A drop of sweat appeared on the harpy’s head as he looked at the mecha:”(△)Hey, Natsu, if I’m not mistaken, the robot’s skin is green, right?”

Natsu looked at the two mechas with shining eyes and envy:”Yes, Happy, what’s wrong, wow! These two mechas are so handsome, I will also ask Daphne for a mecha later.”

“Don’t you think green skin is weird? The dragon I saw in Daphne’s base before also had green skin. Are the scales on Ignir’s body also green?”

Hearing such insults to Ignir, Natsu immediately retorted loudly:

“Of course not (), Igneel’s scales are red, how could such a powerful dragon have ugly green scales”.

A light bulb appeared above Natsu’s head:”By the way, I can ask Daphne to help me make the robot’s scales red, it will definitely look like Igneel”.

The old king, who had recovered from his shock on the battlefield, said disdainfully:”Even if there are weapons similar to Dragon Knight’s in another world, the weapons in another world can never be more advanced than Dragon Knight, go to hell!”

A large number of bombs emerged from Dragon Knight’s body, and these bombs attacked the robot from all directions, but the robot did not make any move to dodge. His green scales quickly turned into silver like steel. After a puff of smoke, the robot took all the attacks of Dragon Knight unscathed.

Gajeel, who was holding an unconscious cat not far away, saw this and said excitedly:”This is my magic! It is worthy of my dragon-slaying magic, it’s really hard”.

Seeing that the robot was unscathed, the old king exclaimed:”How is it possible, there is not even a scratch!”

The robot raised his hand, and a huge red magic circle appeared in his hand. A stream of hot flames spurted out of the circle, and the flames completely enveloped the dragon knight. The black and silver shell of the dragon knight was reflected into a fiery red by the flames.

Seeing this scene, the old king laughed contemptuously:”Hahaha, the shell of the dragon knight is the dragon’s reinforced armor, which is made of magic crystals specially used against demons. All magic will not cause harm to the dragon knight, so don’t waste your magic power.……”

The old king stopped talking before he finished. He was horrified to find that his armor had taken a lot of damage, and because the flames outside enveloped the entire dragon knight, he was like meat in an oven in the operating table, making sizzling sounds all over his body.

The old king quickly controlled the dragon knight to jump up and get out of the range of the flames. Natsu on the side saw this and shouted excitedly:”This is my magic, my magic is different, it can defeat the enemy in one go, unlike some magic that can only defend.”

Gajeel:”What are you talking about, you bastard? If it weren’t for my magic robot, it would have been defeated by the enemy long ago, how could it be your turn to use magic?”

Natsu shouted at Gajeel:”What did you say? No matter how high your defense is, what’s the use if you can’t hurt the enemy, thanks to my magic, otherwise you would have lost long ago with just your turtle shell.”

“O Oh ha! Who are you calling a turtle shell? You crispy lizard”

“Of course I’m talking about you. Who is the crispy lizard? Come and fight me if you dare!”

“Come on, who’s afraid of who!”

The two were about to fight when a female voice suddenly came from not far away:”You two idiots, didn’t Xiaoyang tell us to attack the enemy, what are you two still doing here?”

Happy and Natsu trembled subconsciously when they heard the voice, while Gajeel held his head and looked aside indifferently.

Erza, wearing the flying armor, instantly came in front of the two of them, and with two”bangs”, the two were knocked to the ground in an instant, and a red envelope grew on the left and right of their heads.

Erza turned her head and glared at Happy beside her, and asked in a low voice:”Happy, didn’t I ask you to take Natsu to the place I designated!”

Looking at Erza’s horrified expression, Happy’s body subconsciously stood up straight, and cold sweat kept coming out of his head.

[It’s over. I was so busy watching the duel that I forgot about it.

He put his paw on his forehead and saluted Erza:”Hey, I told Natsu, but Natsu stopped me and didn’t let me take him over. He said he wanted him to watch the battle, Erza was in a hurry.”

Natsu felt like he was going to die when he heard Happy’s answer. He quickly looked up and explained:

“Habby lied to you, he didn’t even talk to me……”

Before Natsu could finish his words, he saw Erza’s face darken and she spoke viciously:”()Oh, Natsu, you don’t want to go?”

“”Hey, I’ll leave right away”, Natsu stood up immediately, picked up the Happy beside him and ran away.

Gajeel touched his head speechlessly:”Why am I being beaten too! I came here after killing the enemies, have you killed all the enemies over there?”

Erza nodded:”Yes, all the enemies on my side have been defeated, and the weapons have been packed up. If the cat hadn’t come to remind me, I wouldn’t know that Natsu didn’t go to the designated place.”

“Cat?” Gajeel was stunned for a moment.

Erza moved her arms up and down to imitate the movements of a cat:”Yes, it’s a black and white cat, and her hands are still shaking up and down. By the way, Xiaoyang’s mecha is really powerful.”

Erza shook her arms and watched the mecha battle with excitement.

Xiaoyang looked at the long jump dragon knight and said lightly:”The dragon knight’s jumping ability is very strong, but how many times can you use it with your meager magic power?”

After that, Xiaoyang used the stealth magic, and the robot disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the enemy suddenly disappear, the old king was scared and shouted:”This, what kind of magic is this, did he jump into the air too.”

The king looked up to find the enemy, and found nothing after a long time. At this moment, a voice came from behind

【Roar of the Poison Dragon]

A huge purple beam of light suddenly shot out from behind the king, poison���After approaching the dragon knight, the dragon knight’s body slowly faded, and some parts were even corroded.

Xiaoyang disappeared again after the attack.

The old king looked at the damage to the dragon knight with a distressed face, but he had no time to think about it now. He looked around nervously, afraid that the cat would suddenly appear from somewhere and attack him.

At the same time, Xiaoyang took out the Lyra key borrowed from Lucy and summoned Lila. As agreed before, he asked her to play the BGM of the horror movie in the control room. Xiaoyang used the sound amplification magic to transmit Lila’s music to every corner.

The old king suddenly heard such music and began to sweat all over his body.

“What kind of music is playing on the battlefield, you despicable villain.” (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Xiao Yang did not reply, but appeared around the dragon knight like a ghost from time to time to attack him, just like a cat playing with a mouse

“.”If you have the ability, fight openly. What’s the point of sneaking around?”

The old king shouted loudly. His eyes were red and bloodshot. Every time the enemy appeared, his heart couldn’t help but tremble. After five minutes, he finally collapsed. His eyes were full of madness.

“Damn it, you forced me to do this. Magic power doesn’t matter now. I want you to die!!”

The old king clenched his left hand and slammed the button in front of him. Then the dragon knight changed from a dragon to a half-dragon man. Endless light shot out from his body. These beams of light attacked all around indiscriminately.[]

Although the beam of light could not remove the cloaking magic, the robot’s body blocked all the attacks. A small area in the south was left blank. The old king saw this and used his strongest firepower to attack Xiao Yang.

“You discovered it so quickly? It looks like it needs some improvement.”

Just when the old king was about to hit Xiaoyang, a pair of wings suddenly appeared behind the robot. The wings emitted a blue light and the robot instantly flew into the air.

The old king looked at the flying robot with disbelief in his eyes:”Impossible, how can you fly? The dragon knight can only jump.”

“You know what, old man? Our guild has five dragon slayers, they are fire, iron, thunder, sky and poison. Guess what would happen if I used all five kinds of magic on you?”

The robot opened its mouth, and a red magic circle suddenly appeared, followed by green, gold, blue and purple. These five magic circles were like five stars in a row, overlapping and merging together. A colorful light replaced the original magic circle.

“Impossible, there are actually 5 Dragon Slayer Wizards. If all of these wizards were mine, I would have countless magic power. I want to get them, but before that I have to hide.……”

“Why can’t it move?”

No matter how the old king manipulated it, the dragon knight just didn’t move at all.

“Do you think I was just playing with you when I punched you from time to time? Lightning and poison have completely destroyed the action system in your machine. Have a good taste of your favorite magic!”

The king felt that something was wrong and immediately ran out of the dragon knight. Less than a minute after the king ran out, the magic in the robot’s mouth shot out.

In the blink of an eye, the dragon knight was completely melted by the powerful magic, and a huge gully extended 500 meters away. The king was so scared when he saw this scene that his tears and snot could not stop flowing out.

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