Xiao Yang finally felt relieved after hearing Mister Lan’s explanation. Then he thought about the next plan.

“The most important thing now is to create a villain. If you defeat the villain and turn him into a hero, you can legitimately become the king.

Xiao Yang thought about who should be the villain:”Let me think about it, how about him?”

At this point, Xiao Yang used illusion magic to conjure up a slender man in a white suit.

Mistran:”He is?”

“A coward from another world, it is his honor to be a villain again in this world. I have implanted good memories in him. By the way, remember to be ruthless when you attack him next time, it is best to cut him into pieces.”

Mist Lan:”- -This, this won’t be too bloody.”

“I am just making a suggestion. You can decide for yourself how to do it.”

After that, Xiao Yang took out a small green cuboid. This cuboid was made of a transparent shell and green liquid. After Xiao Yang pressed the button on it, there was a”click” sound, and a small ball of flame appeared above the cuboid.

“This is technology from other worlds, called a lighter. It can light a fire directly without any magic, and everyone can use it. It has no use to me, so I give it to you now, and you can ask someone to study it.”

Xiao Yang took out six boxes of lighters from the space. These lighters are of various types, and there are more than 1,000 lighters in total, all of which were won in the lottery.

Misterlan looked at the lighters and shouted excitedly:”Great, the fire problem is solved, but it is a bit abrupt to hand these directly to the people. How should I explain the origin of these things?”

After hearing what Misterlan said, Xiao Yang realized that handing the lighters directly to the people of this world would be no less than handing the magic props to the people of the original world.

Misterlan was thinking, and suddenly a flash of inspiration appeared in his mind

[Xiaoyang is a transcendent, and the transcendents are called gods in this world. So can I say that these technologies are given to everyone by gods, but people need to pay a price, and the price is…

Thinking of this, Mistlan looked up at Xiaoyang,”Xiaoyang, if I give you something in exchange for these technologies, what would you want?”

Xiaoyang didn’t expect Mistlan to suddenly ask this question. After thinking for a while, he replied:

“”The magic props, you can take them back to Daphne, or sell them directly in the guild store.”

Mist Lan nodded and said,”Okay, then I will let everyone exchange the magic props for this lighter. At that time, I will tell people that these are props from another world given by God.”

“In addition, after the Anima is reversed, all creatures with magic in their bodies will leave this world, and the transcendents will also leave at that time. When that time comes, I hope that you, the god Xiaoyang, can come up with some lines to stabilize people’s hearts.”

Mistran said with a smile

“(oДo)Ah! ? Why is there still my business? Shouldn’t the rest be handed over to you, the prince?”

Hearing the title of prince, Mistran’s eyes flashed with a complicated emotion

“Yes, I am a prince, but a prince is still a human being. In this era when magic is about to disappear, what can bring people a sense of security better than a god?”

“o O? But you said that all creatures with magical powers will leave, and I won’t be here forever. When the huge sense of security is gone, people will probably be more panicked.”

Hearing this, Mistlan smiled softly,”You are wrong, Xiaoyang. Human beings are creatures that can survive tenaciously as long as they are given a little hope, not to mention the many knowledge you have given me. Gods can exist, but gods cannot exist for a long time.”

Hearing this, Xiaoyang also reacted to what Mistlan meant.

“You mean my presence can give people hope, and my departure can give people motivation, that’s probably what you mean.”

“That’s right,” Mistran nodded with a smile.

“This plan will be officially launched in two days. I hope you can think of some encouraging words by then.” Xiaoyang was shocked and pointed at himself in disbelief.

“Σ(OДBut I have never done these things. How can I play the role of a god, or a god who can bring people a sense of security even after I leave?”

“Really? But I heard from Mira and Erza that you helped them out of their predicament. Your words have always inspired and encouraged them. Not only that, but Cana, Laxus, Gray, etc., they all think so too.”

“I think Xiaoyang, you have the potential to be a god.”

Mistlan had a smile on his face, as if he was optimistic about you.

[I just watched too much anime and was just expressing my feelings. You haven’t been in the guild for a long time, so how do you know so many things?

“Forget it, I’ll just try my best, I can’t guarantee the result.”

Xiaoyang patched himself up in advance

“I believe you. After all, you are Yang Mingduo, right?”

“You make me sound so awesome.”

After the two of them discussed it, Mistlan went to prepare for the next thing. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

There are still two days left, Xiaoyang and others plan to continue playing in this world and treat it as a trip to another world. When everyone was about to leave in the air, a voice suddenly stopped them:

“Everyone, please wait a moment.”

Everyone turned their heads and looked behind them, and found Erye and a black cat waving its hands flying towards them at the fastest speed. The two cats stopped only after they arrived in front of them, breathing heavily.

The head can be cut off, the blood can flow, but the shape cannot be lost.[]

Although he was almost exhausted from flying, Erye still posed in a coquettish way. He said to Xiaoyang:”I didn’t expect that humans could also have wings of transcendence. Boy, you are so amazing.”

He said this while winking at her.

Xiaoyang felt a little nauseous when he saw such an eye-catching scene. He quickly turned his head to watch Elsa wash her eyes.

Lucy and Elsa both shuddered when they heard the voice. At the same time, they hugged their arms with goose bumps and sighed:”This cat still feels disgusting.”

Lucy: [This Erye inexplicably feels like the Yiye of Tenma. Could it be that this is him from another world?! People can actually be cats!

Nadi saw the disgusted expressions on everyone’s faces and explained:”Actually, we came here to invite everyone to the palace to entertain you and discuss some things. Also, Erye and the others were sent by the queen to help you. Unexpectedly,……”

At this point he paused and did not continue.

However, Erye took over Nadi’s words:”I didn’t expect that the abominable king would invent such a vicious weapon, which prevented me from showing my style and letting everyone appreciate my strength.”

Erye came to Elsa and said,”By the way, Miss, what kind of perfume do you use? You have a charming fragrance.”

As he spoke, he kept sniffing back and forth around Elsa with his big nose. Because he used too much force, everyone could hear the sound of him inhaling through his nose.

After Elsa felt the familiar action, her body immediately reacted instinctively, and she punched back.

Erye was instantly knocked to the ground by the huge impact force.

Elsa didn’t realize what she had just done until she heard the”bang” sound, and she immediately apologized:

“Yes, I’m sorry. Your action reminded me of someone, and I instinctively punched you. I’m really sorry.”

Xia Lulu raised her arms and said angrily:”Elsa did nothing wrong, why apologize? Who comes over and keeps sniffing a girl? He’s really like a pervert.”

Wendy’s face was full of panic when she heard Xia Lulu’s words:”Xia Lulu, your words are too harsh.”

Erye flew up from the ground and staggered in front of everyone.

“”Man, no…it’s okay. Princess Xia Lulu is right. I will pay attention next time. But Miss Elsa is really strong.”

Erye closed his eyes and was about to fall to the ground again. Xiaoyang used telekinesis magic to hold him back and used healing magic at the same time. Erye woke up instantly.

Seeing this scene, Nadi sighed in his heart: [He is worthy of being the person predicted by the queen. He is really amazing. It’s a pity that this was predicted two years after the egg was lost. If it was one step earlier, would everything be different?

Laxus:”Xiaoyang, are we going to the queen’s palace?”

Xiaoyang thought for a while and then said,”Let’s go. Charlotte should have predicted something, and those cats just fought with you. For the sake of comradeship, we have to go around.”

Hearing this, the two cats on the side showed horror on their faces.

[He knew the queen’s name and that she had the power of prophecy.

Without giving them time to think about it, Nadi said quickly after hearing the most important person’s agreement:

“I will lead the way, and you just follow me.” Wan..

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