Qiula closed her open mouth and said,”Hey, Your Highness Yang Ming, this Angel should be one of the Six Demon Generals. She is still wanted and should not be able to enter your guild.” When

Kong Nai heard this, the magic power of the Holy Ten on his body emanated and fell on Qiula.

Xiao Yang signaled Kong Nai to disperse the magic power, and she did so. Then Xiao Yang waved to Qiula

“Who said she was one of the six demons? Her name is Sorono, a girl who uses angel magic. Besides, we have someone above us.”

Xiaoyang pointed at Jellal behind him, and everyone looked in the direction of Xiaoyang’s finger.

Since he came in, Jura’s attention has been attracted by the noisy guild members. It was not until Xiaoyang pointed it out that he saw Jellal. The moment he saw this person’s appearance, his eyes widened:

“Isn’t this the legendary Jellal who defeated Zikrein and prevented Zeref from resurrecting? After that, Jellal joined the Council. I heard that because of his outstanding performance and quick grasp of tasks, he is about to become the Speaker of the new Council.”

Shocked overnight:”Σ(oДO What! This man is actually a member of the Council? He is about to become the Speaker! Why would someone from the Council participate in this crusade, and participate as Fairy Tail’s 14th member?”

【Ordinary people cannot see the members of the Council. Only after making a mistake or receiving a reward can they see their true colors.

Lucy covered her mouth and laughed secretly:”Hehe, this uncle must be scared. Who told him to treat Jellal like that before?”

Xiaoyang:[(,)Haha, I’ve been doing this for seven years. With so many years of experience, how can I not be excellent?

Jellal smiled at everyone to show his friendliness. At this time, Wendy noticed Jellal. Her eyes lit up when she saw Jellal. She looked a little shy, but soon became determined. She slowly walked in front of Jellal.

“Hello, Jellal, thank you for saving me.” Wendy bowed to Jellal, looking a little nervous.

Jellal and Erza were stunned when they heard this. Jellal asked in confusion:”Wendy, you said I saved you? Is there any misunderstanding? I have no impression at all.”

Wendy was also stunned when she heard Jellal’s words. She hesitated for a moment, but soon she made up her mind.

“No, it’s you. The person who saved me looks exactly like you, even the voice and name are the same. I will never make a mistake.”

Erza and Jellal looked at each other after hearing Wendy’s words and went to discuss quietly.

“Jellal, you saved Wendy before.?”

“It’s impossible to think about it. I have been in the tower before, as you know, and I was controlled. It is impossible to save this child.”

“But Wendy said that the name, appearance, and voice are all the same, so there can’t be another Jellal, right? Oh, right! Could it be that you have lost some of your memories because you were controlled before?”

Jellal hesitated, and he carefully recalled the past:”(;一一)Yes, it shouldn’t be possible, I am sure that my previous memories are still there, and I should not have seen Wendy.”

The two thought for a long time, but couldn’t figure it out, and finally Erza decided to give up thinking

“Forget it, don’t think about it. Even if it’s you, you’ve lost your memory, how could you possibly remember what happened before? Besides, look at Wendy’s current appearance, can you reject her?”

Hearing this, Jellal turned his head and glanced at Wendy not far away. Wendy felt Jellal’s gaze and smiled, with stars in her eyes. Jellal was touched by this smile:”What a cute child!”(*//▽//*)”

Jellal compromised, and was about to go to Wendy to admit that he was the Jellal who saved her.

Xiao Yang suddenly said,”Wendy, the Jellal who saved you is not this Jellal. Although the name, appearance, and voice are the same, they are not the same person. To be precise, it is the Jellal from another world.””

“Another world!” Everyone was shocked.

Xia Lulu was shocked by the information revealed by Xiao Yang at this time. She unconsciously fell into memories. Wendy said anxiously:”Another world, then I can’t see him anymore, I haven’t said thank you to him yet.(O﹏O)”

Wendy looked a little disappointed.

“Don’t worry, you will see him soon, very soon”.

Then Xiao Yang turned to look at all the members present:”Now everyone is ready to go to the Six Demon Generals’ camp, the crusade is about to begin”.

Habby:”But we don’t know where the Six Demon Generals’ camp is yet?”

Kong Nai:”Don’t worry, I have already told the respected Lord Yang Ming”.

Habby was shocked:”Σ(OДOh, respect! Sir! We are both cats, why doesn’t anyone call me that?(T T)”

Lucy had a sly smile on her face, she bent down and whispered to the harpy’s ear:”How can you compare with Xiaoyang, you crazy harpy”.

The harpy was so angry that his cheeks puffed up:”What? This is called love, Lucy, do you know what love is?.()Oh, by the way, Lucy doesn’t know at all, because someone doesn’t have anyone they like yet, unlike me.” (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

“(“What are you talking about, you stupid cat?” Lucy said as she was about to pinch Habby’s face.

Then everyone walked towards the sea of woods. Halfway through, a strong magical pressure suddenly came from the distance. A green beam of light rushed towards everyone. Kongno instantly came in front of Xiaoyang and unfolded a golden shield.

“Lord Yang Ming, be careful, this is Brian’s magic, Rondo of Darkness”.

As soon as Kong Nai finished speaking, five people appeared in front of him. The dark-skinned man in the middle holding a magic wand said,”You are a bunch of rotten maggots, how dare you gather together?” After saying that, he looked at Kong Nai again

“I thought the angels were defeated, but they actually surrendered to the enemy. They are such rubbish, but it doesn’t matter, I will kill you all”.

Xiao Yang ignored the man’s big talk, and looked at Re Yan next to him:”Richard, you were forced to separate from your brother after being captured in the Tower of Paradise. You wish to be with your brother, right”.

Lisa’s face was full of anger:”Damn angel, it’s okay that you betrayed, but I didn’t expect you to tell him our real names”.

Kong No’s expression did not change when he heard Lisa’s scolding, and he still maintained kindness and gentleness:”No, these are all the power of Lord Yang Ming, and I don’t know your real names”.

At this time, the Six Demon Generals and others realized that the cat in front of them knew much more than they did. Xiao Yang continued to look at Re Yan and said:”You want money to find your brother, right? Your brother’s name is Wally Bucana”. 773 Lucy covered her mouth and shouted in surprise:”Wally, why does this name sound so familiar, isn’t this the one in our guild?”

Reyan’s eyes were filled with tears when she heard Lucy’s words:”Wally, he, he is in your guild?”

Xiaoyang looked at Reyan’s excited expression and said:”Yes, Wally Bucanan, he was also captured to the Tower of Paradise. He joined our guild after being rescued some time ago. What do you think, Richard, as long as you are willing, you can join our guild and meet your brother.”

Reyan’s heart was moved. Brian looked at Reyan’s appearance and secretly said that it was not good. He hurriedly dissuaded:”Reyan, you are still one of the six demon generals. You can’t join his guild at all. You are a wanted criminal. You can’t see your brother at all.”

Reyan felt that Brian was right when he heard this, but he still left Brian and came to Xiaoyang.

“Although I can’t join Fairy Tail, my brother is still in it, and I can go see him anytime. I can’t be an enemy of the guild my brother is in.”

“Of course you can join our guild. As long as you listen to me, you can not only join the guild, but also eat potatoes with Wally.”

【When Reyan and his brother were young, they had almost no food source. Since potatoes can produce the most, they like to eat potatoes the most.

Richard was more convinced that Xiaoyang knew everything when he heard about potatoes, and he believed that he would meet his brother.

Then Xiaoyang turned his gaze to Kebla. Kebla felt the cat’s gaze and felt a little hopeful: [Can he fulfill my wish!.

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