In the following time, everyone had a delicious meal and collected some special products of this world. When Xiaoyang felt that it was enough, everyone flew to the capital.

After arriving at the capital, Xiaoyang suddenly saw a magic crystal in the city:

[How come there is still a magic crystal here?

Xiao Yang explained the situation to everyone and then came to the location of the magic crystal. Many people gathered in front of the magic crystal, and everyone was cheering happily. Everyone squeezed to the front and saw a very tall but not thick magic crystal. There was a circle of soldiers around the crystal, and there was a podium in front of the magic crystal.

Lucy:”Is this Magnolia Town and everyone?”

Happy:”But didn’t Xiao Yang say that he put a protective shield on the magic crystal, and others couldn’t open it?”

Elsa:”Nate Voka also said that there was a shield. Could it be that she was lying to us, and the shield has actually been opened?”

Xiao Yang shook his head:”No, I still have a connection with the magic I cast before, it should not have been removed. As for why there is such a piece here, I will ask the people inside and it will be clear later.”

Three question marks appeared on Lucy’s head:”How can we restore them?”

Xiao Yang turned his head and looked at Laxus:”Laxus, you will use the dragon-killing magic to attack the magic crystal later.”

He nodded without hesitation when he heard Xiao Yang’s words.

Gajeel’s eyes were filled with disbelief:”Are you sure this is okay? They won’t be beaten to death!”

“Don’t worry, I will only do things I am sure of.”

After everyone discussed it, an old man walked up to the podium. This old man was holding a scepter in his hand, with a long beard and evil and dull eyes. The people below saw this man and shouted happily:

“Long live His Majesty”.

He began:”People of Edoras, our sacred Kingdom of Edoras has used Anima to create enough magic to last for eighty years. Let us sing together, laugh together, and share infinite joy.”

“”The people of Edolas have the right to share this magic power, and only we, the people of Edolas, are the sacred nation that can continue into the future. No one can take the magic power away from our country. I hereby promise that we will get more magic power in the future.”

The king said this, and Xiaoyang spread his wings and flew into the sky, using the amplification magic

“No one can take the magic power away from your country. After all, this magic power was stolen from another world by your thief (loudly) king using Anima”.

The people below saw Xiaoyang stunned

“This is the Super

“What does it mean to steal from another world??”

“Didn’t the king say that he created this magic power?”

The king looked at the people below who were discussing, and he couldn’t hold back the smile on his face. Although he was very reluctant, he could only look at the Transcendent with a flattering expression.

“Isn’t this the Transcendent Lord? I really don’t understand what you are talking about. What do you mean by robbing? I am doing this for our country and everyone in this world, right?”

The expression on the king’s face was as sincere as it could be. Although it could not be seen from his face, Xiao Yang knew his character very well.

“Oh~, for everyone’s sake, can you explain what ETD is?”

The king’s pupils shrank, his eyes suddenly widened, and he was shocked: [He knows! Impossible, unless there is a traitor – Lili!! No, he doesn’t know about this either.

Even though the king was filled with emotion, he still had a smile on his face:”I don’t know what ETD is.”

“You don’t understand this? Maybe you are old and confused so you don’t understand the abbreviation. In that case, I will tell you the full name.”

“”The Exite Total Destruction Plan, that’s what it’s called, Laxus, get started”.

The old king was still wondering when the plan was leaked, when a flash of lightning suddenly passed by and a man appeared in front of the magic crystal. The old king saw him and immediately shouted in panic:”Hurry up, soldiers, stop him quickly”.

How could the speed of the soldiers be comparable to the speed of lightning? Laxus used magic to attack the magic crystal.

The fist covered with golden thunder hit the magic crystal, and the magic crystal began to glow slowly from the place where it touched the fist. When the light spread all over the magic crystal, the magic crystal disappeared, and was replaced by a black-haired man.

Looking at this scene in front of her, Lucy shouted in surprise:”Such a big magic crystal actually has only one person?”

Happy:”He is… Gray”. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The king was surprised to see the huge magic crystal turned into a person, and then immediately used a magic prop similar to a microphone to shout:

“They are enemies who want to steal our magic power. Soldiers, stop them.

As soon as the king finished speaking, a large number of soldiers rushed out from not far away.

Ido Lucy looked at so many soldiers and held her head in panic and shouted,”Ah, it’s over! Let’s run quickly. We should be able to avoid them by using the wing magic.””

“Laxus pulled him back.”[]

After Xiao Yang finished speaking, three huge magic circles suddenly appeared in the sky, one in dark blue, one in purple, and one in light blue. After the magic circles appeared, dark clouds gathered over the crowd, accompanied by thunder and rain.

The crowd below looked at the magic circles and ran around in fear.

“What is this? Is the world going to end??”

“It’s raining. Could it be that the rain was summoned by the Transcendent??”

“Hey, look, the color of the rain seems to be wrong, it’s purple.”

The king also heard the voices of the crowd below. He focused his attention on the rain and found that all the rain falling on the soldiers was purple, the rain falling on the crowd was purple and blue, and the rain falling on the enemy was pure blue.

The king was about to say something when he suddenly felt a severe headache, as if it was about to split. His body began to soften and flowed to the ground like water. The soldiers below also collapsed to the ground one by one.

The king shouted in panic:”This, this rain is poisonous.”

The people below were almost scared to death after hearing this, and the scene was in chaos.

“Don’t worry, the poison is not much. At most, you will feel weak all over, dizzy, vomit, and have diarrhea for three days. As for the people, it’s just a minor cold, which won’t be life-threatening. We’re leaving, take care of yourself.”

After saying that, Xiao Yang landed beside the crowd, and a group of people left in a swagger.

The king wanted to order the soldiers to chase and arrest these rioters, but he was in so much pain that he couldn’t speak at all. He could only watch his only hope leave in a swagger.

After everyone explained the current situation to Gray along the way, Gray asked,”Then why am I separated from him?”

Xiao Yang was also puzzled:”This is what I want to ask too. Is there something on you? Why are you excluded from the protective shield?”

Gray thought for a while, then took out a purple gem the size of a soybean from his pocket:”Could this be the reason? This was given to me by the client before. I originally wanted to give it to you, but then I completely forgot about it.”

Xiao Yang took the gem and felt the magic on it.

“This seems to be a Moon Drop, and it is stronger than the one used by Leo and the others. This one has been completely condensed into crystals. No wonder you were excluded. Fortunately, this thing is not big, otherwise it can invalidate the entire barrier.”

Lucy asked curiously,”By the way, Xiaoyang, what magic did you use this time? Why is it raining?”

“I used Juvia’s magic, her own characteristic Rainy Day, but I can actively cast it. The poison in it is Cobra’s magic, and the light blue water drops are Wendy’s magic. Don’t you feel that your magic power and physical strength have recovered a little?”

Lucy closed her eyes and felt the magic power in her body:”Now that you mention it, it’s true. It seems that the magic power consumed in the previous flight has been replenished.”

Wendy:”Okay, that’s amazing, my magic can actually be used like this!(*//▽//*)”

Ido Lucy sighed again:”The magic in your world is so powerful. No matter how many times I see it, I am shocked. You can even control the weather, use toxins and restore magic power. Ah! I want it too!”

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