didn’t think about it at the time. I didn’t expect it to turn out like this. Dalong and Xiaolong, I’m sorry for you. I shouldn’t have given Daphne a mobile phone.

After half a minute of rapid breathing, Xiaoyang finally calmed down. He opened his eyes and suddenly felt something was wrong.

“Daphne, the mathematics, physics and chemistry in the ancient texts should be the most basic knowledge, how did you invent them based on these things?”

Daphne didn’t expect Xiaoyang to ask such a simple question

“Come on, of course I saw it in the book collection corner of the guild. Others said that the books there were put there by you, Xiaoyang. Did you forget?”

“There is a lot of advanced knowledge about artificial intelligence and mathematics and physics there. Obviously, this knowledge is great, but other people in the guild don’t read it at all. Instead, they always read the comics and novels on the side.”

Xiao Yang then remembered that there was such a thing as a book corner. It was a gift bag of books that he won in a lottery when he was a child. It contained comics, novels, and knowledge of various professions.

[I forgot about this a long time ago, and I don’t like math, physics, and chemistry, etc. I remember that there was also…

Xiao Yang just thought of this when he heard the voices of Da Long and Xiao Long:

“”Da Long, don’t look down on the poor young man, one day I will surpass you and become Da Long”.

Xiao Long’s voice is the passionate voice of a young man.

Da Long’s mouth tilted, revealing his steel teeth flashing with coldness:”My stupid Ou 577 Doudou, you are not enough to defeat me, become stronger, brother I will always be here waiting for you”.

Xiao Yang’s ears suddenly made a roar, he covered his chest and felt a little pain there

[I feel like I’m having a heart attack.

He turned to Daphne and yelled,”Don’t add anything to the robot’s program.”

Daphne smiled and shook her finger,”No, no, no, they learned all this by themselves. They have the ability to improve themselves and can learn external things on their own.”

[Don’t learn everything. No, I have to leave here quickly. If I stay any longer, I will be killed.

Xiao Yang handed all the equipment he got from the Kingdom Army to Daphne, and took out a blueprint from the space.

“This is the design of the dragon knight that Mistlan gave me. You can refer to it. As for what a dragon knight is and the robot combat data you gave me, I will pass it to you in ancient documents later. I am leaving now.”

After Xiao Yang handed all these to her, he turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing Xiao Yang leaving, Daphne hurriedly tried to stop him:

“Wait, I have many other designs here, Xiaoyang, it’s not too late to leave after you finish reading them.”

Upon hearing her voice, Xiaoyang not only did not stop but walked faster, without even turning his head, he shouted:

“No, I have heart pain. If I wait a little longer, I’m afraid I’ll die of a heart attack in your lab.”

[Oh, stay a little longer. If I stay any longer, I’m afraid I’ll see two cats acting out a domineering romance.

Xiao Yang thought about an iron dragon pinching the chin of another iron dragon and saying,”Woman, you are playing with fire,” and he felt goose bumps all over his body.

He spread his wings.���Leaving the lab as fast as possible

“Myocardial infarction? What is this? Is it a disease?”

Daphne showed a curious look on her face.

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