Everyone was playing and frolicking in Fairy Tail, when suddenly someone ran into the guild and shouted,”There’s a huge guild emblem in the air outside!”

Lucy was the first to walk out after hearing the voice. She was stunned when she saw the image in the air, then turned to look at Xiaoyang next to her.

“~~Could this be the signal that Mistlan mentioned?”

“Definitely. I never thought he would put this directly. Forget it. Everyone, get ready to go. Let’s change the guild members back to their original state first.”

“Hey Isaac, but after we go there, will we still let Natsu and the others attack the magic crystal as before?” Happy asked puzzledly.

“Of course not, if we attack like that, how long will it take? I have a more efficient method.”

After bidding farewell to the Fairy Tail people, a group of people followed the navigation and flew into the air. Before they got close to their destination, they saw the”177″ magic crystal from afar.

Lucy shouted excitedly:”Everyone, we have seen it, it’s so big! There is really a layer of cover outside.”

When a group of people came to the magic crystal, they realized what Xiaoyang meant just now.

“Wow, it’s so big.”

What caught everyone’s eyes was a magic crystal that was three times bigger than the one in the original book.

Gajeel:”It’s amazing, no wonder the king said it can be used for 80 years.”

Erza:”Think about it carefully, Gildarts and the president are here, and there are many powerful newcomers, so it’s not surprising that it’s so big.”

Xiaoyang took out a blue magic crystal.

Happy exclaimed when he saw this familiar thing:”It’s magic spirit power!”

Lucy:”It’s the one from the Tower of Paradise last time, a magic that can destroy a country, Xiaoyang, you are going to use that to attack! ?”

“That’s right, it has undergone some subtle changes. As long as a little magic power of other attributes is input from the outside, the magic power inside will be consistent with the input magic power.”

Xiao Yang input a little Thunder Dragon Slayer magic into the magic crystal. As the magic power entered, the originally blue magic crystal slowly turned golden.

He called everyone to fly away from the magic crystal, and when they felt the distance was about right, he threw it hard, and the two magic crystals collided.

“” bone”

A mushroom cloud rose from it, and when the smoke dissipated, the huge blue magic crystal not far away and the island dragging the magic crystal disappeared.

Lucy was so scared by this scene that she screamed:”Ah!Σ(OДO Everyone is not doomed, right? Logically, everyone should be back to normal.”

At this time, a dragon-like creature suddenly flew over from a distance. Elsa looked at the creature and shouted vigilantly:”Be careful, this is the Kingdom Army’s aerial mount, and Nightvoka rides it.”

At this time, a male voice came from behind the creature:

“Don’t worry, it’s me, Mistlan. Everyone in the guild is fine. I teleported them all back.”

Lucy breathed a sigh of relief:”I’m glad everyone is fine. So how do we get back now?”

Xiaoyang looked at Lucy as if she was an idiot.

“Huh? What are you talking about, he has wasted our time, we have to beat the king before we leave? And the things in this world are not over yet, I also plan to steal some things from the treasury”.

Wendy timidly advised after hearing this:”Xiaoyang, forget about stealing the things, we feel like robbers if we just take things from here”.

Lucy covered her mouth in shock: [Wendy now thinks it is normal to beat the king, he was such a good child before.

Elsa explained to Wendy:”Of course it is different, we do this just to take back our own things, Wendy, if the king had not absorbed the magic power of our world, would we have come here? It’s impossible, right?”

“He originally absorbed the magic power of our world, so the weapons made with the magic power of our world must be returned to their original homes, otherwise they will be homeless and pitiful.”

Wendy was confused by this:

“”What Sister Elsa said seems to make sense.”

Xiaoyang continued to wash with a smile… and added:”Wendy, do you think there is a problem with bringing weapons made with the magic power of our world back to our world?

“OK, it seems to be OK.” Wendy’s mind is even more confused now, and her brain has basically stopped functioning. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Very good, now all the weapons in the royal treasury are ours. The king stole all the weapons belonging to Fairy Tail and used them for himself. Now we want to take back the weapons that belong to us. Is there a problem?”

Wendy’s CPU was burned by a series of us. She nodded subconsciously with white smoke coming out of her head:

“It seems right. We should take back the weapons that belong to us.”……….

“Well, Wendy is very smart.”

Xiaoyang nodded with satisfaction and looked at her with a teachable look.

Lucy:”It’s a big problem. You two should not instill any inexplicable theories into Wendy.”

“Oh, so Lucy, do you have any other opinions?”

Xiaoyang’s eyes were fixed on Lucy.

Feeling this sight, Lucy subconsciously remembered her previous experience, and she put her five fingers together on her forehead:”Hey, no problem, very good sir.”

Xiaoyang nodded and turned to continue discussing the next plan with Elsa and others.

Habby walked up to Lucy with a sly grin on his face:”Ah~, Lucy is really spineless, she actually gave up all of a sudden, so useless.”

Lucy was speechless:”You are so annoying, cat, cats should meow, not make strange noises”, she said while pinching Habby’s face.

At this time, a sexy voice suddenly came from above:”Hello everyone, the queen invites you to the palace to talk about some manly things.”

Hearing this voice, Lucy and Elsa trembled at the same time, and felt a little nauseous for some reason

“This voice is so familiar, so disgusting.”

A group of tall and strong cats flew over from a distance, led by a wretched-looking orange cat.

Xiao Yang looked at the cats, squinted his eyes and put a hat on them:”What? Are so many cats here to arrest criminals? If we 0.2 don’t agree to go, are you going to detain us by force?”

When the Fairy Tail heard Xiao Yang’s words, they all released their magic power.

The orange cat felt the pressure from these top predators, and the sweat on his head flowed down uncontrollably.

“Of course not, I am Erye, the leader of the Queen’s Guards. So many people are here to prevent everyone from getting into danger. They are the guards.”

As soon as Erye finished speaking, a beam of light suddenly appeared below and shot towards Erye and the guards behind him. All the cats instantly turned into cat-shaped magic crystals and fell to the ground by inertia.

A voice came from below:”Soldiers, catch all the transcendents, they are all our magic power.”

Suddenly, groups of soldiers emerged from the ground, and the person who spoke was a coquettish man with a butt chin and wearing pink armor.

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