In the following time, the guild members came to the park one after another. Xiao Yang took out the cakes and cookies made of herbs and distributed them to everyone.

Kongo ran to Xiao Yang with a shy face and handed him a large basket of cookies in his hand:”Master Yang Ming, these are the cookies I made, please taste them.”

The cookies made by Kongo were an angel with golden light all over his body. If you look closely, you can vaguely see that the angel’s face is Xiao Yang’s human figure.

Xiao Yang took out one of them and threw it into his mouth. After chewing it, he praised:”It’s delicious. Kongo can actually make cookies. It’s amazing.”

Kongo heard the person she respected the most praising herself, and her mouth unconsciously curled up:”Hehe, actually I just learned it these two days. I hope Master Yang Ming likes it.”

Xiao Yang was surprised to hear this:”I actually learned it these two days. It’s amazing. The cookies you made are very delicious. I thought you had learned it for a long time.”

Kongo was even happier to hear this. Flowers kept floating around her body:”No, hehe, I wish you a happy flower viewing.”

Kongo found an empty seat next to her and sat down.

Juvia watched Sorono’s actions, her face was full of expression of surprise, and then she also handed the bread she made to Gray.

“”Mr. Gray, this is the bread I made for you. Try it and see if it tastes good.”

The bread in Juvia’s hand looked like a fat version of Gray. Happy looked at the bread and held his stomach with his hands, laughing so hard that he couldn’t straighten his waist.

“Hahaha, Gray is so fat, his eyes are still……”

Gray picked up a piece of bread and stuffed it into Habby’s mouth. The bread blocked Habby’s words.

Habby covered his neck with a painful expression on his face. Lisanna saw it and quickly handed him a glass of juice. Habby drank it and looked like he was saved. Then he looked at Gray angrily.

“Gray, you idiot, I almost choked to death on the bread just now, it wasn’t fish but bread, you are so abominable”.

Lucy:”(;一一) You actually care about this, then choking to death by fish is fine, right”.

Gray ignored Habby, he picked up a piece of bread and took a bite, the moment the bread entered his mouth, his eyes suddenly widened, after swallowing the bread with difficulty, he forced a smile

“Mmm…, it’s delicious…Juvia”.

Hearing the person she likes praising her, Juvia was so happy that she almost lost her soul.

“”As long as Gray-sama likes it, Juvia will continue to work hard in the future,” she said, and ran away excitedly.

When Gray saw Juvia walking away, he quickly looked for water from all around, and finally recovered after drinking a full glass of water.

“”Huh, I felt like I was dying of sweetness with that bite just now.”

Uru looked at Gray and smiled,”He didn’t even say she did a bad job in front of a girl. Gray is a very gentlemanly man.”

Gray’s face turned slightly red when he heard his master praising him. He scratched his face with his hand and tilted his head to one side embarrassedly:”No, isn’t it the cherry blossom season today? We have to have fun.” At this time, Mira on the stage smiled and took out a piece of paper:”Then let’s start the routine game of the cherry blossom viewing conference – Bingo.”

The people below cheered happily:”Bingo.”

Makarov was also happy above and said:”This year’s prizes are also very rich, so everyone should be ready and look forward to it.”

At this point, Makarov showed a strange smile on his face.

No one below noticed, everyone was full of energy and wanted to get all the prizes this time.

Mira:”Then let’s poke the hole in the middle of the paper first.”

After everyone poked the number they liked, Makarov started the lottery.

“First, the first one”.

The machine not far away began to turn, and the machine turned faster and faster. After 30 seconds, the machine popped up a number: 24.

Mira:”First, it’s 24″.

Kana stood up excitedly when she heard the number and shouted:”Great, the first number is won.”

Then people won prizes one after another: Levi, Wendy, Elfman, Elsa, etc.

When it came to the seventh time, Makarov’s smile gradually became bigger, but everyone was obsessed with the lottery and no one noticed.

Makarov:”Next is the seventh number 56″.

Elsa stood up excitedly with the paper in her hand, and kept showing off to the people around her:”Great, yeah, it’s the second time, I won the prize for the second time.”

Makarov smiled and said:”Now please invite Elsa to the stage to accept the punishment.”

Elsa just took two steps, and then she felt something was wrong.

“- -President, did I hear you wrong? You just said something like punishment.

Makarov smiled meanly,”You heard me right, I said punishment. Every seventh time, a punishment number will be drawn. Didn’t I say that?”

All members:”I’ve never heard of it, okay?”

Elsa said in a trembling voice,”Yes, what punishment is it?”

At this time, Xiaoyang walked onto the stage and took out a spray. (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“”Ding ding ding ding (Dora A prop sound), this is it, it’s called male and female personality conversion agent, this is a spray that can make a boy’s personality like a girl, and a girl’s personality like a boy’s. Because it’s a castrated version, the effect only lasts three minutes.”

Xiaoyang introduced the spray to everyone while spraying it on Elsa. As soon as the spray was sprayed on her, she saw her eyes dazed. In the blink of an eye, Elsa’s aura was different.

Elsa put her hands behind her back, rubbing her feet back and forth on the ground, lowered her head, and said in a coquettish voice:”Hello everyone, I’m Elsa, this time I actually got the punishment (sobbing), I’m so sad A”.

The whole venue was silent, and Habby suddenly exclaimed:”(O O)You must be kidding, this is Elsa.”

Lucy covered her mouth and said,”Elsa, that Elsa is crying softly, so cute!”[]

Natsu:”Feeling, feeling like Wendy”.

Three minutes later, there was a”bang” sound from Erza’s body, and a puff of smoke appeared and enveloped her. When the smoke dissipated, Erza returned to her original appearance. The memories just now flooded into Erza’s brain like a tide, and she walked down the stage like a zombie.

When passing by Happy, Happy pointed at her and laughed:”Ersa blushed!””


The harpy collapsed to the ground, and a big bump slowly swelled up on his head.

Lucy: [Wow, so scary, luckily I’m not the one complaining this time.

The number was called again:”No. 65″.

Lucy immediately looked at the paper in her hand, then she stood up, raised her hand and shouted:”I, I, I, the winner this time is me.”

Lucy walked towards the front desk with a cheerful step. She came to Mira with an expectant look on her face:”.~ What is my reward?”

Mira handed her a handful of herbs with a smile:”These are herbs that can temporarily increase magic power.”

Lucy took a breath and looked at the herbs in her hand in surprise:”Σ(oДO This, isn’t this what we brought back? And I have a lot more at home.﹏”

She walked back to her seat in a daze, holding the herbs. She was as happy as she was when she went up, and as sad as she was when she came down.

In this way, everyone ate, drank and had fun until the evening. At dusk, Daphne suddenly came to everyone and took out a machine.

“Come here, this is my latest invention, it’s called the Dragon Fireworks Bang Bang Machine, just put your magic power into it and think about something you like, this machine will spray out fireworks of the same shape”.

Lucy:”Wow, that’s amazing, but what does it have to do with dragons()?”

Daphne looked at her like a fool:”Of course there are, can’t you see these dragon horns and dragon tails?”

Lucy looked at the two things Daphne mentioned and showed a forced smile on her face. She put her hands together and put them beside her face:”Wow, it’s true, it looks like it.”

Daphne was very happy to hear that someone recognized her aesthetics:”Come on, I admire your vision, you try it first.”

Lucy was stunned at first and then slowly walked to the machine.

Following Daphne’s instructions, she input her magic power into it.

At the same time, she was thinking about the things she liked.

As soon as she finished thinking, the machine in front of her made a”boom boom” sound, and then fireworks spit out from the two dragon horns.

The fireworks flew in the air and exploded into the face of the star spirit.

When Lucy saw it, she screamed excitedly:”Wow, it’s the star spirit, so powerful!

” As soon as the voice came out, the fireworks in the sky suddenly changed from star spirits to money, and the word rent was written behind the money.

Lucy looked at Daphne in amazement.

“What, what is this! I didn’t even think about this.(O O)”

Daphne looked at the fireworks and thought for a while and said,”Well, it might be a bug, it shows the deepest obsession in my heart.”

Lucy was speechless:”Why is my deepest obsession the rent?(T T)”

Everyone laughed at Lucy’s misfortune. After Lucy stepped down, the others tried the machine one by one. As soon as the last person tried it, a huge light suddenly came from the surrounding cherry blossoms. The originally pink cherry blossoms turned into rainbow colors in an instant, and the petals falling in the air also turned into the same color.

Everyone who saw this scene for the first time was stunned. Everyone laughed happily under the rainbow-colored cherry blossom tree. Everyone drank together, ate delicious food, and played with their companions, spending the whole night.

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